// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package api import ( "fmt" "net/http" "net/url" "strings" "time" l4g "github.com/alecthomas/log4go" "github.com/gorilla/mux" goi18n "github.com/nicksnyder/go-i18n/i18n" "github.com/mattermost/platform/app" "github.com/mattermost/platform/einterfaces" "github.com/mattermost/platform/model" "github.com/mattermost/platform/utils" ) type Context struct { Session model.Session RequestId string IpAddress string Path string Err *model.AppError siteURL string teamURLValid bool teamURL string T goi18n.TranslateFunc Locale string TeamId string isSystemAdmin bool } func ApiAppHandler(h func(*Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) http.Handler { return &handler{h, false, false, true, false, false, false, false} } func AppHandler(h func(*Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) http.Handler { return &handler{h, false, false, false, false, false, false, false} } func AppHandlerIndependent(h func(*Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) http.Handler { return &handler{h, false, false, false, false, true, false, false} } func ApiUserRequired(h func(*Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) http.Handler { return &handler{h, true, false, true, false, false, false, true} } func ApiUserRequiredActivity(h func(*Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request), isUserActivity bool) http.Handler { return &handler{h, true, false, true, isUserActivity, false, false, true} } func ApiUserRequiredMfa(h func(*Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) http.Handler { return &handler{h, true, false, true, false, false, false, false} } func UserRequired(h func(*Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) http.Handler { return &handler{h, true, false, false, false, false, false, true} } func AppHandlerTrustRequester(h func(*Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) http.Handler { return &handler{h, false, false, false, false, false, true, false} } func ApiAdminSystemRequired(h func(*Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) http.Handler { return &handler{h, true, true, true, false, false, false, true} } func ApiAdminSystemRequiredTrustRequester(h func(*Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) http.Handler { return &handler{h, true, true, true, false, false, true, true} } func ApiAppHandlerTrustRequester(h func(*Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) http.Handler { return &handler{h, false, false, true, false, false, true, false} } func ApiUserRequiredTrustRequester(h func(*Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) http.Handler { return &handler{h, true, false, true, false, false, true, true} } func ApiAppHandlerTrustRequesterIndependent(h func(*Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) http.Handler { return &handler{h, false, false, true, false, true, true, false} } type handler struct { handleFunc func(*Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) requireUser bool requireSystemAdmin bool isApi bool isUserActivity bool isTeamIndependent bool trustRequester bool requireMfa bool } func (h handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { now := time.Now() l4g.Debug("%v", r.URL.Path) c := &Context{} c.T, c.Locale = utils.GetTranslationsAndLocale(w, r) c.RequestId = model.NewId() c.IpAddress = utils.GetIpAddress(r) c.TeamId = mux.Vars(r)["team_id"] token := "" isTokenFromQueryString := false // Attempt to parse token out of the header authHeader := r.Header.Get(model.HEADER_AUTH) if len(authHeader) > 6 && strings.ToUpper(authHeader[0:6]) == model.HEADER_BEARER { // Default session token token = authHeader[7:] } else if len(authHeader) > 5 && strings.ToLower(authHeader[0:5]) == model.HEADER_TOKEN { // OAuth token token = authHeader[6:] } // Attempt to parse the token from the cookie if len(token) == 0 { if cookie, err := r.Cookie(model.SESSION_COOKIE_TOKEN); err == nil { token = cookie.Value if (h.requireSystemAdmin || h.requireUser) && !h.trustRequester { if r.Header.Get(model.HEADER_REQUESTED_WITH) != model.HEADER_REQUESTED_WITH_XML { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("ServeHTTP", "api.context.session_expired.app_error", nil, "token="+token+" Appears to be a CSRF attempt") token = "" } } } } // Attempt to parse token out of the query string if len(token) == 0 { token = r.URL.Query().Get("access_token") isTokenFromQueryString = true } if utils.GetSiteURL() == "" { protocol := app.GetProtocol(r) c.SetSiteURL(protocol + "://" + r.Host) } else { c.SetSiteURL(utils.GetSiteURL()) } w.Header().Set(model.HEADER_REQUEST_ID, c.RequestId) w.Header().Set(model.HEADER_VERSION_ID, fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v.%v.%v", model.CurrentVersion, model.BuildNumber, utils.CfgHash, utils.IsLicensed)) if einterfaces.GetClusterInterface() != nil { w.Header().Set(model.HEADER_CLUSTER_ID, einterfaces.GetClusterInterface().GetClusterId()) } // Instruct the browser not to display us in an iframe unless is the same origin for anti-clickjacking if !h.isApi { w.Header().Set("X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN") w.Header().Set("Content-Security-Policy", "frame-ancestors 'self'") } else { // All api response bodies will be JSON formatted by default w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") if r.Method == "GET" { w.Header().Set("Expires", "0") } } if len(token) != 0 { session, err := app.GetSession(token) if err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.context.invalid_session.error"), err.Error()) c.RemoveSessionCookie(w, r) if h.requireUser || h.requireSystemAdmin { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("ServeHTTP", "api.context.session_expired.app_error", nil, "token="+token) c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusUnauthorized } } else if !session.IsOAuth && isTokenFromQueryString { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("ServeHTTP", "api.context.token_provided.app_error", nil, "token="+token) c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusUnauthorized } else { c.Session = *session } } if h.isApi || h.isTeamIndependent { c.setTeamURL(c.GetSiteURL(), false) c.Path = r.URL.Path } else { splitURL := strings.Split(r.URL.Path, "/") c.setTeamURL(c.GetSiteURL()+"/"+splitURL[1], true) c.Path = "/" + strings.Join(splitURL[2:], "/") } if c.Err == nil && h.requireUser { c.UserRequired() } if c.Err == nil && h.requireMfa { c.MfaRequired() } if c.Err == nil && h.requireSystemAdmin { c.SystemAdminRequired() } if c.Err == nil && h.isUserActivity && token != "" && len(c.Session.UserId) > 0 { app.SetStatusOnline(c.Session.UserId, c.Session.Id, false) } if c.Err == nil && (h.requireUser || h.requireSystemAdmin) { //check if teamId exist c.CheckTeamId() } if c.Err == nil { h.handleFunc(c, w, r) } // Handle errors that have occoured if c.Err != nil { c.Err.Translate(c.T) c.Err.RequestId = c.RequestId c.LogError(c.Err) c.Err.Where = r.URL.Path // Block out detailed error when not in developer mode if !*utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableDeveloper { c.Err.DetailedError = "" } if h.isApi { w.WriteHeader(c.Err.StatusCode) w.Write([]byte(c.Err.ToJson())) if einterfaces.GetMetricsInterface() != nil { einterfaces.GetMetricsInterface().IncrementHttpError() } } else { if c.Err.StatusCode == http.StatusUnauthorized { http.Redirect(w, r, c.GetTeamURL()+"/?redirect="+url.QueryEscape(r.URL.Path), http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) } else { RenderWebError(c.Err, w, r) } } } if h.isApi && einterfaces.GetMetricsInterface() != nil { einterfaces.GetMetricsInterface().IncrementHttpRequest() if r.URL.Path != model.API_URL_SUFFIX_V3+"/users/websocket" { elapsed := float64(time.Since(now)) / float64(time.Second) einterfaces.GetMetricsInterface().ObserveHttpRequestDuration(elapsed) } } } func (c *Context) LogAudit(extraInfo string) { audit := &model.Audit{UserId: c.Session.UserId, IpAddress: c.IpAddress, Action: c.Path, ExtraInfo: extraInfo, SessionId: c.Session.Id} if r := <-app.Srv.Store.Audit().Save(audit); r.Err != nil { c.LogError(r.Err) } } func (c *Context) LogAuditWithUserId(userId, extraInfo string) { if len(c.Session.UserId) > 0 { extraInfo = strings.TrimSpace(extraInfo + " session_user=" + c.Session.UserId) } audit := &model.Audit{UserId: userId, IpAddress: c.IpAddress, Action: c.Path, ExtraInfo: extraInfo, SessionId: c.Session.Id} if r := <-app.Srv.Store.Audit().Save(audit); r.Err != nil { c.LogError(r.Err) } } func (c *Context) LogError(err *model.AppError) { // filter out endless reconnects if c.Path == "/api/v3/users/websocket" && err.StatusCode == 401 || err.Id == "web.check_browser_compatibility.app_error" { c.LogDebug(err) } else { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.context.log.error"), c.Path, err.Where, err.StatusCode, c.RequestId, c.Session.UserId, c.IpAddress, err.SystemMessage(utils.T), err.DetailedError) } } func (c *Context) LogDebug(err *model.AppError) { l4g.Debug(utils.T("api.context.log.error"), c.Path, err.Where, err.StatusCode, c.RequestId, c.Session.UserId, c.IpAddress, err.SystemMessage(utils.T), err.DetailedError) } func (c *Context) UserRequired() { if len(c.Session.UserId) == 0 { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("", "api.context.session_expired.app_error", nil, "UserRequired") c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusUnauthorized return } } func (c *Context) MfaRequired() { // Must be licensed for MFA and have it configured for enforcement if !utils.IsLicensed || !*utils.License.Features.MFA || !*utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableMultifactorAuthentication || !*utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnforceMultifactorAuthentication { return } // OAuth integrations are excepted if c.Session.IsOAuth { return } if result := <-app.Srv.Store.User().Get(c.Session.UserId); result.Err != nil { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("", "api.context.session_expired.app_error", nil, "MfaRequired") c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusUnauthorized return } else { user := result.Data.(*model.User) // Only required for email and ldap accounts if user.AuthService != "" && user.AuthService != model.USER_AUTH_SERVICE_EMAIL && user.AuthService != model.USER_AUTH_SERVICE_LDAP { return } if !user.MfaActive { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("", "api.context.mfa_required.app_error", nil, "MfaRequired") c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusUnauthorized return } } } func (c *Context) SystemAdminRequired() { if len(c.Session.UserId) == 0 { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("", "api.context.session_expired.app_error", nil, "SystemAdminRequired") c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusUnauthorized return } else if !c.IsSystemAdmin() { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("", "api.context.permissions.app_error", nil, "AdminRequired") c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusForbidden return } } func (c *Context) IsSystemAdmin() bool { return app.SessionHasPermissionTo(c.Session, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SYSTEM) } func (c *Context) RemoveSessionCookie(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { cookie := &http.Cookie{ Name: model.SESSION_COOKIE_TOKEN, Value: "", Path: "/", MaxAge: -1, HttpOnly: true, } http.SetCookie(w, cookie) } func (c *Context) SetInvalidParam(where string, name string) { c.Err = NewInvalidParamError(where, name) } func NewInvalidParamError(where string, name string) *model.AppError { err := model.NewLocAppError(where, "api.context.invalid_param.app_error", map[string]interface{}{"Name": name}, "") err.StatusCode = http.StatusBadRequest return err } func (c *Context) SetUnknownError(where string, details string) { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError(where, "api.context.unknown.app_error", nil, details) } func (c *Context) SetPermissionError(permission *model.Permission) { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("Permissions", "api.context.permissions.app_error", nil, "userId="+c.Session.UserId+", "+"permission="+permission.Id) c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusForbidden } func (c *Context) setTeamURL(url string, valid bool) { c.teamURL = url c.teamURLValid = valid } func (c *Context) SetTeamURLFromSession() { if result := <-app.Srv.Store.Team().Get(c.TeamId); result.Err == nil { c.setTeamURL(c.GetSiteURL()+"/"+result.Data.(*model.Team).Name, true) } } func (c *Context) SetSiteURL(url string) { c.siteURL = strings.TrimRight(url, "/") } func (c *Context) GetTeamURLFromTeam(team *model.Team) string { return c.GetSiteURL() + "/" + team.Name } func (c *Context) GetTeamURL() string { if !c.teamURLValid { c.SetTeamURLFromSession() if !c.teamURLValid { l4g.Debug(utils.T("api.context.invalid_team_url.debug")) } } return c.teamURL } func (c *Context) GetSiteURL() string { return c.siteURL } func (c *Context) GetCurrentTeamMember() *model.TeamMember { return c.Session.GetTeamByTeamId(c.TeamId) } func IsApiCall(r *http.Request) bool { return strings.Index(r.URL.Path, "/api/") == 0 } func RenderWebError(err *model.AppError, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { T, _ := utils.GetTranslationsAndLocale(w, r) title := T("api.templates.error.title", map[string]interface{}{"SiteName": utils.ClientCfg["SiteName"]}) message := err.Message details := err.DetailedError link := "/" linkMessage := T("api.templates.error.link") status := http.StatusTemporaryRedirect if err.StatusCode != http.StatusInternalServerError { status = err.StatusCode } http.Redirect( w, r, "/error?title="+url.QueryEscape(title)+ "&message="+url.QueryEscape(message)+ "&details="+url.QueryEscape(details)+ "&link="+url.QueryEscape(link)+ "&linkmessage="+url.QueryEscape(linkMessage), status) } func Handle404(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { err := model.NewLocAppError("Handle404", "api.context.404.app_error", nil, "") err.Translate(utils.T) err.StatusCode = http.StatusNotFound l4g.Debug("%v: code=404 ip=%v", r.URL.Path, utils.GetIpAddress(r)) if IsApiCall(r) { w.WriteHeader(err.StatusCode) err.DetailedError = "There doesn't appear to be an api call for the url='" + r.URL.Path + "'. Typo? are you missing a team_id or user_id as part of the url?" w.Write([]byte(err.ToJson())) } else { RenderWebError(err, w, r) } } func (c *Context) CheckTeamId() { if c.TeamId != "" && c.Session.GetTeamByTeamId(c.TeamId) == nil { if app.SessionHasPermissionTo(c.Session, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SYSTEM) { if result := <-app.Srv.Store.Team().Get(c.TeamId); result.Err != nil { c.Err = result.Err c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusBadRequest return } } else { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SYSTEM) return } } }