// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package api import ( "bytes" "encoding/base64" "fmt" "github.com/goamz/goamz/aws" "github.com/goamz/goamz/s3" "github.com/mattermost/platform/model" "github.com/mattermost/platform/utils" "io" "mime/multipart" "net/http" "os" "strings" "testing" "time" ) func TestUploadFile(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() Client := th.BasicClient user := th.BasicUser channel := th.BasicChannel body := &bytes.Buffer{} writer := multipart.NewWriter(body) part, err := writer.CreateFormFile("files", "../test.png") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } path := utils.FindDir("tests") file, err := os.Open(path + "/test.png") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer file.Close() _, err = io.Copy(part, file) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } field, err := writer.CreateFormField("channel_id") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = field.Write([]byte(channel.Id)) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } err = writer.Close() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } resp, appErr := Client.UploadPostAttachment(body.Bytes(), writer.FormDataContentType()) if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_S3 { if appErr != nil { t.Fatal(appErr) } filenames := strings.Split(resp.Data.(*model.FileUploadResponse).Filenames[0], "/") filename := filenames[len(filenames)-2] + "/" + filenames[len(filenames)-1] if strings.Contains(filename, "../") { t.Fatal("relative path should have been sanitized out") } fileId := strings.Split(filename, ".")[0] var auth aws.Auth auth.AccessKey = utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3AccessKeyId auth.SecretKey = utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SecretAccessKey s := s3.New(auth, aws.Regions[utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Region]) bucket := s.Bucket(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Bucket) // wait a bit for files to ready time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) err = bucket.Del("channels/" + channel.Id + "/users/" + user.Id + "/" + filename) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } err = bucket.Del("channels/" + channel.Id + "/users/" + user.Id + "/" + fileId + "_thumb.jpg") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } err = bucket.Del("channels/" + channel.Id + "/users/" + user.Id + "/" + fileId + "_preview.jpg") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } else if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_LOCAL { filenames := strings.Split(resp.Data.(*model.FileUploadResponse).Filenames[0], "/") filename := filenames[len(filenames)-2] + "/" + filenames[len(filenames)-1] if strings.Contains(filename, "../") { t.Fatal("relative path should have been sanitized out") } fileId := strings.Split(filename, ".")[0] // wait a bit for files to ready time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) path := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory + "channels/" + channel.Id + "/users/" + user.Id + "/" + filename if err := os.Remove(path); err != nil { t.Fatal("Couldn't remove file at " + path) } path = utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory + "channels/" + channel.Id + "/users/" + user.Id + "/" + fileId + "_thumb.jpg" if err := os.Remove(path); err != nil { t.Fatal("Couldn't remove file at " + path) } path = utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory + "channels/" + channel.Id + "/users/" + user.Id + "/" + fileId + "_preview.jpg" if err := os.Remove(path); err != nil { t.Fatal("Couldn't remove file at " + path) } } else { if appErr == nil { t.Fatal("S3 and local storage not configured, should have failed") } } } func TestGetFile(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() Client := th.BasicClient user := th.BasicUser channel := th.BasicChannel if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName != "" { body := &bytes.Buffer{} writer := multipart.NewWriter(body) part, err := writer.CreateFormFile("files", "test.png") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } path := utils.FindDir("tests") file, err := os.Open(path + "/test.png") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer file.Close() _, err = io.Copy(part, file) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } field, err := writer.CreateFormField("channel_id") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = field.Write([]byte(channel.Id)) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } err = writer.Close() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } resp, upErr := Client.UploadPostAttachment(body.Bytes(), writer.FormDataContentType()) if upErr != nil { t.Fatal(upErr) } filenames := resp.Data.(*model.FileUploadResponse).Filenames // wait a bit for files to ready time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) if _, downErr := Client.GetFile(filenames[0], false); downErr != nil { t.Fatal(downErr) } if resp, downErr := Client.GetFileInfo(filenames[0]); downErr != nil { t.Fatal(downErr) } else { info := resp.Data.(*model.FileInfo) if info.Size == 0 { t.Fatal("No file size returned") } } if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_S3 { var auth aws.Auth auth.AccessKey = utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3AccessKeyId auth.SecretKey = utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SecretAccessKey s := s3.New(auth, aws.Regions[utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Region]) bucket := s.Bucket(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Bucket) filenames := strings.Split(resp.Data.(*model.FileUploadResponse).Filenames[0], "/") filename := filenames[len(filenames)-2] + "/" + filenames[len(filenames)-1] fileId := strings.Split(filename, ".")[0] err = bucket.Del("channels/" + channel.Id + "/users/" + user.Id + "/" + filename) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } err = bucket.Del("channels/" + channel.Id + "/users/" + user.Id + "/" + fileId + "_thumb.jpg") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } err = bucket.Del("channels/" + channel.Id + "/users/" + user.Id + "/" + fileId + "_preview.jpg") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } else { filenames := strings.Split(resp.Data.(*model.FileUploadResponse).Filenames[0], "/") filename := filenames[len(filenames)-2] + "/" + filenames[len(filenames)-1] fileId := strings.Split(filename, ".")[0] path := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory + "channels/" + channel.Id + "/users/" + user.Id + "/" + filename if err := os.Remove(path); err != nil { t.Fatal("Couldn't remove file at " + path) } path = utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory + "channels/" + channel.Id + "/users/" + user.Id + "/" + fileId + "_thumb.jpg" if err := os.Remove(path); err != nil { t.Fatal("Couldn't remove file at " + path) } path = utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory + "channels/" + channel.Id + "/users/" + user.Id + "/" + fileId + "_preview.jpg" if err := os.Remove(path); err != nil { t.Fatal("Couldn't remove file at " + path) } } } else { if _, downErr := Client.GetFile("/files/get/yxebdmbz5pgupx7q6ez88rw11a/n3btzxu9hbnapqk36iwaxkjxhc/junk.jpg", false); downErr.StatusCode != http.StatusNotImplemented { t.Fatal("Status code should have been 501 - Not Implemented") } } } func TestGetPublicFile(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() Client := th.BasicClient channel := th.BasicChannel enablePublicLink := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.EnablePublicLink driverName := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName defer func() { utils.Cfg.FileSettings.EnablePublicLink = enablePublicLink utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName = driverName }() utils.Cfg.FileSettings.EnablePublicLink = true if driverName == "" { driverName = model.IMAGE_DRIVER_LOCAL } filenames, err := uploadTestFile(Client, channel.Id) if err != nil { t.Fatal("failed to upload test file", err) } post1 := &model.Post{ChannelId: channel.Id, Message: "a" + model.NewId() + "a", Filenames: filenames} if rpost1, postErr := Client.CreatePost(post1); postErr != nil { t.Fatal(postErr) } else { post1 = rpost1.Data.(*model.Post) } var link string if result, err := Client.GetPublicLink(filenames[0]); err != nil { t.Fatal("failed to get public link") } else { link = result.Data.(string) } // test a user that's logged in if resp, err := http.Get(link); err != nil && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { t.Fatal("failed to get image with public link while logged in", err) } if resp, err := http.Get(link[:strings.LastIndex(link, "?")]); err == nil && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Fatal("should've failed to get image with public link while logged in without query params", resp.Status) } if resp, err := http.Get(link[:strings.LastIndex(link, "&")]); err == nil && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Fatal("should've failed to get image with public link while logged in without second query param") } if resp, err := http.Get(link[:strings.LastIndex(link, "?")] + "?" + link[strings.LastIndex(link, "&"):]); err == nil && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Fatal("should've failed to get image with public link while logged in without first query param") } utils.Cfg.FileSettings.EnablePublicLink = false if resp, err := http.Get(link); err == nil && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusNotImplemented { t.Fatal("should've failed to get image with disabled public link while logged in") } utils.Cfg.FileSettings.EnablePublicLink = true // test a user that's logged out Client.Must(Client.Logout()) if resp, err := http.Get(link); err != nil && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { t.Fatal("failed to get image with public link while not logged in", err) } if resp, err := http.Get(link[:strings.LastIndex(link, "?")]); err == nil && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Fatal("should've failed to get image with public link while not logged in without query params") } if resp, err := http.Get(link[:strings.LastIndex(link, "&")]); err == nil && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Fatal("should've failed to get image with public link while not logged in without second query param") } if resp, err := http.Get(link[:strings.LastIndex(link, "?")] + "?" + link[strings.LastIndex(link, "&"):]); err == nil && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Fatal("should've failed to get image with public link while not logged in without first query param") } utils.Cfg.FileSettings.EnablePublicLink = false if resp, err := http.Get(link); err == nil && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusNotImplemented { t.Fatal("should've failed to get image with disabled public link while not logged in") } utils.Cfg.FileSettings.EnablePublicLink = true // test a user that's logged in after the salt has changed utils.Cfg.FileSettings.PublicLinkSalt = model.NewId() th.LoginBasic() if resp, err := http.Get(link); err == nil && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Fatal("should've failed to get image with public link while logged in after salt changed") } Client.Must(Client.Logout()) if resp, err := http.Get(link); err == nil && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Fatal("should've failed to get image with public link while not logged in after salt changed") } if err := cleanupTestFile(filenames[0], channel.Id, th.BasicUser.Id); err != nil { t.Fatal("failed to cleanup test file", err) } } func TestGetPublicLink(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() Client := th.BasicClient channel := th.BasicChannel enablePublicLink := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.EnablePublicLink driverName := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName defer func() { utils.Cfg.FileSettings.EnablePublicLink = enablePublicLink utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName = driverName }() if driverName == "" { driverName = model.IMAGE_DRIVER_LOCAL } filenames, err := uploadTestFile(Client, channel.Id) if err != nil { t.Fatal("failed to upload test file", err) } post1 := &model.Post{ChannelId: channel.Id, Message: "a" + model.NewId() + "a", Filenames: filenames} if rpost1, postErr := Client.CreatePost(post1); postErr != nil { t.Fatal(postErr) } else { post1 = rpost1.Data.(*model.Post) } utils.Cfg.FileSettings.EnablePublicLink = false if _, err := Client.GetPublicLink(filenames[0]); err == nil || err.StatusCode != http.StatusNotImplemented { t.Fatal("should've failed when public links are disabled", err) } utils.Cfg.FileSettings.EnablePublicLink = true if _, err := Client.GetPublicLink("garbage"); err == nil { t.Fatal("should've failed for invalid link") } if _, err := Client.GetPublicLink(filenames[0]); err != nil { t.Fatal("should've gotten link for file", err) } th.LoginBasic2() if _, err := Client.GetPublicLink(filenames[0]); err == nil { t.Fatal("should've failed, user not member of channel") } th.LoginBasic() if err := cleanupTestFile(filenames[0], channel.Id, th.BasicUser.Id); err != nil { t.Fatal("failed to cleanup test file", err) } } func uploadTestFile(Client *model.Client, channelId string) ([]string, error) { body := &bytes.Buffer{} writer := multipart.NewWriter(body) part, err := writer.CreateFormFile("files", "test.png") if err != nil { return nil, err } // base 64 encoded version of handtinywhite.gif from http://probablyprogramming.com/2009/03/15/the-tiniest-gif-ever file, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString("R0lGODlhAQABAIABAP///wAAACwAAAAAAQABAAACAkQBADs=") if _, err := io.Copy(part, bytes.NewReader(file)); err != nil { return nil, err } field, err := writer.CreateFormField("channel_id") if err != nil { return nil, err } if _, err := field.Write([]byte(channelId)); err != nil { return nil, err } if err := writer.Close(); err != nil { return nil, err } if resp, err := Client.UploadPostAttachment(body.Bytes(), writer.FormDataContentType()); err != nil { return nil, err } else { return resp.Data.(*model.FileUploadResponse).Filenames, nil } } func cleanupTestFile(fullFilename, channelId, userId string) error { filenames := strings.Split(fullFilename, "/") filename := filenames[len(filenames)-2] + "/" + filenames[len(filenames)-1] fileId := strings.Split(filename, ".")[0] if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_S3 { // perform clean-up on s3 var auth aws.Auth auth.AccessKey = utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3AccessKeyId auth.SecretKey = utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SecretAccessKey s := s3.New(auth, aws.Regions[utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Region]) bucket := s.Bucket(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Bucket) if err := bucket.Del("channels/" + channelId + "/users/" + userId + "/" + filename); err != nil { return err } if err := bucket.Del("channels/" + channelId + "/users/" + userId + "/" + fileId + "_thumb.jpg"); err != nil { return err } if err := bucket.Del("channels/" + channelId + "/users/" + userId + "/" + fileId + "_preview.jpg"); err != nil { return err } } else { path := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory + "channels/" + channelId + "/users/" + userId + "/" + filename if err := os.Remove(path); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't remove file at " + path) } path = utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory + "channels/" + channelId + "/users/" + userId + "/" + fileId + "_thumb.jpg" if err := os.Remove(path); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't remove file at " + path) } path = utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory + "channels/" + channelId + "/users/" + userId + "/" + fileId + "_preview.jpg" if err := os.Remove(path); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't remove file at " + path) } } return nil }