// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package api import ( "net/http" "strconv" l4g "github.com/alecthomas/log4go" "github.com/dyatlov/go-opengraph/opengraph" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/mattermost/platform/app" "github.com/mattermost/platform/model" "github.com/mattermost/platform/store" "github.com/mattermost/platform/utils" ) func InitPost() { l4g.Debug(utils.T("api.post.init.debug")) BaseRoutes.ApiRoot.Handle("/get_opengraph_metadata", ApiUserRequired(getOpenGraphMetadata)).Methods("POST") BaseRoutes.NeedTeam.Handle("/posts/search", ApiUserRequiredActivity(searchPosts, true)).Methods("POST") BaseRoutes.NeedTeam.Handle("/posts/flagged/{offset:[0-9]+}/{limit:[0-9]+}", ApiUserRequired(getFlaggedPosts)).Methods("GET") BaseRoutes.NeedTeam.Handle("/posts/{post_id}", ApiUserRequired(getPostById)).Methods("GET") BaseRoutes.NeedTeam.Handle("/pltmp/{post_id}", ApiUserRequired(getPermalinkTmp)).Methods("GET") BaseRoutes.Posts.Handle("/create", ApiUserRequiredActivity(createPost, true)).Methods("POST") BaseRoutes.Posts.Handle("/update", ApiUserRequiredActivity(updatePost, true)).Methods("POST") BaseRoutes.Posts.Handle("/page/{offset:[0-9]+}/{limit:[0-9]+}", ApiUserRequired(getPosts)).Methods("GET") BaseRoutes.Posts.Handle("/since/{time:[0-9]+}", ApiUserRequired(getPostsSince)).Methods("GET") BaseRoutes.NeedPost.Handle("/get", ApiUserRequired(getPost)).Methods("GET") BaseRoutes.NeedPost.Handle("/delete", ApiUserRequiredActivity(deletePost, true)).Methods("POST") BaseRoutes.NeedPost.Handle("/before/{offset:[0-9]+}/{num_posts:[0-9]+}", ApiUserRequired(getPostsBefore)).Methods("GET") BaseRoutes.NeedPost.Handle("/after/{offset:[0-9]+}/{num_posts:[0-9]+}", ApiUserRequired(getPostsAfter)).Methods("GET") BaseRoutes.NeedPost.Handle("/get_file_infos", ApiUserRequired(getFileInfosForPost)).Methods("GET") } func createPost(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { post := model.PostFromJson(r.Body) if post == nil { c.SetInvalidParam("createPost", "post") return } post.UserId = c.Session.UserId cchan := app.Srv.Store.Channel().Get(post.ChannelId, true) if !app.SessionHasPermissionToChannel(c.Session, post.ChannelId, model.PERMISSION_CREATE_POST) { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_CREATE_POST) return } // Check that channel has not been deleted var channel *model.Channel if result := <-cchan; result.Err != nil { c.SetInvalidParam("createPost", "post.channelId") return } else { channel = result.Data.(*model.Channel) } if channel.DeleteAt != 0 { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("createPost", "api.post.create_post.can_not_post_to_deleted.error", nil, "") c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusBadRequest return } if post.CreateAt != 0 && !app.SessionHasPermissionTo(c.Session, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SYSTEM) { post.CreateAt = 0 } if rp, err := app.CreatePost(post, c.TeamId, true); err != nil { c.Err = err if c.Err.Id == "api.post.create_post.root_id.app_error" || c.Err.Id == "api.post.create_post.channel_root_id.app_error" || c.Err.Id == "api.post.create_post.parent_id.app_error" { c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusBadRequest } return } else { // Update the LastViewAt only if the post does not have from_webhook prop set (eg. Zapier app) if _, ok := post.Props["from_webhook"]; !ok { if result := <-app.Srv.Store.Channel().UpdateLastViewedAt([]string{post.ChannelId}, c.Session.UserId); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.post.create_post.last_viewed.error"), post.ChannelId, c.Session.UserId, result.Err) } } w.Write([]byte(rp.ToJson())) } } func updatePost(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if utils.IsLicensed { if *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.AllowEditPost == model.ALLOW_EDIT_POST_NEVER { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("updatePost", "api.post.update_post.permissions.app_error", nil, c.T("api.post.update_post.permissions_denied.app_error")) c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusForbidden return } } post := model.PostFromJson(r.Body) if post == nil { c.SetInvalidParam("updatePost", "post") return } pchan := app.Srv.Store.Post().Get(post.Id) if !app.SessionHasPermissionToChannel(c.Session, post.ChannelId, model.PERMISSION_EDIT_POST) { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_EDIT_POST) return } var oldPost *model.Post if result := <-pchan; result.Err != nil { c.Err = result.Err return } else { oldPost = result.Data.(*model.PostList).Posts[post.Id] if oldPost == nil { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("updatePost", "api.post.update_post.find.app_error", nil, "id="+post.Id) c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusBadRequest return } if oldPost.UserId != c.Session.UserId { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("updatePost", "api.post.update_post.permissions.app_error", nil, "oldUserId="+oldPost.UserId) c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusForbidden return } if oldPost.DeleteAt != 0 { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("updatePost", "api.post.update_post.permissions.app_error", nil, c.T("api.post.update_post.permissions_details.app_error", map[string]interface{}{"PostId": post.Id})) c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusForbidden return } if oldPost.IsSystemMessage() { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("updatePost", "api.post.update_post.system_message.app_error", nil, "id="+post.Id) c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusForbidden return } if utils.IsLicensed { if *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.AllowEditPost == model.ALLOW_EDIT_POST_TIME_LIMIT && model.GetMillis() > oldPost.CreateAt+int64(*utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.PostEditTimeLimit*1000) { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("updatePost", "api.post.update_post.permissions.app_error", nil, c.T("api.post.update_post.permissions_time_limit.app_error", map[string]interface{}{"timeLimit": *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.PostEditTimeLimit})) c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusForbidden return } } } newPost := &model.Post{} *newPost = *oldPost newPost.Message = post.Message newPost.EditAt = model.GetMillis() newPost.Hashtags, _ = model.ParseHashtags(post.Message) if result := <-app.Srv.Store.Post().Update(newPost, oldPost); result.Err != nil { c.Err = result.Err return } else { rpost := result.Data.(*model.Post) message := model.NewWebSocketEvent(model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_POST_EDITED, "", rpost.ChannelId, "", nil) message.Add("post", rpost.ToJson()) go app.Publish(message) app.InvalidateCacheForChannelPosts(rpost.ChannelId) w.Write([]byte(rpost.ToJson())) } } func getFlaggedPosts(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(r) offset, err := strconv.Atoi(params["offset"]) if err != nil { c.SetInvalidParam("getFlaggedPosts", "offset") return } limit, err := strconv.Atoi(params["limit"]) if err != nil { c.SetInvalidParam("getFlaggedPosts", "limit") return } posts := &model.PostList{} if result := <-app.Srv.Store.Post().GetFlaggedPosts(c.Session.UserId, offset, limit); result.Err != nil { c.Err = result.Err return } else { posts = result.Data.(*model.PostList) } w.Write([]byte(posts.ToJson())) } func getPosts(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(r) id := params["channel_id"] if len(id) != 26 { c.SetInvalidParam("getPosts", "channelId") return } offset, err := strconv.Atoi(params["offset"]) if err != nil { c.SetInvalidParam("getPosts", "offset") return } limit, err := strconv.Atoi(params["limit"]) if err != nil { c.SetInvalidParam("getPosts", "limit") return } etagChan := app.Srv.Store.Post().GetEtag(id, true) if !app.SessionHasPermissionToChannel(c.Session, id, model.PERMISSION_CREATE_POST) { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_CREATE_POST) return } etag := (<-etagChan).Data.(string) if HandleEtag(etag, "Get Posts", w, r) { return } pchan := app.Srv.Store.Post().GetPosts(id, offset, limit, true) if result := <-pchan; result.Err != nil { c.Err = result.Err return } else { list := result.Data.(*model.PostList) w.Header().Set(model.HEADER_ETAG_SERVER, etag) w.Write([]byte(list.ToJson())) } } func getPostsSince(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(r) id := params["channel_id"] if len(id) != 26 { c.SetInvalidParam("getPostsSince", "channelId") return } time, err := strconv.ParseInt(params["time"], 10, 64) if err != nil { c.SetInvalidParam("getPostsSince", "time") return } pchan := app.Srv.Store.Post().GetPostsSince(id, time, true) if !app.SessionHasPermissionToChannel(c.Session, id, model.PERMISSION_READ_CHANNEL) { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_READ_CHANNEL) return } if result := <-pchan; result.Err != nil { c.Err = result.Err return } else { list := result.Data.(*model.PostList) w.Write([]byte(list.ToJson())) } } func getPost(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(r) channelId := params["channel_id"] if len(channelId) != 26 { c.SetInvalidParam("getPost", "channelId") return } postId := params["post_id"] if len(postId) != 26 { c.SetInvalidParam("getPost", "postId") return } pchan := app.Srv.Store.Post().Get(postId) if !app.SessionHasPermissionToChannel(c.Session, channelId, model.PERMISSION_READ_CHANNEL) { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_READ_CHANNEL) return } if result := <-pchan; result.Err != nil { c.Err = result.Err return } else if HandleEtag(result.Data.(*model.PostList).Etag(), "Get Post", w, r) { return } else { list := result.Data.(*model.PostList) if !list.IsChannelId(channelId) { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("getPost", "api.post.get_post.permissions.app_error", nil, "") c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusForbidden return } w.Header().Set(model.HEADER_ETAG_SERVER, list.Etag()) w.Write([]byte(list.ToJson())) } } func getPostById(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(r) postId := params["post_id"] if len(postId) != 26 { c.SetInvalidParam("getPostById", "postId") return } if result := <-app.Srv.Store.Post().Get(postId); result.Err != nil { c.Err = result.Err return } else { list := result.Data.(*model.PostList) if len(list.Order) != 1 { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("getPostById", "api.post_get_post_by_id.get.app_error", nil, "") return } post := list.Posts[list.Order[0]] if !app.SessionHasPermissionToChannel(c.Session, post.ChannelId, model.PERMISSION_READ_CHANNEL) { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_READ_CHANNEL) return } if HandleEtag(list.Etag(), "Get Post By Id", w, r) { return } w.Header().Set(model.HEADER_ETAG_SERVER, list.Etag()) w.Write([]byte(list.ToJson())) } } func getPermalinkTmp(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(r) postId := params["post_id"] if len(postId) != 26 { c.SetInvalidParam("getPermalinkTmp", "postId") return } if result := <-app.Srv.Store.Post().Get(postId); result.Err != nil { c.Err = result.Err return } else { list := result.Data.(*model.PostList) if len(list.Order) != 1 { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("getPermalinkTmp", "api.post_get_post_by_id.get.app_error", nil, "") return } post := list.Posts[list.Order[0]] var channel *model.Channel var err *model.AppError if channel, err = app.GetChannel(post.ChannelId); err != nil { c.Err = err return } if !app.SessionHasPermissionToTeam(c.Session, channel.TeamId, model.PERMISSION_JOIN_PUBLIC_CHANNELS) { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_JOIN_PUBLIC_CHANNELS) return } if err = app.JoinChannel(channel, c.Session.UserId); err != nil { c.Err = err return } if HandleEtag(list.Etag(), "Get Permalink TMP", w, r) { return } w.Header().Set(model.HEADER_ETAG_SERVER, list.Etag()) w.Write([]byte(list.ToJson())) } } func deletePost(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(r) channelId := params["channel_id"] if len(channelId) != 26 { c.SetInvalidParam("deletePost", "channelId") return } postId := params["post_id"] if len(postId) != 26 { c.SetInvalidParam("deletePost", "postId") return } if !app.SessionHasPermissionToChannel(c.Session, channelId, model.PERMISSION_DELETE_POST) { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_DELETE_POST) return } pchan := app.Srv.Store.Post().Get(postId) if result := <-pchan; result.Err != nil { c.Err = result.Err return } else { post := result.Data.(*model.PostList).Posts[postId] if post == nil { c.SetInvalidParam("deletePost", "postId") return } if post.ChannelId != channelId { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("deletePost", "api.post.delete_post.permissions.app_error", nil, "") c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusForbidden return } if post.UserId != c.Session.UserId && !app.SessionHasPermissionToChannel(c.Session, post.ChannelId, model.PERMISSION_DELETE_OTHERS_POSTS) { c.Err = model.NewLocAppError("deletePost", "api.post.delete_post.permissions.app_error", nil, "") c.Err.StatusCode = http.StatusForbidden return } if dresult := <-app.Srv.Store.Post().Delete(postId, model.GetMillis()); dresult.Err != nil { c.Err = dresult.Err return } message := model.NewWebSocketEvent(model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_POST_DELETED, "", post.ChannelId, "", nil) message.Add("post", post.ToJson()) go app.Publish(message) go DeletePostFiles(post) go DeleteFlaggedPost(c.Session.UserId, post) app.InvalidateCacheForChannelPosts(post.ChannelId) result := make(map[string]string) result["id"] = postId w.Write([]byte(model.MapToJson(result))) } } func DeleteFlaggedPost(userId string, post *model.Post) { if result := <-app.Srv.Store.Preference().Delete(userId, model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_FLAGGED_POST, post.Id); result.Err != nil { l4g.Warn(utils.T("api.post.delete_flagged_post.app_error.warn"), result.Err) return } } func DeletePostFiles(post *model.Post) { if len(post.FileIds) != 0 { return } if result := <-app.Srv.Store.FileInfo().DeleteForPost(post.Id); result.Err != nil { l4g.Warn(utils.T("api.post.delete_post_files.app_error.warn"), post.Id, result.Err) } } func getPostsBefore(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { getPostsBeforeOrAfter(c, w, r, true) } func getPostsAfter(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { getPostsBeforeOrAfter(c, w, r, false) } func getPostsBeforeOrAfter(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, before bool) { params := mux.Vars(r) id := params["channel_id"] if len(id) != 26 { c.SetInvalidParam("getPostsBeforeOrAfter", "channelId") return } postId := params["post_id"] if len(postId) != 26 { c.SetInvalidParam("getPostsBeforeOrAfter", "postId") return } numPosts, err := strconv.Atoi(params["num_posts"]) if err != nil || numPosts <= 0 { c.SetInvalidParam("getPostsBeforeOrAfter", "numPosts") return } offset, err := strconv.Atoi(params["offset"]) if err != nil || offset < 0 { c.SetInvalidParam("getPostsBeforeOrAfter", "offset") return } // We can do better than this etag in this situation etagChan := app.Srv.Store.Post().GetEtag(id, true) if !app.SessionHasPermissionToChannel(c.Session, id, model.PERMISSION_READ_CHANNEL) { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_READ_CHANNEL) return } etag := (<-etagChan).Data.(string) if HandleEtag(etag, "Get Posts Before or After", w, r) { return } var pchan store.StoreChannel if before { pchan = app.Srv.Store.Post().GetPostsBefore(id, postId, numPosts, offset) } else { pchan = app.Srv.Store.Post().GetPostsAfter(id, postId, numPosts, offset) } if result := <-pchan; result.Err != nil { c.Err = result.Err return } else { list := result.Data.(*model.PostList) w.Header().Set(model.HEADER_ETAG_SERVER, etag) w.Write([]byte(list.ToJson())) } } func searchPosts(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { props := model.StringInterfaceFromJson(r.Body) terms := props["terms"].(string) if len(terms) == 0 { c.SetInvalidParam("search", "terms") return } isOrSearch := false if val, ok := props["is_or_search"]; ok && val != nil { isOrSearch = val.(bool) } paramsList := model.ParseSearchParams(terms) channels := []store.StoreChannel{} for _, params := range paramsList { params.OrTerms = isOrSearch // don't allow users to search for everything if params.Terms != "*" { channels = append(channels, app.Srv.Store.Post().Search(c.TeamId, c.Session.UserId, params)) } } posts := &model.PostList{} for _, channel := range channels { if result := <-channel; result.Err != nil { c.Err = result.Err return } else { data := result.Data.(*model.PostList) posts.Extend(data) } } w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate") w.Write([]byte(posts.ToJson())) } func getFileInfosForPost(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(r) channelId := params["channel_id"] if len(channelId) != 26 { c.SetInvalidParam("getFileInfosForPost", "channelId") return } postId := params["post_id"] if len(postId) != 26 { c.SetInvalidParam("getFileInfosForPost", "postId") return } pchan := app.Srv.Store.Post().Get(postId) fchan := app.Srv.Store.FileInfo().GetForPost(postId) if !app.SessionHasPermissionToChannel(c.Session, channelId, model.PERMISSION_READ_CHANNEL) { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_READ_CHANNEL) return } var infos []*model.FileInfo if result := <-fchan; result.Err != nil { c.Err = result.Err return } else { infos = result.Data.([]*model.FileInfo) } if len(infos) == 0 { // No FileInfos were returned so check if they need to be created for this post var post *model.Post if result := <-pchan; result.Err != nil { c.Err = result.Err return } else { post = result.Data.(*model.PostList).Posts[postId] } if len(post.Filenames) > 0 { // The post has Filenames that need to be replaced with FileInfos infos = app.MigrateFilenamesToFileInfos(post) } } etag := model.GetEtagForFileInfos(infos) if HandleEtag(etag, "Get File Infos For Post", w, r) { return } else { w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "max-age=2592000, public") w.Header().Set(model.HEADER_ETAG_SERVER, etag) w.Write([]byte(model.FileInfosToJson(infos))) } } func getOpenGraphMetadata(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { props := model.StringInterfaceFromJson(r.Body) og := opengraph.NewOpenGraph() res, err := http.Get(props["url"].(string)) defer closeBody(res) if err != nil { writeOpenGraphToResponse(w, og) return } if err := og.ProcessHTML(res.Body); err != nil { writeOpenGraphToResponse(w, og) return } writeOpenGraphToResponse(w, og) } func writeOpenGraphToResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, og *opengraph.OpenGraph) { ogJson, err := og.ToJSON() if err != nil { w.Write([]byte(`{"url": ""}`)) } w.Write(ogJson) }