// Copyright (c) 2017-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package api4 import ( "io/ioutil" "net/http" "strconv" "strings" l4g "github.com/alecthomas/log4go" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/app" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/model" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/utils" ) func (api *API) InitCommand() { l4g.Debug(utils.T("api.command.init.debug")) api.BaseRoutes.Commands.Handle("", api.ApiSessionRequired(createCommand)).Methods("POST") api.BaseRoutes.Commands.Handle("", api.ApiSessionRequired(listCommands)).Methods("GET") api.BaseRoutes.Commands.Handle("/execute", api.ApiSessionRequired(executeCommand)).Methods("POST") api.BaseRoutes.Command.Handle("", api.ApiSessionRequired(updateCommand)).Methods("PUT") api.BaseRoutes.Command.Handle("", api.ApiSessionRequired(deleteCommand)).Methods("DELETE") api.BaseRoutes.Team.Handle("/commands/autocomplete", api.ApiSessionRequired(listAutocompleteCommands)).Methods("GET") api.BaseRoutes.Command.Handle("/regen_token", api.ApiSessionRequired(regenCommandToken)).Methods("PUT") api.BaseRoutes.Teams.Handle("/command_test", api.ApiHandler(testCommand)).Methods("POST") api.BaseRoutes.Teams.Handle("/command_test", api.ApiHandler(testCommand)).Methods("GET") } func createCommand(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { cmd := model.CommandFromJson(r.Body) if cmd == nil { c.SetInvalidParam("command") return } c.LogAudit("attempt") if !app.SessionHasPermissionToTeam(c.Session, cmd.TeamId, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SLASH_COMMANDS) { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SLASH_COMMANDS) return } cmd.CreatorId = c.Session.UserId rcmd, err := c.App.CreateCommand(cmd) if err != nil { c.Err = err return } c.LogAudit("success") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusCreated) w.Write([]byte(rcmd.ToJson())) } func updateCommand(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { c.RequireCommandId() if c.Err != nil { return } cmd := model.CommandFromJson(r.Body) if cmd == nil || cmd.Id != c.Params.CommandId { c.SetInvalidParam("command") return } c.LogAudit("attempt") oldCmd, err := c.App.GetCommand(c.Params.CommandId) if err != nil { c.Err = err return } if cmd.TeamId != oldCmd.TeamId { c.Err = model.NewAppError("updateCommand", "api.command.team_mismatch.app_error", nil, "user_id="+c.Session.UserId, http.StatusBadRequest) return } if !app.SessionHasPermissionToTeam(c.Session, oldCmd.TeamId, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SLASH_COMMANDS) { c.LogAudit("fail - inappropriate permissions") c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SLASH_COMMANDS) return } if c.Session.UserId != oldCmd.CreatorId && !app.SessionHasPermissionToTeam(c.Session, oldCmd.TeamId, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_OTHERS_SLASH_COMMANDS) { c.LogAudit("fail - inappropriate permissions") c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_OTHERS_SLASH_COMMANDS) return } rcmd, err := c.App.UpdateCommand(oldCmd, cmd) if err != nil { c.Err = err return } c.LogAudit("success") w.Write([]byte(rcmd.ToJson())) } func deleteCommand(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { c.RequireCommandId() if c.Err != nil { return } c.LogAudit("attempt") cmd, err := c.App.GetCommand(c.Params.CommandId) if err != nil { c.Err = err return } if !app.SessionHasPermissionToTeam(c.Session, cmd.TeamId, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SLASH_COMMANDS) { c.LogAudit("fail - inappropriate permissions") c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SLASH_COMMANDS) return } if c.Session.UserId != cmd.CreatorId && !app.SessionHasPermissionToTeam(c.Session, cmd.TeamId, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_OTHERS_SLASH_COMMANDS) { c.LogAudit("fail - inappropriate permissions") c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_OTHERS_SLASH_COMMANDS) return } err = c.App.DeleteCommand(cmd.Id) if err != nil { c.Err = err return } c.LogAudit("success") ReturnStatusOK(w) } func listCommands(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { customOnly, failConv := strconv.ParseBool(r.URL.Query().Get("custom_only")) if failConv != nil { customOnly = false } teamId := r.URL.Query().Get("team_id") if len(teamId) == 0 { c.SetInvalidParam("team_id") return } commands := []*model.Command{} err := &model.AppError{} if customOnly { if !app.SessionHasPermissionToTeam(c.Session, teamId, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SLASH_COMMANDS) { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SLASH_COMMANDS) return } commands, err = c.App.ListTeamCommands(teamId) if err != nil { c.Err = err return } } else { //User with no permission should see only system commands if !app.SessionHasPermissionToTeam(c.Session, teamId, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SLASH_COMMANDS) { commands, err = c.App.ListAutocompleteCommands(teamId, c.T) if err != nil { c.Err = err return } } else { commands, err = c.App.ListAllCommands(teamId, c.T) if err != nil { c.Err = err return } } } w.Write([]byte(model.CommandListToJson(commands))) } func executeCommand(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { commandArgs := model.CommandArgsFromJson(r.Body) if commandArgs == nil { c.SetInvalidParam("command_args") return } if len(commandArgs.Command) <= 1 || strings.Index(commandArgs.Command, "/") != 0 || len(commandArgs.ChannelId) != 26 { c.Err = model.NewAppError("executeCommand", "api.command.execute_command.start.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusBadRequest) return } // checks that user is a member of the specified channel, and that they have permission to use slash commands in it if !c.App.SessionHasPermissionToChannel(c.Session, commandArgs.ChannelId, model.PERMISSION_USE_SLASH_COMMANDS) { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_USE_SLASH_COMMANDS) return } channel, err := c.App.GetChannel(commandArgs.ChannelId) if err != nil { c.Err = err return } else if channel.Type != model.CHANNEL_DIRECT && channel.Type != model.CHANNEL_GROUP { // if this isn't a DM or GM, the team id is implicitly taken from the channel so that slash commands created on // some other team can't be run against this one commandArgs.TeamId = channel.TeamId } else { // if the slash command was used in a DM or GM, ensure that the user is a member of the specified team, so that // they can't just execute slash commands against arbitrary teams if c.Session.GetTeamByTeamId(commandArgs.TeamId) == nil { if !app.SessionHasPermissionTo(c.Session, model.PERMISSION_USE_SLASH_COMMANDS) { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_USE_SLASH_COMMANDS) return } } } commandArgs.UserId = c.Session.UserId commandArgs.T = c.T commandArgs.Session = c.Session commandArgs.SiteURL = c.GetSiteURLHeader() response, err := c.App.ExecuteCommand(commandArgs) if err != nil { c.Err = err return } w.Write([]byte(response.ToJson())) } func listAutocompleteCommands(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { c.RequireTeamId() if c.Err != nil { return } if !app.SessionHasPermissionToTeam(c.Session, c.Params.TeamId, model.PERMISSION_VIEW_TEAM) { c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_VIEW_TEAM) return } commands, err := c.App.ListAutocompleteCommands(c.Params.TeamId, c.T) if err != nil { c.Err = err return } w.Write([]byte(model.CommandListToJson(commands))) } func regenCommandToken(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { c.RequireCommandId() if c.Err != nil { return } c.LogAudit("attempt") cmd, err := c.App.GetCommand(c.Params.CommandId) if err != nil { c.Err = err return } if !app.SessionHasPermissionToTeam(c.Session, cmd.TeamId, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SLASH_COMMANDS) { c.LogAudit("fail - inappropriate permissions") c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SLASH_COMMANDS) return } if c.Session.UserId != cmd.CreatorId && !app.SessionHasPermissionToTeam(c.Session, cmd.TeamId, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_OTHERS_SLASH_COMMANDS) { c.LogAudit("fail - inappropriate permissions") c.SetPermissionError(model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_OTHERS_SLASH_COMMANDS) return } rcmd, err := c.App.RegenCommandToken(cmd) if err != nil { c.Err = err return } resp := make(map[string]string) resp["token"] = rcmd.Token w.Write([]byte(model.MapToJson(resp))) } func testCommand(c *Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.ParseForm() msg := "" if r.Method == "POST" { msg = msg + "\ntoken=" + r.FormValue("token") msg = msg + "\nteam_domain=" + r.FormValue("team_domain") } else { body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) msg = string(body) } rc := &model.CommandResponse{ Text: "test command response " + msg, ResponseType: model.COMMAND_RESPONSE_TYPE_IN_CHANNEL, Type: "custom_test", Props: map[string]interface{}{"someprop": "somevalue"}, } w.Write([]byte(rc.ToJson())) }