// Copyright (c) 2017-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package api4 import ( "testing" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/model" ) func TestHelpCommand(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client channel := th.BasicChannel HelpLink := *th.App.Config().SupportSettings.HelpLink defer func() { th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.SupportSettings.HelpLink = HelpLink }) }() th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.SupportSettings.HelpLink = "" }) rs1, _ := Client.ExecuteCommand(channel.Id, "/help ") if rs1.GotoLocation != model.SUPPORT_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_HELP_LINK { t.Fatal("failed to default help link") } th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.SupportSettings.HelpLink = "https://docs.mattermost.com/guides/user.html" }) rs2, _ := Client.ExecuteCommand(channel.Id, "/help ") if rs2.GotoLocation != "https://docs.mattermost.com/guides/user.html" { t.Fatal("failed to help link") } }