// Copyright (c) 2017 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package api4 import ( "testing" // "time" "github.com/mattermost/platform/model" "github.com/mattermost/platform/utils" ) func TestCreateCommand(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer TearDown() Client := th.Client enableCommands := *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableCommands defer func() { utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableCommands = &enableCommands }() *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableCommands = true newCmd := &model.Command{ CreatorId: th.BasicUser.Id, TeamId: th.BasicTeam.Id, URL: "http://nowhere.com", Method: model.COMMAND_METHOD_POST, Trigger: "trigger"} _, resp := Client.CreateCommand(newCmd) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) createdCmd, resp := th.SystemAdminClient.CreateCommand(newCmd) CheckNoError(t, resp) CheckCreatedStatus(t, resp) if createdCmd.CreatorId != th.SystemAdminUser.Id { t.Fatal("user ids didn't match") } if createdCmd.TeamId != th.BasicTeam.Id { t.Fatal("team ids didn't match") } _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.CreateCommand(newCmd) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "api.command.duplicate_trigger.app_error") newCmd.Method = "Wrong" newCmd.Trigger = "test" _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.CreateCommand(newCmd) CheckInternalErrorStatus(t, resp) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "model.command.is_valid.method.app_error") *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableCommands = false newCmd.Method = "P" newCmd.Trigger = "test" _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.CreateCommand(newCmd) CheckNotImplementedStatus(t, resp) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "api.command.disabled.app_error") } func TestListCommands(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer TearDown() Client := th.Client newCmd := &model.Command{ CreatorId: th.BasicUser.Id, TeamId: th.BasicTeam.Id, URL: "http://nowhere.com", Method: model.COMMAND_METHOD_POST, Trigger: "custom_command"} _, resp := th.SystemAdminClient.CreateCommand(newCmd) CheckNoError(t, resp) t.Run("ListSystemAndCustomCommands", func(t *testing.T) { listCommands, resp := th.SystemAdminClient.ListCommands(th.BasicTeam.Id, false) CheckNoError(t, resp) foundEcho := false foundCustom := false for _, command := range listCommands { if command.Trigger == "echo" { foundEcho = true } if command.Trigger == "custom_command" { foundCustom = true } } if !foundEcho { t.Fatal("Couldn't find echo command") } if !foundCustom { t.Fatal("Should list the custom command") } }) t.Run("ListCustomOnlyCommands", func(t *testing.T) { listCommands, resp := th.SystemAdminClient.ListCommands(th.BasicTeam.Id, true) CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(listCommands) > 1 { t.Fatal("Should list just one custom command") } if listCommands[0].Trigger != "custom_command" { t.Fatal("Wrong custom command trigger") } }) t.Run("UserWithNoPermissionForCustomCommands", func(t *testing.T) { _, resp := Client.ListCommands(th.BasicTeam.Id, true) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) }) t.Run("RegularUserCanListOnlySystemCommands", func(t *testing.T) { listCommands, resp := Client.ListCommands(th.BasicTeam.Id, false) CheckNoError(t, resp) foundEcho := false foundCustom := false for _, command := range listCommands { if command.Trigger == "echo" { foundEcho = true } if command.Trigger == "custom_command" { foundCustom = true } } if !foundEcho { t.Fatal("Couldn't find echo command") } if foundCustom { t.Fatal("Should not list the custom command") } }) } func TestListAutocompleteCommands(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer TearDown() Client := th.Client newCmd := &model.Command{ CreatorId: th.BasicUser.Id, TeamId: th.BasicTeam.Id, URL: "http://nowhere.com", Method: model.COMMAND_METHOD_POST, Trigger: "custom_command"} _, resp := th.SystemAdminClient.CreateCommand(newCmd) CheckNoError(t, resp) t.Run("ListAutocompleteCommandsOnly", func(t *testing.T) { listCommands, resp := th.SystemAdminClient.ListAutocompleteCommands(th.BasicTeam.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) foundEcho := false foundCustom := false for _, command := range listCommands { if command.Trigger == "echo" { foundEcho = true } if command.Trigger == "custom_command" { foundCustom = true } } if !foundEcho { t.Fatal("Couldn't find echo command") } if foundCustom { t.Fatal("Should not list the custom command") } }) t.Run("RegularUserCanListOnlySystemCommands", func(t *testing.T) { listCommands, resp := Client.ListAutocompleteCommands(th.BasicTeam.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) foundEcho := false foundCustom := false for _, command := range listCommands { if command.Trigger == "echo" { foundEcho = true } if command.Trigger == "custom_command" { foundCustom = true } } if !foundEcho { t.Fatal("Couldn't find echo command") } if foundCustom { t.Fatal("Should not list the custom command") } }) }