// Copyright (c) 2017-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package api4 import ( "strings" "testing" "time" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/model" ) func TestGetPreferences(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client th.LoginBasic() user1 := th.BasicUser category := model.NewId() preferences1 := model.Preferences{ { UserId: user1.Id, Category: category, Name: model.NewId(), }, { UserId: user1.Id, Category: category, Name: model.NewId(), }, { UserId: user1.Id, Category: model.NewId(), Name: model.NewId(), }, } Client.UpdatePreferences(user1.Id, &preferences1) prefs, resp := Client.GetPreferences(user1.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(prefs) != 4 { t.Fatal("received the wrong number of preferences") } for _, preference := range prefs { if preference.UserId != th.BasicUser.Id { t.Fatal("user id does not match") } } th.LoginBasic2() prefs, resp = Client.GetPreferences(th.BasicUser2.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(prefs) == 0 { t.Fatal("received the wrong number of preferences") } _, resp = Client.GetPreferences(th.BasicUser.Id) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetPreferences(th.BasicUser2.Id) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestGetPreferencesByCategory(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client th.LoginBasic() user1 := th.BasicUser category := model.NewId() preferences1 := model.Preferences{ { UserId: user1.Id, Category: category, Name: model.NewId(), }, { UserId: user1.Id, Category: category, Name: model.NewId(), }, { UserId: user1.Id, Category: model.NewId(), Name: model.NewId(), }, } Client.UpdatePreferences(user1.Id, &preferences1) prefs, resp := Client.GetPreferencesByCategory(user1.Id, category) CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(prefs) != 2 { t.Fatalf("received the wrong number of preferences %v:%v", len(prefs), 2) } _, resp = Client.GetPreferencesByCategory(user1.Id, "junk") CheckNotFoundStatus(t, resp) th.LoginBasic2() _, resp = Client.GetPreferencesByCategory(th.BasicUser2.Id, category) CheckNotFoundStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.GetPreferencesByCategory(user1.Id, category) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) prefs, resp = Client.GetPreferencesByCategory(th.BasicUser2.Id, "junk") CheckNotFoundStatus(t, resp) if len(prefs) != 0 { t.Fatal("received the wrong number of preferences") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetPreferencesByCategory(th.BasicUser2.Id, category) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestGetPreferenceByCategoryAndName(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client th.LoginBasic() user := th.BasicUser name := model.NewId() value := model.NewId() preferences := model.Preferences{ { UserId: user.Id, Category: model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_DIRECT_CHANNEL_SHOW, Name: name, Value: value, }, { UserId: user.Id, Category: model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_DIRECT_CHANNEL_SHOW, Name: model.NewId(), Value: model.NewId(), }, } Client.UpdatePreferences(user.Id, &preferences) pref, resp := Client.GetPreferenceByCategoryAndName(user.Id, model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_DIRECT_CHANNEL_SHOW, name) CheckNoError(t, resp) if (pref.UserId != preferences[0].UserId) && (pref.Category != preferences[0].Category) && (pref.Name != preferences[0].Name) { t.Fatal("preference saved incorrectly") } preferences[0].Value = model.NewId() Client.UpdatePreferences(user.Id, &preferences) _, resp = Client.GetPreferenceByCategoryAndName(user.Id, "junk", preferences[0].Name) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.GetPreferenceByCategoryAndName(user.Id, preferences[0].Category, "junk") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.GetPreferenceByCategoryAndName(th.BasicUser2.Id, preferences[0].Category, "junk") CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.GetPreferenceByCategoryAndName(user.Id, preferences[0].Category, preferences[0].Name) CheckNoError(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetPreferenceByCategoryAndName(user.Id, preferences[0].Category, preferences[0].Name) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestUpdatePreferences(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client th.LoginBasic() user1 := th.BasicUser category := model.NewId() preferences1 := model.Preferences{ { UserId: user1.Id, Category: category, Name: model.NewId(), }, { UserId: user1.Id, Category: category, Name: model.NewId(), }, { UserId: user1.Id, Category: model.NewId(), Name: model.NewId(), }, } _, resp := Client.UpdatePreferences(user1.Id, &preferences1) CheckNoError(t, resp) preferences := model.Preferences{ { UserId: model.NewId(), Category: category, Name: model.NewId(), }, } _, resp = Client.UpdatePreferences(user1.Id, &preferences) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) preferences = model.Preferences{ { UserId: user1.Id, Name: model.NewId(), }, } _, resp = Client.UpdatePreferences(user1.Id, &preferences) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.UpdatePreferences(th.BasicUser2.Id, &preferences) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.UpdatePreferences(user1.Id, &preferences1) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestUpdatePreferencesWebsocket(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() WebSocketClient, err := th.CreateWebSocketClient() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } WebSocketClient.Listen() time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond) if resp := <-WebSocketClient.ResponseChannel; resp.Status != model.STATUS_OK { t.Fatal("should have responded OK to authentication challenge") } userId := th.BasicUser.Id preferences := &model.Preferences{ { UserId: userId, Category: model.NewId(), Name: model.NewId(), }, { UserId: userId, Category: model.NewId(), Name: model.NewId(), }, } _, resp := th.Client.UpdatePreferences(userId, preferences) CheckNoError(t, resp) timeout := time.After(300 * time.Millisecond) waiting := true for waiting { select { case event := <-WebSocketClient.EventChannel: if event.Event != model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_PREFERENCES_CHANGED { // Ignore any other events continue } received, err := model.PreferencesFromJson(strings.NewReader(event.Data["preferences"].(string))) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } for i, preference := range *preferences { if preference.UserId != received[i].UserId || preference.Category != received[i].Category || preference.Name != received[i].Name { t.Fatal("received incorrect preference") } } waiting = false case <-timeout: t.Fatal("timed out waiting for preference update event") } } } func TestDeletePreferences(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client th.LoginBasic() prefs, _ := Client.GetPreferences(th.BasicUser.Id) originalCount := len(prefs) // save 10 preferences var preferences model.Preferences for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { preference := model.Preference{ UserId: th.BasicUser.Id, Category: model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_DIRECT_CHANNEL_SHOW, Name: model.NewId(), } preferences = append(preferences, preference) } Client.UpdatePreferences(th.BasicUser.Id, &preferences) // delete 10 preferences th.LoginBasic2() _, resp := Client.DeletePreferences(th.BasicUser2.Id, &preferences) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) th.LoginBasic() _, resp = Client.DeletePreferences(th.BasicUser.Id, &preferences) CheckNoError(t, resp) _, resp = Client.DeletePreferences(th.BasicUser2.Id, &preferences) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) prefs, _ = Client.GetPreferences(th.BasicUser.Id) if len(prefs) != originalCount { t.Fatal("should've deleted preferences") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.DeletePreferences(th.BasicUser.Id, &preferences) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestDeletePreferencesWebsocket(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() userId := th.BasicUser.Id preferences := &model.Preferences{ { UserId: userId, Category: model.NewId(), Name: model.NewId(), }, { UserId: userId, Category: model.NewId(), Name: model.NewId(), }, } _, resp := th.Client.UpdatePreferences(userId, preferences) CheckNoError(t, resp) WebSocketClient, err := th.CreateWebSocketClient() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } WebSocketClient.Listen() time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond) if resp := <-WebSocketClient.ResponseChannel; resp.Status != model.STATUS_OK { t.Fatal("should have responded OK to authentication challenge") } _, resp = th.Client.DeletePreferences(userId, preferences) CheckNoError(t, resp) timeout := time.After(30000 * time.Millisecond) waiting := true for waiting { select { case event := <-WebSocketClient.EventChannel: if event.Event != model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_PREFERENCES_DELETED { // Ignore any other events continue } received, err := model.PreferencesFromJson(strings.NewReader(event.Data["preferences"].(string))) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } for i, preference := range *preferences { if preference.UserId != received[i].UserId || preference.Category != received[i].Category || preference.Name != received[i].Name { t.Fatal("received incorrect preference") } } waiting = false case <-timeout: t.Fatal("timed out waiting for preference delete event") } } }