// Copyright (c) 2017-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package api4 import ( "strings" "testing" "reflect" "github.com/mattermost/platform/app" "github.com/mattermost/platform/model" ) func TestSaveReaction(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer TearDown() Client := th.Client userId := th.BasicUser.Id postId := th.BasicPost.Id reaction := &model.Reaction{ UserId: userId, PostId: postId, EmojiName: "smile", } rr, resp := Client.SaveReaction(reaction) CheckNoError(t, resp) if rr.UserId != reaction.UserId { t.Fatal("UserId did not match") } if rr.PostId != reaction.PostId { t.Fatal("PostId did not match") } if rr.EmojiName != reaction.EmojiName { t.Fatal("EmojiName did not match") } if rr.CreateAt == 0 { t.Fatal("CreateAt should exist") } if reactions, err := app.GetReactionsForPost(postId); err != nil && len(reactions) != 1 { t.Fatal("didn't save reaction correctly") } // saving a duplicate reaction rr, resp = Client.SaveReaction(reaction) CheckNoError(t, resp) if reactions, err := app.GetReactionsForPost(postId); err != nil && len(reactions) != 1 { t.Fatal("should have not save duplicated reaction") } reaction.EmojiName = "sad" rr, resp = Client.SaveReaction(reaction) CheckNoError(t, resp) if rr.EmojiName != reaction.EmojiName { t.Fatal("EmojiName did not match") } if reactions, err := app.GetReactionsForPost(postId); err != nil && len(reactions) != 2 { t.Fatal("should have save multiple reactions") } reaction.PostId = GenerateTestId() _, resp = Client.SaveReaction(reaction) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) reaction.PostId = "junk" _, resp = Client.SaveReaction(reaction) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) reaction.PostId = postId reaction.UserId = GenerateTestId() _, resp = Client.SaveReaction(reaction) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) reaction.UserId = "junk" _, resp = Client.SaveReaction(reaction) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) reaction.UserId = userId reaction.EmojiName = "" _, resp = Client.SaveReaction(reaction) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) reaction.EmojiName = strings.Repeat("a", 65) _, resp = Client.SaveReaction(reaction) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) reaction.EmojiName = "smile" otherUser := th.CreateUser() Client.Logout() Client.Login(otherUser.Email, otherUser.Password) _, resp = Client.SaveReaction(reaction) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.SaveReaction(reaction) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.SaveReaction(reaction) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) } func TestGetReactions(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer TearDown() Client := th.Client userId := th.BasicUser.Id user2Id := th.BasicUser2.Id postId := th.BasicPost.Id userReactions := []*model.Reaction{ { UserId: userId, PostId: postId, EmojiName: "smile", }, { UserId: userId, PostId: postId, EmojiName: "happy", }, { UserId: userId, PostId: postId, EmojiName: "sad", }, { UserId: user2Id, PostId: postId, EmojiName: "smile", }, { UserId: user2Id, PostId: postId, EmojiName: "sad", }, } var reactions []*model.Reaction for _, userReaction := range userReactions { if result := <-app.Srv.Store.Reaction().Save(userReaction); result.Err != nil { t.Fatal(result.Err) } else { reactions = append(reactions, result.Data.(*model.Reaction)) } } rr, resp := Client.GetReactions(postId) CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rr) != 5 { t.Fatal("reactions should returned correct length") } if !reflect.DeepEqual(rr, reactions) { t.Fatal("reactions should have matched") } rr, resp = Client.GetReactions("junk") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) if len(rr) != 0 { t.Fatal("reactions should return empty") } _, resp = Client.GetReactions(GenerateTestId()) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetReactions(postId) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.GetReactions(postId) CheckNoError(t, resp) }