// Copyright (c) 2017-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package api4 import ( "fmt" "net/http" "strconv" "testing" "time" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/app" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/model" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/utils" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" ) func TestCreateUser(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client AdminClient := th.SystemAdminClient user := model.User{Email: GenerateTestEmail(), Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "hello1", Username: GenerateTestUsername(), Roles: model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id + " " + model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id} ruser, resp := Client.CreateUser(&user) CheckNoError(t, resp) CheckCreatedStatus(t, resp) Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) if ruser.Nickname != user.Nickname { t.Fatal("nickname didn't match") } if ruser.Roles != model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id { t.Log(ruser.Roles) t.Fatal("did not clear roles") } CheckUserSanitization(t, ruser) _, resp = Client.CreateUser(ruser) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) ruser.Id = "" ruser.Username = GenerateTestUsername() ruser.Password = "passwd1" _, resp = Client.CreateUser(ruser) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "store.sql_user.save.email_exists.app_error") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) ruser.Email = GenerateTestEmail() ruser.Username = user.Username _, resp = Client.CreateUser(ruser) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "store.sql_user.save.username_exists.app_error") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) ruser.Email = "" _, resp = Client.CreateUser(ruser) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "model.user.is_valid.email.app_error") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.TeamSettings.EnableOpenServer = false }) th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.TeamSettings.EnableUserCreation = false }) user2 := &model.User{Email: GenerateTestEmail(), Password: "Password1", Username: GenerateTestUsername()} _, resp = AdminClient.CreateUser(user2) CheckNoError(t, resp) if r, err := Client.DoApiPost("/users", "garbage"); err == nil { t.Fatal("should have errored") } else { if r.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Log("actual: " + strconv.Itoa(r.StatusCode)) t.Log("expected: " + strconv.Itoa(http.StatusBadRequest)) t.Fatal("wrong status code") } } } func TestCreateUserWithHash(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client t.Run("CreateWithHashHappyPath", func(t *testing.T) { user := model.User{Email: GenerateTestEmail(), Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "hello1", Username: GenerateTestUsername(), Roles: model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id + " " + model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id} props := make(map[string]string) props["email"] = user.Email props["id"] = th.BasicTeam.Id props["display_name"] = th.BasicTeam.DisplayName props["name"] = th.BasicTeam.Name props["time"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", model.GetMillis()) data := model.MapToJson(props) hash := utils.HashSha256(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", data, th.App.Config().EmailSettings.InviteSalt)) ruser, resp := Client.CreateUserWithHash(&user, hash, data) CheckNoError(t, resp) CheckCreatedStatus(t, resp) Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) if ruser.Nickname != user.Nickname { t.Fatal("nickname didn't match") } if ruser.Roles != model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id { t.Log(ruser.Roles) t.Fatal("did not clear roles") } CheckUserSanitization(t, ruser) }) t.Run("NoHashAndNoData", func(t *testing.T) { user := model.User{Email: GenerateTestEmail(), Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "hello1", Username: GenerateTestUsername(), Roles: model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id + " " + model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id} props := make(map[string]string) props["email"] = user.Email props["id"] = th.BasicTeam.Id props["display_name"] = th.BasicTeam.DisplayName props["name"] = th.BasicTeam.Name props["time"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", model.GetMillis()) data := model.MapToJson(props) hash := utils.HashSha256(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", data, th.App.Config().EmailSettings.InviteSalt)) _, resp := Client.CreateUserWithHash(&user, "", data) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "api.user.create_user.missing_hash_or_data.app_error") _, resp = Client.CreateUserWithHash(&user, hash, "") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "api.user.create_user.missing_hash_or_data.app_error") }) t.Run("HashExpired", func(t *testing.T) { user := model.User{Email: GenerateTestEmail(), Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "hello1", Username: GenerateTestUsername(), Roles: model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id + " " + model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id} timeNow := time.Now() past49Hours := timeNow.Add(-49*time.Hour).UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond) props := make(map[string]string) props["email"] = user.Email props["id"] = th.BasicTeam.Id props["display_name"] = th.BasicTeam.DisplayName props["name"] = th.BasicTeam.Name props["time"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", past49Hours) data := model.MapToJson(props) hash := utils.HashSha256(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", data, th.App.Config().EmailSettings.InviteSalt)) _, resp := Client.CreateUserWithHash(&user, hash, data) CheckInternalErrorStatus(t, resp) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "api.user.create_user.signup_link_expired.app_error") }) t.Run("WrongHash", func(t *testing.T) { user := model.User{Email: GenerateTestEmail(), Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "hello1", Username: GenerateTestUsername(), Roles: model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id + " " + model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id} props := make(map[string]string) props["email"] = user.Email props["id"] = th.BasicTeam.Id props["display_name"] = th.BasicTeam.DisplayName props["name"] = th.BasicTeam.Name props["time"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", model.GetMillis()) data := model.MapToJson(props) hash := utils.HashSha256(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", data, "WrongHash")) _, resp := Client.CreateUserWithHash(&user, hash, data) CheckInternalErrorStatus(t, resp) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "api.user.create_user.signup_link_invalid.app_error") }) t.Run("EnableUserCreationDisable", func(t *testing.T) { user := model.User{Email: GenerateTestEmail(), Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "hello1", Username: GenerateTestUsername(), Roles: model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id + " " + model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id} props := make(map[string]string) props["email"] = user.Email props["id"] = th.BasicTeam.Id props["display_name"] = th.BasicTeam.DisplayName props["name"] = th.BasicTeam.Name props["time"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", model.GetMillis()) data := model.MapToJson(props) hash := utils.HashSha256(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", data, th.App.Config().EmailSettings.InviteSalt)) th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.TeamSettings.EnableUserCreation = false }) _, resp := Client.CreateUserWithHash(&user, hash, data) CheckNotImplementedStatus(t, resp) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "api.user.create_user.signup_email_disabled.app_error") th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.TeamSettings.EnableUserCreation = true }) }) t.Run("EnableOpenServerDisable", func(t *testing.T) { user := model.User{Email: GenerateTestEmail(), Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "hello1", Username: GenerateTestUsername(), Roles: model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id + " " + model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id} props := make(map[string]string) props["email"] = user.Email props["id"] = th.BasicTeam.Id props["display_name"] = th.BasicTeam.DisplayName props["name"] = th.BasicTeam.Name props["time"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", model.GetMillis()) data := model.MapToJson(props) hash := utils.HashSha256(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", data, th.App.Config().EmailSettings.InviteSalt)) th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.TeamSettings.EnableOpenServer = false }) ruser, resp := Client.CreateUserWithHash(&user, hash, data) CheckNoError(t, resp) CheckCreatedStatus(t, resp) Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) if ruser.Nickname != user.Nickname { t.Fatal("nickname didn't match") } if ruser.Roles != model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id { t.Log(ruser.Roles) t.Fatal("did not clear roles") } CheckUserSanitization(t, ruser) }) } func TestCreateUserWithInviteId(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client AdminClient := th.SystemAdminClient t.Run("CreateWithInviteIdHappyPath", func(t *testing.T) { user := model.User{Email: GenerateTestEmail(), Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "hello1", Username: GenerateTestUsername(), Roles: model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id + " " + model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id} inviteId := th.BasicTeam.InviteId ruser, resp := Client.CreateUserWithInviteId(&user, inviteId) CheckNoError(t, resp) CheckCreatedStatus(t, resp) Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) if ruser.Nickname != user.Nickname { t.Fatal("nickname didn't match") } if ruser.Roles != model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id { t.Log(ruser.Roles) t.Fatal("did not clear roles") } CheckUserSanitization(t, ruser) }) t.Run("WrongInviteId", func(t *testing.T) { user := model.User{Email: GenerateTestEmail(), Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "hello1", Username: GenerateTestUsername(), Roles: model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id + " " + model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id} inviteId := model.NewId() _, resp := Client.CreateUserWithInviteId(&user, inviteId) CheckNotFoundStatus(t, resp) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "store.sql_team.get_by_invite_id.find.app_error") }) t.Run("NoInviteId", func(t *testing.T) { user := model.User{Email: GenerateTestEmail(), Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "hello1", Username: GenerateTestUsername(), Roles: model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id + " " + model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id} _, resp := Client.CreateUserWithInviteId(&user, "") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "api.user.create_user.missing_invite_id.app_error") }) t.Run("ExpiredInviteId", func(t *testing.T) { user := model.User{Email: GenerateTestEmail(), Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "hello1", Username: GenerateTestUsername(), Roles: model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id + " " + model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id} inviteId := th.BasicTeam.InviteId th.BasicTeam.InviteId = model.NewId() _, resp := AdminClient.UpdateTeam(th.BasicTeam) CheckNoError(t, resp) _, resp = Client.CreateUserWithInviteId(&user, inviteId) CheckNotFoundStatus(t, resp) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "store.sql_team.get_by_invite_id.find.app_error") }) t.Run("EnableUserCreationDisable", func(t *testing.T) { user := model.User{Email: GenerateTestEmail(), Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "hello1", Username: GenerateTestUsername(), Roles: model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id + " " + model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id} th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.TeamSettings.EnableUserCreation = false }) inviteId := th.BasicTeam.InviteId _, resp := Client.CreateUserWithInviteId(&user, inviteId) CheckNotImplementedStatus(t, resp) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "api.user.create_user.signup_email_disabled.app_error") th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.TeamSettings.EnableUserCreation = true }) }) t.Run("EnableOpenServerDisable", func(t *testing.T) { user := model.User{Email: GenerateTestEmail(), Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "hello1", Username: GenerateTestUsername(), Roles: model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id + " " + model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id} th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.TeamSettings.EnableOpenServer = false }) inviteId := th.BasicTeam.InviteId ruser, resp := Client.CreateUserWithInviteId(&user, inviteId) CheckNoError(t, resp) CheckCreatedStatus(t, resp) Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) if ruser.Nickname != user.Nickname { t.Fatal("nickname didn't match") } if ruser.Roles != model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id { t.Log(ruser.Roles) t.Fatal("did not clear roles") } CheckUserSanitization(t, ruser) }) } func TestGetMe(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client ruser, resp := Client.GetMe("") CheckNoError(t, resp) if ruser.Id != th.BasicUser.Id { t.Fatal("wrong user") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetMe("") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestGetUser(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client user := th.CreateUser() user.Props = map[string]string{"testpropkey": "testpropvalue"} th.App.UpdateUser(user, false) ruser, resp := Client.GetUser(user.Id, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) CheckUserSanitization(t, ruser) if ruser.Email != user.Email { t.Fatal("emails did not match") } assert.NotNil(t, ruser.Props) assert.Equal(t, ruser.Props["testpropkey"], "testpropvalue") ruser, resp = Client.GetUser(user.Id, resp.Etag) CheckEtag(t, ruser, resp) _, resp = Client.GetUser("junk", "") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.GetUser(model.NewId(), "") CheckNotFoundStatus(t, resp) // Check against privacy config settings th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.PrivacySettings.ShowEmailAddress = false }) th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.PrivacySettings.ShowFullName = false }) ruser, resp = Client.GetUser(user.Id, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if ruser.Email != "" { t.Fatal("email should be blank") } if ruser.FirstName != "" { t.Fatal("first name should be blank") } if ruser.LastName != "" { t.Fatal("last name should be blank") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetUser(user.Id, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) // System admins should ignore privacy settings ruser, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.GetUser(user.Id, resp.Etag) if ruser.Email == "" { t.Fatal("email should not be blank") } if ruser.FirstName == "" { t.Fatal("first name should not be blank") } if ruser.LastName == "" { t.Fatal("last name should not be blank") } } func TestGetUserByUsername(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client user := th.BasicUser ruser, resp := Client.GetUserByUsername(user.Username, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) CheckUserSanitization(t, ruser) if ruser.Email != user.Email { t.Fatal("emails did not match") } ruser, resp = Client.GetUserByUsername(user.Username, resp.Etag) CheckEtag(t, ruser, resp) _, resp = Client.GetUserByUsername(GenerateTestUsername(), "") CheckNotFoundStatus(t, resp) // Check against privacy config settings th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.PrivacySettings.ShowEmailAddress = false }) th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.PrivacySettings.ShowFullName = false }) ruser, resp = Client.GetUserByUsername(user.Username, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if ruser.Email != "" { t.Fatal("email should be blank") } if ruser.FirstName != "" { t.Fatal("first name should be blank") } if ruser.LastName != "" { t.Fatal("last name should be blank") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetUserByUsername(user.Username, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) // System admins should ignore privacy settings ruser, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.GetUserByUsername(user.Username, resp.Etag) if ruser.Email == "" { t.Fatal("email should not be blank") } if ruser.FirstName == "" { t.Fatal("first name should not be blank") } if ruser.LastName == "" { t.Fatal("last name should not be blank") } } func TestGetUserByEmail(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client user := th.CreateUser() ruser, resp := Client.GetUserByEmail(user.Email, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) CheckUserSanitization(t, ruser) if ruser.Email != user.Email { t.Fatal("emails did not match") } ruser, resp = Client.GetUserByEmail(user.Email, resp.Etag) CheckEtag(t, ruser, resp) _, resp = Client.GetUserByEmail(GenerateTestUsername(), "") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.GetUserByEmail(GenerateTestEmail(), "") CheckNotFoundStatus(t, resp) // Check against privacy config settings th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.PrivacySettings.ShowEmailAddress = false }) th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.PrivacySettings.ShowFullName = false }) ruser, resp = Client.GetUserByEmail(user.Email, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if ruser.Email != "" { t.Fatal("email should be blank") } if ruser.FirstName != "" { t.Fatal("first name should be blank") } if ruser.LastName != "" { t.Fatal("last name should be blank") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetUserByEmail(user.Email, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) // System admins should ignore privacy settings ruser, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.GetUserByEmail(user.Email, resp.Etag) if ruser.Email == "" { t.Fatal("email should not be blank") } if ruser.FirstName == "" { t.Fatal("first name should not be blank") } if ruser.LastName == "" { t.Fatal("last name should not be blank") } } func TestSearchUsers(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client search := &model.UserSearch{Term: th.BasicUser.Username} users, resp := Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckNoError(t, resp) if !findUserInList(th.BasicUser.Id, users) { t.Fatal("should have found user") } _, err := th.App.UpdateActiveNoLdap(th.BasicUser2.Id, false) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } search.Term = th.BasicUser2.Username search.AllowInactive = false users, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckNoError(t, resp) if findUserInList(th.BasicUser2.Id, users) { t.Fatal("should not have found user") } search.AllowInactive = true users, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckNoError(t, resp) if !findUserInList(th.BasicUser2.Id, users) { t.Fatal("should have found user") } search.Term = th.BasicUser.Username search.AllowInactive = false search.TeamId = th.BasicTeam.Id users, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckNoError(t, resp) if !findUserInList(th.BasicUser.Id, users) { t.Fatal("should have found user") } search.NotInChannelId = th.BasicChannel.Id users, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckNoError(t, resp) if findUserInList(th.BasicUser.Id, users) { t.Fatal("should not have found user") } search.TeamId = "" search.NotInChannelId = "" search.InChannelId = th.BasicChannel.Id users, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckNoError(t, resp) if !findUserInList(th.BasicUser.Id, users) { t.Fatal("should have found user") } search.InChannelId = "" search.NotInChannelId = th.BasicChannel.Id _, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) search.NotInChannelId = model.NewId() search.TeamId = model.NewId() _, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) search.NotInChannelId = "" search.TeamId = model.NewId() _, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) search.InChannelId = model.NewId() search.TeamId = "" _, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) // Test search for users not in any team search.TeamId = "" search.NotInChannelId = "" search.InChannelId = "" search.NotInTeamId = th.BasicTeam.Id users, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckNoError(t, resp) if findUserInList(th.BasicUser.Id, users) { t.Fatal("should not have found user") } oddUser := th.CreateUser() search.Term = oddUser.Username users, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckNoError(t, resp) if !findUserInList(oddUser.Id, users) { t.Fatal("should have found user") } _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.AddTeamMember(th.BasicTeam.Id, oddUser.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) users, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckNoError(t, resp) if findUserInList(oddUser.Id, users) { t.Fatal("should not have found user") } search.NotInTeamId = model.NewId() _, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) search.Term = th.BasicUser.Username th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.PrivacySettings.ShowEmailAddress = false }) th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.PrivacySettings.ShowFullName = false }) _, err = th.App.UpdateActiveNoLdap(th.BasicUser2.Id, true) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } search.InChannelId = "" search.NotInTeamId = "" search.Term = th.BasicUser2.Email users, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckNoError(t, resp) if findUserInList(th.BasicUser2.Id, users) { t.Fatal("should not have found user") } search.Term = th.BasicUser2.FirstName users, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckNoError(t, resp) if findUserInList(th.BasicUser2.Id, users) { t.Fatal("should not have found user") } search.Term = th.BasicUser2.LastName users, resp = Client.SearchUsers(search) CheckNoError(t, resp) if findUserInList(th.BasicUser2.Id, users) { t.Fatal("should not have found user") } search.Term = th.BasicUser.FirstName search.InChannelId = th.BasicChannel.Id search.NotInChannelId = th.BasicChannel.Id search.TeamId = th.BasicTeam.Id users, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.SearchUsers(search) CheckNoError(t, resp) if !findUserInList(th.BasicUser.Id, users) { t.Fatal("should have found user") } } func findUserInList(id string, users []*model.User) bool { for _, user := range users { if user.Id == id { return true } } return false } func TestAutocompleteUsers(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client teamId := th.BasicTeam.Id channelId := th.BasicChannel.Id username := th.BasicUser.Username rusers, resp := Client.AutocompleteUsersInChannel(teamId, channelId, username, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers.Users) != 1 { t.Fatal("should have returned 1 user") } rusers, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsersInChannel(teamId, channelId, "amazonses", "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers.Users) != 0 { t.Fatal("should have returned 0 users") } rusers, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsersInChannel(teamId, channelId, "", "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers.Users) < 2 { t.Fatal("should have many users") } rusers, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsersInChannel("", channelId, "", "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers.Users) < 2 { t.Fatal("should have many users") } rusers, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsersInTeam(teamId, username, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers.Users) != 1 { t.Fatal("should have returned 1 user") } rusers, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsers(username, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers.Users) != 1 { t.Fatal("should have returned 1 users") } rusers, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsers("", "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers.Users) < 2 { t.Fatal("should have returned many users") } rusers, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsersInTeam(teamId, "amazonses", "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers.Users) != 0 { t.Fatal("should have returned 0 users") } rusers, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsersInTeam(teamId, "", "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers.Users) < 2 { t.Fatal("should have many users") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsersInChannel(teamId, channelId, username, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsersInTeam(teamId, username, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsers(username, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) user := th.CreateUser() Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) _, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsersInChannel(teamId, channelId, username, "") CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsersInTeam(teamId, username, "") CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsers(username, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.AutocompleteUsersInChannel(teamId, channelId, username, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.AutocompleteUsersInTeam(teamId, username, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.AutocompleteUsers(username, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) // Check against privacy config settings th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.PrivacySettings.ShowFullName = false }) th.LoginBasic() rusers, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsers(username, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if rusers.Users[0].FirstName != "" || rusers.Users[0].LastName != "" { t.Fatal("should not show first/last name") } rusers, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsersInChannel(teamId, channelId, username, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if rusers.Users[0].FirstName != "" || rusers.Users[0].LastName != "" { t.Fatal("should not show first/last name") } rusers, resp = Client.AutocompleteUsersInTeam(teamId, username, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if rusers.Users[0].FirstName != "" || rusers.Users[0].LastName != "" { t.Fatal("should not show first/last name") } } func TestGetProfileImage(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client user := th.BasicUser data, resp := Client.GetProfileImage(user.Id, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if data == nil || len(data) == 0 { t.Fatal("Should not be empty") } _, resp = Client.GetProfileImage(user.Id, resp.Etag) if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusNotModified { t.Fatal("Shouldn't have hit etag") } _, resp = Client.GetProfileImage("junk", "") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetProfileImage(user.Id, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.GetProfileImage(user.Id, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) info := &model.FileInfo{Path: "/users/" + user.Id + "/profile.png"} if err := cleanupTestFile(info); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestGetUsersByIds(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client users, resp := Client.GetUsersByIds([]string{th.BasicUser.Id}) CheckNoError(t, resp) if users[0].Id != th.BasicUser.Id { t.Fatal("returned wrong user") } CheckUserSanitization(t, users[0]) _, resp = Client.GetUsersByIds([]string{}) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) users, resp = Client.GetUsersByIds([]string{"junk"}) CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(users) > 0 { t.Fatal("no users should be returned") } users, resp = Client.GetUsersByIds([]string{"junk", th.BasicUser.Id}) CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(users) != 1 { t.Fatal("1 user should be returned") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetUsersByIds([]string{th.BasicUser.Id}) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestGetUsersByUsernames(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client users, resp := Client.GetUsersByUsernames([]string{th.BasicUser.Username}) CheckNoError(t, resp) if users[0].Id != th.BasicUser.Id { t.Fatal("returned wrong user") } CheckUserSanitization(t, users[0]) _, resp = Client.GetUsersByIds([]string{}) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) users, resp = Client.GetUsersByUsernames([]string{"junk"}) CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(users) > 0 { t.Fatal("no users should be returned") } users, resp = Client.GetUsersByUsernames([]string{"junk", th.BasicUser.Username}) CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(users) != 1 { t.Fatal("1 user should be returned") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetUsersByUsernames([]string{th.BasicUser.Username}) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestUpdateUser(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client user := th.CreateUser() Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) user.Nickname = "Joram Wilander" user.Roles = model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id user.LastPasswordUpdate = 123 ruser, resp := Client.UpdateUser(user) CheckNoError(t, resp) CheckUserSanitization(t, ruser) if ruser.Nickname != "Joram Wilander" { t.Fatal("Nickname did not update properly") } if ruser.Roles != model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id { t.Fatal("Roles should not have updated") } if ruser.LastPasswordUpdate == 123 { t.Fatal("LastPasswordUpdate should not have updated") } ruser.Id = "junk" _, resp = Client.UpdateUser(ruser) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) ruser.Id = model.NewId() _, resp = Client.UpdateUser(ruser) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) if r, err := Client.DoApiPut("/users/"+ruser.Id, "garbage"); err == nil { t.Fatal("should have errored") } else { if r.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Log("actual: " + strconv.Itoa(r.StatusCode)) t.Log("expected: " + strconv.Itoa(http.StatusBadRequest)) t.Fatal("wrong status code") } } session, _ := th.App.GetSession(Client.AuthToken) session.IsOAuth = true app.AddSessionToCache(session) ruser.Id = user.Id ruser.Email = GenerateTestEmail() _, resp = Client.UpdateUser(ruser) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.UpdateUser(user) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) th.LoginBasic() _, resp = Client.UpdateUser(user) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.UpdateUser(user) CheckNoError(t, resp) } func TestPatchUser(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client user := th.CreateUser() Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) patch := &model.UserPatch{} patch.Nickname = model.NewString("Joram Wilander") patch.FirstName = model.NewString("Joram") patch.LastName = model.NewString("Wilander") patch.Position = new(string) patch.NotifyProps = model.StringMap{} patch.NotifyProps["comment"] = "somethingrandom" ruser, resp := Client.PatchUser(user.Id, patch) CheckNoError(t, resp) CheckUserSanitization(t, ruser) if ruser.Nickname != "Joram Wilander" { t.Fatal("Nickname did not update properly") } if ruser.FirstName != "Joram" { t.Fatal("FirstName did not update properly") } if ruser.LastName != "Wilander" { t.Fatal("LastName did not update properly") } if ruser.Position != "" { t.Fatal("Position did not update properly") } if ruser.Username != user.Username { t.Fatal("Username should not have updated") } if ruser.NotifyProps["comment"] != "somethingrandom" { t.Fatal("NotifyProps did not update properly") } patch.Username = model.NewString(th.BasicUser2.Username) _, resp = Client.PatchUser(user.Id, patch) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) patch.Username = nil _, resp = Client.PatchUser("junk", patch) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) ruser.Id = model.NewId() _, resp = Client.PatchUser(model.NewId(), patch) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) if r, err := Client.DoApiPut("/users/"+user.Id+"/patch", "garbage"); err == nil { t.Fatal("should have errored") } else { if r.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Log("actual: " + strconv.Itoa(r.StatusCode)) t.Log("expected: " + strconv.Itoa(http.StatusBadRequest)) t.Fatal("wrong status code") } } session, _ := th.App.GetSession(Client.AuthToken) session.IsOAuth = true app.AddSessionToCache(session) patch.Email = model.NewString(GenerateTestEmail()) _, resp = Client.PatchUser(user.Id, patch) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.PatchUser(user.Id, patch) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) th.LoginBasic() _, resp = Client.PatchUser(user.Id, patch) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.PatchUser(user.Id, patch) CheckNoError(t, resp) } func TestDeleteUser(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client user := th.BasicUser th.LoginBasic() testUser := th.SystemAdminUser _, resp := Client.DeleteUser(testUser.Id) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.DeleteUser(user.Id) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) Client.Login(testUser.Email, testUser.Password) user.Id = model.NewId() _, resp = Client.DeleteUser(user.Id) CheckNotFoundStatus(t, resp) user.Id = "junk" _, resp = Client.DeleteUser(user.Id) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.DeleteUser(testUser.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) } func TestUpdateUserRoles(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client SystemAdminClient := th.SystemAdminClient _, resp := Client.UpdateUserRoles(th.SystemAdminUser.Id, model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) _, resp = SystemAdminClient.UpdateUserRoles(th.BasicUser.Id, model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) _, resp = SystemAdminClient.UpdateUserRoles(th.BasicUser.Id, model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id+" "+model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) _, resp = SystemAdminClient.UpdateUserRoles(th.BasicUser.Id, "junk") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = SystemAdminClient.UpdateUserRoles("junk", model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = SystemAdminClient.UpdateUserRoles(model.NewId(), model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) } func TestUpdateUserActive(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client SystemAdminClient := th.SystemAdminClient user := th.BasicUser pass, resp := Client.UpdateUserActive(user.Id, false) CheckNoError(t, resp) if !pass { t.Fatal("should have returned true") } pass, resp = Client.UpdateUserActive(user.Id, false) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) if pass { t.Fatal("should have returned false") } th.LoginBasic2() _, resp = Client.UpdateUserActive(user.Id, true) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.UpdateUserActive(GenerateTestId(), true) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.UpdateUserActive("junk", true) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.UpdateUserActive(user.Id, true) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) _, resp = SystemAdminClient.UpdateUserActive(user.Id, true) CheckNoError(t, resp) _, resp = SystemAdminClient.UpdateUserActive(user.Id, false) CheckNoError(t, resp) } func TestGetUsers(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client rusers, resp := Client.GetUsers(0, 60, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) for _, u := range rusers { CheckUserSanitization(t, u) } rusers, resp = Client.GetUsers(0, 60, resp.Etag) CheckEtag(t, rusers, resp) rusers, resp = Client.GetUsers(0, 1, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 1 { t.Fatal("should be 1 per page") } rusers, resp = Client.GetUsers(1, 1, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 1 { t.Fatal("should be 1 per page") } rusers, resp = Client.GetUsers(10000, 100, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 0 { t.Fatal("should be no users") } // Check default params for page and per_page if _, err := Client.DoApiGet("/users", ""); err != nil { t.Fatal("should not have errored") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetUsers(0, 60, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestGetNewUsersInTeam(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client teamId := th.BasicTeam.Id rusers, resp := Client.GetNewUsersInTeam(teamId, 0, 60, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) lastCreateAt := model.GetMillis() for _, u := range rusers { if u.CreateAt > lastCreateAt { t.Fatal("bad sorting") } lastCreateAt = u.CreateAt CheckUserSanitization(t, u) } rusers, resp = Client.GetNewUsersInTeam(teamId, 1, 1, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 1 { t.Fatal("should be 1 per page") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetNewUsersInTeam(teamId, 1, 1, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestGetRecentlyActiveUsersInTeam(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client teamId := th.BasicTeam.Id th.App.SetStatusOnline(th.BasicUser.Id, "", true) rusers, resp := Client.GetRecentlyActiveUsersInTeam(teamId, 0, 60, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) for _, u := range rusers { if u.LastActivityAt == 0 { t.Fatal("did not return last activity at") } CheckUserSanitization(t, u) } rusers, resp = Client.GetRecentlyActiveUsersInTeam(teamId, 0, 1, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 1 { t.Fatal("should be 1 per page") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetRecentlyActiveUsersInTeam(teamId, 0, 1, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestGetUsersWithoutTeam(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client SystemAdminClient := th.SystemAdminClient if _, resp := Client.GetUsersWithoutTeam(0, 100, ""); resp.Error == nil { t.Fatal("should prevent non-admin user from getting users without a team") } // These usernames need to appear in the first 100 users for this to work user, resp := Client.CreateUser(&model.User{ Username: "a000000000" + model.NewId(), Email: "success+" + model.NewId() + "@simulator.amazonses.com", Password: "Password1", }) CheckNoError(t, resp) th.LinkUserToTeam(user, th.BasicTeam) defer th.App.Srv.Store.User().PermanentDelete(user.Id) user2, resp := Client.CreateUser(&model.User{ Username: "a000000001" + model.NewId(), Email: "success+" + model.NewId() + "@simulator.amazonses.com", Password: "Password1", }) CheckNoError(t, resp) defer th.App.Srv.Store.User().PermanentDelete(user2.Id) rusers, resp := SystemAdminClient.GetUsersWithoutTeam(0, 100, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) found1 := false found2 := false for _, u := range rusers { if u.Id == user.Id { found1 = true } else if u.Id == user2.Id { found2 = true } } if found1 { t.Fatal("shouldn't have returned user that has a team") } else if !found2 { t.Fatal("should've returned user that has no teams") } } func TestGetUsersInTeam(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client teamId := th.BasicTeam.Id rusers, resp := Client.GetUsersInTeam(teamId, 0, 60, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) for _, u := range rusers { CheckUserSanitization(t, u) } rusers, resp = Client.GetUsersInTeam(teamId, 0, 60, resp.Etag) CheckEtag(t, rusers, resp) rusers, resp = Client.GetUsersInTeam(teamId, 0, 1, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 1 { t.Fatal("should be 1 per page") } rusers, resp = Client.GetUsersInTeam(teamId, 1, 1, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 1 { t.Fatal("should be 1 per page") } rusers, resp = Client.GetUsersInTeam(teamId, 10000, 100, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 0 { t.Fatal("should be no users") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetUsersInTeam(teamId, 0, 60, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) user := th.CreateUser() Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) _, resp = Client.GetUsersInTeam(teamId, 0, 60, "") CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.GetUsersInTeam(teamId, 0, 60, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) } func TestGetUsersNotInTeam(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client teamId := th.BasicTeam.Id rusers, resp := Client.GetUsersNotInTeam(teamId, 0, 60, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) for _, u := range rusers { CheckUserSanitization(t, u) } rusers, resp = Client.GetUsersNotInTeam(teamId, 0, 60, resp.Etag) CheckEtag(t, rusers, resp) rusers, resp = Client.GetUsersNotInTeam(teamId, 0, 1, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 1 { t.Fatal("should be 1 per page") } rusers, resp = Client.GetUsersNotInTeam(teamId, 1, 1, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 1 { t.Fatal("should be 1 per page") } rusers, resp = Client.GetUsersNotInTeam(teamId, 10000, 100, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 0 { t.Fatal("should be no users") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetUsersNotInTeam(teamId, 0, 60, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) user := th.CreateUser() Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) _, resp = Client.GetUsersNotInTeam(teamId, 0, 60, "") CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.GetUsersNotInTeam(teamId, 0, 60, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) } func TestGetUsersInChannel(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client channelId := th.BasicChannel.Id rusers, resp := Client.GetUsersInChannel(channelId, 0, 60, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) for _, u := range rusers { CheckUserSanitization(t, u) } rusers, resp = Client.GetUsersInChannel(channelId, 0, 1, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 1 { t.Fatal("should be 1 per page") } rusers, resp = Client.GetUsersInChannel(channelId, 1, 1, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 1 { t.Fatal("should be 1 per page") } rusers, resp = Client.GetUsersInChannel(channelId, 10000, 100, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 0 { t.Fatal("should be no users") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetUsersInChannel(channelId, 0, 60, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) user := th.CreateUser() Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) _, resp = Client.GetUsersInChannel(channelId, 0, 60, "") CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.GetUsersInChannel(channelId, 0, 60, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) } func TestGetUsersNotInChannel(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client teamId := th.BasicTeam.Id channelId := th.BasicChannel.Id user := th.CreateUser() th.LinkUserToTeam(user, th.BasicTeam) rusers, resp := Client.GetUsersNotInChannel(teamId, channelId, 0, 60, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) for _, u := range rusers { CheckUserSanitization(t, u) } rusers, resp = Client.GetUsersNotInChannel(teamId, channelId, 0, 1, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 1 { t.Log(len(rusers)) t.Fatal("should be 1 per page") } rusers, resp = Client.GetUsersNotInChannel(teamId, channelId, 10000, 100, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rusers) != 0 { t.Fatal("should be no users") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetUsersNotInChannel(teamId, channelId, 0, 60, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) _, resp = Client.GetUsersNotInChannel(teamId, channelId, 0, 60, "") CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.GetUsersNotInChannel(teamId, channelId, 0, 60, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) } func TestUpdateUserMfa(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client isLicensed := utils.IsLicensed() license := utils.License() enableMfa := *th.App.Config().ServiceSettings.EnableMultifactorAuthentication defer func() { utils.SetIsLicensed(isLicensed) utils.SetLicense(license) th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableMultifactorAuthentication = enableMfa }) }() utils.SetIsLicensed(true) utils.SetLicense(&model.License{Features: &model.Features{}}) utils.License().Features.SetDefaults() *utils.License().Features.MFA = true th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableMultifactorAuthentication = true }) session, _ := th.App.GetSession(Client.AuthToken) session.IsOAuth = true app.AddSessionToCache(session) _, resp := Client.UpdateUserMfa(th.BasicUser.Id, "12345", false) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) /* team := model.Team{DisplayName: "Name", Name: "z-z-" + model.NewId() + "a", Email: "test@nowhere.com", Type: model.TEAM_OPEN} rteam, _ := Client.CreateTeam(&team) user := model.User{Email: strings.ToLower(model.NewId()) + "success+test@simulator.amazonses.com", Nickname: "Corey Hulen", Password: "passwd1"} ruser, _ := Client.CreateUser(&user) th.LinkUserToTeam(ruser, rteam) store.Must(app.Srv.Store.User().VerifyEmail(ruser.Id)) Client.Logout() _, resp := Client.UpdateUserMfa(ruser.Id, "12334", true) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) _, resp = Client.UpdateUserMfa("fail", "56789", false) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.UpdateUserMfa(ruser.Id, "", true) CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "api.context.invalid_body_param.app_error") *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableMultifactorAuthentication = true _, resp = Client.UpdateUserMfa(ruser.Id, "123456", false) CheckNotImplementedStatus(t, resp) */ } func TestCheckUserMfa(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client required, resp := Client.CheckUserMfa(th.BasicUser.Email) CheckNoError(t, resp) if required { t.Fatal("should be false - mfa not active") } _, resp = Client.CheckUserMfa("") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) Client.Logout() required, resp = Client.CheckUserMfa(th.BasicUser.Email) CheckNoError(t, resp) if required { t.Fatal("should be false - mfa not active") } isLicensed := utils.IsLicensed() license := utils.License() enableMfa := *th.App.Config().ServiceSettings.EnableMultifactorAuthentication defer func() { utils.SetIsLicensed(isLicensed) utils.SetLicense(license) th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableMultifactorAuthentication = enableMfa }) }() utils.SetIsLicensed(true) utils.SetLicense(&model.License{Features: &model.Features{}}) utils.License().Features.SetDefaults() *utils.License().Features.MFA = true th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableMultifactorAuthentication = true }) th.LoginBasic() required, resp = Client.CheckUserMfa(th.BasicUser.Email) CheckNoError(t, resp) if required { t.Fatal("should be false - mfa not active") } Client.Logout() required, resp = Client.CheckUserMfa(th.BasicUser.Email) CheckNoError(t, resp) if required { t.Fatal("should be false - mfa not active") } } func TestGenerateMfaSecret(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client _, resp := Client.GenerateMfaSecret(th.BasicUser.Id) CheckNotImplementedStatus(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.GenerateMfaSecret(th.BasicUser.Id) CheckNotImplementedStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.GenerateMfaSecret("junk") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) isLicensed := utils.IsLicensed() license := utils.License() enableMfa := *th.App.Config().ServiceSettings.EnableMultifactorAuthentication defer func() { utils.SetIsLicensed(isLicensed) utils.SetLicense(license) th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableMultifactorAuthentication = enableMfa }) }() utils.SetIsLicensed(true) utils.SetLicense(&model.License{Features: &model.Features{}}) utils.License().Features.SetDefaults() *utils.License().Features.MFA = true th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableMultifactorAuthentication = true }) _, resp = Client.GenerateMfaSecret(model.NewId()) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) session, _ := th.App.GetSession(Client.AuthToken) session.IsOAuth = true app.AddSessionToCache(session) _, resp = Client.GenerateMfaSecret(th.BasicUser.Id) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GenerateMfaSecret(th.BasicUser.Id) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestUpdateUserPassword(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client password := "newpassword1" pass, resp := Client.UpdateUserPassword(th.BasicUser.Id, th.BasicUser.Password, password) CheckNoError(t, resp) if !pass { t.Fatal("should have returned true") } _, resp = Client.UpdateUserPassword(th.BasicUser.Id, password, "") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.UpdateUserPassword(th.BasicUser.Id, password, "junk") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.UpdateUserPassword("junk", password, password) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.UpdateUserPassword(th.BasicUser.Id, "", password) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.UpdateUserPassword(th.BasicUser.Id, "junk", password) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.UpdateUserPassword(th.BasicUser.Id, password, th.BasicUser.Password) CheckNoError(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.UpdateUserPassword(th.BasicUser.Id, password, password) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) th.LoginBasic2() _, resp = Client.UpdateUserPassword(th.BasicUser.Id, password, password) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) th.LoginBasic() // Test lockout th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.MaximumLoginAttempts = 2 }) // Fail twice _, resp = Client.UpdateUserPassword(th.BasicUser.Id, "badpwd", "newpwd") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.UpdateUserPassword(th.BasicUser.Id, "badpwd", "newpwd") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) // Should fail because account is locked out _, resp = Client.UpdateUserPassword(th.BasicUser.Id, th.BasicUser.Password, "newpwd") CheckErrorMessage(t, resp, "api.user.check_user_login_attempts.too_many.app_error") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) // System admin can update another user's password adminSetPassword := "pwdsetbyadmin" pass, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.UpdateUserPassword(th.BasicUser.Id, "", adminSetPassword) CheckNoError(t, resp) if !pass { t.Fatal("should have returned true") } _, resp = Client.Login(th.BasicUser.Email, adminSetPassword) CheckNoError(t, resp) } /*func TestResetPassword(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() Client := th.Client Client.Logout() user := th.BasicUser // Delete all the messages before check the reset password utils.DeleteMailBox(user.Email) success, resp := Client.SendPasswordResetEmail(user.Email) CheckNoError(t, resp) if !success { t.Fatal("should have succeeded") } _, resp = Client.SendPasswordResetEmail("") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) // Should not leak whether the email is attached to an account or not success, resp = Client.SendPasswordResetEmail("notreal@example.com") CheckNoError(t, resp) if !success { t.Fatal("should have succeeded") } // Check if the email was send to the right email address and the recovery key match var resultsMailbox utils.JSONMessageHeaderInbucket err := utils.RetryInbucket(5, func() error { var err error resultsMailbox, err = utils.GetMailBox(user.Email) return err }) if err != nil { t.Log(err) t.Log("No email was received, maybe due load on the server. Disabling this verification") } var recoveryTokenString string if err == nil && len(resultsMailbox) > 0 { if !strings.ContainsAny(resultsMailbox[0].To[0], user.Email) { t.Fatal("Wrong To recipient") } else { if resultsEmail, err := utils.GetMessageFromMailbox(user.Email, resultsMailbox[0].ID); err == nil { loc := strings.Index(resultsEmail.Body.Text, "token=") if loc == -1 { t.Log(resultsEmail.Body.Text) t.Fatal("Code not found in email") } loc += 6 recoveryTokenString = resultsEmail.Body.Text[loc : loc+model.TOKEN_SIZE] } } } var recoveryToken *model.Token if result := <-th.App.Srv.Store.Token().GetByToken(recoveryTokenString); result.Err != nil { t.Log(recoveryTokenString) t.Fatal(result.Err) } else { recoveryToken = result.Data.(*model.Token) } _, resp = Client.ResetPassword(recoveryToken.Token, "") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.ResetPassword(recoveryToken.Token, "newp") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.ResetPassword("", "newpwd") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.ResetPassword("junk", "newpwd") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) code := "" for i := 0; i < model.TOKEN_SIZE; i++ { code += "a" } _, resp = Client.ResetPassword(code, "newpwd") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) success, resp = Client.ResetPassword(recoveryToken.Token, "newpwd") CheckNoError(t, resp) if !success { t.Fatal("should have succeeded") } Client.Login(user.Email, "newpwd") Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.ResetPassword(recoveryToken.Token, "newpwd") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) authData := model.NewId() if result := <-app.Srv.Store.User().UpdateAuthData(user.Id, "random", &authData, "", true); result.Err != nil { t.Fatal(result.Err) } _, resp = Client.SendPasswordResetEmail(user.Email) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) }*/ func TestGetSessions(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client user := th.BasicUser Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) sessions, resp := Client.GetSessions(user.Id, "") for _, session := range sessions { if session.UserId != user.Id { t.Fatal("user id does not match session user id") } } CheckNoError(t, resp) _, resp = Client.RevokeSession("junk", model.NewId()) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.GetSessions(th.BasicUser2.Id, "") CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.GetSessions(model.NewId(), "") CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetSessions(th.BasicUser2.Id, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.GetSessions(user.Id, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.GetSessions(th.BasicUser2.Id, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.GetSessions(model.NewId(), "") CheckNoError(t, resp) } func TestRevokeSessions(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client user := th.BasicUser Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) sessions, _ := Client.GetSessions(user.Id, "") if len(sessions) == 0 { t.Fatal("sessions should exist") } for _, session := range sessions { if session.UserId != user.Id { t.Fatal("user id does not match session user id") } } session := sessions[0] _, resp := Client.RevokeSession(user.Id, model.NewId()) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.RevokeSession(th.BasicUser2.Id, model.NewId()) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.RevokeSession("junk", model.NewId()) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) status, resp := Client.RevokeSession(user.Id, session.Id) if status == false { t.Fatal("user session revoke unsuccessful") } CheckNoError(t, resp) th.LoginBasic() sessions, _ = th.App.GetSessions(th.SystemAdminUser.Id) session = sessions[0] _, resp = Client.RevokeSession(user.Id, session.Id) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.RevokeSession(user.Id, model.NewId()) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.RevokeSession(user.Id, model.NewId()) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) sessions, _ = th.SystemAdminClient.GetSessions(th.SystemAdminUser.Id, "") if len(sessions) == 0 { t.Fatal("sessions should exist") } for _, session := range sessions { if session.UserId != th.SystemAdminUser.Id { t.Fatal("user id does not match session user id") } } session = sessions[0] _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.RevokeSession(th.SystemAdminUser.Id, session.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) } func TestRevokeAllSessions(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client user := th.BasicUser Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) _, resp := Client.RevokeAllSessions(th.BasicUser2.Id) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) th.InitSystemAdmin() _, resp = Client.RevokeAllSessions("junk" + user.Id) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) status, resp := Client.RevokeAllSessions(user.Id) if status == false { t.Fatal("user all sessions revoke unsuccessful") } CheckNoError(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.RevokeAllSessions(user.Id) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) Client.Login(user.Email, user.Password) sessions, _ := Client.GetSessions(user.Id, "") if len(sessions) < 1 { t.Fatal("session should exist") } _, resp = Client.RevokeAllSessions(user.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) sessions, _ = th.SystemAdminClient.GetSessions(user.Id, "") if len(sessions) != 0 { t.Fatal("no sessions should exist for user") } _, resp = Client.RevokeAllSessions(user.Id) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestAttachDeviceId(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client deviceId := model.PUSH_NOTIFY_APPLE + ":1234567890" pass, resp := Client.AttachDeviceId(deviceId) CheckNoError(t, resp) if !pass { t.Fatal("should have passed") } if sessions, err := th.App.GetSessions(th.BasicUser.Id); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else { if sessions[0].DeviceId != deviceId { t.Fatal("Missing device Id") } } _, resp = Client.AttachDeviceId("") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.AttachDeviceId("") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestGetUserAudits(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client user := th.BasicUser audits, resp := Client.GetUserAudits(user.Id, 0, 100, "") for _, audit := range audits { if audit.UserId != user.Id { t.Fatal("user id does not match audit user id") } } CheckNoError(t, resp) _, resp = Client.GetUserAudits(th.BasicUser2.Id, 0, 100, "") CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.GetUserAudits(user.Id, 0, 100, "") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.GetUserAudits(user.Id, 0, 100, "") CheckNoError(t, resp) } func TestVerifyUserEmail(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client user := model.User{Email: GenerateTestEmail(), Nickname: "Darth Vader", Password: "hello1", Username: GenerateTestUsername(), Roles: model.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN.Id + " " + model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id} ruser, resp := Client.CreateUser(&user) token, err := th.App.CreateVerifyEmailToken(ruser.Id) if err != nil { t.Fatal("Unable to create email verify token") } _, resp = Client.VerifyUserEmail(token.Token) CheckNoError(t, resp) _, resp = Client.VerifyUserEmail(GenerateTestId()) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.VerifyUserEmail("") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) } func TestSendVerificationEmail(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client pass, resp := Client.SendVerificationEmail(th.BasicUser.Email) CheckNoError(t, resp) if !pass { t.Fatal("should have passed") } _, resp = Client.SendVerificationEmail("") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) // Even non-existent emails should return 200 OK _, resp = Client.SendVerificationEmail(GenerateTestEmail()) CheckNoError(t, resp) Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.SendVerificationEmail(th.BasicUser.Email) CheckNoError(t, resp) } func TestSetProfileImage(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client user := th.BasicUser data, err := readTestFile("test.png") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ok, resp := Client.SetProfileImage(user.Id, data) if !ok { t.Fatal(resp.Error) } CheckNoError(t, resp) ok, resp = Client.SetProfileImage(model.NewId(), data) if ok { t.Fatal("Should return false, set profile image not allowed") } CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) // status code returns either forbidden or unauthorized // note: forbidden is set as default at Client4.SetProfileImage when request is terminated early by server Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.SetProfileImage(user.Id, data) if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusForbidden { CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) } else if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusUnauthorized { CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } else { t.Fatal("Should have failed either forbidden or unauthorized") } buser, err := th.App.GetUser(user.Id) require.Nil(t, err) _, resp = th.SystemAdminClient.SetProfileImage(user.Id, data) CheckNoError(t, resp) ruser, err := th.App.GetUser(user.Id) require.Nil(t, err) assert.True(t, buser.LastPictureUpdate < ruser.LastPictureUpdate, "Picture should have updated for user") info := &model.FileInfo{Path: "users/" + user.Id + "/profile.png"} if err := cleanupTestFile(info); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestSwitchAccount(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.GitLabSettings.Enable = true }) Client.Logout() sr := &model.SwitchRequest{ CurrentService: model.USER_AUTH_SERVICE_EMAIL, NewService: model.USER_AUTH_SERVICE_GITLAB, Email: th.BasicUser.Email, Password: th.BasicUser.Password, } link, resp := Client.SwitchAccountType(sr) CheckNoError(t, resp) if link == "" { t.Fatal("bad link") } th.LoginBasic() fakeAuthData := model.NewId() if result := <-th.App.Srv.Store.User().UpdateAuthData(th.BasicUser.Id, model.USER_AUTH_SERVICE_GITLAB, &fakeAuthData, th.BasicUser.Email, true); result.Err != nil { t.Fatal(result.Err) } sr = &model.SwitchRequest{ CurrentService: model.USER_AUTH_SERVICE_GITLAB, NewService: model.USER_AUTH_SERVICE_EMAIL, Email: th.BasicUser.Email, NewPassword: th.BasicUser.Password, } link, resp = Client.SwitchAccountType(sr) CheckNoError(t, resp) if link != "/login?extra=signin_change" { t.Log(link) t.Fatal("bad link") } Client.Logout() _, resp = Client.Login(th.BasicUser.Email, th.BasicUser.Password) CheckNoError(t, resp) Client.Logout() sr = &model.SwitchRequest{ CurrentService: model.USER_AUTH_SERVICE_GITLAB, NewService: model.SERVICE_GOOGLE, } _, resp = Client.SwitchAccountType(sr) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) sr = &model.SwitchRequest{ CurrentService: model.USER_AUTH_SERVICE_EMAIL, NewService: model.USER_AUTH_SERVICE_GITLAB, Password: th.BasicUser.Password, } _, resp = Client.SwitchAccountType(sr) CheckNotFoundStatus(t, resp) sr = &model.SwitchRequest{ CurrentService: model.USER_AUTH_SERVICE_EMAIL, NewService: model.USER_AUTH_SERVICE_GITLAB, Email: th.BasicUser.Email, } _, resp = Client.SwitchAccountType(sr) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) sr = &model.SwitchRequest{ CurrentService: model.USER_AUTH_SERVICE_GITLAB, NewService: model.USER_AUTH_SERVICE_EMAIL, Email: th.BasicUser.Email, NewPassword: th.BasicUser.Password, } _, resp = Client.SwitchAccountType(sr) CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestCreateUserAccessToken(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client AdminClient := th.SystemAdminClient testDescription := "test token" th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableUserAccessTokens = true }) _, resp := Client.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser.Id, testDescription) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.CreateUserAccessToken("notarealuserid", testDescription) CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser.Id, "") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) th.App.UpdateUserRoles(th.BasicUser.Id, model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id+" "+model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN.Id) th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableUserAccessTokens = false }) _, resp = Client.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser.Id, testDescription) CheckNotImplementedStatus(t, resp) th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableUserAccessTokens = true }) rtoken, resp := Client.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser.Id, testDescription) CheckNoError(t, resp) if rtoken.UserId != th.BasicUser.Id { t.Fatal("wrong user id") } else if rtoken.Token == "" { t.Fatal("token should not be empty") } else if rtoken.Id == "" { t.Fatal("id should not be empty") } else if rtoken.Description != testDescription { t.Fatal("description did not match") } else if !rtoken.IsActive { t.Fatal("token should be active") } oldSessionToken := Client.AuthToken Client.AuthToken = rtoken.Token ruser, resp := Client.GetMe("") CheckNoError(t, resp) if ruser.Id != th.BasicUser.Id { t.Fatal("returned wrong user") } Client.AuthToken = oldSessionToken _, resp = Client.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser2.Id, testDescription) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) rtoken, resp = AdminClient.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser.Id, testDescription) CheckNoError(t, resp) if rtoken.UserId != th.BasicUser.Id { t.Fatal("wrong user id") } oldSessionToken = Client.AuthToken Client.AuthToken = rtoken.Token ruser, resp = Client.GetMe("") CheckNoError(t, resp) if ruser.Id != th.BasicUser.Id { t.Fatal("returned wrong user") } Client.AuthToken = oldSessionToken session, _ := th.App.GetSession(Client.AuthToken) session.IsOAuth = true app.AddSessionToCache(session) _, resp = Client.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser.Id, testDescription) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) } func TestGetUserAccessToken(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client AdminClient := th.SystemAdminClient testDescription := "test token" th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableUserAccessTokens = true }) _, resp := Client.GetUserAccessToken("123") CheckBadRequestStatus(t, resp) _, resp = Client.GetUserAccessToken(model.NewId()) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) th.App.UpdateUserRoles(th.BasicUser.Id, model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id+" "+model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN.Id) token, resp := Client.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser.Id, testDescription) CheckNoError(t, resp) rtoken, resp := Client.GetUserAccessToken(token.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) if rtoken.UserId != th.BasicUser.Id { t.Fatal("wrong user id") } else if rtoken.Token != "" { t.Fatal("token should be blank") } else if rtoken.Id == "" { t.Fatal("id should not be empty") } else if rtoken.Description != testDescription { t.Fatal("description did not match") } _, resp = AdminClient.GetUserAccessToken(token.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) token, resp = Client.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser.Id, testDescription) CheckNoError(t, resp) rtokens, resp := Client.GetUserAccessTokensForUser(th.BasicUser.Id, 0, 100) CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rtokens) != 2 { t.Fatal("should have 2 tokens") } for _, uat := range rtokens { if uat.UserId != th.BasicUser.Id { t.Fatal("wrong user id") } } rtokens, resp = Client.GetUserAccessTokensForUser(th.BasicUser.Id, 1, 1) CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rtokens) != 1 { t.Fatal("should have 1 token") } rtokens, resp = AdminClient.GetUserAccessTokensForUser(th.BasicUser.Id, 0, 100) CheckNoError(t, resp) if len(rtokens) != 2 { t.Fatal("should have 2 tokens") } } func TestRevokeUserAccessToken(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client AdminClient := th.SystemAdminClient testDescription := "test token" th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableUserAccessTokens = true }) th.App.UpdateUserRoles(th.BasicUser.Id, model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id+" "+model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN.Id) token, resp := Client.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser.Id, testDescription) CheckNoError(t, resp) oldSessionToken := Client.AuthToken Client.AuthToken = token.Token _, resp = Client.GetMe("") CheckNoError(t, resp) Client.AuthToken = oldSessionToken ok, resp := Client.RevokeUserAccessToken(token.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) if !ok { t.Fatal("should have passed") } oldSessionToken = Client.AuthToken Client.AuthToken = token.Token _, resp = Client.GetMe("") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) Client.AuthToken = oldSessionToken token, resp = AdminClient.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser2.Id, testDescription) CheckNoError(t, resp) ok, resp = Client.RevokeUserAccessToken(token.Id) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) if ok { t.Fatal("should have failed") } } func TestDisableUserAccessToken(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client AdminClient := th.SystemAdminClient testDescription := "test token" enableUserAccessTokens := *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableUserAccessTokens defer func() { *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableUserAccessTokens = enableUserAccessTokens }() *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableUserAccessTokens = true th.App.UpdateUserRoles(th.BasicUser.Id, model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id+" "+model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN.Id) token, resp := Client.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser.Id, testDescription) CheckNoError(t, resp) oldSessionToken := Client.AuthToken Client.AuthToken = token.Token _, resp = Client.GetMe("") CheckNoError(t, resp) Client.AuthToken = oldSessionToken ok, resp := Client.DisableUserAccessToken(token.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) if !ok { t.Fatal("should have passed") } oldSessionToken = Client.AuthToken Client.AuthToken = token.Token _, resp = Client.GetMe("") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) Client.AuthToken = oldSessionToken token, resp = AdminClient.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser2.Id, testDescription) CheckNoError(t, resp) ok, resp = Client.DisableUserAccessToken(token.Id) CheckForbiddenStatus(t, resp) if ok { t.Fatal("should have failed") } } func TestEnableUserAccessToken(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client testDescription := "test token" enableUserAccessTokens := *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableUserAccessTokens defer func() { *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableUserAccessTokens = enableUserAccessTokens }() *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableUserAccessTokens = true th.App.UpdateUserRoles(th.BasicUser.Id, model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id+" "+model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN.Id) token, resp := Client.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser.Id, testDescription) CheckNoError(t, resp) oldSessionToken := Client.AuthToken Client.AuthToken = token.Token _, resp = Client.GetMe("") CheckNoError(t, resp) Client.AuthToken = oldSessionToken _, resp = Client.DisableUserAccessToken(token.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) oldSessionToken = Client.AuthToken Client.AuthToken = token.Token _, resp = Client.GetMe("") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) Client.AuthToken = oldSessionToken ok, resp := Client.EnableUserAccessToken(token.Id) CheckNoError(t, resp) if !ok { t.Fatal("should have passed") } oldSessionToken = Client.AuthToken Client.AuthToken = token.Token _, resp = Client.GetMe("") CheckNoError(t, resp) Client.AuthToken = oldSessionToken } func TestUserAccessTokenInactiveUser(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client testDescription := "test token" th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableUserAccessTokens = true }) th.App.UpdateUserRoles(th.BasicUser.Id, model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id+" "+model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN.Id) token, resp := Client.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser.Id, testDescription) CheckNoError(t, resp) Client.AuthToken = token.Token _, resp = Client.GetMe("") CheckNoError(t, resp) th.App.UpdateActive(th.BasicUser, false) _, resp = Client.GetMe("") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) } func TestUserAccessTokenDisableConfig(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic().InitSystemAdmin() defer th.TearDown() Client := th.Client testDescription := "test token" th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableUserAccessTokens = true }) th.App.UpdateUserRoles(th.BasicUser.Id, model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER.Id+" "+model.ROLE_SYSTEM_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN.Id) token, resp := Client.CreateUserAccessToken(th.BasicUser.Id, testDescription) CheckNoError(t, resp) oldSessionToken := Client.AuthToken Client.AuthToken = token.Token _, resp = Client.GetMe("") CheckNoError(t, resp) th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableUserAccessTokens = false }) _, resp = Client.GetMe("") CheckUnauthorizedStatus(t, resp) Client.AuthToken = oldSessionToken _, resp = Client.GetMe("") CheckNoError(t, resp) }