// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package app import ( "crypto/ecdsa" "fmt" "html/template" "net" "net/http" "path" "reflect" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/einterfaces" ejobs "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/einterfaces/jobs" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/jobs" tjobs "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/jobs/interfaces" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/mlog" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/model" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/plugin/pluginenv" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/store" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/store/sqlstore" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/utils" ) const ADVANCED_PERMISSIONS_MIGRATION_KEY = "AdvancedPermissionsMigrationComplete" const EMOJIS_PERMISSIONS_MIGRATION_KEY = "EmojisPermissionsMigrationComplete" type App struct { goroutineCount int32 goroutineExitSignal chan struct{} Srv *Server Log *mlog.Logger PluginEnv *pluginenv.Environment PluginConfigListenerId string IsPluginSandboxSupported bool pluginStatuses map[string]*model.PluginStatus EmailBatching *EmailBatchingJob Hubs []*Hub HubsStopCheckingForDeadlock chan bool Jobs *jobs.JobServer AccountMigration einterfaces.AccountMigrationInterface Cluster einterfaces.ClusterInterface Compliance einterfaces.ComplianceInterface DataRetention einterfaces.DataRetentionInterface Elasticsearch einterfaces.ElasticsearchInterface Ldap einterfaces.LdapInterface MessageExport einterfaces.MessageExportInterface Metrics einterfaces.MetricsInterface Mfa einterfaces.MfaInterface Saml einterfaces.SamlInterface config atomic.Value envConfig map[string]interface{} configFile string configListeners map[string]func(*model.Config, *model.Config) licenseValue atomic.Value clientLicenseValue atomic.Value licenseListeners map[string]func() timezones atomic.Value siteURL string newStore func() store.Store htmlTemplateWatcher *utils.HTMLTemplateWatcher sessionCache *utils.Cache configListenerId string licenseListenerId string logListenerId string disableConfigWatch bool configWatcher *utils.ConfigWatcher asymmetricSigningKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey pluginCommands []*PluginCommand pluginCommandsLock sync.RWMutex clientConfig map[string]string clientConfigHash string limitedClientConfig map[string]string diagnosticId string phase2PermissionsMigrationComplete bool } var appCount = 0 // New creates a new App. You must call Shutdown when you're done with it. // XXX: For now, only one at a time is allowed as some resources are still shared. func New(options ...Option) (outApp *App, outErr error) { appCount++ if appCount > 1 { panic("Only one App should exist at a time. Did you forget to call Shutdown()?") } rootRouter := mux.NewRouter() app := &App{ goroutineExitSignal: make(chan struct{}, 1), Srv: &Server{ RootRouter: rootRouter, }, sessionCache: utils.NewLru(model.SESSION_CACHE_SIZE), configFile: "config.json", configListeners: make(map[string]func(*model.Config, *model.Config)), clientConfig: make(map[string]string), licenseListeners: map[string]func(){}, } defer func() { if outErr != nil { app.Shutdown() } }() for _, option := range options { option(app) } if utils.T == nil { if err := utils.TranslationsPreInit(); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to load Mattermost translation files") } } model.AppErrorInit(utils.T) if err := app.LoadConfig(app.configFile); err != nil { return nil, err } // Initalize logging app.Log = mlog.NewLogger(utils.MloggerConfigFromLoggerConfig(&app.Config().LogSettings)) // Redirect default golang logger to this logger mlog.RedirectStdLog(app.Log) // Use this app logger as the global logger (eventually remove all instances of global logging) mlog.InitGlobalLogger(app.Log) app.logListenerId = app.AddConfigListener(func(_, after *model.Config) { app.Log.ChangeLevels(utils.MloggerConfigFromLoggerConfig(&after.LogSettings)) }) app.EnableConfigWatch() app.LoadTimezones() if err := utils.InitTranslations(app.Config().LocalizationSettings); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to load Mattermost translation files") } app.configListenerId = app.AddConfigListener(func(_, _ *model.Config) { app.configOrLicenseListener() message := model.NewWebSocketEvent(model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_CONFIG_CHANGED, "", "", "", nil) message.Add("config", app.ClientConfigWithComputed()) app.Go(func() { app.Publish(message) }) }) app.licenseListenerId = app.AddLicenseListener(func() { app.configOrLicenseListener() message := model.NewWebSocketEvent(model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_LICENSE_CHANGED, "", "", "", nil) message.Add("license", app.GetSanitizedClientLicense()) app.Go(func() { app.Publish(message) }) }) app.regenerateClientConfig() mlog.Info("Server is initializing...") app.initEnterprise() if app.newStore == nil { app.newStore = func() store.Store { return store.NewLayeredStore(sqlstore.NewSqlSupplier(app.Config().SqlSettings, app.Metrics), app.Metrics, app.Cluster) } } if htmlTemplateWatcher, err := utils.NewHTMLTemplateWatcher("templates"); err != nil { mlog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to parse server templates %v", err)) } else { app.htmlTemplateWatcher = htmlTemplateWatcher } app.Srv.Store = app.newStore() if err := app.ensureAsymmetricSigningKey(); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to ensure asymmetric signing key") } app.initJobs() subpath, err := utils.GetSubpathFromConfig(app.Config()) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse SiteURL subpath") } app.Srv.Router = app.Srv.RootRouter.PathPrefix(subpath).Subrouter() app.Srv.Router.HandleFunc("/plugins/{plugin_id:[A-Za-z0-9\\_\\-\\.]+}", app.ServePluginRequest) app.Srv.Router.HandleFunc("/plugins/{plugin_id:[A-Za-z0-9\\_\\-\\.]+}/{anything:.*}", app.ServePluginRequest) // If configured with a subpath, redirect 404s at the root back into the subpath. if subpath != "/" { app.Srv.RootRouter.NotFoundHandler = http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.URL.Path = path.Join(subpath, r.URL.Path) http.Redirect(w, r, r.URL.String(), http.StatusFound) }) } app.Srv.Router.NotFoundHandler = http.HandlerFunc(app.Handle404) app.Srv.WebSocketRouter = &WebSocketRouter{ app: app, handlers: make(map[string]webSocketHandler), } app.initBuiltInPlugins() return app, nil } func (a *App) configOrLicenseListener() { a.regenerateClientConfig() } func (a *App) Shutdown() { appCount-- mlog.Info("Stopping Server...") a.StopServer() a.HubStop() a.ShutDownPlugins() a.WaitForGoroutines() if a.Srv.Store != nil { a.Srv.Store.Close() } a.Srv = nil if a.htmlTemplateWatcher != nil { a.htmlTemplateWatcher.Close() } a.RemoveConfigListener(a.configListenerId) a.RemoveLicenseListener(a.licenseListenerId) a.RemoveConfigListener(a.logListenerId) mlog.Info("Server stopped") a.DisableConfigWatch() } var accountMigrationInterface func(*App) einterfaces.AccountMigrationInterface func RegisterAccountMigrationInterface(f func(*App) einterfaces.AccountMigrationInterface) { accountMigrationInterface = f } var clusterInterface func(*App) einterfaces.ClusterInterface func RegisterClusterInterface(f func(*App) einterfaces.ClusterInterface) { clusterInterface = f } var complianceInterface func(*App) einterfaces.ComplianceInterface func RegisterComplianceInterface(f func(*App) einterfaces.ComplianceInterface) { complianceInterface = f } var dataRetentionInterface func(*App) einterfaces.DataRetentionInterface func RegisterDataRetentionInterface(f func(*App) einterfaces.DataRetentionInterface) { dataRetentionInterface = f } var elasticsearchInterface func(*App) einterfaces.ElasticsearchInterface func RegisterElasticsearchInterface(f func(*App) einterfaces.ElasticsearchInterface) { elasticsearchInterface = f } var jobsDataRetentionJobInterface func(*App) ejobs.DataRetentionJobInterface func RegisterJobsDataRetentionJobInterface(f func(*App) ejobs.DataRetentionJobInterface) { jobsDataRetentionJobInterface = f } var jobsMessageExportJobInterface func(*App) ejobs.MessageExportJobInterface func RegisterJobsMessageExportJobInterface(f func(*App) ejobs.MessageExportJobInterface) { jobsMessageExportJobInterface = f } var jobsElasticsearchAggregatorInterface func(*App) ejobs.ElasticsearchAggregatorInterface func RegisterJobsElasticsearchAggregatorInterface(f func(*App) ejobs.ElasticsearchAggregatorInterface) { jobsElasticsearchAggregatorInterface = f } var jobsElasticsearchIndexerInterface func(*App) ejobs.ElasticsearchIndexerInterface func RegisterJobsElasticsearchIndexerInterface(f func(*App) ejobs.ElasticsearchIndexerInterface) { jobsElasticsearchIndexerInterface = f } var jobsLdapSyncInterface func(*App) ejobs.LdapSyncInterface func RegisterJobsLdapSyncInterface(f func(*App) ejobs.LdapSyncInterface) { jobsLdapSyncInterface = f } var jobsMigrationsInterface func(*App) tjobs.MigrationsJobInterface func RegisterJobsMigrationsJobInterface(f func(*App) tjobs.MigrationsJobInterface) { jobsMigrationsInterface = f } var ldapInterface func(*App) einterfaces.LdapInterface func RegisterLdapInterface(f func(*App) einterfaces.LdapInterface) { ldapInterface = f } var messageExportInterface func(*App) einterfaces.MessageExportInterface func RegisterMessageExportInterface(f func(*App) einterfaces.MessageExportInterface) { messageExportInterface = f } var metricsInterface func(*App) einterfaces.MetricsInterface func RegisterMetricsInterface(f func(*App) einterfaces.MetricsInterface) { metricsInterface = f } var mfaInterface func(*App) einterfaces.MfaInterface func RegisterMfaInterface(f func(*App) einterfaces.MfaInterface) { mfaInterface = f } var samlInterface func(*App) einterfaces.SamlInterface func RegisterSamlInterface(f func(*App) einterfaces.SamlInterface) { samlInterface = f } func (a *App) initEnterprise() { if accountMigrationInterface != nil { a.AccountMigration = accountMigrationInterface(a) } if clusterInterface != nil { a.Cluster = clusterInterface(a) } if complianceInterface != nil { a.Compliance = complianceInterface(a) } if elasticsearchInterface != nil { a.Elasticsearch = elasticsearchInterface(a) } if ldapInterface != nil { a.Ldap = ldapInterface(a) a.AddConfigListener(func(_, cfg *model.Config) { if err := utils.ValidateLdapFilter(cfg, a.Ldap); err != nil { panic(utils.T(err.Id)) } }) } if messageExportInterface != nil { a.MessageExport = messageExportInterface(a) } if metricsInterface != nil { a.Metrics = metricsInterface(a) } if mfaInterface != nil { a.Mfa = mfaInterface(a) } if samlInterface != nil { a.Saml = samlInterface(a) a.AddConfigListener(func(_, cfg *model.Config) { a.Saml.ConfigureSP() }) } if dataRetentionInterface != nil { a.DataRetention = dataRetentionInterface(a) } } func (a *App) initJobs() { a.Jobs = jobs.NewJobServer(a, a.Srv.Store) if jobsDataRetentionJobInterface != nil { a.Jobs.DataRetentionJob = jobsDataRetentionJobInterface(a) } if jobsMessageExportJobInterface != nil { a.Jobs.MessageExportJob = jobsMessageExportJobInterface(a) } if jobsElasticsearchAggregatorInterface != nil { a.Jobs.ElasticsearchAggregator = jobsElasticsearchAggregatorInterface(a) } if jobsElasticsearchIndexerInterface != nil { a.Jobs.ElasticsearchIndexer = jobsElasticsearchIndexerInterface(a) } if jobsLdapSyncInterface != nil { a.Jobs.LdapSync = jobsLdapSyncInterface(a) } if jobsMigrationsInterface != nil { a.Jobs.Migrations = jobsMigrationsInterface(a) } } func (a *App) DiagnosticId() string { return a.diagnosticId } func (a *App) SetDiagnosticId(id string) { a.diagnosticId = id } func (a *App) EnsureDiagnosticId() { if a.diagnosticId != "" { return } if result := <-a.Srv.Store.System().Get(); result.Err == nil { props := result.Data.(model.StringMap) id := props[model.SYSTEM_DIAGNOSTIC_ID] if len(id) == 0 { id = model.NewId() systemId := &model.System{Name: model.SYSTEM_DIAGNOSTIC_ID, Value: id} <-a.Srv.Store.System().Save(systemId) } a.diagnosticId = id } } // Go creates a goroutine, but maintains a record of it to ensure that execution completes before // the app is destroyed. func (a *App) Go(f func()) { atomic.AddInt32(&a.goroutineCount, 1) go func() { f() atomic.AddInt32(&a.goroutineCount, -1) select { case a.goroutineExitSignal <- struct{}{}: default: } }() } // WaitForGoroutines blocks until all goroutines created by App.Go exit. func (a *App) WaitForGoroutines() { for atomic.LoadInt32(&a.goroutineCount) != 0 { <-a.goroutineExitSignal } } func (a *App) HTMLTemplates() *template.Template { if a.htmlTemplateWatcher != nil { return a.htmlTemplateWatcher.Templates() } return nil } func (a *App) HTTPClient(trustURLs bool) *http.Client { insecure := a.Config().ServiceSettings.EnableInsecureOutgoingConnections != nil && *a.Config().ServiceSettings.EnableInsecureOutgoingConnections if trustURLs { return utils.NewHTTPClient(insecure, nil, nil) } allowHost := func(host string) bool { if a.Config().ServiceSettings.AllowedUntrustedInternalConnections == nil { return false } for _, allowed := range strings.Fields(*a.Config().ServiceSettings.AllowedUntrustedInternalConnections) { if host == allowed { return true } } return false } allowIP := func(ip net.IP) bool { if !utils.IsReservedIP(ip) { return true } if a.Config().ServiceSettings.AllowedUntrustedInternalConnections == nil { return false } for _, allowed := range strings.Fields(*a.Config().ServiceSettings.AllowedUntrustedInternalConnections) { if _, ipRange, err := net.ParseCIDR(allowed); err == nil && ipRange.Contains(ip) { return true } } return false } return utils.NewHTTPClient(insecure, allowHost, allowIP) } func (a *App) Handle404(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { err := model.NewAppError("Handle404", "api.context.404.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusNotFound) mlog.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("%v: code=404 ip=%v", r.URL.Path, utils.GetIpAddress(r))) utils.RenderWebAppError(a.Config(), w, r, err, a.AsymmetricSigningKey()) } // This function migrates the default built in roles from code/config to the database. func (a *App) DoAdvancedPermissionsMigration() { // If the migration is already marked as completed, don't do it again. if result := <-a.Srv.Store.System().GetByName(ADVANCED_PERMISSIONS_MIGRATION_KEY); result.Err == nil { return } mlog.Info("Migrating roles to database.") roles := model.MakeDefaultRoles() roles = utils.SetRolePermissionsFromConfig(roles, a.Config(), a.License() != nil) allSucceeded := true for _, role := range roles { if result := <-a.Srv.Store.Role().Save(role); result.Err != nil { // If this failed for reasons other than the role already existing, don't mark the migration as done. if result2 := <-a.Srv.Store.Role().GetByName(role.Name); result2.Err != nil { mlog.Critical("Failed to migrate role to database.") mlog.Critical(fmt.Sprint(result.Err)) allSucceeded = false } else { // If the role already existed, check it is the same and update if not. fetchedRole := result.Data.(*model.Role) if !reflect.DeepEqual(fetchedRole.Permissions, role.Permissions) || fetchedRole.DisplayName != role.DisplayName || fetchedRole.Description != role.Description || fetchedRole.SchemeManaged != role.SchemeManaged { role.Id = fetchedRole.Id if result := <-a.Srv.Store.Role().Save(role); result.Err != nil { // Role is not the same, but failed to update. mlog.Critical("Failed to migrate role to database.") mlog.Critical(fmt.Sprint(result.Err)) allSucceeded = false } } } } } if !allSucceeded { return } config := a.Config() if *config.ServiceSettings.AllowEditPost == model.ALLOW_EDIT_POST_ALWAYS { *config.ServiceSettings.PostEditTimeLimit = -1 if err := a.SaveConfig(config, true); err != nil { mlog.Error("Failed to update config in Advanced Permissions Phase 1 Migration.", mlog.String("error", err.Error())) } } system := model.System{ Name: ADVANCED_PERMISSIONS_MIGRATION_KEY, Value: "true", } if result := <-a.Srv.Store.System().Save(&system); result.Err != nil { mlog.Critical("Failed to mark advanced permissions migration as completed.") mlog.Critical(fmt.Sprint(result.Err)) } } func (a *App) SetPhase2PermissionsMigrationStatus(isComplete bool) error { if !isComplete { res := <-a.Srv.Store.System().PermanentDeleteByName(model.MIGRATION_KEY_ADVANCED_PERMISSIONS_PHASE_2) if res.Err != nil { return res.Err } } a.phase2PermissionsMigrationComplete = isComplete return nil } func (a *App) DoEmojisPermissionsMigration() { // If the migration is already marked as completed, don't do it again. if result := <-a.Srv.Store.System().GetByName(EMOJIS_PERMISSIONS_MIGRATION_KEY); result.Err == nil { return } var role *model.Role = nil var systemAdminRole *model.Role = nil var err *model.AppError = nil mlog.Info("Migrating emojis config to database.") switch *a.Config().ServiceSettings.RestrictCustomEmojiCreation { case model.RESTRICT_EMOJI_CREATION_ALL: role, err = a.GetRoleByName(model.SYSTEM_USER_ROLE_ID) if err != nil { mlog.Critical("Failed to migrate emojis creation permissions from mattermost config.") mlog.Critical(err.Error()) return } break case model.RESTRICT_EMOJI_CREATION_ADMIN: role, err = a.GetRoleByName(model.TEAM_ADMIN_ROLE_ID) if err != nil { mlog.Critical("Failed to migrate emojis creation permissions from mattermost config.") mlog.Critical(err.Error()) return } break case model.RESTRICT_EMOJI_CREATION_SYSTEM_ADMIN: role = nil break default: mlog.Critical("Failed to migrate emojis creation permissions from mattermost config.") mlog.Critical("Invalid restrict emoji creation setting") return } if role != nil { role.Permissions = append(role.Permissions, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_EMOJIS.Id) if result := <-a.Srv.Store.Role().Save(role); result.Err != nil { mlog.Critical("Failed to migrate emojis creation permissions from mattermost config.") mlog.Critical(result.Err.Error()) return } } systemAdminRole, err = a.GetRoleByName(model.SYSTEM_ADMIN_ROLE_ID) if err != nil { mlog.Critical("Failed to migrate emojis creation permissions from mattermost config.") mlog.Critical(err.Error()) return } systemAdminRole.Permissions = append(systemAdminRole.Permissions, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_EMOJIS.Id) systemAdminRole.Permissions = append(systemAdminRole.Permissions, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_OTHERS_EMOJIS.Id) if result := <-a.Srv.Store.Role().Save(systemAdminRole); result.Err != nil { mlog.Critical("Failed to migrate emojis creation permissions from mattermost config.") mlog.Critical(result.Err.Error()) return } system := model.System{ Name: EMOJIS_PERMISSIONS_MIGRATION_KEY, Value: "true", } if result := <-a.Srv.Store.System().Save(&system); result.Err != nil { mlog.Critical("Failed to mark emojis permissions migration as completed.") mlog.Critical(fmt.Sprint(result.Err)) } }