// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package app import ( "testing" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/model" ) func TestInviteProvider(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() channel := th.createChannel(th.BasicTeam, model.CHANNEL_OPEN) privateChannel := th.createChannel(th.BasicTeam, model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE) dmChannel := th.CreateDmChannel(th.BasicUser2) privateChannel2 := th.createChannelWithAnotherUser(th.BasicTeam, model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE, th.BasicUser2.Id) basicUser3 := th.CreateUser() th.LinkUserToTeam(basicUser3, th.BasicTeam) basicUser4 := th.CreateUser() InviteP := InviteProvider{} args := &model.CommandArgs{ T: func(s string, args ...interface{}) string { return s }, ChannelId: th.BasicChannel.Id, TeamId: th.BasicTeam.Id, Session: model.Session{UserId: th.BasicUser.Id, TeamMembers: []*model.TeamMember{{TeamId: th.BasicTeam.Id, Roles: model.TEAM_USER_ROLE_ID}}}, } userAndWrongChannel := "@" + th.BasicUser2.Username + " wrongchannel1" userAndChannel := "@" + th.BasicUser2.Username + " ~" + channel.Name + " " userAndDisplayChannel := "@" + th.BasicUser2.Username + " ~" + channel.DisplayName + " " userAndPrivateChannel := "@" + th.BasicUser2.Username + " ~" + privateChannel.Name userAndDMChannel := "@" + basicUser3.Username + " ~" + dmChannel.Name userAndInvalidPrivate := "@" + basicUser3.Username + " ~" + privateChannel2.Name tests := []struct { desc string expected string msg string }{ { desc: "Missing user and channel in the command", expected: "api.command_invite.missing_message.app_error", msg: "", }, { desc: "User added in the current channel", expected: "", msg: th.BasicUser2.Username, }, { desc: "Add user to another channel not the current", expected: "api.command_invite.success", msg: userAndChannel, }, { desc: "try to add a user to a direct channel", expected: "api.command_invite.directchannel.app_error", msg: userAndDMChannel, }, { desc: "Try to add a user to a invalid channel", expected: "api.command_invite.channel.error", msg: userAndWrongChannel, }, { desc: "Try to add a user to an private channel", expected: "api.command_invite.success", msg: userAndPrivateChannel, }, { desc: "Using display channel name which is different form Channel name", expected: "api.command_invite.channel.error", msg: userAndDisplayChannel, }, { desc: "Invalid user to current channel", expected: "api.command_invite.missing_user.app_error", msg: "@invalidUser123", }, { desc: "Invalid user to current channel without @", expected: "api.command_invite.missing_user.app_error", msg: "invalidUser321", }, { desc: "try to add a user which is not part of the team", expected: "api.command_invite.fail.app_error", msg: basicUser4.Username, }, { desc: "try to add a user to a direct channel", expected: "api.command_invite.directchannel.app_error", msg: userAndDMChannel, }, { desc: "try to add a user to a privante channel with no permission", expected: "api.command_invite.private_channel.app_error", msg: userAndInvalidPrivate, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) { actual := InviteP.DoCommand(th.App, args, test.msg).Text assert.Equal(t, test.expected, actual) }) } }