// Copyright (c) 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package app import ( "testing" "time" "github.com/mattermost/platform/model" "github.com/mattermost/platform/store" ) func TestHandleNewNotifications(t *testing.T) { Setup() id1 := model.NewId() id2 := model.NewId() id3 := model.NewId() // test queueing of received posts by user job := MakeEmailBatchingJob(128) job.handleNewNotifications() if len(job.pendingNotifications) != 0 { t.Fatal("shouldn't have added any pending notifications") } job.Add(&model.User{Id: id1}, &model.Post{UserId: id1, Message: "test"}, &model.Team{Name: "team"}) if len(job.pendingNotifications) != 0 { t.Fatal("shouldn't have added any pending notifications") } job.handleNewNotifications() if len(job.pendingNotifications) != 1 { t.Fatal("should have received posts for 1 user") } else if len(job.pendingNotifications[id1]) != 1 { t.Fatal("should have received 1 post for user") } job.Add(&model.User{Id: id1}, &model.Post{UserId: id1, Message: "test"}, &model.Team{Name: "team"}) job.handleNewNotifications() if len(job.pendingNotifications) != 1 { t.Fatal("should have received posts for 1 user") } else if len(job.pendingNotifications[id1]) != 2 { t.Fatal("should have received 2 posts for user1", job.pendingNotifications[id1]) } job.Add(&model.User{Id: id2}, &model.Post{UserId: id1, Message: "test"}, &model.Team{Name: "team"}) job.handleNewNotifications() if len(job.pendingNotifications) != 2 { t.Fatal("should have received posts for 2 users") } else if len(job.pendingNotifications[id1]) != 2 { t.Fatal("should have received 2 posts for user1") } else if len(job.pendingNotifications[id2]) != 1 { t.Fatal("should have received 1 post for user2") } job.Add(&model.User{Id: id2}, &model.Post{UserId: id2, Message: "test"}, &model.Team{Name: "team"}) job.Add(&model.User{Id: id1}, &model.Post{UserId: id3, Message: "test"}, &model.Team{Name: "team"}) job.Add(&model.User{Id: id3}, &model.Post{UserId: id3, Message: "test"}, &model.Team{Name: "team"}) job.Add(&model.User{Id: id2}, &model.Post{UserId: id2, Message: "test"}, &model.Team{Name: "team"}) job.handleNewNotifications() if len(job.pendingNotifications) != 3 { t.Fatal("should have received posts for 3 users") } else if len(job.pendingNotifications[id1]) != 3 { t.Fatal("should have received 3 posts for user1") } else if len(job.pendingNotifications[id2]) != 3 { t.Fatal("should have received 3 posts for user2") } else if len(job.pendingNotifications[id3]) != 1 { t.Fatal("should have received 1 post for user3") } // test ordering of received posts job = MakeEmailBatchingJob(128) job.Add(&model.User{Id: id1}, &model.Post{UserId: id1, Message: "test1"}, &model.Team{Name: "team"}) job.Add(&model.User{Id: id1}, &model.Post{UserId: id1, Message: "test2"}, &model.Team{Name: "team"}) job.Add(&model.User{Id: id2}, &model.Post{UserId: id1, Message: "test3"}, &model.Team{Name: "team"}) job.Add(&model.User{Id: id1}, &model.Post{UserId: id1, Message: "test4"}, &model.Team{Name: "team"}) job.Add(&model.User{Id: id2}, &model.Post{UserId: id1, Message: "test5"}, &model.Team{Name: "team"}) job.handleNewNotifications() if job.pendingNotifications[id1][0].post.Message != "test1" || job.pendingNotifications[id1][1].post.Message != "test2" || job.pendingNotifications[id1][2].post.Message != "test4" { t.Fatal("incorrect order of received posts for user1") } else if job.pendingNotifications[id2][0].post.Message != "test3" || job.pendingNotifications[id2][1].post.Message != "test5" { t.Fatal("incorrect order of received posts for user2") } } func TestCheckPendingNotifications(t *testing.T) { Setup() id1 := model.NewId() job := MakeEmailBatchingJob(128) job.pendingNotifications[id1] = []*batchedNotification{ { post: &model.Post{ UserId: id1, CreateAt: 10000000, }, }, } store.Must(Srv.Store.Status().SaveOrUpdate(&model.Status{ UserId: id1, LastActivityAt: 9999000, })) store.Must(Srv.Store.Preference().Save(&model.Preferences{{ UserId: id1, Category: model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_NOTIFICATIONS, Name: model.PREFERENCE_NAME_EMAIL_INTERVAL, Value: "60", }})) // test that notifications aren't sent before interval job.checkPendingNotifications(time.Unix(10001, 0), func(string, []*batchedNotification) {}) if job.pendingNotifications[id1] == nil || len(job.pendingNotifications[id1]) != 1 { t.Fatal("should'nt have sent queued post") } // test that notifications are cleared if the user has acted store.Must(Srv.Store.Status().SaveOrUpdate(&model.Status{ UserId: id1, LastActivityAt: 10001000, })) job.checkPendingNotifications(time.Unix(10002, 0), func(string, []*batchedNotification) {}) if job.pendingNotifications[id1] != nil && len(job.pendingNotifications[id1]) != 0 { t.Fatal("should've remove queued post since user acted") } // test that notifications are sent if enough time passes since the first message job.pendingNotifications[id1] = []*batchedNotification{ { post: &model.Post{ UserId: id1, CreateAt: 10060000, Message: "post1", }, }, { post: &model.Post{ UserId: id1, CreateAt: 10090000, Message: "post2", }, }, } received := make(chan *model.Post, 2) timeout := make(chan bool) job.checkPendingNotifications(time.Unix(10130, 0), func(s string, notifications []*batchedNotification) { for _, notification := range notifications { received <- notification.post } }) go func() { // start a timeout to make sure that we don't get stuck here on a failed test time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) timeout <- true }() if job.pendingNotifications[id1] != nil && len(job.pendingNotifications[id1]) != 0 { t.Fatal("should've remove queued posts when sending messages") } select { case post := <-received: if post.Message != "post1" { t.Fatal("should've received post1 first") } case _ = <-timeout: t.Fatal("timed out waiting for first post notification") } select { case post := <-received: if post.Message != "post2" { t.Fatal("should've received post2 second") } case _ = <-timeout: t.Fatal("timed out waiting for second post notification") } }