// Copyright (c) 2017 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package app import ( "bytes" _ "image/gif" "crypto/sha256" "encoding/base64" "fmt" "image" "image/color" "image/draw" "image/jpeg" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "strings" "sync" l4g "github.com/alecthomas/log4go" "github.com/mattermost/platform/model" "github.com/mattermost/platform/utils" "github.com/disintegration/imaging" s3 "github.com/minio/minio-go" "github.com/rwcarlsen/goexif/exif" _ "golang.org/x/image/bmp" ) const ( /* EXIF Image Orientations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 888888 888888 88 88 8888888888 88 88 8888888888 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 8888 8888 8888 8888 88 8888888888 8888888888 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 888888 888888 */ Upright = 1 UprightMirrored = 2 UpsideDown = 3 UpsideDownMirrored = 4 RotatedCWMirrored = 5 RotatedCCW = 6 RotatedCCWMirrored = 7 RotatedCW = 8 MaxImageSize = 6048 * 4032 // 24 megapixels, roughly 36MB as a raw image ) func ReadFile(path string) ([]byte, *model.AppError) { if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_S3 { endpoint := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Endpoint accessKey := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3AccessKeyId secretKey := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SecretAccessKey secure := *utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SSL s3Clnt, err := s3.New(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey, secure) if err != nil { return nil, model.NewLocAppError("ReadFile", "api.file.read_file.s3.app_error", nil, err.Error()) } bucket := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Bucket minioObject, err := s3Clnt.GetObject(bucket, path) defer minioObject.Close() if err != nil { return nil, model.NewLocAppError("ReadFile", "api.file.read_file.s3.app_error", nil, err.Error()) } if f, err := ioutil.ReadAll(minioObject); err != nil { return nil, model.NewLocAppError("ReadFile", "api.file.read_file.s3.app_error", nil, err.Error()) } else { return f, nil } } else if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_LOCAL { if f, err := ioutil.ReadFile(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory + path); err != nil { return nil, model.NewLocAppError("ReadFile", "api.file.read_file.reading_local.app_error", nil, err.Error()) } else { return f, nil } } else { return nil, model.NewLocAppError("ReadFile", "api.file.read_file.configured.app_error", nil, "") } } func MoveFile(oldPath, newPath string) *model.AppError { if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_S3 { endpoint := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Endpoint accessKey := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3AccessKeyId secretKey := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SecretAccessKey secure := *utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SSL s3Clnt, err := s3.New(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey, secure) if err != nil { return model.NewLocAppError("moveFile", "api.file.write_file.s3.app_error", nil, err.Error()) } bucket := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Bucket var copyConds = s3.NewCopyConditions() if err = s3Clnt.CopyObject(bucket, newPath, "/"+path.Join(bucket, oldPath), copyConds); err != nil { return model.NewLocAppError("moveFile", "api.file.move_file.delete_from_s3.app_error", nil, err.Error()) } if err = s3Clnt.RemoveObject(bucket, oldPath); err != nil { return model.NewLocAppError("moveFile", "api.file.move_file.delete_from_s3.app_error", nil, err.Error()) } } else if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_LOCAL { if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory+newPath), 0774); err != nil { return model.NewLocAppError("moveFile", "api.file.move_file.rename.app_error", nil, err.Error()) } if err := os.Rename(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory+oldPath, utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory+newPath); err != nil { return model.NewLocAppError("moveFile", "api.file.move_file.rename.app_error", nil, err.Error()) } } else { return model.NewLocAppError("moveFile", "api.file.move_file.configured.app_error", nil, "") } return nil } func WriteFile(f []byte, path string) *model.AppError { if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_S3 { endpoint := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Endpoint accessKey := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3AccessKeyId secretKey := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SecretAccessKey secure := *utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3SSL s3Clnt, err := s3.New(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey, secure) if err != nil { return model.NewLocAppError("WriteFile", "api.file.write_file.s3.app_error", nil, err.Error()) } bucket := utils.Cfg.FileSettings.AmazonS3Bucket ext := filepath.Ext(path) if model.IsFileExtImage(ext) { _, err = s3Clnt.PutObject(bucket, path, bytes.NewReader(f), model.GetImageMimeType(ext)) } else { _, err = s3Clnt.PutObject(bucket, path, bytes.NewReader(f), "binary/octet-stream") } if err != nil { return model.NewLocAppError("WriteFile", "api.file.write_file.s3.app_error", nil, err.Error()) } } else if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_LOCAL { if err := writeFileLocally(f, utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory+path); err != nil { return err } } else { return model.NewLocAppError("WriteFile", "api.file.write_file.configured.app_error", nil, "") } return nil } func writeFileLocally(f []byte, path string) *model.AppError { if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0774); err != nil { directory, _ := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(path)) return model.NewLocAppError("WriteFile", "api.file.write_file_locally.create_dir.app_error", nil, "directory="+directory+", err="+err.Error()) } if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, f, 0644); err != nil { return model.NewLocAppError("WriteFile", "api.file.write_file_locally.writing.app_error", nil, err.Error()) } return nil } func openFileWriteStream(path string) (io.Writer, *model.AppError) { if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_S3 { return nil, model.NewLocAppError("openFileWriteStream", "api.file.open_file_write_stream.s3.app_error", nil, "") } else if utils.Cfg.FileSettings.DriverName == model.IMAGE_DRIVER_LOCAL { if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory+path), 0774); err != nil { return nil, model.NewLocAppError("openFileWriteStream", "api.file.open_file_write_stream.creating_dir.app_error", nil, err.Error()) } if fileHandle, err := os.Create(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.Directory + path); err != nil { return nil, model.NewLocAppError("openFileWriteStream", "api.file.open_file_write_stream.local_server.app_error", nil, err.Error()) } else { fileHandle.Chmod(0644) return fileHandle, nil } } return nil, model.NewLocAppError("openFileWriteStream", "api.file.open_file_write_stream.configured.app_error", nil, "") } func closeFileWriteStream(file io.Writer) { file.(*os.File).Close() } func GetInfoForFilename(post *model.Post, teamId string, filename string) *model.FileInfo { // Find the path from the Filename of the form /{channelId}/{userId}/{uid}/{nameWithExtension} split := strings.SplitN(filename, "/", 5) if len(split) < 5 { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.unexpected_filename.error"), post.Id, filename) return nil } channelId := split[1] userId := split[2] oldId := split[3] name, _ := url.QueryUnescape(split[4]) if split[0] != "" || split[1] != post.ChannelId || split[2] != post.UserId || strings.Contains(split[4], "/") { l4g.Warn(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.mismatched_filename.warn"), post.Id, post.ChannelId, post.UserId, filename) } pathPrefix := fmt.Sprintf("teams/%s/channels/%s/users/%s/%s/", teamId, channelId, userId, oldId) path := pathPrefix + name // Open the file and populate the fields of the FileInfo var info *model.FileInfo if data, err := ReadFile(path); err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.file_not_found.error"), post.Id, filename, path, err) return nil } else { var err *model.AppError info, err = model.GetInfoForBytes(name, data) if err != nil { l4g.Warn(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.info.app_error"), post.Id, filename, err) } } // Generate a new ID because with the old system, you could very rarely get multiple posts referencing the same file info.Id = model.NewId() info.CreatorId = post.UserId info.PostId = post.Id info.CreateAt = post.CreateAt info.UpdateAt = post.UpdateAt info.Path = path if info.IsImage() { nameWithoutExtension := name[:strings.LastIndex(name, ".")] info.PreviewPath = pathPrefix + nameWithoutExtension + "_preview.jpg" info.ThumbnailPath = pathPrefix + nameWithoutExtension + "_thumb.jpg" } return info } func FindTeamIdForFilename(post *model.Post, filename string) string { split := strings.SplitN(filename, "/", 5) id := split[3] name, _ := url.QueryUnescape(split[4]) // This post is in a direct channel so we need to figure out what team the files are stored under. if result := <-Srv.Store.Team().GetTeamsByUserId(post.UserId); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.teams.app_error"), post.Id, result.Err) } else if teams := result.Data.([]*model.Team); len(teams) == 1 { // The user has only one team so the post must've been sent from it return teams[0].Id } else { for _, team := range teams { path := fmt.Sprintf("teams/%s/channels/%s/users/%s/%s/%s", team.Id, post.ChannelId, post.UserId, id, name) if _, err := ReadFile(path); err == nil { // Found the team that this file was posted from return team.Id } } } return "" } var fileMigrationLock sync.Mutex // Creates and stores FileInfos for a post created before the FileInfos table existed. func MigrateFilenamesToFileInfos(post *model.Post) []*model.FileInfo { if len(post.Filenames) == 0 { l4g.Warn(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.no_filenames.warn"), post.Id) return []*model.FileInfo{} } cchan := Srv.Store.Channel().Get(post.ChannelId, true) // There's a weird bug that rarely happens where a post ends up with duplicate Filenames so remove those filenames := utils.RemoveDuplicatesFromStringArray(post.Filenames) var channel *model.Channel if result := <-cchan; result.Err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.channel.app_error"), post.Id, post.ChannelId, result.Err) return []*model.FileInfo{} } else { channel = result.Data.(*model.Channel) } // Find the team that was used to make this post since its part of the file path that isn't saved in the Filename var teamId string if channel.TeamId == "" { // This post was made in a cross-team DM channel so we need to find where its files were saved teamId = FindTeamIdForFilename(post, filenames[0]) } else { teamId = channel.TeamId } // Create FileInfo objects for this post infos := make([]*model.FileInfo, 0, len(filenames)) if teamId == "" { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.team_id.error"), post.Id, filenames) } else { for _, filename := range filenames { info := GetInfoForFilename(post, teamId, filename) if info == nil { continue } infos = append(infos, info) } } // Lock to prevent only one migration thread from trying to update the post at once, preventing duplicate FileInfos from being created fileMigrationLock.Lock() defer fileMigrationLock.Unlock() if result := <-Srv.Store.Post().Get(post.Id); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.get_post_again.app_error"), post.Id, result.Err) return []*model.FileInfo{} } else if newPost := result.Data.(*model.PostList).Posts[post.Id]; len(newPost.Filenames) != len(post.Filenames) { // Another thread has already created FileInfos for this post, so just return those if result := <-Srv.Store.FileInfo().GetForPost(post.Id); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.get_post_file_infos_again.app_error"), post.Id, result.Err) return []*model.FileInfo{} } else { l4g.Debug(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.not_migrating_post.debug"), post.Id) return result.Data.([]*model.FileInfo) } } l4g.Debug(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.migrating_post.debug"), post.Id) savedInfos := make([]*model.FileInfo, 0, len(infos)) fileIds := make([]string, 0, len(filenames)) for _, info := range infos { if result := <-Srv.Store.FileInfo().Save(info); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.save_file_info.app_error"), post.Id, info.Id, info.Path, result.Err) continue } savedInfos = append(savedInfos, info) fileIds = append(fileIds, info.Id) } // Copy and save the updated post newPost := &model.Post{} *newPost = *post newPost.Filenames = []string{} newPost.FileIds = fileIds // Update Posts to clear Filenames and set FileIds if result := <-Srv.Store.Post().Update(newPost, post); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.save_post.app_error"), post.Id, newPost.FileIds, post.Filenames, result.Err) return []*model.FileInfo{} } else { return savedInfos } } func GeneratePublicLink(siteURL string, info *model.FileInfo) string { hash := GeneratePublicLinkHash(info.Id, *utils.Cfg.FileSettings.PublicLinkSalt) return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/public/files/%v/get?h=%s", siteURL, model.API_URL_SUFFIX, info.Id, hash) } func GeneratePublicLinkHash(fileId, salt string) string { hash := sha256.New() hash.Write([]byte(salt)) hash.Write([]byte(fileId)) return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil)) } func DoUploadFile(teamId string, channelId string, userId string, rawFilename string, data []byte) (*model.FileInfo, *model.AppError) { filename := filepath.Base(rawFilename) info, err := model.GetInfoForBytes(filename, data) if err != nil { err.StatusCode = http.StatusBadRequest return nil, err } info.Id = model.NewId() info.CreatorId = userId pathPrefix := "teams/" + teamId + "/channels/" + channelId + "/users/" + userId + "/" + info.Id + "/" info.Path = pathPrefix + filename if info.IsImage() { // Check dimensions before loading the whole thing into memory later on if info.Width*info.Height > MaxImageSize { err := model.NewLocAppError("uploadFile", "api.file.upload_file.large_image.app_error", map[string]interface{}{"Filename": filename}, "") err.StatusCode = http.StatusBadRequest return nil, err } nameWithoutExtension := filename[:strings.LastIndex(filename, ".")] info.PreviewPath = pathPrefix + nameWithoutExtension + "_preview.jpg" info.ThumbnailPath = pathPrefix + nameWithoutExtension + "_thumb.jpg" } if err := WriteFile(data, info.Path); err != nil { return nil, err } if result := <-Srv.Store.FileInfo().Save(info); result.Err != nil { return nil, result.Err } return info, nil } func HandleImages(previewPathList []string, thumbnailPathList []string, fileData [][]byte) { for i, data := range fileData { go func(i int, data []byte) { img, width, height := prepareImage(fileData[i]) if img != nil { go generateThumbnailImage(*img, thumbnailPathList[i], width, height) go generatePreviewImage(*img, previewPathList[i], width) } }(i, data) } } func prepareImage(fileData []byte) (*image.Image, int, int) { // Decode image bytes into Image object img, imgType, err := image.Decode(bytes.NewReader(fileData)) if err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.handle_images_forget.decode.error"), err) return nil, 0, 0 } width := img.Bounds().Dx() height := img.Bounds().Dy() // Fill in the background of a potentially-transparent png file as white if imgType == "png" { dst := image.NewRGBA(img.Bounds()) draw.Draw(dst, dst.Bounds(), image.NewUniform(color.White), image.Point{}, draw.Src) draw.Draw(dst, dst.Bounds(), img, img.Bounds().Min, draw.Over) img = dst } // Flip the image to be upright orientation, _ := getImageOrientation(fileData) switch orientation { case UprightMirrored: img = imaging.FlipH(img) case UpsideDown: img = imaging.Rotate180(img) case UpsideDownMirrored: img = imaging.FlipV(img) case RotatedCWMirrored: img = imaging.Transpose(img) case RotatedCCW: img = imaging.Rotate270(img) case RotatedCCWMirrored: img = imaging.Transverse(img) case RotatedCW: img = imaging.Rotate90(img) } return &img, width, height } func getImageOrientation(imageData []byte) (int, error) { if exifData, err := exif.Decode(bytes.NewReader(imageData)); err != nil { return Upright, err } else { if tag, err := exifData.Get("Orientation"); err != nil { return Upright, err } else { orientation, err := tag.Int(0) if err != nil { return Upright, err } else { return orientation, nil } } } } func generateThumbnailImage(img image.Image, thumbnailPath string, width int, height int) { thumbWidth := float64(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.ThumbnailWidth) thumbHeight := float64(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.ThumbnailHeight) imgWidth := float64(width) imgHeight := float64(height) var thumbnail image.Image if imgHeight < thumbHeight && imgWidth < thumbWidth { thumbnail = img } else if imgHeight/imgWidth < thumbHeight/thumbWidth { thumbnail = imaging.Resize(img, 0, utils.Cfg.FileSettings.ThumbnailHeight, imaging.Lanczos) } else { thumbnail = imaging.Resize(img, utils.Cfg.FileSettings.ThumbnailWidth, 0, imaging.Lanczos) } buf := new(bytes.Buffer) if err := jpeg.Encode(buf, thumbnail, &jpeg.Options{Quality: 90}); err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.handle_images_forget.encode_jpeg.error"), thumbnailPath, err) return } if err := WriteFile(buf.Bytes(), thumbnailPath); err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.handle_images_forget.upload_thumb.error"), thumbnailPath, err) return } } func generatePreviewImage(img image.Image, previewPath string, width int) { var preview image.Image if width > int(utils.Cfg.FileSettings.PreviewWidth) { preview = imaging.Resize(img, utils.Cfg.FileSettings.PreviewWidth, utils.Cfg.FileSettings.PreviewHeight, imaging.Lanczos) } else { preview = img } buf := new(bytes.Buffer) if err := jpeg.Encode(buf, preview, &jpeg.Options{Quality: 90}); err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.handle_images_forget.encode_preview.error"), previewPath, err) return } if err := WriteFile(buf.Bytes(), previewPath); err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.handle_images_forget.upload_preview.error"), previewPath, err) return } }