// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package app import ( "fmt" "sort" "strings" "unicode" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/mlog" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/model" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/store" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/utils" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/utils/markdown" ) const ( THREAD_ANY = "any" THREAD_ROOT = "root" ) func (a *App) SendNotifications(post *model.Post, team *model.Team, channel *model.Channel, sender *model.User, parentPostList *model.PostList) ([]string, *model.AppError) { // Do not send notifications in archived channels if channel.DeleteAt > 0 { return []string{}, nil } pchan := a.Srv.Store.User().GetAllProfilesInChannel(channel.Id, true) cmnchan := a.Srv.Store.Channel().GetAllChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannel(channel.Id, true) var fchan store.StoreChannel if len(post.FileIds) != 0 { fchan = a.Srv.Store.FileInfo().GetForPost(post.Id, true, true) } var profileMap map[string]*model.User if result := <-pchan; result.Err != nil { return nil, result.Err } else { profileMap = result.Data.(map[string]*model.User) } var channelMemberNotifyPropsMap map[string]model.StringMap if result := <-cmnchan; result.Err != nil { return nil, result.Err } else { channelMemberNotifyPropsMap = result.Data.(map[string]model.StringMap) } mentionedUserIds := make(map[string]bool) threadMentionedUserIds := make(map[string]string) allActivityPushUserIds := []string{} hereNotification := false channelNotification := false allNotification := false updateMentionChans := []store.StoreChannel{} if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT { var otherUserId string userIds := strings.Split(channel.Name, "__") if userIds[0] != userIds[1] { if userIds[0] == post.UserId { otherUserId = userIds[1] } else { otherUserId = userIds[0] } } otherUser, ok := profileMap[otherUserId] if ok { mentionedUserIds[otherUserId] = true } if post.Props["from_webhook"] == "true" { mentionedUserIds[post.UserId] = true } if post.Type != model.POST_AUTO_RESPONDER { a.Go(func() { rootId := post.Id if post.RootId != "" && post.RootId != post.Id { rootId = post.RootId } a.SendAutoResponse(channel, otherUser, rootId) }) } } else { keywords := a.GetMentionKeywordsInChannel(profileMap, post.Type != model.POST_HEADER_CHANGE && post.Type != model.POST_PURPOSE_CHANGE) m := GetExplicitMentions(post, keywords) // Add an implicit mention when a user is added to a channel // even if the user has set 'username mentions' to false in account settings. if post.Type == model.POST_ADD_TO_CHANNEL { val := post.Props[model.POST_PROPS_ADDED_USER_ID] if val != nil { uid := val.(string) m.MentionedUserIds[uid] = true } } mentionedUserIds, hereNotification, channelNotification, allNotification = m.MentionedUserIds, m.HereMentioned, m.ChannelMentioned, m.AllMentioned // get users that have comment thread mentions enabled if len(post.RootId) > 0 && parentPostList != nil { for _, threadPost := range parentPostList.Posts { profile := profileMap[threadPost.UserId] if profile != nil && (profile.NotifyProps["comments"] == THREAD_ANY || (profile.NotifyProps["comments"] == THREAD_ROOT && threadPost.Id == parentPostList.Order[0])) { if threadPost.Id == parentPostList.Order[0] { threadMentionedUserIds[threadPost.UserId] = THREAD_ROOT } else { threadMentionedUserIds[threadPost.UserId] = THREAD_ANY } if _, ok := mentionedUserIds[threadPost.UserId]; !ok { mentionedUserIds[threadPost.UserId] = false } } } } // prevent the user from mentioning themselves if post.Props["from_webhook"] != "true" { delete(mentionedUserIds, post.UserId) } if len(m.OtherPotentialMentions) > 0 && !post.IsSystemMessage() { if result := <-a.Srv.Store.User().GetProfilesByUsernames(m.OtherPotentialMentions, team.Id); result.Err == nil { outOfChannelMentions := result.Data.([]*model.User) if channel.Type != model.CHANNEL_GROUP { a.Go(func() { a.sendOutOfChannelMentions(sender, post, outOfChannelMentions) }) } } } // find which users in the channel are set up to always receive mobile notifications for _, profile := range profileMap { if (profile.NotifyProps[model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] == model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL || channelMemberNotifyPropsMap[profile.Id][model.PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP] == model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_ALL) && (post.UserId != profile.Id || post.Props["from_webhook"] == "true") && !post.IsSystemMessage() { allActivityPushUserIds = append(allActivityPushUserIds, profile.Id) } } } mentionedUsersList := make([]string, 0, len(mentionedUserIds)) for id := range mentionedUserIds { mentionedUsersList = append(mentionedUsersList, id) updateMentionChans = append(updateMentionChans, a.Srv.Store.Channel().IncrementMentionCount(post.ChannelId, id)) } var senderUsername string senderName := "" channelName := "" if post.IsSystemMessage() { senderName = utils.T("system.message.name") } else { if value, ok := post.Props["override_username"]; ok && post.Props["from_webhook"] == "true" && channel.Type != model.CHANNEL_DIRECT { senderName = value.(string) senderUsername = value.(string) } else { senderName = sender.Username senderUsername = sender.Username } } if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_GROUP { userList := []*model.User{} for _, u := range profileMap { if u.Id != sender.Id { userList = append(userList, u) } } userList = append(userList, sender) channelName = model.GetGroupDisplayNameFromUsers(userList, false) } else { channelName = channel.DisplayName } if a.Config().EmailSettings.SendEmailNotifications { for _, id := range mentionedUsersList { if profileMap[id] == nil { continue } userAllowsEmails := profileMap[id].NotifyProps[model.EMAIL_NOTIFY_PROP] != "false" if channelEmail, ok := channelMemberNotifyPropsMap[id][model.EMAIL_NOTIFY_PROP]; ok { if channelEmail != model.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_DEFAULT { userAllowsEmails = channelEmail != "false" } } // Remove the user as recipient when the user has muted the channel. if channelMuted, ok := channelMemberNotifyPropsMap[id][model.MARK_UNREAD_NOTIFY_PROP]; ok { if channelMuted == model.CHANNEL_MARK_UNREAD_MENTION { mlog.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Channel muted for user_id %v, channel_mute %v", id, channelMuted)) userAllowsEmails = false } } //If email verification is required and user email is not verified don't send email. if a.Config().EmailSettings.RequireEmailVerification && !profileMap[id].EmailVerified { mlog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Skipped sending notification email to %v, address not verified. [details: user_id=%v]", profileMap[id].Email, id)) continue } var status *model.Status var err *model.AppError if status, err = a.GetStatus(id); err != nil { status = &model.Status{ UserId: id, Status: model.STATUS_OFFLINE, Manual: false, LastActivityAt: 0, ActiveChannel: "", } } autoResponderRelated := status.Status == model.STATUS_OUT_OF_OFFICE || post.Type == model.POST_AUTO_RESPONDER if userAllowsEmails && status.Status != model.STATUS_ONLINE && profileMap[id].DeleteAt == 0 && !autoResponderRelated { a.sendNotificationEmail(post, profileMap[id], channel, team, channelName, senderName, sender) } } } T := utils.GetUserTranslations(sender.Locale) // If the channel has more than 1K users then @here is disabled if hereNotification && int64(len(profileMap)) > *a.Config().TeamSettings.MaxNotificationsPerChannel { hereNotification = false a.SendEphemeralPost( post.UserId, &model.Post{ ChannelId: post.ChannelId, Message: T("api.post.disabled_here", map[string]interface{}{"Users": *a.Config().TeamSettings.MaxNotificationsPerChannel}), CreateAt: post.CreateAt + 1, }, ) } // If the channel has more than 1K users then @channel is disabled if channelNotification && int64(len(profileMap)) > *a.Config().TeamSettings.MaxNotificationsPerChannel { a.SendEphemeralPost( post.UserId, &model.Post{ ChannelId: post.ChannelId, Message: T("api.post.disabled_channel", map[string]interface{}{"Users": *a.Config().TeamSettings.MaxNotificationsPerChannel}), CreateAt: post.CreateAt + 1, }, ) } // If the channel has more than 1K users then @all is disabled if allNotification && int64(len(profileMap)) > *a.Config().TeamSettings.MaxNotificationsPerChannel { a.SendEphemeralPost( post.UserId, &model.Post{ ChannelId: post.ChannelId, Message: T("api.post.disabled_all", map[string]interface{}{"Users": *a.Config().TeamSettings.MaxNotificationsPerChannel}), CreateAt: post.CreateAt + 1, }, ) } // Make sure all mention updates are complete to prevent race // Probably better to batch these DB updates in the future // MUST be completed before push notifications send for _, uchan := range updateMentionChans { if result := <-uchan; result.Err != nil { mlog.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to update mention count, post_id=%v channel_id=%v err=%v", post.Id, post.ChannelId, result.Err), mlog.String("post_id", post.Id)) } } sendPushNotifications := false if *a.Config().EmailSettings.SendPushNotifications { pushServer := *a.Config().EmailSettings.PushNotificationServer if license := a.License(); pushServer == model.MHPNS && (license == nil || !*license.Features.MHPNS) { mlog.Warn("api.post.send_notifications_and_forget.push_notification.mhpnsWarn FIXME: NOT FOUND IN TRANSLATIONS FILE") sendPushNotifications = false } else { sendPushNotifications = true } } if sendPushNotifications { for _, id := range mentionedUsersList { if profileMap[id] == nil { continue } var status *model.Status var err *model.AppError if status, err = a.GetStatus(id); err != nil { status = &model.Status{UserId: id, Status: model.STATUS_OFFLINE, Manual: false, LastActivityAt: 0, ActiveChannel: ""} } if ShouldSendPushNotification(profileMap[id], channelMemberNotifyPropsMap[id], true, status, post) { replyToThreadType := "" if value, ok := threadMentionedUserIds[id]; ok { replyToThreadType = value } a.sendPushNotification( post, profileMap[id], channel, channelName, sender, senderName, mentionedUserIds[id], (channelNotification || hereNotification || allNotification), replyToThreadType, ) } } for _, id := range allActivityPushUserIds { if profileMap[id] == nil { continue } if _, ok := mentionedUserIds[id]; !ok { var status *model.Status var err *model.AppError if status, err = a.GetStatus(id); err != nil { status = &model.Status{UserId: id, Status: model.STATUS_OFFLINE, Manual: false, LastActivityAt: 0, ActiveChannel: ""} } if ShouldSendPushNotification(profileMap[id], channelMemberNotifyPropsMap[id], false, status, post) { a.sendPushNotification( post, profileMap[id], channel, channelName, sender, senderName, false, false, "", ) } } } } message := model.NewWebSocketEvent(model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_POSTED, "", post.ChannelId, "", nil) message.Add("post", a.PostWithProxyAddedToImageURLs(post).ToJson()) message.Add("channel_type", channel.Type) message.Add("channel_display_name", channelName) message.Add("channel_name", channel.Name) message.Add("sender_name", senderUsername) message.Add("team_id", team.Id) if len(post.FileIds) != 0 && fchan != nil { message.Add("otherFile", "true") var infos []*model.FileInfo if result := <-fchan; result.Err != nil { mlog.Warn(fmt.Sprint("api.post.send_notifications.files.error FIXME: NOT FOUND IN TRANSLATIONS FILE", post.Id, result.Err), mlog.String("post_id", post.Id)) } else { infos = result.Data.([]*model.FileInfo) } for _, info := range infos { if info.IsImage() { message.Add("image", "true") break } } } if len(mentionedUsersList) != 0 { message.Add("mentions", model.ArrayToJson(mentionedUsersList)) } a.Publish(message) return mentionedUsersList, nil } func (a *App) sendOutOfChannelMentions(sender *model.User, post *model.Post, users []*model.User) *model.AppError { if len(users) == 0 { return nil } var usernames []string for _, user := range users { usernames = append(usernames, user.Username) } sort.Strings(usernames) var userIds []string for _, user := range users { userIds = append(userIds, user.Id) } T := utils.GetUserTranslations(sender.Locale) ephemeralPostId := model.NewId() var message string if len(users) == 1 { message = T("api.post.check_for_out_of_channel_mentions.message.one", map[string]interface{}{ "Username": usernames[0], }) } else { message = T("api.post.check_for_out_of_channel_mentions.message.multiple", map[string]interface{}{ "Usernames": strings.Join(usernames[:len(usernames)-1], ", @"), "LastUsername": usernames[len(usernames)-1], }) } props := model.StringInterface{ model.PROPS_ADD_CHANNEL_MEMBER: model.StringInterface{ "post_id": ephemeralPostId, "usernames": usernames, "user_ids": userIds, }, } a.SendEphemeralPost( post.UserId, &model.Post{ Id: ephemeralPostId, RootId: post.RootId, ChannelId: post.ChannelId, Message: message, CreateAt: post.CreateAt + 1, Props: props, }, ) return nil } type ExplicitMentions struct { // MentionedUserIds contains a key for each user mentioned by keyword. MentionedUserIds map[string]bool // OtherPotentialMentions contains a list of strings that looked like mentions, but didn't have // a corresponding keyword. OtherPotentialMentions []string // HereMentioned is true if the message contained @here. HereMentioned bool // AllMentioned is true if the message contained @all. AllMentioned bool // ChannelMentioned is true if the message contained @channel. ChannelMentioned bool } // Given a message and a map mapping mention keywords to the users who use them, returns a map of mentioned // users and a slice of potential mention users not in the channel and whether or not @here was mentioned. func GetExplicitMentions(post *model.Post, keywords map[string][]string) *ExplicitMentions { ret := &ExplicitMentions{ MentionedUserIds: make(map[string]bool), } systemMentions := map[string]bool{"@here": true, "@channel": true, "@all": true} addMentionedUsers := func(ids []string) { for _, id := range ids { ret.MentionedUserIds[id] = true } } checkForMention := func(word string) bool { isMention := false if strings.ToLower(word) == "@here" { ret.HereMentioned = true } if strings.ToLower(word) == "@channel" { ret.ChannelMentioned = true } if strings.ToLower(word) == "@all" { ret.AllMentioned = true } // Non-case-sensitive check for regular keys if ids, match := keywords[strings.ToLower(word)]; match { addMentionedUsers(ids) isMention = true } // Case-sensitive check for first name if ids, match := keywords[word]; match { addMentionedUsers(ids) isMention = true } return isMention } processText := func(text string) { for _, word := range strings.FieldsFunc(text, func(c rune) bool { // Split on any whitespace or punctuation that can't be part of an at mention or emoji pattern return !(c == ':' || c == '.' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '@' || unicode.IsLetter(c) || unicode.IsNumber(c)) }) { // skip word with format ':word:' with an assumption that it is an emoji format only if word[0] == ':' && word[len(word)-1] == ':' { continue } word = strings.TrimLeft(word, ":.-_") if checkForMention(word) { continue } foundWithoutSuffix := false wordWithoutSuffix := word for strings.LastIndexAny(wordWithoutSuffix, ".-:_") != -1 { wordWithoutSuffix = wordWithoutSuffix[0 : len(wordWithoutSuffix)-1] if checkForMention(wordWithoutSuffix) { foundWithoutSuffix = true break } } if foundWithoutSuffix { continue } if _, ok := systemMentions[word]; !ok && strings.HasPrefix(word, "@") { ret.OtherPotentialMentions = append(ret.OtherPotentialMentions, word[1:]) } else if strings.ContainsAny(word, ".-:") { // This word contains a character that may be the end of a sentence, so split further splitWords := strings.FieldsFunc(word, func(c rune) bool { return c == '.' || c == '-' || c == ':' }) for _, splitWord := range splitWords { if checkForMention(splitWord) { continue } if _, ok := systemMentions[splitWord]; !ok && strings.HasPrefix(splitWord, "@") { ret.OtherPotentialMentions = append(ret.OtherPotentialMentions, splitWord[1:]) } } } } } buf := "" mentionsEnabledFields := GetMentionsEnabledFields(post) for _, message := range mentionsEnabledFields { markdown.Inspect(message, func(node interface{}) bool { text, ok := node.(*markdown.Text) if !ok { processText(buf) buf = "" return true } buf += text.Text return false }) } processText(buf) return ret } // Given a post returns the values of the fields in which mentions are possible. // post.message, preText and text in the attachment are enabled. func GetMentionsEnabledFields(post *model.Post) model.StringArray { ret := []string{} ret = append(ret, post.Message) for _, attachment := range post.Attachments() { if len(attachment.Pretext) != 0 { ret = append(ret, attachment.Pretext) } if len(attachment.Text) != 0 { ret = append(ret, attachment.Text) } } return ret } // Given a map of user IDs to profiles, returns a list of mention // keywords for all users in the channel. func (a *App) GetMentionKeywordsInChannel(profiles map[string]*model.User, lookForSpecialMentions bool) map[string][]string { keywords := make(map[string][]string) for id, profile := range profiles { userMention := "@" + strings.ToLower(profile.Username) keywords[userMention] = append(keywords[userMention], id) if len(profile.NotifyProps["mention_keys"]) > 0 { // Add all the user's mention keys splitKeys := strings.Split(profile.NotifyProps["mention_keys"], ",") for _, k := range splitKeys { // note that these are made lower case so that we can do a case insensitive check for them key := strings.ToLower(k) keywords[key] = append(keywords[key], id) } } // If turned on, add the user's case sensitive first name if profile.NotifyProps["first_name"] == "true" { keywords[profile.FirstName] = append(keywords[profile.FirstName], profile.Id) } // Add @channel and @all to keywords if user has them turned on if lookForSpecialMentions { if int64(len(profiles)) <= *a.Config().TeamSettings.MaxNotificationsPerChannel && profile.NotifyProps["channel"] == "true" { keywords["@channel"] = append(keywords["@channel"], profile.Id) keywords["@all"] = append(keywords["@all"], profile.Id) status := GetStatusFromCache(profile.Id) if status != nil && status.Status == model.STATUS_ONLINE { keywords["@here"] = append(keywords["@here"], profile.Id) } } } } return keywords }