// Copyright (c) 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package app import ( "testing" "github.com/mattermost/platform/model" ) func TestSendNotifications(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() AddUserToChannel(th.BasicUser2, th.BasicChannel) post1, postErr := CreatePost(&model.Post{ UserId: th.BasicUser.Id, ChannelId: th.BasicChannel.Id, Message: "@" + th.BasicUser2.Username, }, th.BasicTeam.Id, true) if postErr != nil { t.Fatal(postErr) } mentions, err := SendNotifications(post1, th.BasicTeam, th.BasicChannel) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if mentions == nil { t.Log(mentions) t.Fatal("user should have been mentioned") } else if mentions[0] != th.BasicUser2.Id { t.Log(mentions) t.Fatal("user should have been mentioned") } } func TestGetExplicitMentions(t *testing.T) { id1 := model.NewId() id2 := model.NewId() // not mentioning anybody message := "this is a message" keywords := map[string][]string{} if mentions, potential, _, _, _ := GetExplicitMentions(message, keywords); len(mentions) != 0 || len(potential) != 0 { t.Fatal("shouldn't have mentioned anybody or have any potencial mentions") } // mentioning a user that doesn't exist message = "this is a message for @user" if mentions, _, _, _, _ := GetExplicitMentions(message, keywords); len(mentions) != 0 { t.Fatal("shouldn't have mentioned user that doesn't exist") } // mentioning one person keywords = map[string][]string{"@user": {id1}} if mentions, _, _, _, _ := GetExplicitMentions(message, keywords); len(mentions) != 1 || !mentions[id1] { t.Fatal("should've mentioned @user") } // mentioning one person without an @mention message = "this is a message for @user" keywords = map[string][]string{"this": {id1}} if mentions, _, _, _, _ := GetExplicitMentions(message, keywords); len(mentions) != 1 || !mentions[id1] { t.Fatal("should've mentioned this") } // mentioning multiple people with one word message = "this is a message for @user" keywords = map[string][]string{"@user": {id1, id2}} if mentions, _, _, _, _ := GetExplicitMentions(message, keywords); len(mentions) != 2 || !mentions[id1] || !mentions[id2] { t.Fatal("should've mentioned two users with @user") } // mentioning only one of multiple people keywords = map[string][]string{"@user": {id1}, "@mention": {id2}} if mentions, _, _, _, _ := GetExplicitMentions(message, keywords); len(mentions) != 1 || !mentions[id1] || mentions[id2] { t.Fatal("should've mentioned @user and not @mention") } // mentioning multiple people with multiple words message = "this is an @mention for @user" keywords = map[string][]string{"@user": {id1}, "@mention": {id2}} if mentions, _, _, _, _ := GetExplicitMentions(message, keywords); len(mentions) != 2 || !mentions[id1] || !mentions[id2] { t.Fatal("should've mentioned two users with @user and @mention") } // mentioning @channel (not a special case, but it's good to double check) message = "this is an message for @channel" keywords = map[string][]string{"@channel": {id1, id2}} if mentions, _, _, _, _ := GetExplicitMentions(message, keywords); len(mentions) != 2 || !mentions[id1] || !mentions[id2] { t.Fatal("should've mentioned two users with @channel") } // mentioning @all (not a special case, but it's good to double check) message = "this is an message for @all" keywords = map[string][]string{"@all": {id1, id2}} if mentions, _, _, _, _ := GetExplicitMentions(message, keywords); len(mentions) != 2 || !mentions[id1] || !mentions[id2] { t.Fatal("should've mentioned two users with @all") } // mentioning user.period without mentioning user (PLT-3222) message = "user.period doesn't complicate things at all by including periods in their username" keywords = map[string][]string{"user.period": {id1}, "user": {id2}} if mentions, _, _, _, _ := GetExplicitMentions(message, keywords); len(mentions) != 1 || !mentions[id1] || mentions[id2] { t.Fatal("should've mentioned user.period and not user") } // mentioning a potential out of channel user message = "this is an message for @potential and @user" keywords = map[string][]string{"@user": {id1}} if mentions, potential, _, _, _ := GetExplicitMentions(message, keywords); len(mentions) != 1 || !mentions[id1] || len(potential) != 1 { t.Fatal("should've mentioned user and have a potential not in channel") } } func TestGetExplicitMentionsAtHere(t *testing.T) { // test all the boundary cases that we know can break up terms (and those that we know won't) cases := map[string]bool{ "": false, "here": false, "@here": true, " @here ": true, "\t@here\t": true, "\n@here\n": true, // "!@here!": true, // "@@here@": true, // "#@here#": true, // "$@here$": true, // "%@here%": true, // "^@here^": true, // "&@here&": true, // "*@here*": true, "(@here(": true, ")@here)": true, // "-@here-": true, // "_@here_": true, // "=@here=": true, "+@here+": true, "[@here[": true, "{@here{": true, "]@here]": true, "}@here}": true, "\\@here\\": true, // "|@here|": true, ";@here;": true, ":@here:": true, // "'@here'": true, // "\"@here\"": true, ",@here,": true, "<@here<": true, ".@here.": true, ">@here>": true, "/@here/": true, "?@here?": true, // "`@here`": true, // "~@here~": true, } for message, shouldMention := range cases { if _, _, hereMentioned, _, _ := GetExplicitMentions(message, nil); hereMentioned && !shouldMention { t.Fatalf("shouldn't have mentioned @here with \"%v\"", message) } else if !hereMentioned && shouldMention { t.Fatalf("should've have mentioned @here with \"%v\"", message) } } // mentioning @here and someone id := model.NewId() if mentions, potential, hereMentioned, _, _ := GetExplicitMentions("@here @user @potential", map[string][]string{"@user": {id}}); !hereMentioned { t.Fatal("should've mentioned @here with \"@here @user\"") } else if len(mentions) != 1 || !mentions[id] { t.Fatal("should've mentioned @user with \"@here @user\"") } else if len(potential) > 1 { t.Fatal("should've potential mentions for @potential") } } func TestGetMentionKeywords(t *testing.T) { Setup() // user with username or custom mentions enabled user1 := &model.User{ Id: model.NewId(), FirstName: "First", Username: "User", NotifyProps: map[string]string{ "mention_keys": "User,@User,MENTION", }, } profiles := map[string]*model.User{user1.Id: user1} mentions := GetMentionKeywordsInChannel(profiles) if len(mentions) != 3 { t.Fatal("should've returned three mention keywords") } else if ids, ok := mentions["user"]; !ok || ids[0] != user1.Id { t.Fatal("should've returned mention key of user") } else if ids, ok := mentions["@user"]; !ok || ids[0] != user1.Id { t.Fatal("should've returned mention key of @user") } else if ids, ok := mentions["mention"]; !ok || ids[0] != user1.Id { t.Fatal("should've returned mention key of mention") } // user with first name mention enabled user2 := &model.User{ Id: model.NewId(), FirstName: "First", Username: "User", NotifyProps: map[string]string{ "first_name": "true", }, } profiles = map[string]*model.User{user2.Id: user2} mentions = GetMentionKeywordsInChannel(profiles) if len(mentions) != 2 { t.Fatal("should've returned two mention keyword") } else if ids, ok := mentions["First"]; !ok || ids[0] != user2.Id { t.Fatal("should've returned mention key of First") } // user with @channel/@all mentions enabled user3 := &model.User{ Id: model.NewId(), FirstName: "First", Username: "User", NotifyProps: map[string]string{ "channel": "true", }, } profiles = map[string]*model.User{user3.Id: user3} mentions = GetMentionKeywordsInChannel(profiles) if len(mentions) != 3 { t.Fatal("should've returned three mention keywords") } else if ids, ok := mentions["@channel"]; !ok || ids[0] != user3.Id { t.Fatal("should've returned mention key of @channel") } else if ids, ok := mentions["@all"]; !ok || ids[0] != user3.Id { t.Fatal("should've returned mention key of @all") } // user with all types of mentions enabled user4 := &model.User{ Id: model.NewId(), FirstName: "First", Username: "User", NotifyProps: map[string]string{ "mention_keys": "User,@User,MENTION", "first_name": "true", "channel": "true", }, } profiles = map[string]*model.User{user4.Id: user4} mentions = GetMentionKeywordsInChannel(profiles) if len(mentions) != 6 { t.Fatal("should've returned six mention keywords") } else if ids, ok := mentions["user"]; !ok || ids[0] != user4.Id { t.Fatal("should've returned mention key of user") } else if ids, ok := mentions["@user"]; !ok || ids[0] != user4.Id { t.Fatal("should've returned mention key of @user") } else if ids, ok := mentions["mention"]; !ok || ids[0] != user4.Id { t.Fatal("should've returned mention key of mention") } else if ids, ok := mentions["First"]; !ok || ids[0] != user4.Id { t.Fatal("should've returned mention key of First") } else if ids, ok := mentions["@channel"]; !ok || ids[0] != user4.Id { t.Fatal("should've returned mention key of @channel") } else if ids, ok := mentions["@all"]; !ok || ids[0] != user4.Id { t.Fatal("should've returned mention key of @all") } dup_count := func(list []string) map[string]int { duplicate_frequency := make(map[string]int) for _, item := range list { // check if the item/element exist in the duplicate_frequency map _, exist := duplicate_frequency[item] if exist { duplicate_frequency[item] += 1 // increase counter by 1 if already in the map } else { duplicate_frequency[item] = 1 // else start counting from 1 } } return duplicate_frequency } // multiple users profiles = map[string]*model.User{ user1.Id: user1, user2.Id: user2, user3.Id: user3, user4.Id: user4, } mentions = GetMentionKeywordsInChannel(profiles) if len(mentions) != 6 { t.Fatal("should've returned six mention keywords") } else if ids, ok := mentions["user"]; !ok || len(ids) != 2 || (ids[0] != user1.Id && ids[1] != user1.Id) || (ids[0] != user4.Id && ids[1] != user4.Id) { t.Fatal("should've mentioned user1 and user4 with user") } else if ids := dup_count(mentions["@user"]); len(ids) != 4 || (ids[user1.Id] != 2) || (ids[user4.Id] != 2) { t.Fatal("should've mentioned user1 and user4 with @user") } else if ids, ok := mentions["mention"]; !ok || len(ids) != 2 || (ids[0] != user1.Id && ids[1] != user1.Id) || (ids[0] != user4.Id && ids[1] != user4.Id) { t.Fatal("should've mentioned user1 and user4 with mention") } else if ids, ok := mentions["First"]; !ok || len(ids) != 2 || (ids[0] != user2.Id && ids[1] != user2.Id) || (ids[0] != user4.Id && ids[1] != user4.Id) { t.Fatal("should've mentioned user2 and user4 with mention") } else if ids, ok := mentions["@channel"]; !ok || len(ids) != 2 || (ids[0] != user3.Id && ids[1] != user3.Id) || (ids[0] != user4.Id && ids[1] != user4.Id) { t.Fatal("should've mentioned user3 and user4 with @channel") } else if ids, ok := mentions["@all"]; !ok || len(ids) != 2 || (ids[0] != user3.Id && ids[1] != user3.Id) || (ids[0] != user4.Id && ids[1] != user4.Id) { t.Fatal("should've mentioned user3 and user4 with @all") } }