// Copyright (c) 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package app import ( "regexp" l4g "github.com/alecthomas/log4go" "github.com/mattermost/platform/einterfaces" "github.com/mattermost/platform/model" "github.com/mattermost/platform/store" "github.com/mattermost/platform/utils" ) func CreatePost(post *model.Post, teamId string, triggerWebhooks bool) (*model.Post, *model.AppError) { var pchan store.StoreChannel if len(post.RootId) > 0 { pchan = Srv.Store.Post().Get(post.RootId) } // Verify the parent/child relationships are correct if pchan != nil { if presult := <-pchan; presult.Err != nil { return nil, model.NewLocAppError("createPost", "api.post.create_post.root_id.app_error", nil, "") } else { list := presult.Data.(*model.PostList) if len(list.Posts) == 0 || !list.IsChannelId(post.ChannelId) { return nil, model.NewLocAppError("createPost", "api.post.create_post.channel_root_id.app_error", nil, "") } if post.ParentId == "" { post.ParentId = post.RootId } if post.RootId != post.ParentId { parent := list.Posts[post.ParentId] if parent == nil { return nil, model.NewLocAppError("createPost", "api.post.create_post.parent_id.app_error", nil, "") } } } } post.Hashtags, _ = model.ParseHashtags(post.Message) var rpost *model.Post if result := <-Srv.Store.Post().Save(post); result.Err != nil { return nil, result.Err } else { rpost = result.Data.(*model.Post) } if einterfaces.GetMetricsInterface() != nil { einterfaces.GetMetricsInterface().IncrementPostCreate() } if len(post.FileIds) > 0 { // There's a rare bug where the client sends up duplicate FileIds so protect against that post.FileIds = utils.RemoveDuplicatesFromStringArray(post.FileIds) for _, fileId := range post.FileIds { if result := <-Srv.Store.FileInfo().AttachToPost(fileId, post.Id); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("api.post.create_post.attach_files.error"), post.Id, post.FileIds, post.UserId, result.Err) } } if einterfaces.GetMetricsInterface() != nil { einterfaces.GetMetricsInterface().IncrementPostFileAttachment(len(post.FileIds)) } } InvalidateCacheForChannel(rpost.ChannelId) InvalidateCacheForChannelPosts(rpost.ChannelId) if err := handlePostEvents(rpost, teamId, triggerWebhooks); err != nil { return nil, err } return rpost, nil } func handlePostEvents(post *model.Post, teamId string, triggerWebhooks bool) *model.AppError { tchan := Srv.Store.Team().Get(teamId) cchan := Srv.Store.Channel().Get(post.ChannelId, true) uchan := Srv.Store.User().Get(post.UserId) var team *model.Team if result := <-tchan; result.Err != nil { return result.Err } else { team = result.Data.(*model.Team) } var channel *model.Channel if result := <-cchan; result.Err != nil { return result.Err } else { channel = result.Data.(*model.Channel) } if _, err := SendNotifications(post, team, channel); err != nil { return err } var user *model.User if result := <-uchan; result.Err != nil { return result.Err } else { user = result.Data.(*model.User) } if triggerWebhooks { go func() { if err := handleWebhookEvents(post, team, channel, user); err != nil { l4g.Error(err.Error()) } }() } if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT { go func() { if err := MakeDirectChannelVisible(post.ChannelId); err != nil { l4g.Error(err.Error()) } }() } return nil } var linkWithTextRegex *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`<([^<\|]+)\|([^>]+)>`) // This method only parses and processes the attachments, // all else should be set in the post which is passed func parseSlackAttachment(post *model.Post, attachments interface{}) { post.Type = model.POST_SLACK_ATTACHMENT if list, success := attachments.([]interface{}); success { for i, aInt := range list { attachment := aInt.(map[string]interface{}) if aText, ok := attachment["text"].(string); ok { aText = linkWithTextRegex.ReplaceAllString(aText, "[${2}](${1})") attachment["text"] = aText list[i] = attachment } if aText, ok := attachment["pretext"].(string); ok { aText = linkWithTextRegex.ReplaceAllString(aText, "[${2}](${1})") attachment["pretext"] = aText list[i] = attachment } if fVal, ok := attachment["fields"]; ok { if fields, ok := fVal.([]interface{}); ok { // parse attachment field links into Markdown format for j, fInt := range fields { field := fInt.(map[string]interface{}) if fValue, ok := field["value"].(string); ok { fValue = linkWithTextRegex.ReplaceAllString(fValue, "[${2}](${1})") field["value"] = fValue fields[j] = field } } attachment["fields"] = fields list[i] = attachment } } } post.AddProp("attachments", list) } } func parseSlackLinksToMarkdown(text string) string { return linkWithTextRegex.ReplaceAllString(text, "[${2}](${1})") } func SendEphemeralPost(teamId, userId string, post *model.Post) *model.Post { post.Type = model.POST_EPHEMERAL // fill in fields which haven't been specified which have sensible defaults if post.Id == "" { post.Id = model.NewId() } if post.CreateAt == 0 { post.CreateAt = model.GetMillis() } if post.Props == nil { post.Props = model.StringInterface{} } message := model.NewWebSocketEvent(model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_EPHEMERAL_MESSAGE, "", post.ChannelId, userId, nil) message.Add("post", post.ToJson()) go Publish(message) return post }