// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package app import ( "os" "strings" "testing" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" "github.com/mattermost/platform/model" ) func TestSlackConvertTimeStamp(t *testing.T) { assert.EqualValues(t, SlackConvertTimeStamp("1469785419.000033"), 1469785419000) } func TestSlackConvertChannelName(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []struct { nameInput string idInput string output string }{ {"test-channel", "C0G08DLQH", "test-channel"}, {"_test_channel_", "C0G04DLQH", "test_channel"}, {"__test", "C0G07DLQH", "test"}, {"-t", "C0G06DLQH", "slack-channel-t"}, {"a", "C0G05DLQH", "slack-channel-a"}, {"случайный", "C0G05DLQD", "c0g05dlqd"}, } { assert.Equal(t, SlackConvertChannelName(tc.nameInput, tc.idInput), tc.output, "nameInput = %v", tc.nameInput) } } func TestSlackConvertUserMentions(t *testing.T) { users := []SlackUser{ {Id: "U00000A0A", Username: "firstuser"}, {Id: "U00000B1B", Username: "seconduser"}, } posts := map[string][]SlackPost{ "test-channel": { { Text: ": Hi guys.", }, { Text: "Calling .", }, { Text: "Yo .", }, { Text: "Regular user test <@U00000B1B|seconduser> and <@U00000A0A>.", }, }, } expectedPosts := map[string][]SlackPost{ "test-channel": { { Text: "@channel: Hi guys.", }, { Text: "Calling @here.", }, { Text: "Yo @all.", }, { Text: "Regular user test @seconduser and @firstuser.", }, }, } assert.Equal(t, expectedPosts, SlackConvertUserMentions(users, posts)) } func TestSlackConvertChannelMentions(t *testing.T) { channels := []SlackChannel{ {Id: "C000AA00A", Name: "one"}, {Id: "C000BB11B", Name: "two"}, } posts := map[string][]SlackPost{ "test-channel": { { Text: "Go to <#C000AA00A>.", }, { User: "U00000A0A", Text: "Try <#C000BB11B|two> for this.", }, }, } expectedPosts := map[string][]SlackPost{ "test-channel": { { Text: "Go to ~one.", }, { User: "U00000A0A", Text: "Try ~two for this.", }, }, } assert.Equal(t, expectedPosts, SlackConvertChannelMentions(channels, posts)) } func TestSlackParseChannels(t *testing.T) { file, err := os.Open("../tests/slack-import-test-channels.json") require.NoError(t, err) defer file.Close() channels, err := SlackParseChannels(file) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, 6, len(channels)) } func TestSlackParseUsers(t *testing.T) { file, err := os.Open("../tests/slack-import-test-users.json") require.NoError(t, err) defer file.Close() users, err := SlackParseUsers(file) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, 11, len(users)) } func TestSlackParsePosts(t *testing.T) { file, err := os.Open("../tests/slack-import-test-posts.json") require.NoError(t, err) defer file.Close() posts, err := SlackParsePosts(file) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, 8, len(posts)) } func TestSlackSanitiseChannelProperties(t *testing.T) { c1 := model.Channel{ DisplayName: "display-name", Name: "name", Purpose: "The channel purpose", Header: "The channel header", } c1s := SlackSanitiseChannelProperties(c1) assert.Equal(t, c1, c1s) c2 := model.Channel{ DisplayName: strings.Repeat("abcdefghij", 7), Name: strings.Repeat("abcdefghij", 7), Purpose: strings.Repeat("0123456789", 30), Header: strings.Repeat("0123456789", 120), } c2s := SlackSanitiseChannelProperties(c2) assert.Equal(t, model.Channel{ DisplayName: strings.Repeat("abcdefghij", 6) + "abcd", Name: strings.Repeat("abcdefghij", 6) + "abcd", Purpose: strings.Repeat("0123456789", 25), Header: strings.Repeat("0123456789", 102) + "0123", }, c2s) } func TestSlackConvertPostsMarkup(t *testing.T) { input := make(map[string][]SlackPost) input["test"] = []SlackPost{ { Text: "This message contains a link to .", }, { Text: "This message contains a mailto link to in it.", }, { Text: "This message contains a *bold* word.", }, { Text: "This is not a * bold * word.", }, { Text: `There is *no bold word in this*.`, }, { Text: "*This* is not a*bold* word.*This* is a bold word, *and* this; *and* this too.", }, { Text: "This message contains a ~strikethrough~ word.", }, { Text: "This is not a ~ strikethrough ~ word.", }, { Text: `There is ~no strikethrough word in this~.`, }, { Text: "~This~ is not a~strikethrough~ word.~This~ is a strikethrough word, ~and~ this; ~and~ this too.", }, { Text: `This message contains multiple paragraphs blockquotes >>>first second third`, }, { Text: `This message contains single paragraph blockquotes >something >another thing`, }, { Text: "This message has no > block quote", }, } expectedOutput := make(map[string][]SlackPost) expectedOutput["test"] = []SlackPost{ { Text: "This message contains a link to [Google](https://google.com).", }, { Text: "This message contains a mailto link to [me@example.com](mailto:me@example.com) in it.", }, { Text: "This message contains a **bold** word.", }, { Text: "This is not a * bold * word.", }, { Text: `There is *no bold word in this*.`, }, { Text: "**This** is not a*bold* word.**This** is a bold word, **and** this; **and** this too.", }, { Text: "This message contains a ~~strikethrough~~ word.", }, { Text: "This is not a ~ strikethrough ~ word.", }, { Text: `There is ~no strikethrough word in this~.`, }, { Text: "~~This~~ is not a~strikethrough~ word.~~This~~ is a strikethrough word, ~~and~~ this; ~~and~~ this too.", }, { Text: `This message contains multiple paragraphs blockquotes >first >second >third`, }, { Text: `This message contains single paragraph blockquotes >something >another thing`, }, { Text: "This message has no > block quote", }, } assert.Equal(t, expectedOutput, SlackConvertPostsMarkup(input)) }