// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package app import ( "strings" "testing" "fmt" "sync/atomic" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/model" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/store" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/store/storetest" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/utils" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" ) func TestCreateTeam(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() id := model.NewId() team := &model.Team{ DisplayName: "dn_" + id, Name: "name" + id, Email: "success+" + id + "@simulator.amazonses.com", Type: model.TEAM_OPEN, } if _, err := th.App.CreateTeam(team); err != nil { t.Log(err) t.Fatal("Should create a new team") } if _, err := th.App.CreateTeam(th.BasicTeam); err == nil { t.Fatal("Should not create a new team - team already exist") } } func TestCreateTeamWithUser(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() id := model.NewId() team := &model.Team{ DisplayName: "dn_" + id, Name: "name" + id, Email: "success+" + id + "@simulator.amazonses.com", Type: model.TEAM_OPEN, } if _, err := th.App.CreateTeamWithUser(team, th.BasicUser.Id); err != nil { t.Log(err) t.Fatal("Should create a new team with existing user") } if _, err := th.App.CreateTeamWithUser(team, model.NewId()); err == nil { t.Fatal("Should not create a new team - user does not exist") } user := model.User{Email: strings.ToLower(model.NewId()) + "success+test", Nickname: "Darth Vader", Username: "vader" + model.NewId(), Password: "passwd1", AuthService: ""} ruser, _ := th.App.CreateUser(&user) id = model.NewId() team2 := &model.Team{ DisplayName: "dn_" + id, Name: "name" + id, Email: "success2+" + id + "@simulator.amazonses.com", Type: model.TEAM_OPEN, } //Fail to create a team with user when user has set email without domain if _, err := th.App.CreateTeamWithUser(team2, ruser.Id); err == nil { t.Log(err.Message) t.Fatal("Should not create a team with user when user has set email without domain") } else { if err.Id != "model.team.is_valid.email.app_error" { t.Log(err) t.Fatal("Invalid error message") } } } func TestUpdateTeam(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() th.BasicTeam.DisplayName = "Testing 123" if updatedTeam, err := th.App.UpdateTeam(th.BasicTeam); err != nil { t.Log(err) t.Fatal("Should update the team") } else { if updatedTeam.DisplayName != "Testing 123" { t.Fatal("Wrong Team DisplayName") } } } func TestAddUserToTeam(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() user := model.User{Email: strings.ToLower(model.NewId()) + "success+test@example.com", Nickname: "Darth Vader", Username: "vader" + model.NewId(), Password: "passwd1", AuthService: ""} ruser, _ := th.App.CreateUser(&user) if _, err := th.App.AddUserToTeam(th.BasicTeam.Id, ruser.Id, ""); err != nil { t.Log(err) t.Fatal("Should add user to the team") } } func TestAddUserToTeamByTeamId(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() user := model.User{Email: strings.ToLower(model.NewId()) + "success+test@example.com", Nickname: "Darth Vader", Username: "vader" + model.NewId(), Password: "passwd1", AuthService: ""} ruser, _ := th.App.CreateUser(&user) if err := th.App.AddUserToTeamByTeamId(th.BasicTeam.Id, ruser); err != nil { t.Log(err) t.Fatal("Should add user to the team") } } func TestPermanentDeleteTeam(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() team, err := th.App.CreateTeam(&model.Team{ DisplayName: "deletion-test", Name: "deletion-test", Email: "foo@foo.com", Type: model.TEAM_OPEN, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } defer func() { th.App.PermanentDeleteTeam(team) }() command, err := th.App.CreateCommand(&model.Command{ CreatorId: th.BasicUser.Id, TeamId: team.Id, Trigger: "foo", URL: "http://foo", Method: model.COMMAND_METHOD_POST, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } defer th.App.DeleteCommand(command.Id) if command, err = th.App.GetCommand(command.Id); command == nil || err != nil { t.Fatal("unable to get new command") } if err := th.App.PermanentDeleteTeam(team); err != nil { t.Fatal(err.Error()) } if command, err = th.App.GetCommand(command.Id); command != nil || err == nil { t.Fatal("command wasn't deleted") } // Test deleting a team with no channels. team = th.CreateTeam() defer func() { th.App.PermanentDeleteTeam(team) }() if channels, err := th.App.GetPublicChannelsForTeam(team.Id, 0, 1000); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else { for _, channel := range *channels { if err2 := th.App.PermanentDeleteChannel(channel); err2 != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } } if err := th.App.PermanentDeleteTeam(team); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestSanitizeTeam(t *testing.T) { th := Setup() defer th.TearDown() team := &model.Team{ Id: model.NewId(), Email: th.MakeEmail(), AllowedDomains: "example.com", } copyTeam := func() *model.Team { copy := &model.Team{} *copy = *team return copy } t.Run("not a user of the team", func(t *testing.T) { userId := model.NewId() session := model.Session{ Roles: model.SYSTEM_USER_ROLE_ID, TeamMembers: []*model.TeamMember{ { UserId: userId, TeamId: model.NewId(), Roles: model.TEAM_USER_ROLE_ID, }, }, } sanitized := th.App.SanitizeTeam(session, copyTeam()) if sanitized.Email != "" && sanitized.AllowedDomains != "" { t.Fatal("should've sanitized team") } }) t.Run("user of the team", func(t *testing.T) { userId := model.NewId() session := model.Session{ Roles: model.SYSTEM_USER_ROLE_ID, TeamMembers: []*model.TeamMember{ { UserId: userId, TeamId: team.Id, Roles: model.TEAM_USER_ROLE_ID, }, }, } sanitized := th.App.SanitizeTeam(session, copyTeam()) if sanitized.Email != "" && sanitized.AllowedDomains != "" { t.Fatal("should've sanitized team") } }) t.Run("team admin", func(t *testing.T) { userId := model.NewId() session := model.Session{ Roles: model.SYSTEM_USER_ROLE_ID, TeamMembers: []*model.TeamMember{ { UserId: userId, TeamId: team.Id, Roles: model.TEAM_USER_ROLE_ID + " " + model.TEAM_ADMIN_ROLE_ID, }, }, } sanitized := th.App.SanitizeTeam(session, copyTeam()) if sanitized.Email == "" && sanitized.AllowedDomains == "" { t.Fatal("shouldn't have sanitized team") } }) t.Run("team admin of another team", func(t *testing.T) { userId := model.NewId() session := model.Session{ Roles: model.SYSTEM_USER_ROLE_ID, TeamMembers: []*model.TeamMember{ { UserId: userId, TeamId: model.NewId(), Roles: model.TEAM_USER_ROLE_ID + " " + model.TEAM_ADMIN_ROLE_ID, }, }, } sanitized := th.App.SanitizeTeam(session, copyTeam()) if sanitized.Email != "" && sanitized.AllowedDomains != "" { t.Fatal("should've sanitized team") } }) t.Run("system admin, not a user of team", func(t *testing.T) { userId := model.NewId() session := model.Session{ Roles: model.SYSTEM_USER_ROLE_ID + " " + model.SYSTEM_ADMIN_ROLE_ID, TeamMembers: []*model.TeamMember{ { UserId: userId, TeamId: model.NewId(), Roles: model.TEAM_USER_ROLE_ID, }, }, } sanitized := th.App.SanitizeTeam(session, copyTeam()) if sanitized.Email == "" && sanitized.AllowedDomains == "" { t.Fatal("shouldn't have sanitized team") } }) t.Run("system admin, user of team", func(t *testing.T) { userId := model.NewId() session := model.Session{ Roles: model.SYSTEM_USER_ROLE_ID + " " + model.SYSTEM_ADMIN_ROLE_ID, TeamMembers: []*model.TeamMember{ { UserId: userId, TeamId: team.Id, Roles: model.TEAM_USER_ROLE_ID, }, }, } sanitized := th.App.SanitizeTeam(session, copyTeam()) if sanitized.Email == "" && sanitized.AllowedDomains == "" { t.Fatal("shouldn't have sanitized team") } }) } func TestSanitizeTeams(t *testing.T) { th := Setup() defer th.TearDown() t.Run("not a system admin", func(t *testing.T) { teams := []*model.Team{ { Id: model.NewId(), Email: th.MakeEmail(), AllowedDomains: "example.com", }, { Id: model.NewId(), Email: th.MakeEmail(), AllowedDomains: "example.com", }, } userId := model.NewId() session := model.Session{ Roles: model.SYSTEM_USER_ROLE_ID, TeamMembers: []*model.TeamMember{ { UserId: userId, TeamId: teams[0].Id, Roles: model.TEAM_USER_ROLE_ID, }, { UserId: userId, TeamId: teams[1].Id, Roles: model.TEAM_USER_ROLE_ID + " " + model.TEAM_ADMIN_ROLE_ID, }, }, } sanitized := th.App.SanitizeTeams(session, teams) if sanitized[0].Email != "" && sanitized[0].AllowedDomains != "" { t.Fatal("should've sanitized first team") } if sanitized[1].Email == "" && sanitized[1].AllowedDomains == "" { t.Fatal("shouldn't have sanitized second team") } }) t.Run("system admin", func(t *testing.T) { teams := []*model.Team{ { Id: model.NewId(), Email: th.MakeEmail(), AllowedDomains: "example.com", }, { Id: model.NewId(), Email: th.MakeEmail(), AllowedDomains: "example.com", }, } userId := model.NewId() session := model.Session{ Roles: model.SYSTEM_USER_ROLE_ID + " " + model.SYSTEM_ADMIN_ROLE_ID, TeamMembers: []*model.TeamMember{ { UserId: userId, TeamId: teams[0].Id, Roles: model.TEAM_USER_ROLE_ID, }, }, } sanitized := th.App.SanitizeTeams(session, teams) if sanitized[0].Email == "" && sanitized[0].AllowedDomains == "" { t.Fatal("shouldn't have sanitized first team") } if sanitized[1].Email == "" && sanitized[1].AllowedDomains == "" { t.Fatal("shouldn't have sanitized second team") } }) } func TestAddUserToTeamByHashMismatchedInviteId(t *testing.T) { mockStore := &storetest.Store{} defer mockStore.AssertExpectations(t) teamId := model.NewId() userId := model.NewId() inviteSalt := model.NewId() inviteId := model.NewId() teamInviteId := model.NewId() // generate a fake email invite - stolen from SendInviteEmails() in email.go props := make(map[string]string) props["email"] = model.NewId() + "@mattermost.com" props["id"] = teamId props["display_name"] = model.NewId() props["name"] = model.NewId() props["time"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", model.GetMillis()) props["invite_id"] = inviteId data := model.MapToJson(props) hash := utils.HashSha256(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", data, inviteSalt)) // when the server tries to validate the invite, it will pull the user from our mock store // this can return nil, because we'll fail before we get to trying to use it mockStore.UserStore.On("Get", userId).Return( storetest.NewStoreChannel(store.StoreResult{ Data: nil, Err: nil, }), ) // the server will also pull the team. the one we return has a different invite id than the one in the email invite we made above mockStore.TeamStore.On("Get", teamId).Return( storetest.NewStoreChannel(store.StoreResult{ Data: &model.Team{ InviteId: teamInviteId, }, Err: nil, }), ) app := App{ Srv: &Server{ Store: mockStore, }, config: atomic.Value{}, } app.config.Store(&model.Config{ EmailSettings: model.EmailSettings{ InviteSalt: inviteSalt, }, }) // this should fail because the invite ids are mismatched team, err := app.AddUserToTeamByHash(userId, hash, data) assert.Nil(t, team) assert.Equal(t, "api.user.create_user.signup_link_mismatched_invite_id.app_error", err.Id) } func TestJoinUserToTeam(t *testing.T) { th := Setup().InitBasic() defer th.TearDown() id := model.NewId() team := &model.Team{ DisplayName: "dn_" + id, Name: "name" + id, Email: "success+" + id + "@simulator.amazonses.com", Type: model.TEAM_OPEN, } if _, err := th.App.CreateTeam(team); err != nil { t.Log(err) t.Fatal("Should create a new team") } maxUsersPerTeam := th.App.Config().TeamSettings.MaxUsersPerTeam defer func() { th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.TeamSettings.MaxUsersPerTeam = maxUsersPerTeam }) th.App.SetDefaultRolesBasedOnConfig() th.App.PermanentDeleteTeam(team) }() one := 1 th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.TeamSettings.MaxUsersPerTeam = &one }) t.Run("new join", func(t *testing.T) { user := model.User{Email: strings.ToLower(model.NewId()) + "success+test@example.com", Nickname: "Darth Vader", Username: "vader" + model.NewId(), Password: "passwd1", AuthService: ""} ruser, _ := th.App.CreateUser(&user) defer th.App.PermanentDeleteUser(&user) if _, alreadyAdded, err := th.App.joinUserToTeam(team, ruser); alreadyAdded || err != nil { t.Fatal("Should return already added equal to false and no error") } }) t.Run("join when you are a member", func(t *testing.T) { user := model.User{Email: strings.ToLower(model.NewId()) + "success+test@example.com", Nickname: "Darth Vader", Username: "vader" + model.NewId(), Password: "passwd1", AuthService: ""} ruser, _ := th.App.CreateUser(&user) defer th.App.PermanentDeleteUser(&user) th.App.joinUserToTeam(team, ruser) if _, alreadyAdded, err := th.App.joinUserToTeam(team, ruser); !alreadyAdded || err != nil { t.Fatal("Should return already added and no error") } }) t.Run("re-join after leaving", func(t *testing.T) { user := model.User{Email: strings.ToLower(model.NewId()) + "success+test@example.com", Nickname: "Darth Vader", Username: "vader" + model.NewId(), Password: "passwd1", AuthService: ""} ruser, _ := th.App.CreateUser(&user) defer th.App.PermanentDeleteUser(&user) th.App.joinUserToTeam(team, ruser) th.App.LeaveTeam(team, ruser, ruser.Id) if _, alreadyAdded, err := th.App.joinUserToTeam(team, ruser); alreadyAdded || err != nil { t.Fatal("Should return already added equal to false and no error") } }) t.Run("new join with limit problem", func(t *testing.T) { user1 := model.User{Email: strings.ToLower(model.NewId()) + "success+test@example.com", Nickname: "Darth Vader", Username: "vader" + model.NewId(), Password: "passwd1", AuthService: ""} ruser1, _ := th.App.CreateUser(&user1) user2 := model.User{Email: strings.ToLower(model.NewId()) + "success+test@example.com", Nickname: "Darth Vader", Username: "vader" + model.NewId(), Password: "passwd1", AuthService: ""} ruser2, _ := th.App.CreateUser(&user2) defer th.App.PermanentDeleteUser(&user1) defer th.App.PermanentDeleteUser(&user2) th.App.joinUserToTeam(team, ruser1) if _, _, err := th.App.joinUserToTeam(team, ruser2); err == nil { t.Fatal("Should fail") } }) t.Run("re-join alfter leaving with limit problem", func(t *testing.T) { user1 := model.User{Email: strings.ToLower(model.NewId()) + "success+test@example.com", Nickname: "Darth Vader", Username: "vader" + model.NewId(), Password: "passwd1", AuthService: ""} ruser1, _ := th.App.CreateUser(&user1) user2 := model.User{Email: strings.ToLower(model.NewId()) + "success+test@example.com", Nickname: "Darth Vader", Username: "vader" + model.NewId(), Password: "passwd1", AuthService: ""} ruser2, _ := th.App.CreateUser(&user2) defer th.App.PermanentDeleteUser(&user1) defer th.App.PermanentDeleteUser(&user2) th.App.joinUserToTeam(team, ruser1) th.App.LeaveTeam(team, ruser1, ruser1.Id) th.App.joinUserToTeam(team, ruser2) if _, _, err := th.App.joinUserToTeam(team, ruser1); err == nil { t.Fatal("Should fail") } }) }