help: @echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "------------------------------------- Makefile Help -------------------------------------------" @echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" @echo "" @echo " General:" @echo "make run Build and run the Mattermost server for development" @echo "make run-fullmap Same as run but with a full sourcemap for client" @echo "make stop Stops server and client." @echo "make restart-server Restarts the mattermost server to pick up development change." @echo "make clean Clean up everything except persistant server data" @echo "make nuke clean plus removes persistant server data" @echo "" @echo " Testing:" @echo "make test Runs all checks and tests below (except race detection and postgres)" @echo "make govet Runs govet against all packages" @echo "make gofmt Runs gofmt against all packages" @echo "make check-style Runs govet and gofmt against all packages" @echo "make check-server-race Runs the unit tests with race detection mode on" @echo "make test-postgres Runs the unit tests against a postgres database" @echo "make cover Runs the golang coverage tool. You must run the unit tests first." @echo "" @echo " Docker:" @echo "make start-docker Starts the docker containers for local development" @echo "make stop-docker Stops the docker containers for local development" @echo "make clean-docker Deletes the docker containers for local development" @echo "" @echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"