// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package main import ( "os" "os/signal" "syscall" "time" l4g "github.com/alecthomas/log4go" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/api" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/api4" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/app" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/manualtesting" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/model" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/utils" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/web" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/wsapi" "github.com/spf13/cobra" ) var MaxNotificationsPerChannelDefault int64 = 1000000 var serverCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "server", Short: "Run the Mattermost server", RunE: runServerCmd, } func runServerCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { config, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("config") if err != nil { return err } utils.CfgDisableConfigWatch, _ = cmd.Flags().GetBool("disableconfigwatch") runServer(config) return nil } func runServer(configFileLocation string) { if err := utils.InitAndLoadConfig(configFileLocation); err != nil { l4g.Exit("Unable to load Mattermost configuration file: ", err) return } if err := utils.InitTranslations(utils.Cfg.LocalizationSettings); err != nil { l4g.Exit("Unable to load Mattermost translation files: %v", err) return } utils.TestConnection(utils.Cfg) pwd, _ := os.Getwd() l4g.Info(utils.T("mattermost.current_version"), model.CurrentVersion, model.BuildNumber, model.BuildDate, model.BuildHash, model.BuildHashEnterprise) l4g.Info(utils.T("mattermost.entreprise_enabled"), model.BuildEnterpriseReady) l4g.Info(utils.T("mattermost.working_dir"), pwd) l4g.Info(utils.T("mattermost.config_file"), utils.FindConfigFile(configFileLocation)) if err := utils.TestFileConnection(); err != nil { l4g.Error("Problem with file storage settings: " + err.Error()) } a := app.Global() a.NewServer() a.InitStores() a.Srv.Router = api.NewRouter() a.Srv.WebSocketRouter = a.NewWebSocketRouter() if model.BuildEnterpriseReady == "true" { a.LoadLicense() } if webappDir, ok := utils.FindDir(model.CLIENT_DIR); ok { a.InitPlugins("plugins", webappDir+"/plugins") } else { l4g.Error("Unable to find webapp directory, could not initialize plugins") } api4.Init(a, a.Srv.Router, false) api3 := api.Init(a, a.Srv.Router) wsapi.Init(a, a.Srv.WebSocketRouter) web.Init(api3) if !utils.IsLicensed() && len(utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DataSourceReplicas) > 1 { l4g.Warn(utils.T("store.sql.read_replicas_not_licensed.critical")) utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DataSourceReplicas = utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DataSourceReplicas[:1] } if !utils.IsLicensed() { utils.Cfg.TeamSettings.MaxNotificationsPerChannel = &MaxNotificationsPerChannelDefault } a.ReloadConfig() // Enable developer settings if this is a "dev" build if model.BuildNumber == "dev" { *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableDeveloper = true } resetStatuses(a) a.StartServer() // If we allow testing then listen for manual testing URL hits if utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableTesting { manualtesting.Init(api3) } setDiagnosticId(a) utils.RegenerateClientConfig() go runSecurityJob(a) go runDiagnosticsJob(a) go runTokenCleanupJob(a) go runCommandWebhookCleanupJob(a) if complianceI := a.Compliance; complianceI != nil { complianceI.StartComplianceDailyJob() } if a.Cluster != nil { a.RegisterAllClusterMessageHandlers() a.Cluster.StartInterNodeCommunication() } if a.Metrics != nil { a.Metrics.StartServer() } if a.Elasticsearch != nil { if err := a.Elasticsearch.Start(); err != nil { l4g.Error(err.Error()) } } a.Jobs.Store = a.Srv.Store if *utils.Cfg.JobSettings.RunJobs { a.Jobs.StartWorkers() } if *utils.Cfg.JobSettings.RunScheduler { a.Jobs.StartSchedulers() } // wait for kill signal before attempting to gracefully shutdown // the running service c := make(chan os.Signal) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) <-c if a.Cluster != nil { a.Cluster.StopInterNodeCommunication() } if a.Metrics != nil { a.Metrics.StopServer() } a.Jobs.StopSchedulers() a.Jobs.StopWorkers() a.StopServer() } func runSecurityJob(a *app.App) { doSecurity(a) model.CreateRecurringTask("Security", func() { doSecurity(a) }, time.Hour*4) } func runDiagnosticsJob(a *app.App) { doDiagnostics(a) model.CreateRecurringTask("Diagnostics", func() { doDiagnostics(a) }, time.Hour*24) } func runTokenCleanupJob(a *app.App) { doTokenCleanup(a) model.CreateRecurringTask("Token Cleanup", func() { doTokenCleanup(a) }, time.Hour*1) } func runCommandWebhookCleanupJob(a *app.App) { doCommandWebhookCleanup(a) model.CreateRecurringTask("Command Hook Cleanup", func() { doCommandWebhookCleanup(a) }, time.Hour*1) } func resetStatuses(a *app.App) { if result := <-a.Srv.Store.Status().ResetAll(); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("mattermost.reset_status.error"), result.Err.Error()) } } func setDiagnosticId(a *app.App) { if result := <-a.Srv.Store.System().Get(); result.Err == nil { props := result.Data.(model.StringMap) id := props[model.SYSTEM_DIAGNOSTIC_ID] if len(id) == 0 { id = model.NewId() systemId := &model.System{Name: model.SYSTEM_DIAGNOSTIC_ID, Value: id} <-a.Srv.Store.System().Save(systemId) } utils.CfgDiagnosticId = id } } func doSecurity(a *app.App) { a.DoSecurityUpdateCheck() } func doDiagnostics(a *app.App) { if *utils.Cfg.LogSettings.EnableDiagnostics { a.SendDailyDiagnostics() } } func doTokenCleanup(a *app.App) { a.Srv.Store.Token().Cleanup() } func doCommandWebhookCleanup(a *app.App) { a.Srv.Store.CommandWebhook().Cleanup() }