Developer Machine Setup ----------------------------- ### Mac OS X ### 1. Download and set up Docker Toolbox 1. Follow the instructions at 2. Start a new docker host `docker-machine create -d virtualbox dev` 2. Get the IP address of your docker host `docker-machine ip dev` 3. Add a line to your /etc/hosts that goes ` dockerhost` 4. Run `docker-machine env dev` and copy the export statements to your ~/.bash_profile 2. Download Go 1.5.1 and Node.js using Homebrew 1. Download Homebrew from 2. `brew install go` 3. `brew install node` 3. Set up your Go workspace 1. `mkdir ~/go` 2. Add the following to your ~/.bash_profile `export GOPATH=$HOME/go` `export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin` `ulimit -n 8096` If you don't increase the file handle limit you may see some weird build issues with browserify or npm. 3. Reload your bash profile `source ~/.bash_profile` 4. Install Compass 1. Run `ruby -v` and check the ruby version is 1.8.7 or higher 2. `sudo gem install compass` 5. Download Mattermost `cd ~/go` `mkdir -p src/` `cd src/` `git clone` `cd platform` 6. Run unit tests on Mattermost using `make test` to make sure the installation was successful 7. If tests passed, you can now run Mattermost using `make run` Any issues? Please let us know on our forums at: ### Ubuntu ### 1. Download Docker 1. Follow the instructions at or use the summary below: `sudo apt-get update` `sudo apt-get install wget` `wget -qO- | sh` `sudo usermod -aG docker ` `sudo service docker start` `newgrp docker` 2. Set up your dockerhost address 1. Edit your /etc/hosts file to include the following line ` dockerhost` 3. Install build essentials 1. `apt-get install build-essential` 4. Download Go 1.5.1 from 5. Set up your Go workspace and add Go to the PATH 1. `mkdir ~/go` 2. Add the following to your ~/.bashrc `export GOPATH=$HOME/go` `export GOROOT=/usr/local/go` `export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin` `ulimit -n 8096` If you don't increase the file handle limit you may see some weird build issues with browserify or npm. 3. Reload your bashrc `source ~/.bashrc` 6. Install Node.js `curl -sL | sudo -E bash -` `sudo apt-get install -y nodejs` 7. Install Ruby and Compass `apt-get install ruby` `apt-get install ruby-dev` `gem install compass` 8. Download Mattermost `cd ~/go` `mkdir -p src/` `cd src/` `git clone` `cd platform` 9. Run unit tests on Mattermost using `make test` to make sure the installation was successful 10. If tests passed, you can now run Mattermost using `make run` Any issues? Please let us know on our forums at: ### Archlinux ### 1. Install Docker 1. `pacman -S docker` 2. `gpasswd -a user docker` 3. `systemctl enable docker.service` 4. `systemctl start docker.service` 5. `newgrp docker` 2. Set up your dockerhost address 1. Edit your /etc/hosts file to include the following line ` dockerhost` 3. Install Go 1. `pacman -S go` 4. Set up your Go workspace and add Go to the PATH 1. `mkdir ~/go` 2. Add the following to your ~/.bashrc 1. `export GOPATH=$HOME/go` 2. `export GOROOT=/usr/lib/go` 3. `export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin` 3. Reload your bashrc `source ~/.bashrc` 4. Edit /etc/security/limits.conf and add the following lines (replace *username* with your user): ``` username soft nofile 8096 username hard nofile 8096 ``` You will need to reboot after changing this. If you don't increase the file handle limit you may see some weird build issues with browserify or npm. 5. Install Node.js `pacman -S nodejs npm` 6. Install Ruby and Compass 1. `pacman -S ruby` 2. Add executable gems to your path in your ~/.bashrc `PATH="$(ruby -e 'print Gem.user_dir')/bin:$PATH"` 3. `gem install compass` 7. Download Mattermost `cd ~/go` `mkdir -p src/` `cd src/` `git clone` `cd platform` 8. Run unit tests on Mattermost using `make test` to make sure the installation was successful 9. If tests passed, you can now run Mattermost using `make run` Any issues? Please let us know on our forums at: