# Command Line Tools From the directory where the Mattermost platform is installed a `platform` command is available for configuring the system, including: - Creating teams - Creating users - Assigning roles to users - Reseting user passwords - Permanently deleting users (use cautiously - database backup recommended before use) - Permanently deleting teams (use cautiously - database backup recommended before use) Typing `platform -help` brings up the below documentation on usage. ``` Mattermost commands to help configure the system NAME: platform -- platform configuation tool USAGE: platform [options] FLAGS: -config="config.json" Path to the config file -email="user@example.com" Email address used in other commands -password="mypassword" Password used in other commands -team_name="name" The team name used in other commands -role="admin" The role used in other commands valid values are "" - The empty role is basic user permissions "admin" - Represents a team admin and is used to help administer one team. "system_admin" - Represents a system admin who has access to all teams and configuration settings. COMMANDS: -create_team Creates a team. It requires the -team_name and -email flag to create a team. Example: platform -create_team -team_name="name" -email="user@example.com" -create_user Creates a user. It requires the -team_name, -email and -password flag to create a user. Example: platform -create_user -team_name="name" -email="user@example.com" -password="mypassword" -assign_role Assigns role to a user. It requires the -role, -email and -team_name flag. You may need to log out of your current sessions for the new role to be applied. Example: platform -assign_role -team_name="name" -email="user@example.com" -role="admin" -reset_password Resets the password for a user. It requires the -team_name, -email and -password flag. Example: platform -reset_password -team_name="name" -email="user@example.com" -password="newpassword" -permanent_delete_user Permanently deletes a user and all related information including posts from the database. It requires the -team_name, and -email flag. You may need to restart the server to invalidate the cache Example: platform -permanent_delete_user -team_name="name" -email="user@example.com" -permanent_delete_team Permanently deletes a team and all users along with all related information including posts from the database. It requires the -team_name flag. You may need to restart the server to invalidate the cache. Example: platform -permanent_delete_team -team_name="name" -version Display the current of the Mattermost platform -help Displays this help page` ```