## SMTP Email Setup In some product evaluation setups, email is intentionally bypassed by setting `SendEmailNotifications=false`. This option allows account creation and system operation without having to set up an email service (e.g. no email verification is required for account creation). This also means neither email notifications nor password reset by email are available. To enable email, turn this option on by setting `SendEmailNotifications=true` and configuring an SMTP email service as follows: 1. **Set up an SMTP email sending service.** (If you already have credentials for a SMTP server you can skip this step.) 1. [Setup Amazon Simple Email Service](https://console.aws.amazon.com/ses) 2. From the `SMTP Settings` menu click `Create My SMTP Credentials` 3. Copy the `Server Name`, `Port`, `SMTP Username`, and `SMTP Password` 4. From the `Domains` menu setup and verify a new domain. It it also a good practice to enable `Generate DKIM Settings` for this domain. 5. Choose an email address like `mattermost@example.com` for Mattermost to send emails from. 6. Test sending an email from `mattermost@example.com` by clicking the `Send a Test Email` button and verify everything appears to be working correctly. 2. **Modify the Mattermost configuration file config.json or config_docker.json with the SMTP information.** 1. If you're running Mattermost on Amazon Beanstalk you can shell into the instance with the following commands 2. `ssh ec2-user@[domain for the docker instance]` 3. `sudo gpasswd -a ec2-user docker` 4. Retrieve the name of the container with `sudo docker ps` 5. `sudo docker exec -ti container_name /bin/bash` 3. **Edit the config file `vi /config_docker.json` with the settings you captured from the step above.** 1. See an example below and notice `SendEmailNotifications` has been set to `true` ``` "EmailSettings": { "EnableSignUpWithEmail": true, "SendEmailNotifications": true, "RequireEmailVerification": true, "FeedbackName": "No-Reply", "FeedbackEmail": "mattermost@example.com", "SMTPUsername": "AFIADTOVDKDLGERR", "SMTPPassword": "DFKJoiweklsjdflkjOIGHLSDFJewiskdjf", "SMTPServer": "email-smtp.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", "SMTPPort": "465", "ConnectionSecurity": "tls", "InviteSalt": "bjlSR4QqkXFBr7TP4oDzlfZmcNuH9YoS", "PasswordResetSalt": "vZ4DcKyVVRlKHHJpexcuXzojkE5PZ5eL", "ApplePushServer": "", "ApplePushCertPublic": "", "ApplePushCertPrivate": "" }, ``` 4. **Restart Mattermost** 1. Find the process id with `ps -A` and look for the process named `platform` 2. Kill the process `kill pid` 3. The service should restart automatically. Verify the Mattermost service is running with `ps -A` 4. Current logged in users will not be affected, but upon logging out or session expiration users will be required to verify their email address. ### Troubleshooting SMTP If you have issues with your SMTP install, from your Mattermost team site go to the main menu and open `System Console > Logs` to look for error messages related to your setup. You can do a search for the error code to narrow down the issue. Sometimes ISPs require nuanced setups for SMTP and error codes can hint at how to make the proper adjustments. For example, if `System Console > Logs` has an error code reading: ``` Connection unsuccessful: Failed to add to email address - 554 5.7.1 : Client host rejected: Access denied ``` Search for `554 5.7.1 error` and `Client host rejected: Access denied`.