# Accepting Pull Requests (APRs) Per the [Contributor Guide](https://github.com/mattermost/platform/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md), only PRs that reference Jira tickets with the "accepting pull requests" label should be submitted to this repo. This system ensures: 1. Proposed changes have been thoughtfully reviewed 2. Proposed changes can be tested, documented, and supported by volunteers 3. The change meets the [fast, obvious, forgiving](http://www.mattermost.org/design-principles/) design principle for the project. 4. The change [aligns to the stated purpose of the project](http://www.mattermost.org/vision/#mattermost-teams-v1) Key contributors and core team members are responsible opening Jira tickets that meet the above requirements, which are then reviewed in triage meetings. When opening Jira tickets for accepting-pull-requests, please: 1. Use titles that clearly describe the needed change and its value 2. Include (Proposed APR) in title, so triage team knows to add the APR tag if appropriate 3. Provide unambiguous description so that feature can be tested by any volunteer 4. Link back to community discussions related to this change 5. Apply "accepting-pull-requests", and optionally as "good-first-contribution". 6. Post link back to community channels Example of post back to the community: ``` Thanks @[USERNAME], I created a ticket [for accepting pull requests on this issue](http://link). It will be reviewed in the triage meeting for addition to [the Accepting Pull Requests issues list](https://mattermost.atlassian.net/browse/PLT-797?filter=10101). [Code Contribution Guidelines](https://github.com/mattermost/platform/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) are available for anyone interested in contributing to this project. ```