[ { "id": "utils.i18n.loaded", "translation": "Loaded system translations for '%v' from '%v'" }, { "id": "mattermost.current_version", "translation": "Current version is %v (%v/%v/%v)" }, { "id": "api.admin.file_read_error", "translation": "Error reading log file" }, { "id": "api.admin.init.debug", "translation": "Initializing admin api routes" }, { "id": "api.admin.test_email.subject", "translation": "Mattermost - Testing Email Settings" }, { "id": "api.admin.test_email.body", "translation": "

It appears your Mattermost email is setup correctly!" }, { "id": "api.api.render.error", "translation": "Error rendering template %v err=%v" }, { "id": "api.api.init.parsing_templates.debug", "translation": "Parsing server templates at %v" }, { "id": "api.api.init.parsing_templates.error", "translation": "Failed to parse server templates %v" }, { "id": "api.channel.init.debug", "translation": "Initializing channel api routes" }, { "id": "api.channel.create_channel.direct_channel.app_error", "translation": "Must use createDirectChannel api service for direct message channel creation" }, { "id": "api.channel.create_channel.invalid_character.app_error", "translation": "Invalid character '__' in channel name for non-direct channel" }, { "id": "api.channel.create_direct_channel.invalid_user.app_error", "translation": "Invalid other user id " }, { "id": "api.channel.create_default_channels.town_square", "translation": "Town Square" }, { "id": "api.channel.create_default_channels.off_topic", "translation": "Off-Topic" }, { "id": "api.channel.update_channel.permission.app_error", "translation": "You do not have the appropriate permissions" }, { "id": "api.channel.update_channel.deleted.app_error", "translation": "The channel has been archived or deleted" }, { "id": "api.channel.update_channel.tried.app_error", "translation": "Tried to perform an invalid update of the default channel {{.Channel}}" }, { "id": "api.channel.post_update_channel_header_message_and_forget.retrieve_user.error", "translation": "Failed to retrieve user while trying to save update channel header message %v" }, { "id": "api.channel.post_update_channel_header_message_and_forget.updated_to", "translation": "%s updated the channel header to: %s" }, { "id": "api.channel.post_update_channel_header_message_and_forget.removed", "translation": "%s removed the channel header (was: %s)" }, { "id": "api.channel.post_update_channel_header_message_and_forget.updated_from", "translation": "%s updated the channel header from: %s to: %s" }, { "id": "api.channel.post_update_channel_header_message_and_forget.join_leave.error", "translation": "Failed to post join/leave message %v" }, { "id": "api.channel.get_channels.error", "translation": "Error in getting users profile for id=%v forcing logout" }, { "id": "api.channel.get_channel_counts.app_error", "translation": "Unable to get channel counts from the database" }, { "id": "api.channel.join_channel.post_and_forget", "translation": "%v has joined the channel." }, { "id": "api.channel.join_channel.permissions.app_error", "translation": "You do not have the appropriate permissions" }, { "id": "api.channel.post_user_add_remove_message_and_forget.error", "translation": "Failed to post join/leave message %v" }, { "id": "api.channel.add_user_to_channel.deleted.app_error", "translation": "The channel has been archived or deleted" }, { "id": "api.channel.add_user_to_channel.type.app_error", "translation": "Can not add user to this channel type" }, { "id": "api.channel.add_user.to.channel.failed.app_error", "translation": "Failed to add user to channel" }, { "id": "api.channel.leave.direct.app_error", "translation": "Cannot leave a direct message channel" }, { "id": "api.channel.leave.default.app_error", "translation": "Cannot leave the default channel {{.Channel}}" }, { "id": "api.channel.leave.left", "translation": "%v has left the channel." }, { "id": "api.channel.delete_channel.permissions.app_error", "translation": "You do not have the appropriate permissions" }, { "id": "api.channel.delete_channel.deleted.app_error", "translation": "The channel has been archived or deleted" }, { "id": "api.channel.delete_channel.cannot.app_error", "translation": "Cannot delete the default channel {{.Channel}}" }, { "id": "api.channel.delete_channel.incoming_webhook.error", "translation": "Encountered error deleting incoming webhook, id=%v" }, { "id": "api.channel.delete_channel.outgoing_webhook.error", "translation": "Encountered error deleting outgoing webhook, id=%v" }, { "id": "api.channel.delete_channel.archived", "translation": "%v has archived the channel." }, { "id": "api.channel.delete_channel.failed_post.error", "translation": "Failed to post archive message %v" }, { "id": "api.channel.delete_channel.failed_send.app_error", "translation": "Failed to send archive message" }, { "id": "api.channel.get_channel_extra_info.member_limit.app_error", "translation": "Failed to parse member limit" }, { "id": "api.channel.get_channel_extra_info.deleted.app_error", "translation": "The channel has been archived or deleted" }, { "id": "api.channel.add_member.find_user.app_error", "translation": "Failed to find user to be added" }, { "id": "api.channel.add_member.find_channel.app_error", "translation": "Failed to find channel" }, { "id": "api.channel.add_member.user_adding.app_error", "translation": "Failed to find user doing the adding" }, { "id": "api.channel.add_member.added", "translation": "%v added to the channel by %v" }, { "id": "api.channel.remove_member.permissions.app_error", "translation": "You do not have the appropriate permissions " }, { "id": "api.channel.remove_member.unable.app_error", "translation": "Unable to remove user." }, { "id": "api.channel.remove_user_from_channel.deleted.app_error", "translation": "The channel has been archived or deleted" }, { "id": "api.command.no_implemented.app_error", "translation": "Command not implemented" }, { "id": "api.command.init.debug", "translation": "Initializing command api routes" }, { "id": "api.command.check_command.start.app_error", "translation": "Command must start with /" }, { "id": "api.command.logout_command.description", "translation": "Logout" }, { "id": "api.command.echo_command.under.app_error", "translation": "Delays must be under 10000 seconds" }, { "id": "api.command.echo_command.high_volume.app_error", "translation": "High volume of echo request, cannot process request" }, { "id": "api.command.echo_command.create.error", "translation": "Unable to create /echo post, err=%v" }, { "id": "api.command.echo_command.description", "translation": "Echo back text from your account, /echo \"message\" [delay in seconds]" }, { "id": "api.command.me_command.create.error", "translation": "Unable to create /me post post, err=%v" }, { "id": "api.command.me_command.description", "translation": "Do an action, /me [message]" }, { "id": "api.command.shrug_command.create.error", "translation": "Unable to create /shrug post post, err=%v" }, { "id": "api.command.shrug_command.description", "translation": "Adds ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to your message, /shrug [message]" }, { "id": "api.commmand.join_command.description", "translation": "Join the open channel" }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_command.description", "translation": "Debug Load Testing" }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_setup_command.create.error", "translation": "Failed to create testing environment" }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_setup_command.created.info", "translation": "Team Created: %v" }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_setup_command.login.info", "translation": "\t User to login: %v, %v" }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_setup_command.description", "translation": "Creates a testing environment in current team. [teams] [fuzz] " }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_users_command.users.description", "translation": "Add a specified number of random users to current team " }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_users_command.fuzz.description", "translation": "Add a specified number of random users with fuzz text to current team " }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_channels_command.channel.description", "translation": "Add a specified number of random channels to current team " }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_channels_command.fuzz.description", "translation": "Add a specified number of random channels with fuzz text to current team " }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_posts_command.posts.description", "translation": "Add some random posts to current channel " }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_posts_command.fuzz.description", "translation": "Add some random posts with fuzz text to current channel " }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_url_command.url.app_error", "translation": "Command must contain a url" }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_url_command.file.app_error", "translation": "Unable to get file" }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_url_command.reading.app_error", "translation": "Encountered error reading file" }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_url_command.create.error", "translation": "Unable to create post, err=%v" }, { "id": "api.command.load_test_url_command.description", "translation": "Add a post containing the text from a given url to current channel " }, { "id": "api.context.invalid_param.app_error", "translation": "Invalid {{.Name}} parameter" }, { "id": "api.context.session_expired.app_error", "translation": "Invalid or expired session, please login again." }, { "id": "api.context.token_provided.app_error", "translation": "Session is not OAuth but token was provided in the query string" }, { "id": "api.context.last_activity_at.error", "translation": "Failed to update LastActivityAt for user_id=%v and session_id=%v, err=%v" }, { "id": "api.context.log.error", "translation": "%v:%v code=%v rid=%v uid=%v ip=%v %v [details: %v]" }, { "id": "api.context.permissions.app_error", "translation": "You do not have the appropriate permissions" }, { "id": "api.context.system_permissions.app_error", "translation": "You do not have the appropriate permissions (system)" }, { "id": "api.context.unknown.app_error", "translation": "An unknown error has occured. Please contact support." }, { "id": "api.context.invalid_team_url.debug", "translation": "TeamURL accessed when not valid. Team URL should not be used in api functions or those that are team independent" }, { "id": "api.context.404.app_error", "translation": "Sorry, we could not find the page." }, { "id": "api.context.invalid_token.error", "translation": "Invalid session token=%v, err=%v" }, { "id": "api.export.options.create.app_error", "translation": "Unable to create options file" }, { "id": "api.export.options.write.app_error", "translation": "Unable to write to options file" }, { "id": "api.export.open_file.app_error", "translation": "Unable to open file for export" }, { "id": "api.export.write_file.app_error", "translation": "Unable to write to export file" }, { "id": "api.export.json.app_error", "translation": "Unable to convert to json" }, { "id": "api.export.open.app_error", "translation": "Unable to open file" }, { "id": "api.export.open_dir.app_error", "translation": "Unable to open directory" }, { "id": "api.export.read_dir.app_error", "translation": "Unable to read directory" }, { "id": "api.export.s3.app_error", "translation": "S3 is not supported for local storage export." } ]