[ { "id": "actiance.xml.output.formatter.marshalToXml.appError", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.admin.add_certificate.array.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.admin.add_certificate.no_file.app_error", "translation": "요청된 '인증서' 항목의 파일이 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.admin.add_certificate.open.app_error", "translation": "인증서 파일을 열 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.admin.add_certificate.saving.app_error", "translation": "인증서 파일을 저장할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.admin.file_read_error", "translation": "로그 파일을 읽는데 오류가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "api.admin.get_brand_image.storage.app_error", "translation": "이미지 저장소가 설정되지 않았습니다." }, { "id": "api.admin.remove_certificate.delete.app_error", "translation": "증명서 폐기 중 오류가 발생했습니다. config/{{.Filename}} 파일이 있는지 확인하세요." }, { "id": "api.admin.saml.metadata.app_error", "translation": "서비스 제공 메타 데이터를 만드는 중 오류가 발생하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.admin.saml.not_available.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.admin.test_email.body", "translation": "

Mattermost 이메일이 잘 설정된 것 같군요!" }, { "id": "api.admin.test_email.missing_server", "translation": "SMTP 서버가 필요합니다" }, { "id": "api.admin.test_email.reenter_password", "translation": "SMTP 서버, 포트 또는 사용자이름이 변경되었습니다. SMTP 비밀번호를 다시 입력해주세요." }, { "id": "api.admin.test_email.subject", "translation": "Mattermost - 이메일 설정 테스트중" }, { "id": "api.admin.test_s3.missing_s3_bucket", "translation": "S3 버킷이 필요합니다" }, { "id": "api.admin.upload_brand_image.array.app_error", "translation": "요청의 'image' 속성에 빈 배열이 전달되었습니다" }, { "id": "api.admin.upload_brand_image.no_file.app_error", "translation": "요청의 'image' 속성 아래에 파일이 없습니다" }, { "id": "api.admin.upload_brand_image.parse.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 multipart form을 파싱할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.admin.upload_brand_image.storage.app_error", "translation": "이미지 업로드를 할 수 없습니다. 이미지 저장소가 설정되지 않았습니다." }, { "id": "api.admin.upload_brand_image.too_large.app_error", "translation": "용량이 커서 파일을 업로드 할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.channel.add_member.added", "translation": "%v 이/가 %v에 의해 채널에 추가되었습니다" }, { "id": "api.channel.add_user.to.channel.failed.app_error", "translation": "사용자를 채널에 추가하는 데 실패하였습니다" }, { "id": "api.channel.add_user.to.channel.failed.deleted.app_error", "translation": "사용자가 팀에서 제거되어 채널에 추가할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.channel.add_user_to_channel.deleted.app_error", "translation": "채널이 보존 처리 혹은 삭제되었습니다" }, { "id": "api.channel.add_user_to_channel.type.app_error", "translation": "이 유형의 채널엔 사용자를 추가할 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "api.channel.convert_channel_to_private.default_channel_error", "translation": "이 기본 채널은 전용 채널로 변환할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.channel.convert_channel_to_private.private_channel_error", "translation": "변환하기 위해 요청 된 채널은 이미 개인 채널입니다." }, { "id": "api.channel.create_channel.direct_channel.app_error", "translation": "개인 메시지 채널을 만들기 위해서는 반드시 createDirectChannel API 서비스를 이용해야 함" }, { "id": "api.channel.create_channel.invalid_character.app_error", "translation": "채널 이름 중 '__' 와 같은 글자는 개인 메시지가 아닌 채널에 적합하지 않습니다" }, { "id": "api.channel.create_channel.max_channel_limit.app_error", "translation": "현재 팀에서 {{.MaxChannelsPerTeam}} 이상의 채널을 생성할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.channel.create_default_channels.off_topic", "translation": "잡담" }, { "id": "api.channel.create_default_channels.town_square", "translation": "공지사항" }, { "id": "api.channel.create_direct_channel.invalid_user.app_error", "translation": "개인 메시지 채널에 적합하지 않은 사용자 ID" }, { "id": "api.channel.create_group.bad_size.app_error", "translation": "그룹 메세지 채널은 최소 3명에서 최대 8명까지의 사용자를 포함해야 합니다." }, { "id": "api.channel.create_group.bad_user.app_error", "translation": "제공된 사용자 중 존재하지 않는 사용자가 있습니다." }, { "id": "api.channel.delete_channel.archived", "translation": "%v 가 채널을 보존 처리 하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.channel.delete_channel.cannot.app_error", "translation": "기본 채널 {{.Channel}} 은/는 삭제할 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "api.channel.delete_channel.deleted.app_error", "translation": "채널이 보존 처리 혹은 삭제되었습니다" }, { "id": "api.channel.join_channel.already_deleted.app_error", "translation": "채널이 이미 삭제되었습니다" }, { "id": "api.channel.join_channel.permissions.app_error", "translation": "사용 권한이 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.channel.join_channel.post_and_forget", "translation": "%v 이(가) 채널에 들어왔습니다." }, { "id": "api.channel.leave.default.app_error", "translation": "기본 채널은 삭제할 수 없습니다 {{.Channel}}" }, { "id": "api.channel.leave.direct.app_error", "translation": "개인 메시지 채널은 나갈 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "api.channel.leave.last_member.app_error", "translation": "비공개 그룹에 당신밖에 남지 않았습니다. 이 그룹을 떠나는 대신 그룹을 삭제하세요." }, { "id": "api.channel.leave.left", "translation": "%v 가 채널을 떠났습니다." }, { "id": "api.channel.post_channel_privacy_message.error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.channel.post_update_channel_displayname_message_and_forget.create_post.error", "translation": "displayname 업데이트 메시지 등록 실패" }, { "id": "api.channel.post_update_channel_displayname_message_and_forget.retrieve_user.error", "translation": "채널 DisplayName 란을 업데이트 중 사용자를 가져오는 데 실패함" }, { "id": "api.channel.post_update_channel_displayname_message_and_forget.updated_from", "translation": "%s 이(가) 채널 표시명을 %s에서 %s(으)로 갱신함" }, { "id": "api.channel.post_update_channel_header_message_and_forget.post.error", "translation": "채널 헤더 업데이트 표시 실패" }, { "id": "api.channel.post_update_channel_header_message_and_forget.removed", "translation": "%s이(가) 채널 헤더를 제거했습니다 (이전: %s)" }, { "id": "api.channel.post_update_channel_header_message_and_forget.retrieve_user.error", "translation": "채널 헤더 업데이트 중 사용자를 가져오는 데 실패함" }, { "id": "api.channel.post_update_channel_header_message_and_forget.updated_from", "translation": "%s 이(가) 채널 헤더를 %s에서 %s(으)로 갱신했습니다" }, { "id": "api.channel.post_update_channel_header_message_and_forget.updated_to", "translation": "%s이(가) 채널 헤더를 %s로 갱신했습니다" }, { "id": "api.channel.post_user_add_remove_message_and_forget.error", "translation": "들어옴/나감 메시지를 등록하는 데 실패함" }, { "id": "api.channel.remove.default.app_error", "translation": "기본 채널로부터는 사용자를 강퇴할 수 없음 {{.Channel}}" }, { "id": "api.channel.remove_member.removed", "translation": "%v 가 채널에서 제거되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.channel.remove_user_from_channel.deleted.app_error", "translation": "채널이 보존 처리 혹은 삭제되었습니다" }, { "id": "api.channel.update_channel.deleted.app_error", "translation": "채널이 보존 처리 혹은 삭제되었습니다" }, { "id": "api.channel.update_channel.tried.app_error", "translation": "기본 채널 {{.Channel}}에 적절하지 않은 갱신을 시도했습니다" }, { "id": "api.channel.update_channel_member_roles.scheme_role.app_error", "translation": "The provided role is managed by a Scheme and therefore cannot be applied directly to a Channel Member" }, { "id": "api.channel.update_channel_scheme.license.error", "translation": "License does not support updating a channel's scheme" }, { "id": "api.channel.update_channel_scheme.scheme_scope.error", "translation": "Unable to set the scheme to the channel because the supplied scheme is not a channel scheme." }, { "id": "api.channel.update_team_member_roles.scheme_role.app_error", "translation": "The provided role is managed by a Scheme and therefore cannot be applied directly to a Team Member" }, { "id": "api.command.admin_only.app_error", "translation": "연동은 관리자만 사용할 수 있습니다." }, { "id": "api.command.disabled.app_error", "translation": "시스템 관리자가 비활성화한 명령입니다." }, { "id": "api.command.duplicate_trigger.app_error", "translation": "선택한 트리거 단어는 이미 사용중입니다. 다른 단어를 선택해주세요." }, { "id": "api.command.execute_command.debug", "translation": "실행 cmd=%v userId=%v" }, { "id": "api.command.execute_command.failed.app_error", "translation": "트리거 '{{.Trigger}}'에 의한 명령어가 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "api.command.execute_command.failed_empty.app_error", "translation": "트리거 '{{.Trigger}}'에 의한 명령어가 빈 응답을 반환했습니다" }, { "id": "api.command.execute_command.failed_resp.app_error", "translation": "트리거 '{{.Trigger}}'에 의한 명령어가 응답 {{.Status}}을(를) 반환했습니다" }, { "id": "api.command.execute_command.not_found.app_error", "translation": "'{{.Trigger}}' 트리거에 실행되는 커맨드를 찾지 못했습니다. \"/\"로 시작하는 메시지를 보내려면 메시지 시작 부분에 빈 공간을 추가하십시오." }, { "id": "api.command.execute_command.start.app_error", "translation": "명령어 트리거를 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "api.command.invite_people.desc", "translation": "여러분의 Mattermost 팀에게 초대 메일을 보내기" }, { "id": "api.command.invite_people.email_off", "translation": "이메일이 설정되어 있지 않아서 초대메일 보낼 수 없음" }, { "id": "api.command.invite_people.fail", "translation": "초대 이메일을 보낼 때 오류가 발생했습니다" }, { "id": "api.command.invite_people.hint", "translation": "[name@domain.com ...]" }, { "id": "api.command.invite_people.invite_off", "translation": "이 서버의 사용자 생성는 중지되어 있습니다. 초대가 보내지지 않습니다" }, { "id": "api.command.invite_people.name", "translation": "초대하기" }, { "id": "api.command.invite_people.no_email", "translation": "정확한 이메일을 입력해주세요" }, { "id": "api.command.invite_people.sent", "translation": "초대 이메일을 보냈습니다" }, { "id": "api.command.team_mismatch.app_error", "translation": "팀들간의 명령어를 업데이트 할 수 없음" }, { "id": "api.command_away.desc", "translation": "현재 상태를 자리비움으로 설정합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_away.name", "translation": "자리 비움" }, { "id": "api.command_away.success", "translation": "이제 자리비움 상태입니다." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_header.channel.app_error", "translation": "현재 채널을 찾는 중 오류가 발생하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_header.desc", "translation": "채널 머릿말 수정" }, { "id": "api.command_channel_header.hint", "translation": "[text]" }, { "id": "api.command_channel_header.message.app_error", "translation": "문장은 /header 명령과 함께 입력되어야 합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_header.name", "translation": "머리글" }, { "id": "api.command_channel_header.permission.app_error", "translation": "당신은 채널 머릿말을 수정할 권한을 가지고 있지 않습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_header.update_channel.app_error", "translation": "현재 채널의 업데이트에 실패하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_purpose.channel.app_error", "translation": "채널 조회 중 오류가 발생하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_purpose.desc", "translation": "체널 설명 수정하기" }, { "id": "api.command_channel_purpose.direct_group.app_error", "translation": "개인 메시지의 설명은 설정할 수 없습니다. 머리글을 설정하려면 /header 를 사용하세요." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_purpose.hint", "translation": "[문자]" }, { "id": "api.command_channel_purpose.message.app_error", "translation": "/purpose 명령어를 사용해서 메세지를 작성하세요." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_purpose.name", "translation": "설명" }, { "id": "api.command_channel_purpose.permission.app_error", "translation": "당신은 채널 설명을 수정할 권한을 가지고 있지 않습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_purpose.update_channel.app_error", "translation": "현재 채널의 업데이트에 실패하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_rename.channel.app_error", "translation": "현재 채널을 찾는 중 오류가 발생하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_rename.desc", "translation": "채널 이름 바꾸기" }, { "id": "api.command_channel_rename.direct_group.app_error", "translation": "개인 메시지 채널의 이름은 변경 할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_rename.hint", "translation": "[문자]" }, { "id": "api.command_channel_rename.message.app_error", "translation": "메시지는 /rename 명령어와 함께 제공되어야 합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_rename.name", "translation": "이름변경" }, { "id": "api.command_channel_rename.permission.app_error", "translation": "당신은 채널 이름을 수정할 권한을 가지고 있지 않습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_rename.too_long.app_error", "translation": "채널 이름은 {{.Length}} 자 이하여야 합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_rename.too_short.app_error", "translation": "채널 이름은 {{.Length}} 자 이상이여야 합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_channel_rename.update_channel.app_error", "translation": "현재 채널의 업데이트에 실패하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_code.desc", "translation": "텍스트를 코드 블록으로 표시합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_code.hint", "translation": "[문자]" }, { "id": "api.command_code.message.app_error", "translation": "메시지는 /code 명령어와 함께 제공되어야 합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_code.name", "translation": "코드" }, { "id": "api.command_collapse.desc", "translation": "이미지 미리보기를 자동으로 접습니다" }, { "id": "api.command_collapse.name", "translation": "닫기" }, { "id": "api.command_collapse.success", "translation": "이미지 링크가 기본값으로 접히도록 설정됨" }, { "id": "api.command_dnd.desc", "translation": "방해 금지모드는 데스크탑과 모바일 푸시 알림을 비활성화합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_dnd.disabled", "translation": "방해 금지 모드가 해제되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_dnd.error", "translation": "유저 상태 검색 중 오류가 발생하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_dnd.name", "translation": "방해 금지" }, { "id": "api.command_dnd.success", "translation": "방해 금지 모드가 활성화되었습니다. 방해 금지 모드가 비활성화 될 때 까지 데스크탑이나 모바일 푸시 알림을 받지 못합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_echo.delay.app_error", "translation": "딜레이는 10000초보다 작아야 합니다" }, { "id": "api.command_echo.desc", "translation": "당신의 계정에서 보낸 Echo back 텍스트" }, { "id": "api.command_echo.high_volume.app_error", "translation": "에코 요청이 너무 많아 요청을 진행할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_echo.hint", "translation": "'메시지' [딜레이(초)]" }, { "id": "api.command_echo.message.app_error", "translation": "메시지는 /echo 명령어와 함께 제공되어야 합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_echo.name", "translation": "에코" }, { "id": "api.command_expand.desc", "translation": "이미지 미리보기를 자동으로 접지 않습니다" }, { "id": "api.command_expand.name", "translation": "확장" }, { "id": "api.command_expand.success", "translation": "이미지 링크가 기본값으로 펼쳐지도록 설정됨" }, { "id": "api.command_expand_collapse.fail.app_error", "translation": "미리보기를 펼치는 중 오류가 발생하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_groupmsg.desc", "translation": "지정된 사용자에게 그룹 메시지를 보냅니다." }, { "id": "api.command_groupmsg.fail.app_error", "translation": "사용자에게 메시지 전달 중 오류가 발생하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_groupmsg.group_fail.app_error", "translation": "그룹 메시지 생성 중 오류가 발생하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_groupmsg.hint", "translation": "@[username1],@[username2] '메시지'" }, { "id": "api.command_groupmsg.invalid_user.app_error", "translation": { "one": "유저를 찾지 못했습니다: {{.Users}}유저를 찾지 못했습니다: {{.Users}}", "other": "" } }, { "id": "api.command_groupmsg.max_users.app_error", "translation": "그룹 메시지는 최대 {{.MaxUsers}}명으로 제한되어 있습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_groupmsg.min_users.app_error", "translation": "그룹 메시지는 최소 {{.MaxUsers}}명으로 제한되어 있습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_groupmsg.name", "translation": "메시지" }, { "id": "api.command_help.desc", "translation": "Mattermost 도움말 페이지 열기" }, { "id": "api.command_help.name", "translation": "도움말" }, { "id": "api.command_invite.channel.app_error", "translation": "현재 채널 조회 중 오류가 발생하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_invite.channel.error", "translation": "{{.Channel}} 채널을 찾을 수 없습니다. 채널을 식별하려면 [채널 핸들] (https://about.mattermost.com/default-channel-handle-documentation) 을 사용하세요." }, { "id": "api.command_invite.desc", "translation": "사용자를 채널에 초대 합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_invite.directchannel.app_error", "translation": "Direct Message 채널에서 사용자를 추가할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_invite.fail.app_error", "translation": "채널에 가입 중 오류가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_invite.hint", "translation": "@[사용자 이름] ~[채널]" }, { "id": "api.command_invite.missing_message.app_error", "translation": "사용자 이름 및 채널이 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_invite.missing_user.app_error", "translation": "해당 사용자를 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "api.command_invite.name", "translation": "초대" }, { "id": "api.command_invite.permission.app_error", "translation": "{{.Channel}} 에 {{.User}}를 추가할 권한이 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_invite.private_channel.app_error", "translation": "{{.Channel}} 채널을 찾을 수 없습니다. 채널을 식별하려면 채널 핸들을 사용하십시오." }, { "id": "api.command_invite.success", "translation": "{{.Channel}} 채널에 {{.User}} 가 추가되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_invite.user_already_in_channel.app_error", "translation": "채널에 이미 {{.User}} 가 있습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_join.desc", "translation": "열린 채널에 참가" }, { "id": "api.command_join.fail.app_error", "translation": "채널에 참가하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_join.hint", "translation": "~[채널]" }, { "id": "api.command_join.list.app_error", "translation": "채널 목록을 나열하는 중 오류가 발생하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_join.missing.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "api.command_join.name", "translation": "참가" }, { "id": "api.command_kick.name", "translation": "킥" }, { "id": "api.command_leave.desc", "translation": "현재 채널 떠나기" }, { "id": "api.command_leave.fail.app_error", "translation": "채널에서 나가는 중 오류가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_leave.name", "translation": "떠나기" }, { "id": "api.command_leave.success", "translation": "채널을 떠났습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_logout.desc", "translation": "Mattermost 로그아웃" }, { "id": "api.command_logout.fail_message", "translation": "로그아웃 실패" }, { "id": "api.command_logout.name", "translation": "로그아웃" }, { "id": "api.command_me.desc", "translation": "액션 실행" }, { "id": "api.command_me.hint", "translation": "[메시지]" }, { "id": "api.command_me.name", "translation": "나" }, { "id": "api.command_msg.desc", "translation": "유저에게 개인 메시지 전송" }, { "id": "api.command_msg.dm_fail.app_error", "translation": "메시지 암호화 중 오류가 발생하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_msg.fail.app_error", "translation": "사용자에게 메시지 전달 중 오류가 발생하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_msg.hint", "translation": "@[유저이름] '메세지'" }, { "id": "api.command_msg.missing.app_error", "translation": "사용자를 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "api.command_msg.name", "translation": "메시지" }, { "id": "api.command_mute.desc", "translation": "지정된 현재 채널 또는[채널]에 대해 데스크 톱, 이메일 및 푸시 알림 기능을 해제합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_mute.error", "translation": "채널{{.Channel}} 을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 채널을 식별하려면[채널 핸들](https://about.mattermost.com/default-channel-handle-documentation) 을 사용하십시오." }, { "id": "api.command_mute.hint", "translation": "~[채널]" }, { "id": "api.command_mute.name", "translation": "음소거" }, { "id": "api.command_mute.no_channel.error", "translation": "지정한 채널을 찾을 수 없습니다. 채널을 식별하려면[채널 핸들](https://about.mattermost.com/default-channel-handle-documentation)을 사용하십시오." }, { "id": "api.command_mute.not_member.error", "translation": "사용자가 멤버가 아니기 때문에 채널 {{.Channel}}의 음을 소거할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_mute.success_mute", "translation": "채널 음소거가 해제될 때까지{{.Channel}}에 대한 알림을 받지 못 합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_mute.success_mute_direct_msg", "translation": "채널 음소거를 끄지 않으면 이 채널에 대한 알림을 받지 못 합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_mute.success_unmute", "translation": "{{.Channel}} 이 더 이상 음소거가 상태가 아닙니다." }, { "id": "api.command_mute.success_unmute_direct_msg", "translation": "이 채널은 더 이상 음소거 상태가 아닙니다." }, { "id": "api.command_offline.desc", "translation": "현재 상태를 오프라인으로 설정합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_offline.name", "translation": "오프라인" }, { "id": "api.command_offline.success", "translation": "이제 오프라인 상태입니다." }, { "id": "api.command_online.desc", "translation": "현재 상태를 온라인으로 설정합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_online.name", "translation": "온라인" }, { "id": "api.command_online.success", "translation": "이제 온라인 상태입니다." }, { "id": "api.command_open.name", "translation": "열기" }, { "id": "api.command_remove.desc", "translation": "채널에서 멤버 제거하기" }, { "id": "api.command_remove.direct_group.app_error", "translation": "개인 메시지 채널에서 다른 사용자를 제거할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_remove.hint", "translation": "@[사용자 이름]" }, { "id": "api.command_remove.message.app_error", "translation": "/remove 혹은 /kick 명령어를 사용해서 메시지를 작성하세요." }, { "id": "api.command_remove.missing.app_error", "translation": "해당 사용자를 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "api.command_remove.name", "translation": "제거" }, { "id": "api.command_remove.permission.app_error", "translation": "멤버 삭제를 위한 적합한 권한을 가지고 있지 않습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_remove.user_not_in_channel", "translation": "{{.Username}}은 이 채널의 사용자가 아닙니다." }, { "id": "api.command_search.desc", "translation": "메세지에서 문장 찾기" }, { "id": "api.command_search.hint", "translation": "[문자]" }, { "id": "api.command_search.name", "translation": "찾기" }, { "id": "api.command_search.unsupported.app_error", "translation": "당신의 기기에서는 검색 명령을 지원하지 않습니다" }, { "id": "api.command_settings.desc", "translation": "계정 설정 화면 열기" }, { "id": "api.command_settings.name", "translation": "설정" }, { "id": "api.command_settings.unsupported.app_error", "translation": "당신의 기기에서는 설정 명령을 지원하지 않습니다" }, { "id": "api.command_shortcuts.desc", "translation": "단축키 목록을 표시합니다." }, { "id": "api.command_shortcuts.name", "translation": "단축키" }, { "id": "api.command_shortcuts.unsupported.app_error", "translation": "해당 기기에서 단축키를 지원하지 않습니다." }, { "id": "api.command_shrug.desc", "translation": "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯를 메시지에 추가" }, { "id": "api.command_shrug.hint", "translation": "[메시지]" }, { "id": "api.command_shrug.name", "translation": "shrug" }, { "id": "api.config.client.old_format.app_error", "translation": "사용자 설정을 위한 새로운 형식은 아직 지원되지 않습니다. 명령문에서 format=old 를 명시해 주세요." }, { "id": "api.context.404.app_error", "translation": "죄송합니다, 페이지를 찾을 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.context.invalid_body_param.app_error", "translation": "요청 본문에서 {{.Name}}이(가) 없거나 잘못됨" }, { "id": "api.context.invalid_param.app_error", "translation": "적절하지 않은 {{.Name}} 파라미터" }, { "id": "api.context.invalid_token.error", "translation": "잘못된 세션 token={{.Token}}, err={{.Error}}" }, { "id": "api.context.invalid_url_param.app_error", "translation": "요청 URL에서 {{.Name}} 변수가 없거나 잘못됨" }, { "id": "api.context.mfa_required.app_error", "translation": "이 서버에는 다단계 인증이 요구됩니다." }, { "id": "api.context.permissions.app_error", "translation": "작업을 할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다" }, { "id": "api.context.session_expired.app_error", "translation": "잘못되거나 만료된 세션입니다, 다시 로그인 해주세요." }, { "id": "api.context.token_provided.app_error", "translation": "OAuth 세션이 아님에도 쿼리 문자열에 토큰이 제공되었습니다" }, { "id": "api.email_batching.add_notification_email_to_batch.channel_full.app_error", "translation": "이메일 배치 작업을 받는 채널이 가득 찼습니다. EmailBatchingBufferSize를 늘려주세요." }, { "id": "api.email_batching.add_notification_email_to_batch.disabled.app_error", "translation": "시스템 관리자가 이메일 배치 기능을 비활성화 했습니다." }, { "id": "api.email_batching.render_batched_post.date", "translation": "{{.Hour}}:{{.Minute}} {{.Timezone}}, {{.Month}} {{.Day}}" }, { "id": "api.email_batching.render_batched_post.direct_message", "translation": "로부터 직접 메시지" }, { "id": "api.email_batching.render_batched_post.go_to_post", "translation": "글로 이동하기" }, { "id": "api.email_batching.render_batched_post.group_message", "translation": "로부터 그룹 메세지" }, { "id": "api.email_batching.render_batched_post.notification", "translation": "로부터 공지" }, { "id": "api.email_batching.send_batched_email_notification.body_text", "translation": { "one": "새 알림이 있습니다.{{.Count}}개의 새 알림이 있습니다.", "other": "" } }, { "id": "api.email_batching.send_batched_email_notification.subject", "translation": { "one": "[{{.SiteName}}] 새 알림 {{.Month}} {{.Day}}, {{.Year}}", "other": "" } }, { "id": "api.emoji.create.duplicate.app_error", "translation": "이모티콘을 생성할 수 없습니다. 같은 이름을 가진 다른 이모티콘이 이미 있습니다." }, { "id": "api.emoji.create.other_user.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.emoji.create.parse.app_error", "translation": "이모티콘을 생성할 수 없습니다. 요청을 이해할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.emoji.create.too_large.app_error", "translation": "이모티콘을 생성할 수 없습니다. 이미지 용량은 1MB 미만이어야 합니다." }, { "id": "api.emoji.disabled.app_error", "translation": "시스템 관리자에 의해 사용자 이모티콘 기능이 비활성화 되어 있습니다." }, { "id": "api.emoji.get_image.decode.app_error", "translation": "이모티콘 이미지를 디코딩 할 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "api.emoji.get_image.read.app_error", "translation": "이모티콘 이미지 파일을 읽을 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.emoji.storage.app_error", "translation": "파일 저장소가 제대로 설정되지 않았습니다. S3나 로컬 서버 파일 저장소를 설정해주세요." }, { "id": "api.emoji.upload.image.app_error", "translation": "이모티콘을 만들 수 없습니다. PNG, JPEG, GIF 파일 이어야 합니다." }, { "id": "api.emoji.upload.large_image.decode_error", "translation": "이모티콘을 생성할 수 없습니다. 이미지 디코딩 시도 중 오류가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "api.emoji.upload.large_image.encode_error", "translation": "이모티콘을 생성할 수 없습니다. 이미지 인코딩 시도 중 오류가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "api.emoji.upload.large_image.gif_decode_error", "translation": "이모지를 만들 수 없습니다. GIF 디코딩 중 오류가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "api.emoji.upload.large_image.gif_encode_error", "translation": "이모지를 만들 수 없습니다. GIF 인코딩 중 오류가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "api.emoji.upload.open.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.file.attachments.disabled.app_error", "translation": "이 서버는 파일 첨부가 비활성화 되어 있습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.get_file.public_invalid.app_error", "translation": "유효하지 않은 링크입니다." }, { "id": "api.file.get_file_preview.no_preview.app_error", "translation": "해당 파일은 미리보기 기능이 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.get_file_thumbnail.no_thumbnail.app_error", "translation": "파일 썸네일 이미지가 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.get_public_link.disabled.app_error", "translation": "공개 링크가 비활성화되어 있습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.get_public_link.no_post.app_error", "translation": "파일의 공개링크를 가져올 수 없습니다. 파일에 현재 유저가 읽을 수 있는 설명이 작성되어야 합니다." }, { "id": "api.file.move_file.copy_within_s3.app_error", "translation": "S3 내에서 파일을 복사 할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.move_file.delete_from_s3.app_error", "translation": "S3으로부터 파일을 지울 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.move_file.rename.app_error", "translation": "파일을 근처로 이동할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.no_driver.app_error", "translation": "No file driver selected." }, { "id": "api.file.read_file.reading_local.app_error", "translation": "로컬 서버 저장소를 읽는 도중 에러가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.read_file.s3.app_error", "translation": "로컬 서버 저장소를 읽는 도중 에러가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.reader.reading_local.app_error", "translation": "로컬 서버 저장소를 읽는 도중 에러가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.reader.s3.app_error", "translation": "로컬 서버 저장소를 읽는 도중 에러가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.test_connection.local.connection.app_error", "translation": "Don't have permissions to write to local path specified or other error." }, { "id": "api.file.test_connection.s3.bucked_create.app_error", "translation": "Unable to create bucket." }, { "id": "api.file.test_connection.s3.bucket_exists.app_error", "translation": "Error checking if bucket exists." }, { "id": "api.file.test_connection.s3.connection.app_error", "translation": "Bad connection to S3 or minio." }, { "id": "api.file.upload_file.bad_parse.app_error", "translation": "파일을 업로드 할 수 없습니다. 머릿말 파싱에 실패하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.upload_file.incorrect_number_of_files.app_error", "translation": "파일을 업로드 할 수 없습니다. 잘못된 파일 수가 지정되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.upload_file.large_image.app_error", "translation": "최대 크기를 초과하는 파일을 업로드 할 수 없습니다: {{.Filename}}" }, { "id": "api.file.upload_file.storage.app_error", "translation": "파일을 업로드할 수 없습니다. 이미지 저장소가 설정되지 않았습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.upload_file.too_large.app_error", "translation": "파일을 업로드할 수 없습니다. 파일이 너무 큽니다." }, { "id": "api.file.write_file.s3.app_error", "translation": "S3에 쓰기를 실패했습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.write_file_locally.create_dir.app_error", "translation": "새 파일을 위한 디렉토리 생성에 실패했습니다." }, { "id": "api.file.write_file_locally.writing.app_error", "translation": "로컬 서버 저장소에 쓰는 도중 에러가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "api.incoming_webhook.disabled.app_error", "translation": "시스템 관리자 권한으로 Incoming webhooks를 설정해야 합니다." }, { "id": "api.incoming_webhook.invalid_username.app_error", "translation": "유효하지 않은 사용자 이름" }, { "id": "api.license.add_license.array.app_error", "translation": "'license' 아래에 비어있는 배열이 있습니다." }, { "id": "api.license.add_license.expired.app_error", "translation": "라이센스가 만료되었거나 아직 시작되지 않았습니다." }, { "id": "api.license.add_license.invalid.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 라이센스 파일입니다." }, { "id": "api.license.add_license.invalid_count.app_error", "translation": "특별한 유저들의 숫자를 알 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.license.add_license.no_file.app_error", "translation": "라이선스 아래에 파일이 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.license.add_license.open.app_error", "translation": "라이센스 파일을 열 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.license.add_license.save.app_error", "translation": "라이센스가 제대로 저장되지 않았습니다." }, { "id": "api.license.add_license.save_active.app_error", "translation": "사용가능한 라이센스 ID가 제대로 저장되지 않았습니다." }, { "id": "api.license.add_license.unique_users.app_error", "translation": "시스템이 {{.Count}} 유니크 사용자를 가질 때, 이 라이센스는 {{.Users}} 사용자 만을 지원합니다. 유니크 사용자는 이메일 주소 개수로 구분 됩니다. 사용자 수는 사이트 리포트 -> 통계 보기에서 확인할 수 있습니다." }, { "id": "api.license.client.old_format.app_error", "translation": "클라이언트 라이선스를 위한 새로운 형식은 아직 지원하지 않습니다. 명령문에서 format=old 를 명시해 주세요." }, { "id": "api.oauth.allow_oauth.redirect_callback.app_error", "translation": "invalid_request: 받은 redirect_url이 등록된 callback_url과 일치하지 않습니다." }, { "id": "api.oauth.allow_oauth.turn_off.app_error", "translation": "OAuth2 서비스 제공자가 시스템 관리자에 의해 종료되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.oauth.authorize_oauth.disabled.app_error", "translation": "OAuth2 서비스 제공자가 시스템 관리자에 의해 종료되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.bad_client_id.app_error", "translation": "invalid_request: 잘못된 client_id" }, { "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.bad_client_secret.app_error", "translation": "invalid_request: client_secret 값이 누락되었습니다" }, { "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.bad_grant.app_error", "translation": "invalid_request: 잘못된 grant_type" }, { "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.credentials.app_error", "translation": "invalid_client: 잘못된 클라이언트 인증 정보입니다" }, { "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.disabled.app_error", "translation": "OAuth2 서비스 제공자가 시스템 관리자에 의해 종료되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.expired_code.app_error", "translation": "invalid_grant: 잘못되었거나 기한이 만료된 인증 코드" }, { "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.internal.app_error", "translation": "server_error: 데이터베이스를 엑세스하는 동안 내부 서버에러가 발생되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.internal_saving.app_error", "translation": "server_error: 접근 코드를 데이터베이스에 저장하던 도중 서버 내부 오류 발생" }, { "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.internal_session.app_error", "translation": "server_error: 데이터베이스에 세션 저장 중 서버 내부 오류 발생" }, { "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.internal_user.app_error", "translation": "server_error: 사용자 정보를 데이터베이스에서 가져오던 도중 서버 내부 오류 발생" }, { "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.missing_code.app_error", "translation": "invalid_request: 코드가 누락" }, { "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.missing_refresh_token.app_error", "translation": "invalid_request: refresh_token 누락" }, { "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.redirect_uri.app_error", "translation": "invalid_request: 주어진 redirect_uri 값이 인증 코드의 redirect_uri 값과 맞지 않음" }, { "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.refresh_token.app_error", "translation": "invalid_grant: 잘못된 refresh 토큰" }, { "id": "api.oauth.invalid_state_token.app_error", "translation": "상태 토큰이 잘못되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.oauth.register_oauth_app.turn_off.app_error", "translation": "OAuth2 서비스 제공자가 시스템 관리자에 의해 종료되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.oauth.revoke_access_token.del_session.app_error", "translation": "DB에서 세션을 지우다 오류가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "api.oauth.revoke_access_token.del_token.app_error", "translation": "DB에서 접근토큰을 지우다가 오류가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "api.oauth.revoke_access_token.get.app_error", "translation": "삭제하기 전에 DB에서 엑세스 토큰을 받을 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.oauth.singup_with_oauth.disabled.app_error", "translation": "사용자 가입이 비활성화 되어있습니다." }, { "id": "api.oauth.singup_with_oauth.expired_link.app_error", "translation": "가입 링크가 만료되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.oauth.singup_with_oauth.invalid_link.app_error", "translation": "유효하지 않은 가입 링크입니다." }, { "id": "api.outgoing_webhook.disabled.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.plugin.upload.array.app_error", "translation": "파일의 배열이 in multipart/from request 비어있습니다." }, { "id": "api.plugin.upload.file.app_error", "translation": "파일을 in multipart/from request 열 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.plugin.upload.no_file.app_error", "translation": "in multipart/form request 파일이 누락되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.post.check_for_out_of_channel_mentions.message.multiple", "translation": "@{{.Usernames}} 와 @{{.LastUsername}} 에게 메시지는 전달했디만, 이 채널에 속하지 않기 때문에 알림을 받지 못했습니다." }, { "id": "api.post.check_for_out_of_channel_mentions.message.one", "translation": "@{{.Username}} 에게 메시지는 전달했지만, 이 채널에 속하지 않기 때문에 알림을 받지 못했습니다." }, { "id": "api.post.create_post.can_not_post_to_deleted.error", "translation": "삭제된 채널에 등록할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.post.create_post.channel_root_id.app_error", "translation": "루트 아이디 매개변수의 잘못된 채널 아이디입니다." }, { "id": "api.post.create_post.parent_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 ParentId 매개변수입니다" }, { "id": "api.post.create_post.root_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 RootId 매개변수입니다" }, { "id": "api.post.create_post.town_square_read_only", "translation": "이 채널은 읽기 전용입니다. 권한을 가진 사용자들만 게시할 수 있습니다." }, { "id": "api.post.create_webhook_post.creating.app_error", "translation": "포스트 만드는 중 오류" }, { "id": "api.post.disabled_all", "translation": "채널에 사용자가 {{.Users}}명이상 있기 때문에 @all이 비활성화 되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.post.disabled_channel", "translation": "채널에 사용자가 {{.Users}}명이상 있기 때문에 @channel이 비활성화 되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.post.disabled_here", "translation": "채널에 사용자가 {{.Users}}명이상 있기 때문에 @here이 비활성화 되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.post.do_action.action_id.app_error", "translation": "유효하지 않은 액션 ID" }, { "id": "api.post.do_action.action_integration.app_error", "translation": "통합 기능 작업 에러" }, { "id": "api.post.get_message_for_notification.files_sent", "translation": { "one": "{{.Count}}개 파일 발송됨: {{.Filenames}}", "other": "" } }, { "id": "api.post.get_message_for_notification.images_sent", "translation": { "one": "{{.Count}}개 이미지 발송됨: {{.Filenames}}", "other": "" } }, { "id": "api.post.link_preview_disabled.app_error", "translation": "시스템 관리자 권한으로 Link previews를 활성화시키세요." }, { "id": "api.post.send_notification_and_forget.push_channel_mention", "translation": " notified the channel." }, { "id": "api.post.send_notification_and_forget.push_comment_on_post", "translation": " commented on your post." }, { "id": "api.post.send_notification_and_forget.push_comment_on_thread", "translation": " commented on a thread you participated in." }, { "id": "api.post.send_notifications_and_forget.push_explicit_mention", "translation": "~에서 메시지 전송" }, { "id": "api.post.send_notifications_and_forget.push_general_message", "translation": "메세지 게시" }, { "id": "api.post.send_notifications_and_forget.push_image_only", "translation": " attached a file." }, { "id": "api.post.send_notifications_and_forget.push_message", "translation": "sent you a message." }, { "id": "api.post.update_post.find.app_error", "translation": "기존 글을 찾을 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.post.update_post.permissions_details.app_error", "translation": "이미 지워짐. ID={{.PostId}}" }, { "id": "api.post.update_post.permissions_time_limit.app_error", "translation": "게시 수정은 {{.timeLimit}} 초 동안만 가능합니다. 상세한 내용은 시스템 관리자에게 문의하세요." }, { "id": "api.post.update_post.system_message.app_error", "translation": "시스템 메시지를 변경할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.post_get_post_by_id.get.app_error", "translation": "내용을 가져올수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.preference.delete_preferences.delete.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.preference.preferences_category.get.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.preference.update_preferences.set.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.reaction.save_reaction.invalid.app_error", "translation": "리액션이 유효하지 않습니다." }, { "id": "api.reaction.save_reaction.user_id.app_error", "translation": "타 사용자에 대한 리액션 저장을 할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.roles.patch_roles.license.error", "translation": "지금 라이선스는 고급 퍼미션을 지원하지 않습니다." }, { "id": "api.scheme.create_scheme.license.error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.scheme.delete_scheme.license.error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.scheme.get_channels_for_scheme.scope.error", "translation": "Unable to get the channels for scheme because the supplied scheme is not a channel scheme." }, { "id": "api.scheme.get_teams_for_scheme.scope.error", "translation": "Unable to get the teams for scheme because the supplied scheme is not a team scheme." }, { "id": "api.scheme.patch_scheme.license.error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.server.start_server.forward80to443.disabled_while_using_lets_encrypt", "translation": "LetsEncrypt를 사용하는 경우 Forward80To443 기능 활성화 필요" }, { "id": "api.server.start_server.forward80to443.enabled_but_listening_on_wrong_port", "translation": "%s 포트에서 수신하는 중, 포트 80에서 포트 443으로 전환하지 못했습니다. 프록시 서버 사용 중인 경우 Forward80To443 옵션을 비활성화 해 주세요." }, { "id": "api.server.start_server.rate_limiting_memory_store", "translation": "메모리 스토어의 속도 제한을 초기화할 수 없습니다. MemoryStoreSize 설정 세팅을 확인하십시오." }, { "id": "api.server.start_server.rate_limiting_rate_limiter", "translation": "속도 제한을 초기화할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.server.start_server.starting.critical", "translation": "서버 시작중 오류, err:%v" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_bot_user.email_pwd", "translation": "The Integration/Slack Bot user with email {{.Email}} and password {{.Password}} has been imported.\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_bot_user.unable_import", "translation": "Unable to import the Integration/Slack Bot user {{.Username}}.\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_channels.added", "translation": "\r\n 채널 추가됨 \r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_channels.failed_to_add_user", "translation": "Unable to add Slack user {{.Username}} to channel.\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_channels.import_failed", "translation": "Unable to import Slack channel {{.DisplayName}}.\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_channels.merge", "translation": "The Slack channel {{.DisplayName}} already exists as an active Mattermost channel. Both channels have been merged.\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_users.created", "translation": "\r\n 사용자 생성됨\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_users.email_pwd", "translation": "Slack user with email {{.Email}} and password {{.Password}} has been imported.\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_users.merge_existing", "translation": "Slack user merged with an existing Mattermost user with matching email {{.Email}} and username {{.Username}}.\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_users.merge_existing_failed", "translation": "Slack user merged with an existing Mattermost user with matching email {{.Email}} and username {{.Username}}, but was unable to add the user to their team.\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_users.missing_email_address", "translation": "User {{.Username}} does not have an email address in the Slack export. Used {{.Email}} as a placeholder. The user should update their email address once logged in to the system.\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_users.unable_import", "translation": "불러올 수 없는 사용자: {{.Username}}\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_import.log", "translation": "Slack에서 가져오기 Log\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_import.note1", "translation": "- Some posts may not have been imported because they where not supported by this importer.\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_import.note2", "translation": "- Slack bot posts are currently not supported.\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_import.note3", "translation": "- 서버 로그에서 찾을 수 있는 추가적인 오류들.\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_import.notes", "translation": "\r\n Notes \r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_import.open.app_error", "translation": "Unable to open the file: {{.Filename}}.\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_import.team_fail", "translation": "팀을 가져오는데 실패했습니다.\r\n" }, { "id": "api.slackimport.slack_import.zip.app_error", "translation": "Unable to open the Slack export zip file.\r\n" }, { "id": "api.status.user_not_found.app_error", "translation": "User not found" }, { "id": "api.team.add_user_to_team.added", "translation": "%v 이/가 %v에 의해 채널에 추가되었습니다" }, { "id": "api.team.add_user_to_team.missing_parameter.app_error", "translation": "Parameter required to add user to team." }, { "id": "api.team.get_invite_info.not_open_team", "translation": "Invite is invalid because this is not an open team." }, { "id": "api.team.get_team_icon.filesettings_no_driver.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.team.get_team_icon.read_file.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.team.import_team.array.app_error", "translation": "요청의 'file' 배열이 비어있습니다." }, { "id": "api.team.import_team.integer.app_error", "translation": "Filesize가 정수가 아닙니다." }, { "id": "api.team.import_team.no_file.app_error", "translation": "요청의 'file' 항목에 파일이 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.team.import_team.no_import_from.app_error", "translation": "Malformed request: importFrom field is not present." }, { "id": "api.team.import_team.open.app_error", "translation": "파일을 열 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.team.import_team.parse.app_error", "translation": "multipart 폼을 가져올수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.team.import_team.unavailable.app_error", "translation": "Malformed request: filesize field is not present." }, { "id": "api.team.invite_members.invalid_email.app_error", "translation": "The following email addresses do not belong to an accepted domain: {{.Addresses}}. Please contact your System Administrator for details." }, { "id": "api.team.invite_members.member", "translation": "멤버" }, { "id": "api.team.invite_members.no_one.app_error", "translation": "초대된 인원이 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.team.is_team_creation_allowed.disabled.app_error", "translation": "새로운 팀을 생성할 수 없습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 문의해보세요." }, { "id": "api.team.is_team_creation_allowed.domain.app_error", "translation": "허용된 도메인의 이메일만 사용하세요. (예시: @example.com). 또는 시스템 관리자에게 문의해보세요." }, { "id": "api.team.join_team.post_and_forget", "translation": "%v joined the team." }, { "id": "api.team.leave.left", "translation": "%v left the team." }, { "id": "api.team.move_channel.post.error", "translation": "들어옴/나감 메시지를 등록하는 데 실패함" }, { "id": "api.team.move_channel.success", "translation": "This channel has been moved to this team from %v." }, { "id": "api.team.remove_team_icon.get_team.app_error", "translation": "An error occurred getting the team" }, { "id": "api.team.remove_user_from_team.missing.app_error", "translation": "The user does not appear to be part of this team." }, { "id": "api.team.remove_user_from_team.removed", "translation": "%v 가 채널에서 제거되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.team.set_team_icon.array.app_error", "translation": "요청의 'image' 속성에 빈 배열이 전달되었습니다" }, { "id": "api.team.set_team_icon.decode.app_error", "translation": "Could not decode team icon" }, { "id": "api.team.set_team_icon.decode_config.app_error", "translation": "Could not decode team icon metadata" }, { "id": "api.team.set_team_icon.encode.app_error", "translation": "Could not encode team icon" }, { "id": "api.team.set_team_icon.get_team.app_error", "translation": "An error occurred getting the team" }, { "id": "api.team.set_team_icon.no_file.app_error", "translation": "요청의 'image' 속성 아래에 파일이 없습니다" }, { "id": "api.team.set_team_icon.open.app_error", "translation": "이미지 파일을 열 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.team.set_team_icon.parse.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 multipart form을 파싱할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.team.set_team_icon.storage.app_error", "translation": "파일을 업로드할 수 없습니다. 이미지 저장소가 설정되지 않았습니다." }, { "id": "api.team.set_team_icon.too_large.app_error", "translation": "이미지 파일을 불러올 수 없습니다. 파일이 너무 큽니다." }, { "id": "api.team.set_team_icon.write_file.app_error", "translation": "Could not save team icon" }, { "id": "api.team.team_icon.update.app_error", "translation": "An error occurred updating the team icon" }, { "id": "api.team.update_member_roles.not_a_member", "translation": "지정된 사용자는 지정된 팀의 멤버가 아닙니다." }, { "id": "api.team.update_team_scheme.license.error", "translation": "License does not support updating a team's scheme" }, { "id": "api.team.update_team_scheme.scheme_scope.error", "translation": "Unable to set the scheme to the team because the supplied scheme is not a team scheme." }, { "id": "api.templates.deactivate_body.info", "translation": "You deactivated your account on {{ .SiteURL }}.
If this change wasn't initiated by you or you want to reactivate your account, contact your system administrator." }, { "id": "api.templates.deactivate_body.title", "translation": "Your account has been deactivated at {{ .ServerURL }}" }, { "id": "api.templates.deactivate_subject", "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Your account at {{ .ServerURL }} has been deactivated" }, { "id": "api.templates.email_change_body.info", "translation": "{{.TeamDisplayName}} 이메일이 {{.NewEmail}}(으)로 변경되었습니다.
잘못 변경된 경우, 시스템 관리자에게 문의하세요." }, { "id": "api.templates.email_change_body.title", "translation": "이메일을 변경하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.templates.email_change_subject", "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Your email address has changed" }, { "id": "api.templates.email_change_verify_body.button", "translation": "검증 메일" }, { "id": "api.templates.email_change_verify_body.info", "translation": "{{.TeamDisplayName}}의 이메일 주소 변경을 완료하려면, 아래 링크를 클릭하여 검증하세요." }, { "id": "api.templates.email_change_verify_body.title", "translation": "이메일을 변경하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.templates.email_change_verify_subject", "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Verify new email address" }, { "id": "api.templates.email_footer", "translation": "알림 설정을 변경하려면, 팀 사이트에 로그인 후 계정 설정> 알림 메뉴를 확인하세요." }, { "id": "api.templates.email_info", "translation": "Any questions at all, mail us any time: {{.SupportEmail}}.
Best wishes,
The {{.SiteName}} Team
" }, { "id": "api.templates.email_organization", "translation": "발신: " }, { "id": "api.templates.invite_body.button", "translation": "팀 참여하기" }, { "id": "api.templates.invite_body.extra_info", "translation": "Mattermost lets you share messages and files from your PC or phone, with instant search and archiving. After you’ve joined {{.TeamDisplayName}}, you can sign-in to your new team and access these features anytime from the web address:

{{.TeamURL}}" }, { "id": "api.templates.invite_body.info", "translation": "The team {{.SenderStatus}} {{.SenderName}}, has invited you to join {{.TeamDisplayName}}." }, { "id": "api.templates.invite_body.title", "translation": "당신은 초대되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.templates.invite_subject", "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] {{ .SenderName }} invited you to join {{ .TeamDisplayName }} Team" }, { "id": "api.templates.mfa_activated_body.info", "translation": "Multi-factor authentication has been added to your account on {{ .SiteURL }}.
If this change wasn't initiated by you, please contact your system administrator." }, { "id": "api.templates.mfa_activated_body.title", "translation": "Multi-factor authentication was added" }, { "id": "api.templates.mfa_change_subject", "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Your MFA has been updated" }, { "id": "api.templates.mfa_deactivated_body.info", "translation": "Multi-factor authentication has been removed from your account on {{ .SiteURL }}.
If this change wasn't initiated by you, please contact your system administrator." }, { "id": "api.templates.mfa_deactivated_body.title", "translation": "Multi-factor authentication was removed" }, { "id": "api.templates.password_change_body.info", "translation": "{{.TeamDisplayName}}의 비밀번호가 변경되었습니다. {{.TeamURL}} {{.Method}}
의도하지 않은 변경인 경우, 시스템 관리자에게 문의해보세요." }, { "id": "api.templates.password_change_body.title", "translation": "비밀번호가 변경되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.templates.password_change_subject", "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Your password has been updated" }, { "id": "api.templates.post_body.button", "translation": "글로 이동하기" }, { "id": "api.templates.reset_body.button", "translation": "비밀번호 재설정" }, { "id": "api.templates.reset_body.info", "translation": "비밀번호를 변경하려면, \"비밀번호 재설정\"을 누르세요.
이 이메일을 무시하면, 기존 비밀번호가 유지됩니다. 비밀번호 재설정 링크는 24시간 후에 만료됩니다." }, { "id": "api.templates.reset_body.title", "translation": "비밀번호 재설정을 요청했습니다." }, { "id": "api.templates.reset_subject", "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Reset your password" }, { "id": "api.templates.signin_change_email.body.info", "translation": "You updated your sign-in method for on {{ .SiteName }} to {{.Method}}.
If this change wasn't initiated by you, please contact your system administrator." }, { "id": "api.templates.signin_change_email.body.method_email", "translation": "이메일과 비밀번호" }, { "id": "api.templates.signin_change_email.body.title", "translation": "You updated your sign-in method" }, { "id": "api.templates.signin_change_email.subject", "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Your sign-in method has been updated" }, { "id": "api.templates.user_access_token_body.info", "translation": "A personal access token was added to your account on {{ .SiteURL }}. They can be used to access {{.SiteName}} with your account.
If this change wasn't initiated by you, please contact your system administrator." }, { "id": "api.templates.user_access_token_body.title", "translation": "Personal access token added to your account" }, { "id": "api.templates.user_access_token_subject", "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Personal access token added to your account" }, { "id": "api.templates.username_change_body.info", "translation": "{{.TeamDisplayName}} 사용자명이 {{.NewUsername}}(으)로 변경되었습니다.
잘못 변경된 경우, 시스템 관리자에게 문의하세요." }, { "id": "api.templates.username_change_body.title", "translation": "사용자명을 변경했습니다." }, { "id": "api.templates.username_change_subject", "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Your username has changed" }, { "id": "api.templates.verify_body.button", "translation": "이메일 검증" }, { "id": "api.templates.verify_body.info", "translation": "이메일을 검증하려면 클릭하세요." }, { "id": "api.templates.verify_body.title", "translation": "You've joined {{ .ServerURL }}" }, { "id": "api.templates.verify_subject", "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Email Verification" }, { "id": "api.templates.welcome_body.app_download_info", "translation": "For the best experience, download the apps for PC, Mac, iOS and Android from:" }, { "id": "api.templates.welcome_body.button", "translation": "이메일 검증하기" }, { "id": "api.templates.welcome_body.info", "translation": "이메일을 검증하려면 클릭하세요." }, { "id": "api.templates.welcome_body.info2", "translation": "You can sign in from:" }, { "id": "api.templates.welcome_body.info3", "translation": "Mattermost lets you share messages and files from your PC or phone, with instant search and archiving." }, { "id": "api.templates.welcome_body.title", "translation": "You've joined {{ .ServerURL }}" }, { "id": "api.templates.welcome_subject", "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] You joined {{ .ServerURL }}" }, { "id": "api.user.activate_mfa.email_and_ldap_only.app_error", "translation": "MFA가 이 계정 형식에 대해 유효하지 않습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.add_direct_channels_and_forget.failed.error", "translation": "Failed to add direct channel preferences for user user_id={{.UserId}}, team_id={{.TeamId}}, err={{.Error}}" }, { "id": "api.user.authorize_oauth_user.bad_response.app_error", "translation": "토큰 요청으로부터 잘못된 응답" }, { "id": "api.user.authorize_oauth_user.bad_token.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 토큰 형식" }, { "id": "api.user.authorize_oauth_user.invalid_state.app_error", "translation": "올바르지 않은 상태" }, { "id": "api.user.authorize_oauth_user.missing.app_error", "translation": "접근 토큰이 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.authorize_oauth_user.service.app_error", "translation": "{{.Sevice}} 토큰 요청이 실패했습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.authorize_oauth_user.token_failed.app_error", "translation": "토큰 요청이 실패했습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.authorize_oauth_user.unsupported.app_error", "translation": "Unsupported OAuth service provider" }, { "id": "api.user.check_user_login_attempts.too_many.app_error", "translation": "로그인 실패가 계속되어 계정이 잠겼습니다. 비밀번호를 재설정하세요." }, { "id": "api.user.check_user_mfa.bad_code.app_error", "translation": "올바르지 않은 MFA 토큰" }, { "id": "api.user.check_user_mfa.not_available.app_error", "translation": "MFA를 설정하지 않았거나 서버에서 지원하지 않습니다" }, { "id": "api.user.check_user_password.invalid.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 패스워드로 인해 로그인에 실패했습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.complete_switch_with_oauth.blank_email.app_error", "translation": "Blank email" }, { "id": "api.user.complete_switch_with_oauth.parse.app_error", "translation": "Could not parse auth data out of {{.Service}} user object" }, { "id": "api.user.complete_switch_with_oauth.unavailable.app_error", "translation": "{{.Service}} SSO through OAuth 2.0 not available on this server" }, { "id": "api.user.create_oauth_user.already_attached.app_error", "translation": "There is already an account associated with that email address using a sign in method other than {{.Service}}. Please sign in using {{.Auth}}." }, { "id": "api.user.create_oauth_user.create.app_error", "translation": "Could not create user out of {{.Service}} user object" }, { "id": "api.user.create_oauth_user.not_available.app_error", "translation": "{{.Service}} SSO through OAuth 2.0 not available on this server" }, { "id": "api.user.create_profile_image.default_font.app_error", "translation": "기본 프로필 이미지 폰트를 생성할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.create_profile_image.encode.app_error", "translation": "기본 프로필 이미지를 인코딩 할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.create_profile_image.initial.app_error", "translation": "기본 프로필 이미지에 사용자 이니셜을 추가할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.create_user.accepted_domain.app_error", "translation": "The email you provided does not belong to an accepted domain. Please contact your administrator or sign up with a different email." }, { "id": "api.user.create_user.disabled.app_error", "translation": "User creation is disabled." }, { "id": "api.user.create_user.missing_invite_id.app_error", "translation": "Missing Invite Id." }, { "id": "api.user.create_user.missing_token.app_error", "translation": "Missing Token." }, { "id": "api.user.create_user.no_open_server", "translation": "This server does not allow open signups. Please speak with your Administrator to receive an invitation." }, { "id": "api.user.create_user.signup_email_disabled.app_error", "translation": "이메일을 통한 팀 가입이 비활성화 되어있습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.create_user.signup_link_expired.app_error", "translation": "가입 링크가 만료되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.create_user.signup_link_invalid.app_error", "translation": "유효하지 않은 가입 링크입니다." }, { "id": "api.user.email_to_ldap.not_available.app_error", "translation": "이 서버에서 AD/LDAP을 사용할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.email_to_oauth.not_available.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.user.generate_mfa_qr.not_available.app_error", "translation": "MFA 토큰이 설정되지 않았거나 유효하지 않습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.get_authorization_code.unsupported.app_error", "translation": "Unsupported OAuth service provider" }, { "id": "api.user.get_profile_image.not_found.app_error", "translation": "Unable to get profile image, user not found." }, { "id": "api.user.ldap_to_email.not_available.app_error", "translation": "이 서버에서 AD/LDAP을 사용할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.ldap_to_email.not_ldap_account.app_error", "translation": "이 사용자 계정은 AD/LDAP을 사용하지 않습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.login.blank_pwd.app_error", "translation": "비밀번호를 입력하세요." }, { "id": "api.user.login.client_side_cert.certificate.app_error", "translation": "Attempted to sign in using the experimental feature ClientSideCert without providing a valid certificate" }, { "id": "api.user.login.client_side_cert.license.app_error", "translation": "Attempt to use the experimental feature ClientSideCertEnable without a valid enterprise license" }, { "id": "api.user.login.inactive.app_error", "translation": "Login failed because your account has been set to inactive. Please contact an administrator." }, { "id": "api.user.login.invalid_credentials", "translation": "User ID or password incorrect." }, { "id": "api.user.login.not_verified.app_error", "translation": "검증되지 않은 이메일입니다." }, { "id": "api.user.login.use_auth_service.app_error", "translation": "Please sign in using {{.AuthService}}" }, { "id": "api.user.login_by_oauth.not_available.app_error", "translation": "{{.Service}} SSO through OAuth 2.0 not available on this server" }, { "id": "api.user.login_by_oauth.parse.app_error", "translation": "Could not parse auth data out of {{.Service}} user object" }, { "id": "api.user.login_ldap.not_available.app_error", "translation": "이 서버에서 LDAP을 사용할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.oauth_to_email.context.app_error", "translation": "Update password failed because context user_id did not match provided user's id" }, { "id": "api.user.oauth_to_email.not_available.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.user.reset_password.broken_token.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.user.reset_password.invalid_link.app_error", "translation": "유효하지 않은 비밀번호 재설정 링크입니다." }, { "id": "api.user.reset_password.link_expired.app_error", "translation": "비밀번호 재설정 링크가 만료되었습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.reset_password.method", "translation": "비밀번호 재설정 링크를 사용하세요." }, { "id": "api.user.reset_password.sso.app_error", "translation": "SSO 계정의 비밀번호를 재설정 할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.saml.not_available.app_error", "translation": "SAML이 설정되지 않았거나 서버에서 지원하지 않습니다" }, { "id": "api.user.send_deactivate_email_and_forget.failed.error", "translation": "Failed to send the deactivate account email successfully" }, { "id": "api.user.send_email_change_email_and_forget.error", "translation": "이메일 변경 알림 메일을 발송하지 못하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.send_email_change_username_and_forget.error", "translation": "사용자명 변경 알림 메일을 발송하지 못하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.send_email_change_verify_email_and_forget.error", "translation": "이메일 변경 확인 메일을 발송하지 못하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.send_mfa_change_email.error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.user.send_password_change_email_and_forget.error", "translation": "비밀번호 변경 알림 메일을 발송하지 못하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.send_password_reset.send.app_error", "translation": "Failed to send password reset email successfully" }, { "id": "api.user.send_password_reset.sso.app_error", "translation": "SSO 계정의 비밀번호를 재설정 할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.send_sign_in_change_email_and_forget.error", "translation": "비밀번호 변경 알림 메일을 발송하지 못하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.send_user_access_token.error", "translation": "Failed to send \"Personal access token added\" email successfully" }, { "id": "api.user.send_verify_email_and_forget.failed.error", "translation": "이메일 확인 메일을 발송하지 못하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.send_welcome_email_and_forget.failed.error", "translation": "가입 환영 메일을 발송하지 못하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.update_active.not_enable.app_error", "translation": "You cannot deactivate yourself because this feature is not enabled. Please contact your System Administrator." }, { "id": "api.user.update_active.permissions.app_error", "translation": "작업을 할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다" }, { "id": "api.user.update_mfa.not_available.app_error", "translation": "MFA 토큰이 설정되지 않았거나 유효하지 않습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.update_oauth_user_attrs.get_user.app_error", "translation": "Could not create user out of {{.Service}} user object" }, { "id": "api.user.update_password.context.app_error", "translation": "Update password failed because context user_id did not match props user_id" }, { "id": "api.user.update_password.failed.app_error", "translation": "비밀번호 변경을 실패했습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.update_password.incorrect.app_error", "translation": "The \"Current Password\" you entered is incorrect. Please check that Caps Lock is off and try again." }, { "id": "api.user.update_password.menu", "translation": "설정 메뉴를 사용" }, { "id": "api.user.update_password.oauth.app_error", "translation": "Update password failed because the user is logged in through an OAuth service" }, { "id": "api.user.update_password.valid_account.app_error", "translation": "해당 계정을 찾지 못해 비밀번호를 변경할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.array.app_error", "translation": "요청의 'image' 배열이 비어있습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.decode.app_error", "translation": "프로필 이미지를 불러올 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.decode_config.app_error", "translation": "Could not save profile image. File does not appear to be a valid image." }, { "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.encode.app_error", "translation": "프로필 이미지를 저장할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.no_file.app_error", "translation": "요청의 'image'에 파일이 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.open.app_error", "translation": "이미지 파일을 열 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.parse.app_error", "translation": "multipart 폼을 가져올 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.storage.app_error", "translation": "이미지 업로드를 할 수 없습니다. 이미지 저장공간이 설정되지 않았습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.too_large.app_error", "translation": "용량이 커서 파일을 업로드 할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.upload_profile.app_error", "translation": "프로필 이미지를 업로드 할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.user.verify_email.bad_link.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 이메일 검증 링크입니다." }, { "id": "api.user.verify_email.broken_token.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.web_socket.connect.upgrade.app_error", "translation": "웹소켓 연결을 업그레이드 하는 데 실패했습니다." }, { "id": "api.web_socket_router.bad_action.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.web_socket_router.bad_seq.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.web_socket_router.no_action.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.web_socket_router.not_authenticated.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "api.webhook.create_outgoing.intersect.app_error", "translation": "같은 채널에서 나가는 outgoing webhook들은 동일한 발동 단어/콜백 URL을 가질 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.webhook.create_outgoing.not_open.app_error", "translation": "Outgoing webhook은 공개 채널에만 생성할 수 있습니다." }, { "id": "api.webhook.create_outgoing.permissions.app_error", "translation": "Outgoing webhook을 생성할 권한이 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.webhook.create_outgoing.triggers.app_error", "translation": "Either trigger_words or channel_id must be set" }, { "id": "api.webhook.incoming.error", "translation": "Could not decode the multipart payload of incoming webhook." }, { "id": "api.webhook.team_mismatch.app_error", "translation": "팀들간의 명령어를 업데이트 할 수 없음" }, { "id": "api.webhook.update_outgoing.intersect.app_error", "translation": "같은 채널에서 나가는 outgoing webhook들은 동일한 발동 단어/콜백 URL을 가질 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.webrtc.disabled.app_error", "translation": "이 서버에서 WebRTC를 사용할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "api.webrtc.register_token.app_error", "translation": "WebRTC 토큰 등록 중에 에러가 발생하였습니다." }, { "id": "api.websocket_handler.invalid_param.app_error", "translation": "적절하지 않은 {{.Name}} 파라미터" }, { "id": "app.admin.test_email.failure", "translation": "Connection unsuccessful: {{.Error}}" }, { "id": "app.channel.create_channel.no_team_id.app_error", "translation": "Must specify the team ID to create a channel" }, { "id": "app.channel.move_channel.members_do_not_match.error", "translation": "Cannot move a channel unless all its members are already members of the destination team." }, { "id": "app.channel.post_update_channel_purpose_message.post.error", "translation": "들어옴/나감 메시지를 등록하는 데 실패함" }, { "id": "app.channel.post_update_channel_purpose_message.removed", "translation": "%s이(가) 채널 헤더를 제거했습니다 (이전: %s)" }, { "id": "app.channel.post_update_channel_purpose_message.retrieve_user.error", "translation": "업데이트 채널 헤더 메시지 %v을(를) 저장 시도중 사용자를 가져오는데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "app.channel.post_update_channel_purpose_message.updated_from", "translation": "%s 이(가) 채널 헤더를 %s에서 %s(으)로 갱신했습니다" }, { "id": "app.channel.post_update_channel_purpose_message.updated_to", "translation": "%s이(가) 채널 헤더를 %s로 갱신했습니다" }, { "id": "app.cluster.404.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "app.import.bulk_import.file_scan.error", "translation": "Error reading import data file." }, { "id": "app.import.bulk_import.json_decode.error", "translation": "JSON decode of line failed." }, { "id": "app.import.bulk_import.unsupported_version.error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "app.import.import_channel.scheme_deleted.error", "translation": "Cannot set a channel to use a deleted scheme." }, { "id": "app.import.import_channel.scheme_wrong_scope.error", "translation": "Channel must be assigned to a Channel-scoped scheme." }, { "id": "app.import.import_channel.team_not_found.error", "translation": "Error importing channel. Team with name \"{{.TeamName}}\" could not be found." }, { "id": "app.import.import_direct_channel.create_direct_channel.error", "translation": "Failed to create direct channel" }, { "id": "app.import.import_direct_channel.create_group_channel.error", "translation": "Failed to create group channel" }, { "id": "app.import.import_direct_channel.member_not_found.error", "translation": "Could not find channel member when importing direct channel" }, { "id": "app.import.import_direct_channel.update_header_failed.error", "translation": "Failed to update direct channel header" }, { "id": "app.import.import_direct_post.channel_member_not_found.error", "translation": "Could not find channel member when importing direct channel post" }, { "id": "app.import.import_direct_post.create_direct_channel.error", "translation": "Failed to get direct channel" }, { "id": "app.import.import_direct_post.create_group_channel.error", "translation": "Failed to get group channel" }, { "id": "app.import.import_direct_post.save_preferences.error", "translation": "Error importing direct post. Failed to save preferences." }, { "id": "app.import.import_direct_post.user_not_found.error", "translation": "Post user does not exist" }, { "id": "app.import.import_line.null_channel.error", "translation": "Import data line has type \"channel\" but the channel object is null." }, { "id": "app.import.import_line.null_direct_channel.error", "translation": "Import data line has type \"direct_channel\" but the direct_channel object is null." }, { "id": "app.import.import_line.null_direct_post.error", "translation": "Import data line has type \"direct_post\" but the direct_post object is null." }, { "id": "app.import.import_line.null_post.error", "translation": "Import data line has type \"post\" but the post object is null." }, { "id": "app.import.import_line.null_scheme.error", "translation": "Import data line has type \"scheme\" but the scheme object is null." }, { "id": "app.import.import_line.null_team.error", "translation": "Import data line has type \"team\" but the team object is null." }, { "id": "app.import.import_line.null_user.error", "translation": "Import data line has type \"user\" but the user object is null." }, { "id": "app.import.import_line.unknown_line_type.error", "translation": "Import data line has unknown type \"{{.Type}}\"." }, { "id": "app.import.import_post.channel_not_found.error", "translation": "Error importing post. Channel with name \"{{.ChannelName}}\" could not be found." }, { "id": "app.import.import_post.save_preferences.error", "translation": "Error importing post. Failed to save preferences." }, { "id": "app.import.import_post.team_not_found.error", "translation": "Error importing post. Team with name \"{{.TeamName}}\" could not be found." }, { "id": "app.import.import_post.user_not_found.error", "translation": "Error importing post. User with username \"{{.Username}}\" could not be found." }, { "id": "app.import.import_scheme.scope_change.error", "translation": "The bulk importer cannot change the scope of an already-existing scheme." }, { "id": "app.import.import_team.scheme_deleted.error", "translation": "Cannot set a team to use a deleted scheme." }, { "id": "app.import.import_team.scheme_wrong_scope.error", "translation": "Team must be assigned to a Team-scoped scheme." }, { "id": "app.import.import_user.save_preferences.error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "app.import.import_user_channels.save_preferences.error", "translation": "Error importing user channel memberships. Failed to save preferences." }, { "id": "app.import.process_import_data_file_version_line.invalid_version.error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.display_name_length.error", "translation": "Channel display_name is not within permitted length constraints." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.display_name_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required channel property: display_name" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.header_length.error", "translation": "Channel header is too long." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.name_characters.error", "translation": "Channel name contains invalid characters." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.name_length.error", "translation": "Channel name is too long." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.name_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required channel property: name" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.purpose_length.error", "translation": "Channel purpose is too long." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.scheme_invalid.error", "translation": "Invalid scheme name for channel." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.team_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required channel property: team" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.type_invalid.error", "translation": "Channel type is invalid." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.type_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required channel property: type." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_direct_channel_import_data.header_length.error", "translation": "Direct channel header is too long" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_direct_channel_import_data.members_required.error", "translation": "Missing required direct channel property: members" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_direct_channel_import_data.members_too_few.error", "translation": "Direct channel members list contains too few items" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_direct_channel_import_data.members_too_many.error", "translation": "Direct channel members list contains too many items" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_direct_channel_import_data.unknown_favoriter.error", "translation": "Direct channel can only be favorited by members. \"{{.Username}}\" is not a member." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.channel_members_required.error", "translation": "Missing required direct post property: channel_members" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.channel_members_too_few.error", "translation": "Direct post channel members list contains too few items" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.channel_members_too_many.error", "translation": "Direct post channel members list contains too many items" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.create_at_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required direct post property: create_at" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.create_at_zero.error", "translation": "CreateAt must be greater than 0" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.message_length.error", "translation": "Message is too long" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.message_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required direct post property: message" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.unknown_flagger.error", "translation": "Direct post can only be flagged by members of the channel it is in. \"{{.Username}}\" is not a member." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.user_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required direct post property: user" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_post_import_data.channel_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required Post property: Channel." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_post_import_data.create_at_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required Post property: create_at." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_post_import_data.create_at_zero.error", "translation": "Post CreateAt property must not be zero." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_post_import_data.message_length.error", "translation": "Post Message property is longer than the maximum permitted length." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_post_import_data.message_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required Post property: Message." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_post_import_data.team_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required Post property: Team." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_post_import_data.user_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required Post property: User." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_reaction_import_data.create_at_before_parent.error", "translation": "Reaction CreateAt property must be greater than the parent post CreateAt." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_reaction_import_data.create_at_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required Reaction property: create_at." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_reaction_import_data.create_at_zero.error", "translation": "Reaction CreateAt property must not be zero." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_reaction_import_data.emoji_name_length.error", "translation": "Reaction EmojiName property is longer than the maximum permitted length." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_reaction_import_data.emoji_name_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required Reaction property: EmojiName." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_reaction_import_data.user_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required Reaction property: User." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_reply_import_data.create_at_before_parent.error", "translation": "Reply CreateAt property must be greater than the parent post CreateAt." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_reply_import_data.create_at_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required Reply property: create_at." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_reply_import_data.create_at_zero.error", "translation": "Reply CreateAt property must not be zero." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_reply_import_data.message_length.error", "translation": "Reply Message property is longer than the maximum permitted length." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_reply_import_data.message_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required Reply property: Message." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_reply_import_data.user_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required Reply property: User." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_role_import_data.description_invalid.error", "translation": "잘못된 설명" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_role_import_data.display_name_invalid.error", "translation": "잘못된 표시명" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_role_import_data.invalid_permission.error", "translation": "Invalid permission on role." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_role_import_data.name_invalid.error", "translation": "유효하지 않은 사용자 이름" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_scheme_import_data.description_invalid.error", "translation": "잘못된 설명" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_scheme_import_data.display_name_invalid.error", "translation": "잘못된 표시명" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_scheme_import_data.name_invalid.error", "translation": "유효하지 않은 사용자 이름" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_scheme_import_data.null_scope.error", "translation": "Scheme scope is required." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_scheme_import_data.unknown_scheme.error", "translation": "Unknown scheme scope." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_scheme_import_data.wrong_roles_for_scope.error", "translation": "The wrong roles were provided for a scheme with this scope." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.description_length.error", "translation": "Team description is too long." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.display_name_length.error", "translation": "Team display_name is not within permitted length constraints." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.display_name_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required team property: display_name." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.name_characters.error", "translation": "Team name contains invalid characters." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.name_length.error", "translation": "Team name is too long." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.name_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required team property: name." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.name_reserved.error", "translation": "Team name contains reserved words." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.scheme_invalid.error", "translation": "Invalid scheme name for team." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.type_invalid.error", "translation": "Team type is not valid." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.type_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required team property: type." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_channels_import_data.channel_name_missing.error", "translation": "Channel name missing from User's Channel Membership." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_channels_import_data.invalid_notify_props_desktop.error", "translation": "Invalid Desktop NotifyProps for User's Channel Membership." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_channels_import_data.invalid_notify_props_mark_unread.error", "translation": "Invalid MarkUnread NotifyProps for User's Channel Membership." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_channels_import_data.invalid_notify_props_mobile.error", "translation": "Invalid Mobile NotifyProps for User's Channel Membership." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_channels_import_data.invalid_roles.error", "translation": "Invalid roles for User's Channel Membership." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.auth_data_and_password.error", "translation": "User AuthData and Password are mutually exclusive." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.auth_data_length.error", "translation": "User AuthData is too long." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.auth_service_length.error", "translation": "User AuthService should not be empty if it is provided." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.email_length.error", "translation": "User email has an invalid length." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.email_missing.error", "translation": "Missing required user property: email." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.first_name_length.error", "translation": "User First Name is too long." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.last_name_length.error", "translation": "User Last Name is too long." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.nickname_length.error", "translation": "User nickname is too long." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.notify_props_channel_trigger_invalid.error", "translation": "Invalid Channel Trigger Notify Prop for user." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.notify_props_comments_trigger_invalid.error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.notify_props_desktop_invalid.error", "translation": "Invalid Desktop Notify Prop value for user." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.notify_props_desktop_sound_invalid.error", "translation": "Invalid Desktop Sound Notify Prop value for user." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.notify_props_email_invalid.error", "translation": "Invalid Email Notify Prop value for user." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.notify_props_mobile_invalid.error", "translation": "Invalid Mobile Notify Prop value for user." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.notify_props_mobile_push_status_invalid.error", "translation": "Invalid Mobile Push Status Notify Prop for user." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.password_length.error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.pasword_length.error", "translation": "User Password has invalid length." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.position_length.error", "translation": "User Position is too long." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.profile_image.error", "translation": "Invalid profile image." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.roles_invalid.error", "translation": "User roles are not valid." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.username_invalid.error", "translation": "Username is not valid." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.username_missing.error", "translation": "Missing require user property: username." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_teams_import_data.invalid_roles.error", "translation": "Invalid roles for User's Team Membership." }, { "id": "app.import.validate_user_teams_import_data.team_name_missing.error", "translation": "Team name missing from User's Team Membership." }, { "id": "app.notification.body.intro.direct.full", "translation": "한개의 신규 메시지가 있습니다." }, { "id": "app.notification.body.intro.direct.generic", "translation": "You have a new Direct Message from @{{.SenderName}}" }, { "id": "app.notification.body.intro.group_message.full", "translation": "한개의 신규 메시지가 있습니다." }, { "id": "app.notification.body.intro.group_message.generic", "translation": "You have a new Group Message from @{{.SenderName}}" }, { "id": "app.notification.body.intro.notification.full", "translation": "새 알림이 있습니다.{{.Count}}개의 새 알림이 있습니다." }, { "id": "app.notification.body.intro.notification.generic", "translation": "You have a new notification from @{{.SenderName}}" }, { "id": "app.notification.body.text.direct.full", "translation": "{{.Hour}}:{{.Minute}} {{.Timezone}}, {{.Month}} {{.Day}}" }, { "id": "app.notification.body.text.direct.generic", "translation": "{{.Hour}}:{{.Minute}} {{.Timezone}}, {{.Month}} {{.Day}}" }, { "id": "app.notification.body.text.group_message.full", "translation": "채널: {{.ChannelName}}
{{.SenderName}} - {{.Hour}}:{{.Minute}} {{.TimeZone}}, {{.Month}} {{.Day}}" }, { "id": "app.notification.body.text.group_message.generic", "translation": "{{.Hour}}:{{.Minute}} {{.Timezone}}, {{.Month}} {{.Day}}" }, { "id": "app.notification.body.text.notification.full", "translation": "채널: {{.ChannelName}}
{{.SenderName}} - {{.Hour}}:{{.Minute}} {{.TimeZone}}, {{.Month}} {{.Day}}" }, { "id": "app.notification.body.text.notification.generic", "translation": "{{.Hour}}:{{.Minute}} {{.Timezone}}, {{.Month}} {{.Day}}" }, { "id": "app.notification.subject.direct.full", "translation": "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.SenderDisplayName}} (으)로부터 {{.Month}} {{.Day}}, {{.Year}} 에 새로운 개인 메시지가 왔습니다." }, { "id": "app.notification.subject.group_message.full", "translation": "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.SenderDisplayName}} (으)로부터 {{.Month}} {{.Day}}, {{.Year}} 에 새로운 개인 메시지가 왔습니다." }, { "id": "app.notification.subject.group_message.generic", "translation": "[{{.SiteName}}] 새 알림 {{.Month}} {{.Day}}, {{.Year}}" }, { "id": "app.notification.subject.notification.full", "translation": "[{{.SiteName}}] {{.SenderDisplayName}} (으)로부터 {{.Month}} {{.Day}}, {{.Year}} 에 새로운 개인 메시지가 왔습니다." }, { "id": "app.plugin.activate.app_error", "translation": "Unable to activate extracted plugin." }, { "id": "app.plugin.cluster.save_config.app_error", "translation": "The plugin configuration in your config.json file must be updated manually when using ReadOnlyConfig with clustering enabled." }, { "id": "app.plugin.config.app_error", "translation": "Error saving plugin state in config" }, { "id": "app.plugin.deactivate.app_error", "translation": "Unable to deactivate plugin" }, { "id": "app.plugin.disabled.app_error", "translation": "Plugins have been disabled. Please check your logs for details." }, { "id": "app.plugin.extract.app_error", "translation": "Encountered error extracting plugin" }, { "id": "app.plugin.filesystem.app_error", "translation": "Encountered filesystem error" }, { "id": "app.plugin.get_cluster_plugin_statuses.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "app.plugin.get_plugins.app_error", "translation": "Unable to get active plugins" }, { "id": "app.plugin.install.app_error", "translation": "Unable to install plugin." }, { "id": "app.plugin.install_id.app_error", "translation": "Unable to install plugin. A plugin with the same ID is already installed." }, { "id": "app.plugin.invalid_id.app_error", "translation": "Plugin Id must be at least {{.Min}} characters, at most {{.Max}} characters and match {{.Regex}}." }, { "id": "app.plugin.manifest.app_error", "translation": "Unable to find manifest for extracted plugin" }, { "id": "app.plugin.mvdir.app_error", "translation": "Unable to move plugin from temporary directory to final destination. Another plugin may be using the same directory name." }, { "id": "app.plugin.not_installed.app_error", "translation": "Plugin is not installed" }, { "id": "app.plugin.prepackaged.app_error", "translation": "Cannot install prepackaged plugin" }, { "id": "app.plugin.remove.app_error", "translation": "Unable to delete plugin" }, { "id": "app.plugin.set_plugin_status_state.app_error", "translation": "Unable to set plugin status state." }, { "id": "app.plugin.upload_disabled.app_error", "translation": "Plugins and/or plugin uploads have been disabled." }, { "id": "app.role.check_roles_exist.role_not_found", "translation": "The provided role does not exist" }, { "id": "app.schemes.is_phase_2_migration_completed.not_completed.app_error", "translation": "This API endpoint is not accessible as required migrations have not yet completed." }, { "id": "app.team.join_user_to_team.max_accounts.app_error", "translation": "This team has reached the maximum number of allowed accounts. Contact your systems administrator to set a higher limit." }, { "id": "app.user.complete_switch_with_oauth.blank_email.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "app.user_access_token.disabled", "translation": "개인 액세스 토큰이 현재 서버에서 활성화 되어있지 않습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 연락하여 자세한 사항을 확인하시길 바랍니다." }, { "id": "app.user_access_token.invalid_or_missing", "translation": "Invalid or missing token" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.add_reaction.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.add_reaction.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.add_user_to_team.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.add_user_to_team.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.assign_system_admin_role.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.assign_system_admin_role.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_direct_channel.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_direct_channel.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_group_channel.description", "translation": "Ability to create new group message channels" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_group_channel.name", "translation": "Create Group Message" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_post.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_post.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_post_ephemeral.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_post_ephemeral.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_post_public.description", "translation": "Ability to create posts in public channels" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_post_public.name", "translation": "Create Posts in Public Channels" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_private_channel.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_private_channel.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_public_channel.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_public_channel.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_team.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_team.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_user_access_token.description", "translation": "Ability to create personal access tokens" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.create_user_access_token.name", "translation": "Create Personal Access Token" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.delete_others_posts.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.delete_others_posts.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.delete_post.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.delete_post.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.delete_private_channel.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.delete_private_channel.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.delete_public_channel.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.delete_public_channel.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.edit_other_users.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.edit_other_users.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.edit_others_posts.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.edit_others_posts.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.edit_post.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.edit_post.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.get_public_link.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.get_public_link.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.import_team.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.import_team.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.join_public_channels.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.join_public_channels.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.list_team_channels.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.list_team_channels.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.list_users_without_team.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.list_users_without_team.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_channel_roles.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_channel_roles.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_emojis.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_emojis.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_oauth.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_oauth.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_others_emojis.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_others_emojis.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_others_slash_commands.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_others_slash_commands.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_others_webhooks.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_others_webhooks.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_private_channel_members.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_private_channel_members.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_private_channel_properties.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_private_channel_properties.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_public_channel_members.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_public_channel_members.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_public_channel_properties.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_public_channel_properties.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_roles.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_roles.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_slash_commands.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_slash_commands.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_system.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_system.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_system_wide_oauth.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_system_wide_oauth.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_team.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_team.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_team_roles.description", "translation": "Ability to change the roles of a team member" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_team_roles.name", "translation": "Manage Team Roles" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_webhooks.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.manage_webhooks.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.permanent_delete_user.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.permanent_delete_user.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.read_channel.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.read_channel.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.read_public_channel.description", "translation": "Ability to read public channels" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.read_public_channel.name", "translation": "Read Public Channels" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.read_user_access_token.description", "translation": "Ability to read personal access tokens' id, description and user_id fields" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.read_user_access_token.name", "translation": "Read Personal Access Tokens" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.remove_others_reactions.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.remove_others_reactions.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.remove_reaction.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.remove_reaction.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.remove_user_from_team.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.remove_user_from_team.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.revoke_user_access_token.description", "translation": "Ability to revoke personal access tokens" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.revoke_user_access_token.name", "translation": "Revoke Personal Access Token" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.team_invite_user.description", "translation": "팀 사용자 초대 권한" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.team_invite_user.name", "translation": "사용자 초대" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.team_use_slash_commands.description", "translation": "슬래시 명령어 사용 권한" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.team_use_slash_commands.name", "translation": "슬래시 명령어 사용" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.upload_file.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.upload_file.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.view_team.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permissions.view_team.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permisssions.manage_jobs.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.permisssions.manage_jobs.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.channel_admin.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.channel_admin.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.channel_user.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.channel_user.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.global_admin.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.global_admin.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.global_user.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.global_user.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.system_post_all.description", "translation": "A role with the permission to post in any public, private or direct channel on the system" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.system_post_all.name", "translation": "Post in Public, Private and Direct Channels" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.system_post_all_public.description", "translation": "A role with the permission to post in any public channel on the system" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.system_post_all_public.name", "translation": "Post in Public Channels" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.system_user_access_token.description", "translation": "A role with the permissions to create, read and revoke personal access tokens" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.system_user_access_token.name", "translation": "Personal Access Token" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.team_admin.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.team_admin.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.team_post_all.description", "translation": "A role with the permission to post in any public or private channel on the team" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.team_post_all.name", "translation": "Post in Public and Private Channels" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.team_post_all_public.description", "translation": "A role with the permission to post in any public channel on the team" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.team_post_all_public.name", "translation": "Post in Public Channels" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.team_user.description", "translation": "" }, { "id": "authentication.roles.team_user.name", "translation": "" }, { "id": "brand.save_brand_image.decode.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "brand.save_brand_image.decode_config.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "brand.save_brand_image.encode.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "brand.save_brand_image.open.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "brand.save_brand_image.save_image.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "brand.save_brand_image.too_large.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "cli.license.critical", "translation": "Feature requires an upgrade to Enterprise Edition and the inclusion of a license key. Please contact your System Administrator." }, { "id": "ent.account_migration.get_all_failed", "translation": "" }, { "id": "ent.account_migration.get_saml_users_failed", "translation": "" }, { "id": "ent.cluster.config_changed.info", "translation": "Cluster configuration has changed for id={{ .id }}. The cluster may become unstable and a restart is required. To ensure the cluster is configured correctly you should perform a rolling restart immediately." }, { "id": "ent.cluster.save_config.error", "translation": "System Console is set to read-only when High Availability is enabled unless ReadOnlyConfig is disabled in the configuration file." }, { "id": "ent.compliance.bad_export_type.appError", "translation": "Unknown output format {{.ExportType}}" }, { "id": "ent.compliance.csv.attachment.copy.appError", "translation": "Unable to copy the attachment into the zip file." }, { "id": "ent.compliance.csv.attachment.export.appError", "translation": "Unable to add attachment to the CSV export." }, { "id": "ent.compliance.csv.file.creation.appError", "translation": "Unable to create temporary CSV export file." }, { "id": "ent.compliance.csv.header.export.appError", "translation": "Unable to add header to the CSV export." }, { "id": "ent.compliance.csv.metadata.export.appError", "translation": "Unable to add metadata file to the zip file." }, { "id": "ent.compliance.csv.metadata.json.marshalling.appError", "translation": "" }, { "id": "ent.compliance.csv.post.export.appError", "translation": "" }, { "id": "ent.compliance.csv.zip.creation.appError", "translation": "" }, { "id": "ent.compliance.global_relay.attachments_removed.appError", "translation": "" }, { "id": "ent.compliance.licence_disable.app_error", "translation": "Compliance 기능을 활성화 하려면 엔터프라이즈 라이센스가 필요합니다. 시스템 관리자에게 업그레이드를 문의해보세요." }, { "id": "ent.compliance.run_export.template_watcher.appError", "translation": "" }, { "id": "ent.compliance.run_failed.error", "translation": "Compliance export failed for job '{{.JobName}}' at '{{.FilePath}}'" }, { "id": "ent.data_retention.generic.license.error", "translation": "License does not support Data Retention." }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.aggregator_worker.create_index_job.error", "translation": "Elasticsearch aggregator worker failed to create the indexing job" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.aggregator_worker.delete_indexes.error", "translation": "Elasticsearch aggregator worker failed to delete the indexes" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.aggregator_worker.get_indexes.error", "translation": "Elasticsearch aggregator worker failed to get indexes" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.aggregator_worker.index_job_failed.error", "translation": "Elasticsearch aggregator worker failed due to the indexing job failing" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.create_client.connect_failed", "translation": "Setting up Elasticsearch Client Failed" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.create_index_if_not_exists.index_create_failed", "translation": "Failed to create Elasticsearch index" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.data_retention_delete_indexes.delete_index.error", "translation": "Failed to delete Elasticsearch index" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.data_retention_delete_indexes.get_indexes.error", "translation": "Failed to get Elasticsearch indexes" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.delete_post.error", "translation": "Failed to delete the post" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.generic.disabled", "translation": "Elasticsearch search is not enabled on this server" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.index_post.error", "translation": "Failed to index the post" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.indexer.do_job.get_oldest_post.error", "translation": "The oldest post could not be retrieved from the database." }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.indexer.do_job.parse_end_time.error", "translation": "Elasticsearch indexing worker failed to parse the end time" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.indexer.do_job.parse_start_time.error", "translation": "Elasticsearch indexing worker failed to parse the start time" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.not_started.error", "translation": "Elasticsearch is not started" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.purge_indexes.delete_failed", "translation": "Failed to delete Elasticsearch index" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.search_posts.disabled", "translation": "Elasticsearch searching is disabled on this server" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.search_posts.parse_matches_failed", "translation": "Failed to parse search result matches" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.search_posts.search_failed", "translation": "Search failed to complete" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.search_posts.unmarshall_post_failed", "translation": "Failed to decode search results" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.start.create_bulk_processor_failed.app_error", "translation": "Failed to create Elasticsearch bulk processor" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.start.start_bulk_processor_failed.app_error", "translation": "Failed to start Elasticsearch bulk processor" }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.test_config.connect_failed", "translation": "Connecting to Elasticsearch server failed." }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.test_config.indexing_disabled.error", "translation": "Elasticsearch is disabled." }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.test_config.license.error", "translation": "License does not support Elasticsearch." }, { "id": "ent.elasticsearch.test_config.reenter_password", "translation": "The Elasticsearch Server URL or Username has changed. Please re-enter the Elasticsearch password to test connection." }, { "id": "ent.ldap.create_fail", "translation": "Unable to create LDAP user." }, { "id": "ent.ldap.disabled.app_error", "translation": "AD/LDAP 비활성화 되었거나 현재 라이센스에서 지원되지 않습니다." }, { "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.bind_admin_user.app_error", "translation": "AD/LDAP 서버에 연결할 수 없습니다. 연결된 사용자명과 비밀번호 속성을 확인해보세요." }, { "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.invalid_password.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 비밀번호" }, { "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.licence_disable.app_error", "translation": "AD/LDAP 기능을 활성화 하려면 엔터프라이즈 라이센스가 필요합니다. 시스템 관리자에게 업그레이드를 문의해보세요." }, { "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.matched_to_many_users.app_error", "translation": "사용자명이 여러 사용자와 일치합니다." }, { "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.search_ldap_server.app_error", "translation": "AD/LDAP 서버를 검색하는데 실패했습니다." }, { "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.unable_to_connect.app_error", "translation": "AD/LDAP 서버에 연결할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.user_filtered.app_error", "translation": "AD/LDAP 계정이 Mattermost 서버를 사용하기 위한 권한이 없습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 AD/LDAP 사용자 필터 확인을 문의해보세요." }, { "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.user_not_registered.app_error", "translation": "사용자가 AD/LDAP 서버에 등록되어 있지 않습니다." }, { "id": "ent.ldap.syncronize.get_all.app_error", "translation": "AD/LDAP에서 사용자를 불러올 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "ent.ldap.syncronize.search_failure.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "ent.ldap.validate_filter.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 AD/LDAP 필터" }, { "id": "ent.mfa.activate.authenticate.app_error", "translation": "Error attempting to authenticate MFA token" }, { "id": "ent.mfa.activate.bad_token.app_error", "translation": "올바르지 않은 MFA 토큰" }, { "id": "ent.mfa.activate.save_active.app_error", "translation": "Unable to update MFA active status for the user" }, { "id": "ent.mfa.deactivate.save_active.app_error", "translation": "Unable to update MFA active status for the user" }, { "id": "ent.mfa.deactivate.save_secret.app_error", "translation": "Error clearing the MFA secret" }, { "id": "ent.mfa.generate_qr_code.create_code.app_error", "translation": "QR 코드 생성 중 오류가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "ent.mfa.generate_qr_code.save_secret.app_error", "translation": "Error saving the MFA secret" }, { "id": "ent.mfa.license_disable.app_error", "translation": "Your license does not support using multi-factor authentication" }, { "id": "ent.mfa.validate_token.authenticate.app_error", "translation": "Error trying to authenticate MFA token" }, { "id": "ent.migration.migratetoldap.duplicate_field", "translation": "AD/LDAP 사용자를 마이그레이션 할 수 없습니다. 중복된 엔트리가 있습니다. 모든 중복을 제거한 후 다시 시도해보세요." }, { "id": "ent.migration.migratetoldap.user_not_found", "translation": "AD/LDAP 서버에서 사용자를 찾을 수 없음: " }, { "id": "ent.migration.migratetosaml.email_already_used_by_other_user", "translation": "Email already used by another SAML user." }, { "id": "ent.migration.migratetosaml.user_not_found_in_users_mapping_file", "translation": "User not found in the users file." }, { "id": "ent.migration.migratetosaml.username_already_used_by_other_user", "translation": "Username already used by another Mattermost user." }, { "id": "ent.saml.attribute.app_error", "translation": "속성 중 하나가 올바르지 않아 SAML 로그인에 실패했습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 문의하십시오." }, { "id": "ent.saml.build_request.app_error", "translation": "An error occurred while initiating the request to the Identity Provider. Please contact your System Administrator." }, { "id": "ent.saml.build_request.encoding.app_error", "translation": "An error occurred while encoding the request for the Identity Provider. Please contact your System Administrator." }, { "id": "ent.saml.configure.app_error", "translation": "An error occurred while configuring SAML Service Provider, err=%v" }, { "id": "ent.saml.configure.encryption_not_enabled.app_error", "translation": "SAML login was unsuccessful because encryption is not enabled. Please contact your System Administrator." }, { "id": "ent.saml.configure.load_idp_cert.app_error", "translation": "Identity Provider Public Certificate File was not found. Please contact your System Administrator." }, { "id": "ent.saml.configure.load_private_key.app_error", "translation": "SAML login was unsuccessful because the Service Provider Private Key was not found. Please contact your System Administrator." }, { "id": "ent.saml.configure.not_encrypted_response.app_error", "translation": "SAML login was unsuccessful as the Identity Provider response is not encrypted. Please contact your System Administrator." }, { "id": "ent.saml.do_login.decrypt.app_error", "translation": "SAML login was unsuccessful because an error occurred while decrypting the response from the Identity Provider. Please contact your System Administrator." }, { "id": "ent.saml.do_login.empty_response.app_error", "translation": "We received an empty response from the Identity Provider" }, { "id": "ent.saml.do_login.parse.app_error", "translation": "An error occurred while parsing the response from the Identity Provider. Please contact your System Administrator." }, { "id": "ent.saml.do_login.validate.app_error", "translation": "An error occurred while validating the response from the Identity Provider. Please contact your System Administrator." }, { "id": "ent.saml.license_disable.app_error", "translation": "Your license does not support SAML authentication." }, { "id": "ent.saml.metadata.app_error", "translation": "An error occurred while building Service Provider Metadata." }, { "id": "ent.saml.service_disable.app_error", "translation": "SAML이 설정되지 않았거나 서버에서 지원하지 않습니다" }, { "id": "jobs.do_job.batch_size.parse_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "jobs.do_job.batch_start_timestamp.parse_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "jobs.request_cancellation.status.error", "translation": "Could not request cancellation for job that is not in a cancelable state." }, { "id": "jobs.set_job_error.update.error", "translation": "Failed to set job status to error" }, { "id": "jobs.start_synchronize_job.timeout", "translation": "" }, { "id": "manaultesting.manual_test.parse.app_error", "translation": "URL을 파싱할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "manaultesting.test_autolink.unable.app_error", "translation": "채널을 불러올 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "mattermost.bulletin.subject", "translation": "Mattermost Security Bulletin" }, { "id": "migrations.worker.run_advanced_permissions_phase_2_migration.invalid_progress", "translation": "Migration failed due to invalid progress data." }, { "id": "migrations.worker.run_migration.unknown_key", "translation": "Cannot run migration job due to unknown migration key." }, { "id": "model.access.is_valid.access_token.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 접근 토큰입니다." }, { "id": "model.access.is_valid.client_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 클라이언트 ID" }, { "id": "model.access.is_valid.redirect_uri.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 리디렉트 URI입니다." }, { "id": "model.access.is_valid.refresh_token.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 토큰" }, { "id": "model.access.is_valid.user_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 사용자 ID" }, { "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.auth_code.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 인증 코드" }, { "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.client_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 클라이언트 ID" }, { "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.create_at.app_error", "translation": "Create at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.expires.app_error", "translation": "Expires in must be set" }, { "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.redirect_uri.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 리디렉트 URL" }, { "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.response_type.app_error", "translation": "Invalid response type" }, { "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.scope.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 범위" }, { "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.state.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 상태" }, { "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.user_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 사용자 ID" }, { "id": "model.channel.is_valid.2_or_more.app_error", "translation": "이름은 반드시 2글자 이상의 영문 또는 숫자여야 합니다." }, { "id": "model.channel.is_valid.create_at.app_error", "translation": "Create at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.channel.is_valid.creator_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 제출자 ID" }, { "id": "model.channel.is_valid.display_name.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 표시명" }, { "id": "model.channel.is_valid.header.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 헤더" }, { "id": "model.channel.is_valid.id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 ID" }, { "id": "model.channel.is_valid.purpose.app_error", "translation": "Invalid purpose" }, { "id": "model.channel.is_valid.type.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 형식" }, { "id": "model.channel.is_valid.update_at.app_error", "translation": "Update at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.channel_member.is_valid.channel_id.app_error", "translation": "Invalid channel id" }, { "id": "model.channel_member.is_valid.email_value.app_error", "translation": "Invalid email notification value" }, { "id": "model.channel_member.is_valid.notify_level.app_error", "translation": "Invalid notify level" }, { "id": "model.channel_member.is_valid.push_level.app_error", "translation": "Invalid push notification level" }, { "id": "model.channel_member.is_valid.unread_level.app_error", "translation": "Invalid mark unread level" }, { "id": "model.channel_member.is_valid.user_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 사용자 ID" }, { "id": "model.client.connecting.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error while connecting to the server" }, { "id": "model.client.create_emoji.emoji.app_error", "translation": "요청에 이모티콘 데이터를 첨부할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "model.client.create_emoji.image.app_error", "translation": "요청에 이모티콘 이미지를 첨부할 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "model.client.create_emoji.writer.app_error", "translation": "Unable to write request" }, { "id": "model.client.get_flagged_posts_in_channel.missing_parameter.app_error", "translation": "Missing channel parameter" }, { "id": "model.client.get_flagged_posts_in_team.missing_parameter.app_error", "translation": "Missing team parameter" }, { "id": "model.client.get_team_icon.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "model.client.read_file.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error while finding user profiles" }, { "id": "model.client.set_profile_user.no_file.app_error", "translation": "요청의 'image' 속성 아래에 파일이 없습니다" }, { "id": "model.client.set_profile_user.writer.app_error", "translation": "Unable to write request" }, { "id": "model.client.set_team_icon.no_file.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "model.client.set_team_icon.writer.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "model.client.upload_post_attachment.channel_id.app_error", "translation": "Error writing channel id to multipart form" }, { "id": "model.client.upload_post_attachment.file.app_error", "translation": "Error writing file to multipart form" }, { "id": "model.client.upload_post_attachment.file_size.app_error", "translation": "Error writing fileSize to multipart form" }, { "id": "model.client.upload_post_attachment.import_from.app_error", "translation": "Error writing importFrom to multipart form" }, { "id": "model.client.upload_post_attachment.writer.app_error", "translation": "Error closing multipart writer" }, { "id": "model.client.upload_saml_cert.app_error", "translation": "Error creating SAML certificate multipart form request" }, { "id": "model.client.writer.app_error", "translation": "Unable to build multipart request" }, { "id": "model.cluster.is_valid.create_at.app_error", "translation": "CreateAt must be set" }, { "id": "model.cluster.is_valid.hostname.app_error", "translation": "Hostname must be set" }, { "id": "model.cluster.is_valid.id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 ID" }, { "id": "model.cluster.is_valid.last_ping_at.app_error", "translation": "LastPingAt must be set" }, { "id": "model.cluster.is_valid.name.app_error", "translation": "ClusterName must be set" }, { "id": "model.cluster.is_valid.type.app_error", "translation": "Type must be set" }, { "id": "model.command.is_valid.create_at.app_error", "translation": "Create at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.command.is_valid.description.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 설명" }, { "id": "model.command.is_valid.display_name.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 형식" }, { "id": "model.command.is_valid.id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 ID" }, { "id": "model.command.is_valid.method.app_error", "translation": "Invalid Method" }, { "id": "model.command.is_valid.team_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 팀 ID" }, { "id": "model.command.is_valid.token.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 토큰" }, { "id": "model.command.is_valid.trigger.app_error", "translation": "Invalid trigger" }, { "id": "model.command.is_valid.update_at.app_error", "translation": "Update at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.command.is_valid.url.app_error", "translation": "Invalid URL" }, { "id": "model.command.is_valid.url_http.app_error", "translation": "Invalid URL. Must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://" }, { "id": "model.command.is_valid.user_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 사용자 ID" }, { "id": "model.command_hook.channel_id.app_error", "translation": "Invalid channel id" }, { "id": "model.command_hook.command_id.app_error", "translation": "Invalid command id" }, { "id": "model.command_hook.create_at.app_error", "translation": "Create at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.command_hook.id.app_error", "translation": "Invalid command hook id" }, { "id": "model.command_hook.parent_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 Parent Id 입니다." }, { "id": "model.command_hook.root_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 루트 아이디입니다." }, { "id": "model.command_hook.user_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 사용자 ID" }, { "id": "model.compliance.is_valid.create_at.app_error", "translation": "Create at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.compliance.is_valid.desc.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 설명" }, { "id": "model.compliance.is_valid.end_at.app_error", "translation": "To must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.compliance.is_valid.id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 ID" }, { "id": "model.compliance.is_valid.start_at.app_error", "translation": "From must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.compliance.is_valid.start_end_at.app_error", "translation": "To must be greater than From" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.allow_cookies_for_subdomains.app_error", "translation": "Allowing cookies for subdomains requires SiteURL to be set." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.atmos_camo_image_proxy_options.app_error", "translation": "Invalid atmos/camo image proxy options for service settings. Must be set to your shared key." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.cluster_email_batching.app_error", "translation": "Unable to enable email batching when clustering is enabled" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.data_retention.deletion_job_start_time.app_error", "translation": "Data retention job start time must be a 24-hour time stamp in the form HH:MM." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.data_retention.file_retention_days_too_low.app_error", "translation": "File retention must be one day or longer." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.data_retention.message_retention_days_too_low.app_error", "translation": "Message retention must be one day or longer." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.display.custom_url_schemes.app_error", "translation": "The custom URL scheme {{.Scheme}} is invalid. Custom URL schemes must start with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, plus (+), period (.), and hyphen (-)." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.elastic_search.aggregate_posts_after_days.app_error", "translation": "Elasticsearch AggregatePostsAfterDays setting must be a number greater than or equal to 1" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.elastic_search.bulk_indexing_time_window_seconds.app_error", "translation": "Elasticsearch Bulk Indexing Time Window must be at least 1 second." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.elastic_search.connection_url.app_error", "translation": "Elastic Search ConnectionUrl setting must be provided when Elastic Search indexing is enabled." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.elastic_search.enable_searching.app_error", "translation": "Elastic Search IndexingEnabled setting must be set to true when Elastic Search SearchEnabled is set to true." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.elastic_search.live_indexing_batch_size.app_error", "translation": "Elasticsearch Live Indexing Batch Size must be at least 1" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.elastic_search.posts_aggregator_job_start_time.app_error", "translation": "Elasticsearch PostsAggregatorJobStartTime setting must be a time in the format \"hh:mm\"" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.elastic_search.request_timeout_seconds.app_error", "translation": "Elasticsearch Request Timeout must be at least 1 second." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.email_batching_buffer_size.app_error", "translation": "Invalid email batching buffer size for email settings. Must be zero or a positive number." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.email_batching_interval.app_error", "translation": "Invalid email batching interval for email settings. Must be 30 seconds or more." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.email_notification_contents_type.app_error", "translation": "Invalid email notification contents type for email settings. Must be one of either 'full' or 'generic'." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.email_salt.app_error", "translation": "Invalid invite salt for email settings. Must be 32 chars or more." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.email_security.app_error", "translation": "Invalid connection security for email settings. Must be '', 'TLS', or 'STARTTLS'" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.encrypt_sql.app_error", "translation": "Invalid at rest encrypt key for SQL settings. Must be 32 chars or more." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.file_driver.app_error", "translation": "Invalid driver name for file settings. Must be 'local' or 'amazons3'" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.file_salt.app_error", "translation": "Invalid public link salt for file settings. Must be 32 chars or more." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.group_unread_channels.app_error", "translation": "Invalid group unread channels for service settings. Must be 'disabled', 'default_on', or 'default_off'." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.image_proxy_type.app_error", "translation": "Invalid image proxy type for service settings." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_basedn", "translation": "AD/LDAP의 \"BaseDN\" 항목이 필요합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_email", "translation": "AD/LDAP의 \"Email Attribute\" 항목이 필요합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_id", "translation": "AD/LDAP의 \"ID Attribute\" 항목이 필요합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_login_id", "translation": "AD/LDAP의 \"ID Attribute\" 항목이 필요합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_max_page_size.app_error", "translation": "Invalid max page size value." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_security.app_error", "translation": "LDAP 세팅을 위한 잘못된 Connection Security입니다. '', 'TLS', 'STARTTLS' 중 하나여야 합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_server", "translation": "AD/LDAP의 \"LDAP Server\" 항목이 필요합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_sync_interval.app_error", "translation": "Invalid sync interval time. Must be at least one minute." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_username", "translation": "AD/LDAP의 \"Username Attribute\" 항목이 필요합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.listen_address.app_error", "translation": "Invalid listen address for service settings Must be set." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.localization.available_locales.app_error", "translation": "Available Languages must contain Default Client Language" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.login_attempts.app_error", "translation": "Invalid maximum login attempts for service settings. Must be a positive number." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.max_burst.app_error", "translation": "burst 크기의 최대 값은 0이상이여야 합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.max_channels.app_error", "translation": "팀 설정에 대한 잘못된 팀 당 최대 채널 값입니다. 0보다 큰 값이여야 합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.max_file_size.app_error", "translation": "Invalid max file size for file settings. Must be a whole number greater than zero." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.max_notify_per_channel.app_error", "translation": "팀 설정에 대한 잘못된 팀 당 최대 채널 값입니다. 0보다 큰 값이여야 합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.max_users.app_error", "translation": "Invalid maximum users per team for team settings. Must be a positive number." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.batch_size.app_error", "translation": "Message export job BatchSize must be a positive integer" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.daily_runtime.app_error", "translation": "Message export job DailyRuntime must be a 24-hour time stamp in the form HH:MM." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.enable.app_error", "translation": "Message export job EnableExport setting must be either true or false" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.export_from.app_error", "translation": "Message export job ExportFromTimestamp must be a timestamp (expressed in seconds since unix epoch). Only messages sent after this timestamp will be exported." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.export_type.app_error", "translation": "Message export job ExportFormat must be one of 'actiance', 'csv' or 'globalrelay'" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.global_relay.config_missing.app_error", "translation": "Message export job ExportFormat is set to 'globalrelay', but GlobalRelaySettings are missing" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.global_relay.customer_type.app_error", "translation": "Message export GlobalRelaySettings.CustomerType must be set to one of either 'A9' or 'A10'" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.global_relay.email_address.app_error", "translation": "Message export job GlobalRelaySettings.EmailAddress must be set to a valid email address" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.global_relay.smtp_password.app_error", "translation": "Message export job GlobalRelaySettings.SmtpPassword must be set" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.global_relay.smtp_username.app_error", "translation": "Message export job GlobalRelaySettings.SmtpUsername must be set" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.password_length.app_error", "translation": "Minimum password length must be a whole number greater than or equal to {{.MinLength}} and less than or equal to {{.MaxLength}}." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.rate_mem.app_error", "translation": "Invalid memory store size for rate limit settings. Must be a positive number" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.rate_sec.app_error", "translation": "Invalid per sec for rate limit settings. Must be a positive number" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.read_timeout.app_error", "translation": "read timeout 항목의 허용되지 않는 값입니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.restrict_direct_message.app_error", "translation": "Invalid direct message restriction. Must be 'any', or 'team'" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_assertion_consumer_service_url.app_error", "translation": "Service Provider Login URL must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_email_attribute.app_error", "translation": "Invalid Email attribute. Must be set." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_idp_cert.app_error", "translation": "Identity Provider Public Certificate missing. Did you forget to upload it?" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_idp_descriptor_url.app_error", "translation": "Identity Provider Issuer URL must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_idp_url.app_error", "translation": "SAML SSO URL must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_private_key.app_error", "translation": "Service Provider Private Key missing. Did you forget to upload it?" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_public_cert.app_error", "translation": "Service Provider Public Certificate missing. Did you forget to upload it?" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_username_attribute.app_error", "translation": "Invalid Username attribute. Must be set." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.site_url.app_error", "translation": "아이콘 URL은 반드시 올바른 URL이어야 하며, http:// 또는 https://로 시작해야 합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.site_url_email_batching.app_error", "translation": "Unable to enable email batching when SiteURL isn't set." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.sitename_length.app_error", "translation": "Site name must be less than or equal to {{.MaxLength}} characters." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.sql_data_src.app_error", "translation": "Invalid data source for SQL settings. Must be set." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.sql_driver.app_error", "translation": "Invalid driver name for SQL settings. Must be 'mysql' or 'postgres'" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.sql_idle.app_error", "translation": "Invalid maximum idle connection for SQL settings. Must be a positive number." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.sql_max_conn.app_error", "translation": "Invalid maximum open connection for SQL settings. Must be a positive number." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.sql_query_timeout.app_error", "translation": "파일 세팅에 대해 잘못된 프로파일 높이 값입니다. 0보다 큰 값이여야 합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.teammate_name_display.app_error", "translation": "Invalid teammate display. Must be 'full_name', 'nickname_full_name' or 'username'" }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.time_between_user_typing.app_error", "translation": "Time between user typing updates should not be set to less than 1000 milliseconds." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.webrtc_gateway_admin_secret.app_error", "translation": "WebRTC Gateway Admin Secret 이 설정되어야 합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.webrtc_gateway_admin_url.app_error", "translation": "WebRTC Gateway Admin Url은 URL형식과 맞아야하며 http:// 나 https://. 로 시작하도록 세팅되어야합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.webrtc_gateway_ws_url.app_error", "translation": "WebRTC Gateway Websocket Url은 URL형식이여야 하며 ws:// 또는 wss://로 시작해야합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.webrtc_stun_uri.app_error", "translation": "WebRTC STUN URI는 stun: 으로 시작하고 URI 형식에 맞아야 합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.webrtc_turn_shared_key.app_error", "translation": "만약 TURN URI가 설정되어 있다면, WebRTC TURN Shared Key는 공백일 수 없습니다. " }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.webrtc_turn_uri.app_error", "translation": "WebRTC TURN URI는 turn: 으로 시작하고 URI형식에 맞아야 합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.webrtc_turn_username.app_error", "translation": "TURN URI가 설정되어 있다면, WebRTC TURN Username은 공백일 수 없습니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.webserver_security.app_error", "translation": "webserver connection security에 대해 허용되지 않은 값입니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.websocket_url.app_error", "translation": "WebRTC Gateway Websocket Url은 URL형식이여야 하며 ws:// 또는 wss://로 시작해야합니다." }, { "id": "model.config.is_valid.write_timeout.app_error", "translation": "write timeout에 대해 잘못된 값입니다." }, { "id": "model.emoji.create_at.app_error", "translation": "Create at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.emoji.id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 이모티콘 ID" }, { "id": "model.emoji.name.app_error", "translation": "이름은 반드시 1글자 이상 64글자 이하 영문 또는 숫자여야 합니다." }, { "id": "model.emoji.update_at.app_error", "translation": "Update at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.emoji.user_id.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "model.file_info.get.gif.app_error", "translation": "Could not decode gif." }, { "id": "model.file_info.is_valid.create_at.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "model.file_info.is_valid.id.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "model.file_info.is_valid.path.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "model.file_info.is_valid.post_id.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "model.file_info.is_valid.update_at.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "model.file_info.is_valid.user_id.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "model.incoming_hook.channel_id.app_error", "translation": "Invalid channel id" }, { "id": "model.incoming_hook.create_at.app_error", "translation": "Create at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.incoming_hook.description.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 설명" }, { "id": "model.incoming_hook.display_name.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 형식" }, { "id": "model.incoming_hook.icon_url.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 루트 아이디입니다." }, { "id": "model.incoming_hook.id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 Id" }, { "id": "model.incoming_hook.parse_data.app_error", "translation": "Unable to parse incoming data" }, { "id": "model.incoming_hook.team_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 팀 ID" }, { "id": "model.incoming_hook.update_at.app_error", "translation": "Update at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.incoming_hook.user_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 사용자 ID" }, { "id": "model.incoming_hook.username.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 유저이름입니다." }, { "id": "model.job.is_valid.create_at.app_error", "translation": "Create at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.job.is_valid.id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 형식" }, { "id": "model.job.is_valid.status.app_error", "translation": "Invalid job status" }, { "id": "model.job.is_valid.type.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 형식" }, { "id": "model.license_record.is_valid.create_at.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "model.license_record.is_valid.id.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.app_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 앱 ID" }, { "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.callback.app_error", "translation": "콜백 URL은 반드시 올바른 URL이어야 하며, http:// 또는 https://로 시작해야 합니다." }, { "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.client_secret.app_error", "translation": "Invalid client secret" }, { "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.create_at.app_error", "translation": "Create at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.creator_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 제출자 ID" }, { "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.description.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 설명" }, { "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.homepage.app_error", "translation": "홈페이지는 반드시 올바른 URL이어야 하며, http:// 또는 https://로 시작해야 합니다." }, { "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.icon_url.app_error", "translation": "아이콘 URL은 반드시 올바른 URL이어야 하며, http:// 또는 https://로 시작해야 합니다." }, { "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.name.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 이름" }, { "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.update_at.app_error", "translation": "Update at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.callback.app_error", "translation": "Invalid callback urls" }, { "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.channel_id.app_error", "translation": "Invalid channel id" }, { "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.content_type.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.create_at.app_error", "translation": "Create at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.description.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 설명" }, { "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.display_name.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 형식" }, { "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 ID" }, { "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.team_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 팀 ID" }, { "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.token.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 토큰" }, { "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.trigger_words.app_error", "translation": "Invalid trigger words" }, { "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.update_at.app_error", "translation": "Update at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.url.app_error", "translation": "Invalid callback URLs. Each must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://" }, { "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.user_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 사용자 ID" }, { "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.words.app_error", "translation": "Invalid trigger words" }, { "id": "model.plugin_command.error.app_error", "translation": "An error occurred while trying to execute this command." }, { "id": "model.plugin_key_value.is_valid.key.app_error", "translation": "Invalid key, must be more than {{.Min}} and a of maximum {{.Max}} characters long." }, { "id": "model.plugin_key_value.is_valid.plugin_id.app_error", "translation": "Invalid plugin ID, must be more than {{.Min}} and a of maximum {{.Max}} characters long." }, { "id": "model.post.is_valid.channel_id.app_error", "translation": "Invalid channel id" }, { "id": "model.post.is_valid.create_at.app_error", "translation": "Create at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.post.is_valid.file_ids.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 파일 아이디입니다." }, { "id": "model.post.is_valid.filenames.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 파일명" }, { "id": "model.post.is_valid.hashtags.app_error", "translation": "Invalid hashtags" }, { "id": "model.post.is_valid.id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 ID" }, { "id": "model.post.is_valid.msg.app_error", "translation": "Invalid message" }, { "id": "model.post.is_valid.original_id.app_error", "translation": "Invalid original id" }, { "id": "model.post.is_valid.parent_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 Parent Id 입니다." }, { "id": "model.post.is_valid.props.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 프로퍼티입니다." }, { "id": "model.post.is_valid.root_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 루트 아이디입니다." }, { "id": "model.post.is_valid.root_parent.app_error", "translation": "Invalid root id must be set if parent id set" }, { "id": "model.post.is_valid.type.app_error", "translation": "올바르지 않은 형식입니다." }, { "id": "model.post.is_valid.update_at.app_error", "translation": "Update at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.post.is_valid.user_id.app_error", "translation": "올바르지 않은 사용자 id" }, { "id": "model.preference.is_valid.category.app_error", "translation": "Invalid category" }, { "id": "model.preference.is_valid.id.app_error", "translation": "올바르지 않은 사용자 id" }, { "id": "model.preference.is_valid.name.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 이름" }, { "id": "model.preference.is_valid.theme.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 테마" }, { "id": "model.preference.is_valid.value.app_error", "translation": "Value is too long" }, { "id": "model.reaction.is_valid.create_at.app_error", "translation": "Create at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.reaction.is_valid.emoji_name.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 이모티콘 ID" }, { "id": "model.reaction.is_valid.post_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 루트 아이디입니다." }, { "id": "model.reaction.is_valid.user_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 사용자 ID" }, { "id": "model.team.is_valid.characters.app_error", "translation": "이름은 반드시 2글자 이상의 영문 또는 숫자여야 합니다." }, { "id": "model.team.is_valid.company.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 회사명" }, { "id": "model.team.is_valid.create_at.app_error", "translation": "Create at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.team.is_valid.description.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 설명" }, { "id": "model.team.is_valid.domains.app_error", "translation": "Invalid allowed domains" }, { "id": "model.team.is_valid.email.app_error", "translation": "Invalid email" }, { "id": "model.team.is_valid.id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 ID" }, { "id": "model.team.is_valid.name.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 이름" }, { "id": "model.team.is_valid.reserved.app_error", "translation": "유효하지 않는 URL 입니다. 변경 후 다시 시도해주세요." }, { "id": "model.team.is_valid.type.app_error", "translation": "올바르지 않은 형식" }, { "id": "model.team.is_valid.update_at.app_error", "translation": "Update at must be a valid time" }, { "id": "model.team.is_valid.url.app_error", "translation": "올바르지 않은 주소 식별자" }, { "id": "model.team_member.is_valid.team_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 팀 ID" }, { "id": "model.team_member.is_valid.user_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 유저 아이디입니다." }, { "id": "model.token.is_valid.expiry", "translation": "Invalid token expiry" }, { "id": "model.token.is_valid.size", "translation": "잘못된 토큰" }, { "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd.app_error", "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters." }, { "id": "model.user_access_token.is_valid.description.app_error", "translation": "Invalid description, must be 255 or less characters" }, { "id": "model.user_access_token.is_valid.id.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "model.user_access_token.is_valid.token.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 접근 토큰입니다." }, { "id": "model.user_access_token.is_valid.user_id.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 사용자 ID" }, { "id": "model.utils.decode_json.app_error", "translation": "could not decode" }, { "id": "model.websocket_client.connect_fail.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "oauth.gitlab.tos.error", "translation": "GitLab's Terms of Service have updated. Please go to gitlab.com to accept them and then try logging into Mattermost again." }, { "id": "plugin.rpcplugin.invocation.error", "translation": "Error invoking plugin RPC" }, { "id": "store.sql.convert_string_array", "translation": "FromDb: Unable to convert StringArray to *string" }, { "id": "store.sql.convert_string_interface", "translation": "FromDb: Unable to convert StringInterface to *string" }, { "id": "store.sql.convert_string_map", "translation": "FromDb: Unable to convert StringMap to *string" }, { "id": "store.sql_audit.get.finding.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error finding the audits" }, { "id": "store.sql_audit.get.limit.app_error", "translation": "Limit exceeded for paging" }, { "id": "store.sql_audit.permanent_delete_batch.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error permanently deleting the batch of audits" }, { "id": "store.sql_audit.permanent_delete_by_user.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error deleting the audits" }, { "id": "store.sql_audit.save.saving.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error saving the audit" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.analytics_deleted_type_count.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.analytics_type_count.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.commit_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to commit the database transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.open_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to begin the database transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.rollback_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to rollback the database transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.select.app_error", "translation": "Failed to retrieve the channel members" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.update.app_error", "translation": "Failed to update the channel member" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.delete.channel.app_error", "translation": "채널을 삭제하지 못했습니다." }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get.existing.app_error", "translation": "존재하는 채널을 찾지 못했습니다." }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get.find.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error finding the channel" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_all.app_error", "translation": "모든 채널을 가져오지 못했습니다." }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_by_name.existing.app_error", "translation": "존재하는 채널을 찾지 못했습니다." }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_by_name.missing.app_error", "translation": "Channel does not exist" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_by_scheme.app_error", "translation": "Unable to get the channels for the provided scheme" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_channel_counts.get.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_channels.get.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_channels.not_found.app_error", "translation": "No channels were found" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_channels_by_ids.get.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_channels_by_ids.not_found.app_error", "translation": "No channel found" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_deleted.existing.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_deleted.missing.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_deleted_by_name.existing.app_error", "translation": "존재하는 채널을 찾지 못했습니다." }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_deleted_by_name.missing.app_error", "translation": "No deleted channel exists with that name" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_for_post.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the channel for the given post" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_member.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_member.missing.app_error", "translation": "No channel member found for that user id and channel id" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_member_count.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_member_for_post.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the channel member for the given post" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_members.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_members_by_ids.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_more_channels.get.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_public_channels.get.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.get_unread.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the channel unread messages" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.increment_mention_count.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't increment the mention count" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.migrate_channel_members.commit_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to commit the database transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.migrate_channel_members.open_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to open the database transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.migrate_channel_members.rollback_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to roll back the database transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.migrate_channel_members.select.app_error", "translation": "Failed to select the batch of channel members" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.migrate_channel_members.update.app_error", "translation": "Failed to update the channel member" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.permanent_delete.app_error", "translation": "채널을 삭제하지 못했습니다." }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.permanent_delete_by_team.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.permanent_delete_members_by_user.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.pinned_posts.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't find the pinned posts" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.remove_member.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.reset_all_channel_schemes.app_error", "translation": "We could not reset the channel schemes" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save.commit_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Unable to commit transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save.direct_channel.app_error", "translation": "Use SaveDirectChannel to create a direct channel" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save.open_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Unable to open transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save_channel.current_count.app_error", "translation": "Failed to get current channel count" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save_channel.existing.app_error", "translation": "Must call update for exisiting channel" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save_channel.exists.app_error", "translation": "A channel with that name already exists on the same team" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save_channel.limit.app_error", "translation": "You've reached the limit of the number of allowed channels." }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save_channel.previously.app_error", "translation": "A channel with that URL was previously created" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save_channel.save.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save_direct_channel.add_members.app_error", "translation": "Unable to add direct channel members" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save_direct_channel.commit.app_error", "translation": "Unable to commit transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save_direct_channel.not_direct.app_error", "translation": "Not a direct channel attempted to be created with SaveDirectChannel" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save_direct_channel.open_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Unable to open transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save_member.commit_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Unable to commit transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save_member.exists.app_error", "translation": "A channel member with that id already exists" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save_member.open_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Unable to open transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.save_member.save.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.search.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error updating the channel" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.update.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.update.exists.app_error", "translation": "A channel with that handle already exists" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.update.previously.app_error", "translation": "A channel with that handle was previously created" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.update.updating.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error updating the channel" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.update_last_viewed_at.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't update the last viewed at time" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel.update_member.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error updating the channel member" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel_member_history.get_users_in_channel_during.app_error", "translation": "Failed to get users in channel during specified time period" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel_member_history.log_join_event.app_error", "translation": "Failed to record channel member history" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel_member_history.log_leave_event.update_error", "translation": "Failed to record channel member history. Failed to update existing join record" }, { "id": "store.sql_channel_member_history.permanent_delete_batch.app_error", "translation": "Failed to purge records" }, { "id": "store.sql_cluster_discovery.cleanup.app_error", "translation": "Failed to save ClusterDiscovery row" }, { "id": "store.sql_cluster_discovery.delete.app_error", "translation": "Failed to delete" }, { "id": "store.sql_cluster_discovery.exists.app_error", "translation": "Failed to check if table exists %v" }, { "id": "store.sql_cluster_discovery.get_all.app_error", "translation": "Failed to get all discovery rows" }, { "id": "store.sql_cluster_discovery.save.app_error", "translation": "Failed to save ClusterDiscovery row" }, { "id": "store.sql_cluster_discovery.set_last_ping.app_error", "translation": "Failed to update last ping at" }, { "id": "store.sql_command.analytics_command_count.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_command.get_by_trigger.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_command.save.delete.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_command.save.delete_perm.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_command.save.get.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_command.save.get_team.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_command.save.saving.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_command.save.saving_overwrite.app_error", "translation": "You cannot overwrite an existing Command" }, { "id": "store.sql_command.save.update.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_command_webhooks.get.app_error", "translation": "Webhook을 찾는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_command_webhooks.save.app_error", "translation": "IncomingWebhook을 저장하는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_command_webhooks.save.existing.app_error", "translation": "You cannot update an existing CommandWebhook" }, { "id": "store.sql_command_webhooks.try_use.app_error", "translation": "Unable to use the webhook" }, { "id": "store.sql_command_webhooks.try_use.invalid.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 Webhook" }, { "id": "store.sql_compliance.get.finding.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error retrieving the compliance reports" }, { "id": "store.sql_compliance.message_export.app_error", "translation": "Failed to select message export data" }, { "id": "store.sql_compliance.save.saving.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error saving the compliance report" }, { "id": "store.sql_emoji.delete.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_emoji.delete.no_results", "translation": "We couldn’t find the emoji to delete" }, { "id": "store.sql_emoji.get.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_emoji.get_all.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_emoji.get_by_name.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_emoji.save.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_file_info.attach_to_post.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't attach the file info to the post" }, { "id": "store.sql_file_info.delete_for_post.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't delete the file info to the post" }, { "id": "store.sql_file_info.get.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the file info" }, { "id": "store.sql_file_info.get_by_path.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the file info by path" }, { "id": "store.sql_file_info.get_for_post.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the file info for the post" }, { "id": "store.sql_file_info.permanent_delete.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't permanently delete the file info" }, { "id": "store.sql_file_info.permanent_delete_batch.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error permanently deleting the batch of file infos" }, { "id": "store.sql_file_info.save.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't save the file info" }, { "id": "store.sql_job.delete.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_job.get.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_job.get_all.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_job.get_count_by_status_and_type.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the job count by status and type" }, { "id": "store.sql_job.get_newest_job_by_status_and_type.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the newest job by status and type" }, { "id": "store.sql_job.save.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_job.update.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_license.get.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error getting the license" }, { "id": "store.sql_license.get.missing.app_error", "translation": "A license with that ID was not found" }, { "id": "store.sql_license.save.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error saving the license" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.delete.commit_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Unable to commit transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.delete.open_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Unable to open transaction to delete the OAuth2 app" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.delete.rollback_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Unable to rollback transaction to delete the OAuth2 App" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.delete_app.app_error", "translation": "An error occurred while deleting the OAuth2 App" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_access_data.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error finding the access token" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_access_data_by_user_for_app.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error finding the access token" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_app.find.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_app.finding.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error finding the app" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_app_by_user.find.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_apps.find.app_error", "translation": "An error occurred while finding the OAuth2 Apps" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_auth_data.find.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't find the existing authorization code" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_auth_data.finding.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error finding the authorization code" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_previous_access_data.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error finding the access token" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.permanent_delete_auth_data_by_user.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't remove the authorization code" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.remove_access_data.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.remove_auth_data.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't remove the authorization code" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.save_access_data.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.save_app.existing.app_error", "translation": "Must call update for exisiting app" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.save_app.save.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.save_auth_data.app_error", "translation": "인증 코드를 저장할 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.update_access_data.app_error", "translation": "접근 토큰을 업데이트하다 에러가 발생했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.update_app.find.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.update_app.finding.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error finding the app" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.update_app.update.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_oauth.update_app.updating.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error updating the app" }, { "id": "store.sql_plugin_store.delete.app_error", "translation": "Could not delete plugin key value" }, { "id": "store.sql_plugin_store.get.app_error", "translation": "Could not get plugin key value" }, { "id": "store.sql_plugin_store.save.app_error", "translation": "Could not save or update plugin key value" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.analytics_posts_count.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get post counts" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.analytics_posts_count_by_day.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get post counts by day" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.analytics_user_counts_posts_by_day.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get user counts with posts" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.compliance_export.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.delete.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.get.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.get_flagged_posts.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.get_parents_posts.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the parent post for the channel" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.get_posts.app_error", "translation": "Limit exceeded for paging" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.get_posts_around.get.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the posts for the channel" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.get_posts_around.get_parent.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the parent posts for the channel" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.get_posts_batch_for_indexing.get.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the posts batch for indexing" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.get_posts_by_ids.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.get_posts_created_att.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the posts for the channel" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.get_posts_since.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the posts for the channel" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.get_root_posts.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the posts for the channel" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.overwrite.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.permanent_delete.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.permanent_delete_all_comments_by_user.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't delete the comments for user" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.permanent_delete_batch.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error permanently deleting the batch of posts" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.permanent_delete_by_channel.app_error", "translation": "채널을 삭제하지 못했습니다." }, { "id": "store.sql_post.permanent_delete_by_user.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't select the posts to delete for the user" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.permanent_delete_by_user.too_many.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't select the posts to delete for the user (too many), please re-run" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.query_max_post_size.error", "translation": "We couldn't determine the maximum supported post size" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.save.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.save.existing.app_error", "translation": "You cannot update an existing Post" }, { "id": "store.sql_post.search.disabled", "translation": "Searching has been disabled on this server. Please contact your System Administrator." }, { "id": "store.sql_post.update.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_preference.cleanup_flags_batch.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error cleaning up the batch of flags" }, { "id": "store.sql_preference.delete.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error while deleting preferences" }, { "id": "store.sql_preference.get.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error while finding preferences" }, { "id": "store.sql_preference.get_all.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error while finding preferences" }, { "id": "store.sql_preference.get_category.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error while finding preferences" }, { "id": "store.sql_preference.insert.exists.app_error", "translation": "A preference with that user id, category, and name already exists" }, { "id": "store.sql_preference.insert.save.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_preference.is_feature_enabled.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error while finding a pre release feature preference" }, { "id": "store.sql_preference.permanent_delete_by_user.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error while deleteing preferences" }, { "id": "store.sql_preference.save.commit_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Unable to commit transaction to save preferences" }, { "id": "store.sql_preference.save.missing_driver.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error while updating preferences" }, { "id": "store.sql_preference.save.open_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Unable to open transaction to save preferences" }, { "id": "store.sql_preference.save.rollback_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Unable to rollback transaction to save preferences" }, { "id": "store.sql_preference.save.updating.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error while updating preferences" }, { "id": "store.sql_preference.update.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_reaction.delete.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_reaction.delete.begin.app_error", "translation": "Unable to open transaction while deleting reaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_reaction.delete.commit.app_error", "translation": "Unable to commit transaction while deleting reaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_reaction.delete_all_with_emoji_name.delete_reactions.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_reaction.delete_all_with_emoji_name.get_reactions.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_reaction.get_for_post.app_error", "translation": "Unable to get reactions for post" }, { "id": "store.sql_reaction.permanent_delete_batch.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error permanently deleting the batch of reactions" }, { "id": "store.sql_reaction.save.begin.app_error", "translation": "Unable to open transaction while saving reaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_reaction.save.commit.app_error", "translation": "Unable to commit transaction while saving reaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_reaction.save.save.app_error", "translation": "Unable to save reaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_recover.delete.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_recover.get_by_code.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_recover.save.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_role.delete.update.app_error", "translation": "Unable to delete the role" }, { "id": "store.sql_role.get.app_error", "translation": "내용을 가져올수 없습니다." }, { "id": "store.sql_role.get_by_name.app_error", "translation": "내용을 가져올수 없습니다." }, { "id": "store.sql_role.get_by_names.app_error", "translation": "내용을 가져올수 없습니다." }, { "id": "store.sql_role.permanent_delete_all.app_error", "translation": "We could not permanently delete all the roles" }, { "id": "store.sql_role.save.insert.app_error", "translation": "Unable to save new role" }, { "id": "store.sql_role.save.invalid_role.app_error", "translation": "The role was not valid" }, { "id": "store.sql_role.save.open_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to open the transaction to save the role" }, { "id": "store.sql_role.save.update.app_error", "translation": "내용을 가져올수 없습니다." }, { "id": "store.sql_role.save_role.commit_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to commit the transaction to save the role" }, { "id": "store.sql_scheme.delete.role_update.app_error", "translation": "Unable to delete the roles belonging to this scheme" }, { "id": "store.sql_scheme.delete.update.app_error", "translation": "Unable to delete the scheme" }, { "id": "store.sql_scheme.get.app_error", "translation": "Unable to get the scheme" }, { "id": "store.sql_scheme.permanent_delete_all.app_error", "translation": "We could not permanently delete the schemes" }, { "id": "store.sql_scheme.reset_channels.app_error", "translation": "Unable to reset all channels using this scheme to the default scheme" }, { "id": "store.sql_scheme.reset_teams.app_error", "translation": "Unable to reset all teams using this scheme to the default scheme" }, { "id": "store.sql_scheme.save.insert.app_error", "translation": "Unable to create the scheme" }, { "id": "store.sql_scheme.save.invalid_scheme.app_error", "translation": "The provided scheme is invalid" }, { "id": "store.sql_scheme.save.open_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to open the transaction to save the scheme" }, { "id": "store.sql_scheme.save.retrieve_default_scheme_roles.app_error", "translation": "Unable to retrieve the default scheme roles" }, { "id": "store.sql_scheme.save.update.app_error", "translation": "Unable to update the scheme" }, { "id": "store.sql_scheme.save_scheme.commit_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to commit the transaction to save the scheme" }, { "id": "store.sql_session.analytics_session_count.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_session.get.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error finding the session" }, { "id": "store.sql_session.get_sessions.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error while finding user sessions" }, { "id": "store.sql_session.permanent_delete_sessions_by_user.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't remove all the sessions for the user" }, { "id": "store.sql_session.remove.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_session.remove_all_sessions_for_team.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_session.save.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_session.save.existing.app_error", "translation": "Cannot update existing session" }, { "id": "store.sql_session.update_device_id.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_session.update_last_activity.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't update the last_activity_at" }, { "id": "store.sql_session.update_roles.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_status.get.app_error", "translation": "Encountered an error retrieving the status" }, { "id": "store.sql_status.get.missing.app_error", "translation": "No entry for that status exists" }, { "id": "store.sql_status.get_online.app_error", "translation": "Encountered an error retrieving all the online statuses" }, { "id": "store.sql_status.get_online_away.app_error", "translation": "Encountered an error retrieving all the online/away statuses" }, { "id": "store.sql_status.get_team_statuses.app_error", "translation": "Encountered an error retrieving all statuses from the team members" }, { "id": "store.sql_status.get_total_active_users_count.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_status.reset_all.app_error", "translation": "Encountered an error resetting all the statuses" }, { "id": "store.sql_status.save.app_error", "translation": "Encountered an error saving the status" }, { "id": "store.sql_status.update.app_error", "translation": "Encountered an error updating the status" }, { "id": "store.sql_status.update_last_activity_at.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_system.get.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error finding the system properties" }, { "id": "store.sql_system.get_by_name.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't find the system variable." }, { "id": "store.sql_system.permanent_delete_by_name.app_error", "translation": "We could not permanently delete the system table entry" }, { "id": "store.sql_system.save.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error saving the system property" }, { "id": "store.sql_system.update.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error updating the system property" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.analytics_team_count.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.commit_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to commit the database transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.open_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to begin the database transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.rollback_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to rollback the database transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.select.app_error", "translation": "Failed to retrieve the team members" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.update.app_error", "translation": "Failed to update the team member" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.get.find.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.get.finding.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error finding the team" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.get_all.app_error", "translation": "We could not get all teams" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.get_all_team_listing.app_error", "translation": "We could not get all teams" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.get_by_invite_id.find.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.get_by_invite_id.finding.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.get_by_name.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.get_by_scheme.app_error", "translation": "Unable to get the channels for the provided scheme" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.get_member.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.get_member.missing.app_error", "translation": "No team member found for that user id and team id" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.get_member_count.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.get_members.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.get_members_by_ids.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.get_unread.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the teams unread messages" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.migrate_team_members.commit_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to commit the database transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.migrate_team_members.open_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to open the database transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.migrate_team_members.rollback_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to roll back the database transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.migrate_team_members.select.app_error", "translation": " Failed to select the batch of team members" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.migrate_team_members.update.app_error", "translation": "Failed to update the team member" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.permanent_delete.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.remove_member.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.reset_all_team_schemes.app_error", "translation": "We could not reset the team schemes" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.save.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.save.domain_exists.app_error", "translation": "A team with that domain already exists" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.save.existing.app_error", "translation": "Must call update for exisiting team" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.save_member.exists.app_error", "translation": "A team member with that id already exists" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.save_member.save.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.search_all_team.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error updating the channel" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.search_open_team.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error updating the channel" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.update.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.update.find.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.update.finding.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error finding the team" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.update.updating.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error updating the team" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.update_display_name.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_team.update_last_team_icon_update.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.analytics_daily_active_users.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.analytics_get_inactive_users_count.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.analytics_get_system_admin_count.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't get the system admin count" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.analytics_unique_user_count.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.commit_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to commit the database transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.open_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to begin the database transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.rollback_transaction.app_error", "translation": "Failed to rollback the database transaction" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.select.app_error", "translation": "Failed to retrieve the users" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.update.app_error", "translation": "Failed to update the user" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.get.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error finding the account" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.get_by_auth.missing_account.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't find an existing account matching your authentication type for this team. This team may require an invite from the team owner to join." }, { "id": "store.sql_user.get_by_auth.other.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error trying to find the account by authentication type." }, { "id": "store.sql_user.get_by_username.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't find an existing account matching your username for this team. This team may require an invite from the team owner to join." }, { "id": "store.sql_user.get_for_login.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't find an existing account matching your credentials. This team may require an invite from the team owner to join." }, { "id": "store.sql_user.get_for_login.multiple_users", "translation": "We found multiple users matching your credentials and were unable to log you in. Please contact an administrator." }, { "id": "store.sql_user.get_new_users.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error while finding preferences" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.get_profiles.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error while finding user profiles" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.get_recently_active_users.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error while finding preferences" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.get_sysadmin_profiles.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error while finding user profiles" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.get_total_users_count.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.get_unread_count.app_error", "translation": "We could not get the unread message count for the user" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.get_unread_count_for_channel.app_error", "translation": "We could not get the unread message count for the user" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.missing_account.const", "translation": "사용자를 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.permanent_delete.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.save.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.save.email_exists.app_error", "translation": "An account with that email already exists." }, { "id": "store.sql_user.save.email_exists.ldap_app_error", "translation": "This account does not use LDAP authentication. Please sign in using email and password." }, { "id": "store.sql_user.save.email_exists.saml_app_error", "translation": "This account does not use SAML authentication. Please sign in using email and password." }, { "id": "store.sql_user.save.existing.app_error", "translation": "Must call update for exisiting user" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.save.max_accounts.app_error", "translation": "This team has reached the maximum number of allowed accounts. Contact your systems administrator to set a higher limit." }, { "id": "store.sql_user.save.member_count.app_error", "translation": "Failed to get current team member count" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.save.username_exists.app_error", "translation": "An account with that username already exists." }, { "id": "store.sql_user.save.username_exists.ldap_app_error", "translation": "An account with that username already exists. Please contact your Administrator." }, { "id": "store.sql_user.save.username_exists.saml_app_error", "translation": "An account with that username already exists. Please contact your Administrator." }, { "id": "store.sql_user.search.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.update.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.update.can_not_change_ldap.app_error", "translation": "Can not change fields set by LDAP" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.update.email_taken.app_error", "translation": "This email is already taken. Please choose another." }, { "id": "store.sql_user.update.find.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.update.finding.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error finding the account" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.update.updating.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error updating the account" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.update.username_taken.app_error", "translation": "This username is already taken. Please choose another." }, { "id": "store.sql_user.update_auth_data.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.update_auth_data.email_exists.app_error", "translation": "Unable to switch account to {{.Service}}. An account using the email {{.Email}} already exists." }, { "id": "store.sql_user.update_failed_pwd_attempts.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't update the failed_attempts" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.update_last_picture_update.app_error", "translation": "update_at 필드를 업데이트 할 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.update_mfa_active.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error updating the user's MFA active status" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.update_mfa_secret.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error updating the user's MFA secret" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.update_password.app_error", "translation": "We couldn't update the user password" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.update_update.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_user.verify_email.app_error", "translation": "Unable to update verify email field" }, { "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.delete.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.get.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.get_all.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.get_by_token.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.get_by_user.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.save.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.search.app_error", "translation": "We encountered an error finding the access token" }, { "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.update_token_disable.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.update_token_disble.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.update_token_enable.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.analytics_incoming_count.app_error", "translation": "Incoming webhook 갯수를 셀 수 없었습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.analytics_outgoing_count.app_error", "translation": "Outgoing webhook 갯수를 셀 수 없었습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.delete_incoming.app_error", "translation": "Webhook을 삭제하는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.delete_outgoing.app_error", "translation": "Webhook을 삭제하는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.get_incoming.app_error", "translation": "Webhook을 찾는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.get_incoming_by_channel.app_error", "translation": "Webhook들을 찾는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.get_incoming_by_user.app_error", "translation": "Webhook을 찾는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.get_outgoing.app_error", "translation": "Webhook을 찾는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.get_outgoing_by_channel.app_error", "translation": "Webhook들을 찾는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.get_outgoing_by_team.app_error", "translation": "Webhook들을 찾는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.permanent_delete_incoming_by_channel.app_error", "translation": "Webhook을 삭제하는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.permanent_delete_incoming_by_user.app_error", "translation": "Webhook을 삭제하는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.permanent_delete_outgoing_by_channel.app_error", "translation": "Webhook을 삭제하는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.permanent_delete_outgoing_by_user.app_error", "translation": "Webhook을 삭제하는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.save_incoming.app_error", "translation": "IncomingWebhook을 저장하는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.save_incoming.existing.app_error", "translation": "기존에 있는 IncomingWebhook을 덮어쓸 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.save_outgoing.app_error", "translation": "OutgoingWebhook을 저장하는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.save_outgoing.override.app_error", "translation": "기존에 있는 OutgoingWebhook을 덮어쓸 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.update_incoming.app_error", "translation": "IncomingWebhook을 저장하는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "store.sql_webhooks.update_outgoing.app_error", "translation": "Webhook을 갱신하는 데 실패했습니다" }, { "id": "system.message.name", "translation": "시스템" }, { "id": "utils.config.add_client_locale.app_error", "translation": "Unable to load mattermost configuration file: Adding DefaultClientLocale to AvailableLocales." }, { "id": "utils.config.load_config.decoding.panic", "translation": "Error decoding config file={{.Filename}}, err={{.Error}}" }, { "id": "utils.config.load_config.opening.panic", "translation": "Error opening config file={{.Filename}}, err={{.Error}}" }, { "id": "utils.config.save_config.saving.app_error", "translation": "An error occurred while saving the file to {{.Filename}}" }, { "id": "utils.config.supported_available_locales.app_error", "translation": "Unable to load mattermost configuration file: AvailableLocales must include DefaultClientLocale. Setting AvailableLocales to all locales as default value." }, { "id": "utils.config.supported_client_locale.app_error", "translation": "Unable to load mattermost configuration file: DefaultClientLocale must be one of the supported locales. Setting DefaultClientLocale to en as default value." }, { "id": "utils.config.supported_server_locale.app_error", "translation": "Unable to load mattermost configuration file: DefaultServerLocale must be one of the supported locales. Setting DefaultServerLocale to en as default value." }, { "id": "utils.file.list_directory.local.app_error", "translation": "로컬 서버 저장소를 읽는 도중 에러가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "utils.file.list_directory.s3.app_error", "translation": "Encountered an error listing directory from S3." }, { "id": "utils.file.remove_directory.local.app_error", "translation": "로컬 서버 저장소를 읽는 도중 에러가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "utils.file.remove_directory.s3.app_error", "translation": "Encountered an error removing directory from S3." }, { "id": "utils.file.remove_file.local.app_error", "translation": "로컬 서버 저장소를 읽는 도중 에러가 발생했습니다." }, { "id": "utils.file.remove_file.s3.app_error", "translation": "Encountered an error removing file from S3." }, { "id": "utils.mail.connect_smtp.helo.app_error", "translation": "Failed to set HELO" }, { "id": "utils.mail.connect_smtp.open.app_error", "translation": "Failed to open connection" }, { "id": "utils.mail.connect_smtp.open_tls.app_error", "translation": "Failed to open TLS connection" }, { "id": "utils.mail.new_client.auth.app_error", "translation": "Failed to authenticate on SMTP server" }, { "id": "utils.mail.sendMail.attachments.write_error", "translation": "Failed to write attachment to email" }, { "id": "utils.mail.send_mail.close.app_error", "translation": "Failed to close connection to SMTP server" }, { "id": "utils.mail.send_mail.from_address.app_error", "translation": "Error setting \"From Address\"" }, { "id": "utils.mail.send_mail.msg.app_error", "translation": "Failed to write email message" }, { "id": "utils.mail.send_mail.msg_data.app_error", "translation": "Failed to add email messsage data" }, { "id": "utils.mail.send_mail.to_address.app_error", "translation": "Error setting \"To Address\"" }, { "id": "web.command_webhook.command.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "web.command_webhook.invalid.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 Webhook" }, { "id": "web.command_webhook.parse.app_error", "translation": "Unable to parse incoming data" }, { "id": "web.error.unsupported_browser.message", "translation": "Your current browser is not supported. Please upgrade to one of the following browsers:" }, { "id": "web.error.unsupported_browser.title", "translation": "Unsupported Browser" }, { "id": "web.get_access_token.internal_saving.app_error", "translation": "" }, { "id": "web.incoming_webhook.channel.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" }, { "id": "web.incoming_webhook.channel_locked.app_error", "translation": "This webhook is not permitted to post to the requested channel" }, { "id": "web.incoming_webhook.disabled.app_error", "translation": "Incoming webhook은 관리자가 사용할 수 없게 설정했습니다." }, { "id": "web.incoming_webhook.invalid.app_error", "translation": "잘못된 Webhook" }, { "id": "web.incoming_webhook.parse.app_error", "translation": "Unable to parse incoming data" }, { "id": "web.incoming_webhook.permissions.app_error", "translation": "Inappropriate channel permissions" }, { "id": "web.incoming_webhook.split_props_length.app_error", "translation": "Unable to split webhook props into {{.Max}} character parts." }, { "id": "web.incoming_webhook.text.app_error", "translation": "지정된 텍스트가 없습니다." }, { "id": "web.incoming_webhook.user.app_error", "translation": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다" } ]