// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package main import ( "bufio" "flag" "fmt" "html/template" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "os/exec" "os/signal" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "syscall" "time" l4g "github.com/alecthomas/log4go" "github.com/mattermost/platform/api" "github.com/mattermost/platform/einterfaces" "github.com/mattermost/platform/manualtesting" "github.com/mattermost/platform/model" "github.com/mattermost/platform/store" "github.com/mattermost/platform/utils" "github.com/mattermost/platform/web" // Plugins _ "github.com/mattermost/platform/model/gitlab" // Enterprise Deps _ "github.com/dgryski/dgoogauth" _ "github.com/go-ldap/ldap" _ "github.com/mattermost/rsc/qr" ) //ENTERPRISE_IMPORTS var flagCmdUpdateDb30 bool var flagCmdCreateTeam bool var flagCmdCreateUser bool var flagCmdAssignRole bool var flagCmdJoinTeam bool var flagCmdVersion bool var flagCmdRunClientTests bool var flagCmdResetPassword bool var flagCmdResetMfa bool var flagCmdPermanentDeleteUser bool var flagCmdPermanentDeleteTeam bool var flagCmdPermanentDeleteAllUsers bool var flagCmdResetDatabase bool var flagUsername string var flagCmdUploadLicense bool var flagConfigFile string var flagLicenseFile string var flagEmail string var flagPassword string var flagTeamName string var flagRole string var flagRunCmds bool func doLoadConfig(filename string) (err string) { defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { err = r.(string) } }() utils.LoadConfig(filename) return "" } func main() { parseCmds() utils.InitTranslations() if errstr := doLoadConfig(flagConfigFile); errstr != "" { l4g.Exit(utils.T("mattermost.unable_to_load_config"), errstr) return } if flagRunCmds { utils.ConfigureCmdLineLog() } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() l4g.Info(utils.T("mattermost.current_version"), model.CurrentVersion, model.BuildNumber, model.BuildDate, model.BuildHash, model.BuildHashEnterprise) l4g.Info(utils.T("mattermost.entreprise_enabled"), model.BuildEnterpriseReady) l4g.Info(utils.T("mattermost.working_dir"), pwd) l4g.Info(utils.T("mattermost.config_file"), utils.FindConfigFile(flagConfigFile)) // Special case for upgrading the db to 3.0 // ADDED for 3.0 REMOVE for 3.4 cmdUpdateDb30() api.NewServer() api.InitApi() web.InitWeb() if model.BuildEnterpriseReady == "true" { api.LoadLicense() } if !utils.IsLicensed && len(utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DataSourceReplicas) > 1 { l4g.Critical(utils.T("store.sql.read_replicas_not_licensed.critical")) return } if flagRunCmds { runCmds() } else { api.StartServer() // If we allow testing then listen for manual testing URL hits if utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableTesting { manualtesting.InitManualTesting() } setDiagnosticId() go runSecurityAndDiagnosticsJob() if einterfaces.GetComplianceInterface() != nil { einterfaces.GetComplianceInterface().StartComplianceDailyJob() } // wait for kill signal before attempting to gracefully shutdown // the running service c := make(chan os.Signal) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) <-c api.StopServer() } } func setDiagnosticId() { if result := <-api.Srv.Store.System().Get(); result.Err == nil { props := result.Data.(model.StringMap) id := props[model.SYSTEM_DIAGNOSTIC_ID] if len(id) == 0 { id = model.NewId() systemId := &model.System{Name: model.SYSTEM_DIAGNOSTIC_ID, Value: id} <-api.Srv.Store.System().Save(systemId) } utils.CfgDiagnosticId = id } } func runSecurityAndDiagnosticsJob() { for { if *utils.Cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableSecurityFixAlert { if result := <-api.Srv.Store.System().Get(); result.Err == nil { props := result.Data.(model.StringMap) lastSecurityTime, _ := strconv.ParseInt(props[model.SYSTEM_LAST_SECURITY_TIME], 10, 0) currentTime := model.GetMillis() if (currentTime - lastSecurityTime) > 1000*60*60*24*1 { l4g.Debug(utils.T("mattermost.security_checks.debug")) v := url.Values{} v.Set(utils.PROP_DIAGNOSTIC_ID, utils.CfgDiagnosticId) v.Set(utils.PROP_DIAGNOSTIC_BUILD, model.CurrentVersion+"."+model.BuildNumber) v.Set(utils.PROP_DIAGNOSTIC_ENTERPRISE_READY, model.BuildEnterpriseReady) v.Set(utils.PROP_DIAGNOSTIC_DATABASE, utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DriverName) v.Set(utils.PROP_DIAGNOSTIC_OS, runtime.GOOS) v.Set(utils.PROP_DIAGNOSTIC_CATEGORY, utils.VAL_DIAGNOSTIC_CATEGORY_DEFAULT) if len(props[model.SYSTEM_RAN_UNIT_TESTS]) > 0 { v.Set(utils.PROP_DIAGNOSTIC_UNIT_TESTS, "1") } else { v.Set(utils.PROP_DIAGNOSTIC_UNIT_TESTS, "0") } systemSecurityLastTime := &model.System{Name: model.SYSTEM_LAST_SECURITY_TIME, Value: strconv.FormatInt(currentTime, 10)} if lastSecurityTime == 0 { <-api.Srv.Store.System().Save(systemSecurityLastTime) } else { <-api.Srv.Store.System().Update(systemSecurityLastTime) } if ucr := <-api.Srv.Store.User().GetTotalUsersCount(); ucr.Err == nil { v.Set(utils.PROP_DIAGNOSTIC_USER_COUNT, strconv.FormatInt(ucr.Data.(int64), 10)) } if ucr := <-api.Srv.Store.User().GetTotalActiveUsersCount(); ucr.Err == nil { v.Set(utils.PROP_DIAGNOSTIC_ACTIVE_USER_COUNT, strconv.FormatInt(ucr.Data.(int64), 10)) } res, err := http.Get(utils.DIAGNOSTIC_URL + "/security?" + v.Encode()) if err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("mattermost.security_info.error")) return } bulletins := model.SecurityBulletinsFromJson(res.Body) for _, bulletin := range bulletins { if bulletin.AppliesToVersion == model.CurrentVersion { if props["SecurityBulletin_"+bulletin.Id] == "" { if results := <-api.Srv.Store.User().GetSystemAdminProfiles(); results.Err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("mattermost.system_admins.error")) return } else { users := results.Data.(map[string]*model.User) resBody, err := http.Get(utils.DIAGNOSTIC_URL + "/bulletins/" + bulletin.Id) if err != nil { l4g.Error(utils.T("mattermost.security_bulletin.error")) return } body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resBody.Body) res.Body.Close() if err != nil || resBody.StatusCode != 200 { l4g.Error(utils.T("mattermost.security_bulletin_read.error")) return } for _, user := range users { l4g.Info(utils.T("mattermost.send_bulletin.info"), bulletin.Id, user.Email) utils.SendMail(user.Email, utils.T("mattermost.bulletin.subject"), string(body)) } } bulletinSeen := &model.System{Name: "SecurityBulletin_" + bulletin.Id, Value: bulletin.Id} <-api.Srv.Store.System().Save(bulletinSeen) } } } } } } time.Sleep(time.Hour * 4) } } func parseCmds() { flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usage) } flag.StringVar(&flagConfigFile, "config", "config.json", "") flag.StringVar(&flagUsername, "username", "", "") flag.StringVar(&flagLicenseFile, "license", "", "") flag.StringVar(&flagEmail, "email", "", "") flag.StringVar(&flagPassword, "password", "", "") flag.StringVar(&flagTeamName, "team_name", "", "") flag.StringVar(&flagRole, "role", "", "") flag.BoolVar(&flagCmdUpdateDb30, "upgrade_db_30", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&flagCmdCreateTeam, "create_team", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&flagCmdCreateUser, "create_user", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&flagCmdAssignRole, "assign_role", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&flagCmdJoinTeam, "join_team", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&flagCmdVersion, "version", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&flagCmdRunClientTests, "run_client_tests", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&flagCmdResetPassword, "reset_password", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&flagCmdResetMfa, "reset_mfa", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&flagCmdPermanentDeleteUser, "permanent_delete_user", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&flagCmdPermanentDeleteTeam, "permanent_delete_team", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&flagCmdPermanentDeleteAllUsers, "permanent_delete_all_users", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&flagCmdResetDatabase, "reset_database", false, "") flag.BoolVar(&flagCmdUploadLicense, "upload_license", false, "") flag.Parse() flagRunCmds = (flagCmdCreateTeam || flagCmdCreateUser || flagCmdAssignRole || flagCmdJoinTeam || flagCmdResetPassword || flagCmdResetMfa || flagCmdVersion || flagCmdRunClientTests || flagCmdPermanentDeleteUser || flagCmdPermanentDeleteTeam || flagCmdPermanentDeleteAllUsers || flagCmdResetDatabase || flagCmdUploadLicense) } func runCmds() { cmdVersion() cmdRunClientTests() cmdCreateTeam() cmdCreateUser() cmdAssignRole() cmdJoinTeam() cmdResetPassword() cmdResetMfa() cmdPermDeleteUser() cmdPermDeleteTeam() cmdPermDeleteAllUsers() cmdResetDatabase() cmdUploadLicense() } type TeamForUpgrade struct { Id string Name string } func setupClientTests() { *utils.Cfg.TeamSettings.EnableOpenServer = true } func runClientTests() { os.Chdir("webapp") cmd := exec.Command("npm", "test") cmdOutPipe, err := cmd.StdoutPipe() if err != nil { l4g.Error("Failed to run tests") os.Exit(1) } cmdOutReader := bufio.NewScanner(cmdOutPipe) go func() { for cmdOutReader.Scan() { fmt.Println(cmdOutReader.Text()) } }() if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil { l4g.Error("Client Tests failed") os.Exit(1) } } func cmdRunClientTests() { if flagCmdRunClientTests { setupClientTests() api.StartServer() runClientTests() api.StopServer() } } // ADDED for 3.0 REMOVE for 3.4 func cmdUpdateDb30() { if flagCmdUpdateDb30 { api.Srv = &api.Server{} api.Srv.Store = store.NewSqlStoreForUpgrade30() store := api.Srv.Store.(*store.SqlStore) utils.InitHTML() l4g.Info("Attempting to run special upgrade of the database schema to version 3.0 for user model changes") time.Sleep(time.Second) if !store.DoesColumnExist("Users", "TeamId") { fmt.Println("**WARNING** the database schema appears to be upgraded to 3.0") flushLogAndExit(1) } if !(store.SchemaVersion == "2.2.0" || store.SchemaVersion == "2.1.0" || store.SchemaVersion == "2.0.0") { fmt.Println("**WARNING** the database schema needs to be version 2.2.0, 2.1.0 or 2.0.0 to upgrade") flushLogAndExit(1) } var confirmBackup string fmt.Println("\nPlease see http://www.mattermost.org/upgrade-to-3-0/") fmt.Println("**WARNING** This upgrade process will be irreversible.") fmt.Print("Have you performed a database backup? (YES/NO): ") fmt.Scanln(&confirmBackup) if confirmBackup != "YES" { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "ABORTED: You did not answer YES exactly, in all capitals.") flushLogAndExit(1) } var flagTeamName string var teams []*TeamForUpgrade if _, err := store.GetMaster().Select(&teams, "SELECT Id, Name FROM Teams"); err != nil { l4g.Error("Failed to load all teams details=%v", err) flushLogAndExit(1) } fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("We found %v teams.", len(teams))) for _, team := range teams { fmt.Println(team.Name) } fmt.Print("Please pick a primary team from the list above: ") fmt.Scanln(&flagTeamName) var team *TeamForUpgrade for _, t := range teams { if t.Name == flagTeamName { team = t break } } if team == nil { l4g.Error("Failed to find primary team details") flushLogAndExit(1) } l4g.Info("Starting special 3.0 database upgrade with performed_backup=YES team_name=%v", team.Name) l4g.Info("Primary team %v will be left unchanged", team.Name) l4g.Info("Upgrading primary team %v", team.Name) uniqueEmails := make(map[string]bool) uniqueUsernames := make(map[string]bool) uniqueAuths := make(map[string]bool) primaryUsers := convertTeamTo30(team.Name, team, uniqueEmails, uniqueUsernames, uniqueAuths) l4g.Info("Upgraded %v users", len(primaryUsers)) for _, otherTeam := range teams { if otherTeam.Id != team.Id { l4g.Info("Upgrading team %v", otherTeam.Name) users := convertTeamTo30(team.Name, otherTeam, uniqueEmails, uniqueUsernames, uniqueAuths) l4g.Info("Upgraded %v users", len(users)) } } l4g.Info("Altering other scheme changes needed 3.0 for user model changes") if _, err := store.GetMaster().Exec(` UPDATE Channels SET TeamId = '' WHERE Type = 'D' `, ); err != nil { l4g.Error("Failed to update direct channel types details=%v", err) flushLogAndExit(1) } if _, err := store.GetMaster().Exec(` UPDATE Users SET AuthData = NULL WHERE AuthData = '' `, ); err != nil { l4g.Error("Failed to update AuthData types details=%v", err) flushLogAndExit(1) } extraLength := store.GetMaxLengthOfColumnIfExists("Audits", "ExtraInfo") if len(extraLength) > 0 && extraLength != "1024" { store.AlterColumnTypeIfExists("Audits", "ExtraInfo", "VARCHAR(1024)", "VARCHAR(1024)") } actionLength := store.GetMaxLengthOfColumnIfExists("Audits", "Action") if len(actionLength) > 0 && actionLength != "512" { store.AlterColumnTypeIfExists("Audits", "Action", "VARCHAR(512)", "VARCHAR(512)") } if store.DoesColumnExist("Sessions", "TeamId") { store.RemoveColumnIfExists("Sessions", "TeamId") store.GetMaster().Exec(`TRUNCATE Sessions`) } // ADDED for 2.2 REMOVE for 2.6 store.CreateColumnIfNotExists("Users", "MfaActive", "tinyint(1)", "boolean", "0") store.CreateColumnIfNotExists("Users", "MfaSecret", "varchar(128)", "character varying(128)", "") // ADDED for 2.2 REMOVE for 2.6 if store.DoesColumnExist("Users", "TeamId") { store.RemoveIndexIfExists("idx_users_team_id", "Users") store.CreateUniqueIndexIfNotExists("idx_users_email_unique", "Users", "Email") store.CreateUniqueIndexIfNotExists("idx_users_username_unique", "Users", "Username") store.CreateUniqueIndexIfNotExists("idx_users_authdata_unique", "Users", "AuthData") store.RemoveColumnIfExists("Teams", "AllowTeamListing") store.RemoveColumnIfExists("Users", "TeamId") } l4g.Info("Finished running special upgrade of the database schema to version 3.0 for user model changes") if result := <-store.System().Update(&model.System{Name: "Version", Value: model.CurrentVersion}); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error("Failed to update system schema version details=%v", result.Err) flushLogAndExit(1) } l4g.Info(utils.T("store.sql.upgraded.warn"), model.CurrentVersion) fmt.Println("**SUCCESS** with upgrade") flushLogAndExit(0) } } type UserForUpgrade struct { Id string Username string Email string Roles string TeamId string AuthData *string } func convertTeamTo30(primaryTeamName string, team *TeamForUpgrade, uniqueEmails map[string]bool, uniqueUsernames map[string]bool, uniqueAuths map[string]bool) []*UserForUpgrade { store := api.Srv.Store.(*store.SqlStore) var users []*UserForUpgrade if _, err := store.GetMaster().Select(&users, "SELECT Users.Id, Users.Username, Users.Email, Users.Roles, Users.TeamId, Users.AuthData FROM Users WHERE Users.TeamId = :TeamId", map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": team.Id}); err != nil { l4g.Error("Failed to load profiles for team details=%v", err) flushLogAndExit(1) } var members []*model.TeamMember if result := <-api.Srv.Store.Team().GetMembers(team.Id); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error("Failed to load team membership details=%v", result.Err) flushLogAndExit(1) } else { members = result.Data.([]*model.TeamMember) } for _, user := range users { shouldUpdateUser := false previousRole := user.Roles previousEmail := user.Email previousUsername := user.Username member := &model.TeamMember{ TeamId: team.Id, UserId: user.Id, } if model.IsInRole(user.Roles, model.ROLE_TEAM_ADMIN) { member.Roles = model.ROLE_TEAM_ADMIN user.Roles = "" shouldUpdateUser = true } exists := false for _, member := range members { if member.UserId == user.Id { exists = true break } } if !exists { if result := <-api.Srv.Store.Team().SaveMember(member); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error("Failed to save membership for %v details=%v", user.Email, result.Err) flushLogAndExit(1) } } err := api.MoveFile( "teams/"+team.Id+"/users/"+user.Id+"/profile.png", "users/"+user.Id+"/profile.png", ) if err != nil { l4g.Warn("No profile image to move for %v", user.Email) } if uniqueEmails[user.Email] { shouldUpdateUser = true emailParts := strings.Split(user.Email, "@") if len(emailParts) == 2 { user.Email = emailParts[0] + "+" + team.Name + "@" + emailParts[1] } else { user.Email = user.Email + "." + team.Name } if len(user.Email) > 127 { user.Email = user.Email[:127] } } if uniqueUsernames[user.Username] { shouldUpdateUser = true user.Username = team.Name + "." + user.Username if len(user.Username) > 63 { user.Username = user.Username[:63] } } if user.AuthData != nil && *user.AuthData != "" && uniqueAuths[*user.AuthData] { shouldUpdateUser = true } if shouldUpdateUser { if _, err := store.GetMaster().Exec(` UPDATE Users SET Email = :Email, Username = :Username, Roles = :Roles, AuthService = '', AuthData = NULL WHERE Id = :Id `, map[string]interface{}{ "Email": user.Email, "Username": user.Username, "Roles": user.Roles, "Id": user.Id, }, ); err != nil { l4g.Error("Failed to update user %v details=%v", user.Email, err) flushLogAndExit(1) } l4g.Info("modified user_id=%v, changed email from=%v to=%v, changed username from=%v to %v changed roles from=%v to=%v", user.Id, previousEmail, user.Email, previousUsername, user.Username, previousRole, user.Roles) emailChanged := previousEmail != user.Email usernameChanged := previousUsername != user.Username if emailChanged || usernameChanged { bodyPage := utils.NewHTMLTemplate("upgrade_30_body", "") EmailChanged := "" UsernameChanged := "" if emailChanged { EmailChanged = "true" } if usernameChanged { UsernameChanged = "true" } bodyPage.Html["Info"] = template.HTML(utils.T("api.templates.upgrade_30_body.info", map[string]interface{}{ "SiteName": utils.ClientCfg["SiteName"], "TeamName": team.Name, "Email": user.Email, "Username": user.Username, "EmailChanged": EmailChanged, "UsernameChanged": UsernameChanged, })) utils.SendMail( previousEmail, utils.T("api.templates.upgrade_30_subject.info"), bodyPage.Render(), ) } } uniqueEmails[user.Email] = true uniqueUsernames[user.Username] = true if user.AuthData != nil && *user.AuthData != "" { uniqueAuths[*user.AuthData] = true } } return users } func cmdCreateTeam() { if flagCmdCreateTeam { if len(flagTeamName) == 0 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "flag needs an argument: -team_name") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } if len(flagEmail) == 0 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "flag needs an argument: -email") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } c := getMockContext() team := &model.Team{} team.DisplayName = flagTeamName team.Name = flagTeamName team.Email = flagEmail team.Type = model.TEAM_OPEN api.CreateTeam(c, team) if c.Err != nil { if c.Err.Id != "store.sql_team.save.domain_exists.app_error" { l4g.Error("%v", c.Err) flushLogAndExit(1) } } os.Exit(0) } } func cmdCreateUser() { if flagCmdCreateUser { if len(flagEmail) == 0 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "flag needs an argument: -email") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } if len(flagPassword) == 0 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "flag needs an argument: -password") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } var team *model.Team user := &model.User{} user.Email = flagEmail user.Password = flagPassword if len(flagUsername) == 0 { splits := strings.Split(strings.Replace(flagEmail, "@", " ", -1), " ") user.Username = splits[0] } else { user.Username = flagUsername } if len(flagTeamName) > 0 { if result := <-api.Srv.Store.Team().GetByName(flagTeamName); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", result.Err) flushLogAndExit(1) } else { team = result.Data.(*model.Team) } } ruser, err := api.CreateUser(user) if err != nil { if err.Id != "store.sql_user.save.email_exists.app_error" { l4g.Error("%v", err) flushLogAndExit(1) } } if team != nil { err = api.JoinUserToTeam(team, ruser) if err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", err) flushLogAndExit(1) } } os.Exit(0) } } func cmdVersion() { if flagCmdVersion { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Version: "+model.CurrentVersion) fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Build Number: "+model.BuildNumber) fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Build Date: "+model.BuildDate) fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Build Hash: "+model.BuildHash) fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Build Enterprise Ready: "+model.BuildEnterpriseReady) os.Exit(0) } } func cmdAssignRole() { if flagCmdAssignRole { if len(flagEmail) == 0 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "flag needs an argument: -email") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } if !model.IsValidUserRoles(flagRole) { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "flag invalid argument: -role") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } c := getMockContext() var user *model.User if result := <-api.Srv.Store.User().GetByEmail(flagEmail); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", result.Err) flushLogAndExit(1) } else { user = result.Data.(*model.User) } if !user.IsInRole(flagRole) { api.UpdateUserRoles(c, user, flagRole) } os.Exit(0) } } func cmdJoinTeam() { if flagCmdJoinTeam { if len(flagTeamName) == 0 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "flag needs an argument: -email") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } if len(flagEmail) == 0 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "flag needs an argument: -email") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } var team *model.Team if result := <-api.Srv.Store.Team().GetByName(flagTeamName); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", result.Err) flushLogAndExit(1) } else { team = result.Data.(*model.Team) } var user *model.User if result := <-api.Srv.Store.User().GetByEmail(flagEmail); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", result.Err) flushLogAndExit(1) } else { user = result.Data.(*model.User) } err := api.JoinUserToTeam(team, user) if err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", err) flushLogAndExit(1) } os.Exit(0) } } func cmdResetPassword() { if flagCmdResetPassword { if len(flagEmail) == 0 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "flag needs an argument: -email") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } if len(flagPassword) == 0 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "flag needs an argument: -password") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } if len(flagPassword) < 5 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "flag invalid argument needs to be more than 4 characters: -password") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } var user *model.User if result := <-api.Srv.Store.User().GetByEmail(flagEmail); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", result.Err) flushLogAndExit(1) } else { user = result.Data.(*model.User) } if result := <-api.Srv.Store.User().UpdatePassword(user.Id, model.HashPassword(flagPassword)); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", result.Err) flushLogAndExit(1) } os.Exit(0) } } func cmdResetMfa() { if flagCmdResetMfa { if len(flagEmail) == 0 && len(flagUsername) == 0 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "flag needs an argument: -email OR -username") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } var user *model.User if len(flagEmail) > 0 { if result := <-api.Srv.Store.User().GetByEmail(flagEmail); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", result.Err) flushLogAndExit(1) } else { user = result.Data.(*model.User) } } else { if result := <-api.Srv.Store.User().GetByUsername(flagUsername); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", result.Err) flushLogAndExit(1) } else { user = result.Data.(*model.User) } } if err := api.DeactivateMfa(user.Id); err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", err) flushLogAndExit(1) } os.Exit(0) } } func cmdPermDeleteUser() { if flagCmdPermanentDeleteUser { if len(flagEmail) == 0 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "flag needs an argument: -email") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } c := getMockContext() var user *model.User if result := <-api.Srv.Store.User().GetByEmail(flagEmail); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", result.Err) flushLogAndExit(1) } else { user = result.Data.(*model.User) } var confirmBackup string fmt.Print("Have you performed a database backup? (YES/NO): ") fmt.Scanln(&confirmBackup) if confirmBackup != "YES" { fmt.Print("ABORTED: You did not answer YES exactly, in all capitals.") flushLogAndExit(1) } var confirm string fmt.Printf("Are you sure you want to delete the user %v? All data will be permanently deleted? (YES/NO): ", user.Email) fmt.Scanln(&confirm) if confirm != "YES" { fmt.Print("ABORTED: You did not answer YES exactly, in all capitals.") flushLogAndExit(1) } if err := api.PermanentDeleteUser(c, user); err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", err) flushLogAndExit(1) } else { fmt.Print("SUCCESS: User deleted.") flushLogAndExit(0) } } } func cmdPermDeleteTeam() { if flagCmdPermanentDeleteTeam { if len(flagTeamName) == 0 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "flag needs an argument: -team_name") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } c := getMockContext() var team *model.Team if result := <-api.Srv.Store.Team().GetByName(flagTeamName); result.Err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", result.Err) flushLogAndExit(1) } else { team = result.Data.(*model.Team) } var confirmBackup string fmt.Print("Have you performed a database backup? (YES/NO): ") fmt.Scanln(&confirmBackup) if confirmBackup != "YES" { fmt.Print("ABORTED: You did not answer YES exactly, in all capitals.") flushLogAndExit(1) } var confirm string fmt.Printf("Are you sure you want to delete the team %v? All data will be permanently deleted? (YES/NO): ", team.Name) fmt.Scanln(&confirm) if confirm != "YES" { fmt.Print("ABORTED: You did not answer YES exactly, in all capitals.") flushLogAndExit(1) } if err := api.PermanentDeleteTeam(c, team); err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", err) flushLogAndExit(1) } else { fmt.Print("SUCCESS: Team deleted.") flushLogAndExit(0) } } } func cmdPermDeleteAllUsers() { if flagCmdPermanentDeleteAllUsers { c := getMockContext() var confirmBackup string fmt.Print("Have you performed a database backup? (YES/NO): ") fmt.Scanln(&confirmBackup) if confirmBackup != "YES" { fmt.Print("ABORTED: You did not answer YES exactly, in all capitals.") flushLogAndExit(1) } var confirm string fmt.Printf("Are you sure you want to delete all the users? All data will be permanently deleted? (YES/NO): ") fmt.Scanln(&confirm) if confirm != "YES" { fmt.Print("ABORTED: You did not answer YES exactly, in all capitals.") flushLogAndExit(1) } if err := api.PermanentDeleteAllUsers(c); err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", err) flushLogAndExit(1) } else { fmt.Print("SUCCESS: All users deleted.") flushLogAndExit(0) } } } func cmdResetDatabase() { if flagCmdResetDatabase { var confirmBackup string fmt.Print("Have you performed a database backup? (YES/NO): ") fmt.Scanln(&confirmBackup) if confirmBackup != "YES" { fmt.Print("ABORTED: You did not answer YES exactly, in all capitals.") flushLogAndExit(1) } var confirm string fmt.Printf("Are you sure you want to delete everything? ALL data will be permanently deleted? (YES/NO): ") fmt.Scanln(&confirm) if confirm != "YES" { fmt.Print("ABORTED: You did not answer YES exactly, in all capitals.") flushLogAndExit(1) } api.Srv.Store.DropAllTables() fmt.Print("SUCCESS: Database reset.") flushLogAndExit(0) } } func cmdUploadLicense() { if flagCmdUploadLicense { if model.BuildEnterpriseReady != "true" { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "build must be enterprise ready") os.Exit(1) } if len(flagLicenseFile) == 0 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "flag needs an argument: -team_name") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } var fileBytes []byte var err error if fileBytes, err = ioutil.ReadFile(flagLicenseFile); err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", err) flushLogAndExit(1) } if _, err := api.SaveLicense(fileBytes); err != nil { l4g.Error("%v", err) flushLogAndExit(1) } else { flushLogAndExit(0) } flushLogAndExit(0) } } func flushLogAndExit(code int) { l4g.Close() time.Sleep(time.Second) os.Exit(code) } func getMockContext() *api.Context { c := &api.Context{} c.RequestId = model.NewId() c.IpAddress = "cmd_line" c.T = utils.TfuncWithFallback(model.DEFAULT_LOCALE) c.Locale = model.DEFAULT_LOCALE return c } var usage = `Mattermost commands to help configure the system NAME: platform -- platform configuation tool USAGE: platform [options] FLAGS: -config="config.json" Path to the config file -username="someuser" Username used in other commands -license="ex.mattermost-license" Path to your license file -email="user@example.com" Email address used in other commands -password="mypassword" Password used in other commands -team_name="name" The team name used in other commands -role="system_admin" The role used in other commands valid values are "" - The empty role is basic user permissions "system_admin" - Represents a system admin who has access to all teams and configuration settings. COMMANDS: -create_team Creates a team. It requires the -team_name and -email flag to create a team. Example: platform -create_team -team_name="name" -email="user@example.com" -create_user Creates a user. It requires the -email and -password flag and -team_name and -username are optional to create a user. Example: platform -create_user -team_name="name" -email="user@example.com" -password="mypassword" -username="user" -join_team Joins a user to the team. It required the -email and -team_name. You may need to logout of your current session for the new team to be applied. Example: platform -join_team -email="user@example.com" -team_name="name" -assign_role Assigns role to a user. It requires the -role and -email flag. You may need to log out of your current sessions for the new role to be applied. Example: platform -assign_role -email="user@example.com" -role="system_admin" -reset_password Resets the password for a user. It requires the -email and -password flag. Example: platform -reset_password -email="user@example.com" -password="newpassword" -reset_mfa Turns off multi-factor authentication for a user. It requires the -email or -username flag. Example: platform -reset_mfa -username="someuser" -reset_database Completely erases the database causing the loss of all data. This will reset Mattermost to it's initial state. (note this will not erase your configuration.) Example: platform -reset_database -permanent_delete_user Permanently deletes a user and all related information including posts from the database. It requires the -email flag. You may need to restart the server to invalidate the cache Example: platform -permanent_delete_user -email="user@example.com" -permanent_delete_all_users Permanently deletes all users and all related information including posts from the database. It requires the -team_name, and -email flag. You may need to restart the server to invalidate the cache Example: platform -permanent_delete_all_users -team_name="name" -email="user@example.com" -permanent_delete_team Permanently deletes a team allong with all related information including posts from the database. It requires the -team_name flag. You may need to restart the server to invalidate the cache. Example: platform -permanent_delete_team -team_name="name" -upload_license Uploads a license to the server. Requires the -license flag. Example: platform -upload_license -license="/path/to/license/example.mattermost-license" -upgrade_db_30 Upgrades the database from a version 2.x schema to version 3 see http://www.mattermost.org/upgrading-to-mattermost-3-0/ Example: platform -upgrade_db_30 -version Display the current of the Mattermost platform -help Displays this help page`