// Copyright (c) 2018-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package migrations import ( "flag" "os" "testing" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/mlog" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/model" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/store/storetest" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/utils" ) func TestMain(m *testing.M) { flag.Parse() // Setup a global logger to catch tests logging outside of app context // The global logger will be stomped by apps initalizing but that's fine for testing. Ideally this won't happen. mlog.InitGlobalLogger(mlog.NewLogger(&mlog.LoggerConfiguration{ EnableConsole: true, ConsoleJson: true, ConsoleLevel: "error", EnableFile: false, })) utils.TranslationsPreInit() // In the case where a dev just wants to run a single test, it's faster to just use the default // store. if filter := flag.Lookup("test.run").Value.String(); filter != "" && filter != "." { mlog.Info("-test.run used, not creating temporary containers") os.Exit(m.Run()) } status := 0 container, settings, err := storetest.NewMySQLContainer() if err != nil { panic(err) } UseTestStore(container, settings) defer func() { StopTestStore() os.Exit(status) }() status = m.Run() } func TestGetMigrationState(t *testing.T) { th := Setup() defer th.TearDown() migrationKey := model.NewId() th.DeleteAllJobsByTypeAndMigrationKey(model.JOB_TYPE_MIGRATIONS, migrationKey) // Test with no job yet. state, job, err := GetMigrationState(migrationKey, th.App.Srv.Store) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Nil(t, job) assert.Equal(t, "unscheduled", state) // Test with the system table showing the migration as done. system := model.System{ Name: migrationKey, Value: "true", } res1 := <-th.App.Srv.Store.System().Save(&system) assert.Nil(t, res1.Err) state, job, err = GetMigrationState(migrationKey, th.App.Srv.Store) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Nil(t, job) assert.Equal(t, "completed", state) res2 := <-th.App.Srv.Store.System().PermanentDeleteByName(migrationKey) assert.Nil(t, res2.Err) // Test with a job scheduled in "pending" state. j1 := &model.Job{ Id: model.NewId(), CreateAt: model.GetMillis(), Data: map[string]string{ JOB_DATA_KEY_MIGRATION: migrationKey, }, Status: model.JOB_STATUS_PENDING, Type: model.JOB_TYPE_MIGRATIONS, } j1 = (<-th.App.Srv.Store.Job().Save(j1)).Data.(*model.Job) state, job, err = GetMigrationState(migrationKey, th.App.Srv.Store) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, j1.Id, job.Id) assert.Equal(t, "in_progress", state) // Test with a job scheduled in "in progress" state. j2 := &model.Job{ Id: model.NewId(), CreateAt: j1.CreateAt + 1, Data: map[string]string{ JOB_DATA_KEY_MIGRATION: migrationKey, }, Status: model.JOB_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, Type: model.JOB_TYPE_MIGRATIONS, } j2 = (<-th.App.Srv.Store.Job().Save(j2)).Data.(*model.Job) state, job, err = GetMigrationState(migrationKey, th.App.Srv.Store) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, j2.Id, job.Id) assert.Equal(t, "in_progress", state) // Test with a job scheduled in "error" state. j3 := &model.Job{ Id: model.NewId(), CreateAt: j2.CreateAt + 1, Data: map[string]string{ JOB_DATA_KEY_MIGRATION: migrationKey, }, Status: model.JOB_STATUS_ERROR, Type: model.JOB_TYPE_MIGRATIONS, } j3 = (<-th.App.Srv.Store.Job().Save(j3)).Data.(*model.Job) state, job, err = GetMigrationState(migrationKey, th.App.Srv.Store) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, j3.Id, job.Id) assert.Equal(t, "unscheduled", state) }