// Copyright (c) 2015 Spinpunch, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package model import ( "encoding/json" "io" ) const ( AUTHCODE_EXPIRE_TIME = 60 * 10 // 10 minutes AUTHCODE_RESPONSE_TYPE = "code" ) type AuthData struct { ClientId string `json:"client_id"` UserId string `json:"user_id"` Code string `json:"code"` ExpiresIn int32 `json:"expires_in"` CreateAt int64 `json:"create_at"` RedirectUri string `json:"redirect_uri"` State string `json:"state"` Scope string `json:"scope"` } // IsValid validates the AuthData and returns an error if it isn't configured // correctly. func (ad *AuthData) IsValid() *AppError { if len(ad.ClientId) != 26 { return NewAppError("AuthData.IsValid", "Invalid client id", "") } if len(ad.UserId) != 26 { return NewAppError("AuthData.IsValid", "Invalid user id", "") } if len(ad.Code) == 0 || len(ad.Code) > 128 { return NewAppError("AuthData.IsValid", "Invalid authorization code", "client_id="+ad.ClientId) } if ad.ExpiresIn == 0 { return NewAppError("AuthData.IsValid", "Expires in must be set", "") } if ad.CreateAt <= 0 { return NewAppError("AuthData.IsValid", "Create at must be a valid time", "client_id="+ad.ClientId) } if len(ad.RedirectUri) > 256 { return NewAppError("AuthData.IsValid", "Invalid redirect uri", "client_id="+ad.ClientId) } if len(ad.State) > 128 { return NewAppError("AuthData.IsValid", "Invalid state", "client_id="+ad.ClientId) } if len(ad.Scope) > 128 { return NewAppError("AuthData.IsValid", "Invalid scope", "client_id="+ad.ClientId) } return nil } func (ad *AuthData) PreSave() { if ad.ExpiresIn == 0 { ad.ExpiresIn = AUTHCODE_EXPIRE_TIME } if ad.CreateAt == 0 { ad.CreateAt = GetMillis() } } func (ad *AuthData) ToJson() string { b, err := json.Marshal(ad) if err != nil { return "" } else { return string(b) } } func AuthDataFromJson(data io.Reader) *AuthData { decoder := json.NewDecoder(data) var ad AuthData err := decoder.Decode(&ad) if err == nil { return &ad } else { return nil } } func (ad *AuthData) IsExpired() bool { if GetMillis() > ad.CreateAt+int64(ad.ExpiresIn*1000) { return true } return false }