// Copyright (c) 2017 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package model import ( "fmt" "net/http" "strings" ) type Response struct { StatusCode int Error *AppError RequestId string Etag string ServerVersion string } type Client4 struct { Url string // The location of the server, for example "http://localhost:8065" ApiUrl string // The api location of the server, for example "http://localhost:8065/api/v4" HttpClient *http.Client // The http client AuthToken string AuthType string } func NewAPIv4Client(url string) *Client4 { return &Client4{url, url + API_URL_SUFFIX, &http.Client{}, "", ""} } func BuildResponse(r *http.Response) *Response { return &Response{ StatusCode: r.StatusCode, RequestId: r.Header.Get(HEADER_REQUEST_ID), Etag: r.Header.Get(HEADER_ETAG_SERVER), ServerVersion: r.Header.Get(HEADER_VERSION_ID), } } func (c *Client4) SetOAuthToken(token string) { c.AuthToken = token c.AuthType = HEADER_TOKEN } func (c *Client4) ClearOAuthToken() { c.AuthToken = "" c.AuthType = HEADER_BEARER } func (c *Client4) GetUsersRoute() string { return fmt.Sprintf("/users") } func (c *Client4) GetUserRoute(userId string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(c.GetUsersRoute()+"/%v", userId) } func (c *Client4) GetUserByEmailRoute(email string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(c.GetUsersRoute()+"/email/%v", email) } func (c *Client4) GetTeamsRoute() string { return fmt.Sprintf("/teams") } func (c *Client4) GetTeamRoute(teamId string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(c.GetTeamsRoute()+"/%v", teamId) } func (c *Client4) GetTeamMemberRoute(teamId, userId string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(c.GetTeamRoute(teamId)+"/members/%v", userId) } func (c *Client4) GetChannelsRoute() string { return fmt.Sprintf("/channels") } func (c *Client4) GetChannelRoute(channelId string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(c.GetChannelsRoute()+"/%v", channelId) } func (c *Client4) GetChannelMembersRoute(channelId string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(c.GetChannelRoute(channelId) + "/members") } func (c *Client4) GetChannelMemberRoute(channelId, userId string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(c.GetChannelMembersRoute(channelId)+"/%v", userId) } func (c *Client4) DoApiGet(url string, etag string) (*http.Response, *AppError) { return c.DoApiRequest(http.MethodGet, url, "", etag) } func (c *Client4) DoApiPost(url string, data string) (*http.Response, *AppError) { return c.DoApiRequest(http.MethodPost, url, data, "") } func (c *Client4) DoApiPut(url string, data string) (*http.Response, *AppError) { return c.DoApiRequest(http.MethodPut, url, data, "") } func (c *Client4) DoApiDelete(url string, data string) (*http.Response, *AppError) { return c.DoApiRequest(http.MethodDelete, url, "", "") } func (c *Client4) DoApiRequest(method, url, data, etag string) (*http.Response, *AppError) { rq, _ := http.NewRequest(method, c.ApiUrl+url, strings.NewReader(data)) rq.Close = true if len(etag) > 0 { rq.Header.Set(HEADER_ETAG_CLIENT, etag) } if len(c.AuthToken) > 0 { rq.Header.Set(HEADER_AUTH, c.AuthType+" "+c.AuthToken) } if rp, err := c.HttpClient.Do(rq); err != nil { return nil, NewLocAppError(url, "model.client.connecting.app_error", nil, err.Error()) } else if rp.StatusCode == 304 { return rp, nil } else if rp.StatusCode >= 300 { defer closeBody(rp) return rp, AppErrorFromJson(rp.Body) } else { return rp, nil } } // CheckStatusOK is a convenience function for checking the standard OK response // from the web service. func CheckStatusOK(r *http.Response) bool { m := MapFromJson(r.Body) defer closeBody(r) if m != nil && m[STATUS] == STATUS_OK { return true } return false } // Authentication Section // LoginById authenticates a user by user id and password. func (c *Client4) LoginById(id string, password string) (*User, *Response) { m := make(map[string]string) m["id"] = id m["password"] = password return c.login(m) } // Login authenticates a user by login id, which can be username, email or some sort // of SSO identifier based on server configuration, and a password. func (c *Client4) Login(loginId string, password string) (*User, *Response) { m := make(map[string]string) m["login_id"] = loginId m["password"] = password return c.login(m) } // LoginByLdap authenticates a user by LDAP id and password. func (c *Client4) LoginByLdap(loginId string, password string) (*User, *Response) { m := make(map[string]string) m["login_id"] = loginId m["password"] = password m["ldap_only"] = "true" return c.login(m) } // LoginWithDevice authenticates a user by login id (username, email or some sort // of SSO identifier based on configuration), password and attaches a device id to // the session. func (c *Client4) LoginWithDevice(loginId string, password string, deviceId string) (*User, *Response) { m := make(map[string]string) m["login_id"] = loginId m["password"] = password m["device_id"] = deviceId return c.login(m) } func (c *Client4) login(m map[string]string) (*User, *Response) { if r, err := c.DoApiPost("/users/login", MapToJson(m)); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { c.AuthToken = r.Header.Get(HEADER_TOKEN) c.AuthType = HEADER_BEARER defer closeBody(r) return UserFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // Logout terminates the current user's session. func (c *Client4) Logout() (bool, *Response) { if r, err := c.DoApiPost("/users/logout", ""); err != nil { return false, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { c.AuthToken = "" c.AuthType = HEADER_BEARER defer closeBody(r) return CheckStatusOK(r), BuildResponse(r) } } // User Section // CreateUser creates a user in the system based on the provided user struct. func (c *Client4) CreateUser(user *User) (*User, *Response) { if r, err := c.DoApiPost(c.GetUsersRoute(), user.ToJson()); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return UserFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // GetUser returns a user based on the provided user id string. func (c *Client4) GetUser(userId, etag string) (*User, *Response) { if r, err := c.DoApiGet(c.GetUserRoute(userId), etag); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return UserFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // GetUserByEmail returns a user based on the provided user email string. func (c *Client4) GetUserByEmail(email, etag string) (*User, *Response) { if r, err := c.DoApiGet(c.GetUserByEmailRoute(email), etag); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return UserFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // GetUsers returns a page of users on the system. Page counting starts at 0. func (c *Client4) GetUsers(page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response) { query := fmt.Sprintf("?page=%v&per_page=%v", page, perPage) if r, err := c.DoApiGet(c.GetUsersRoute()+query, etag); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return UserListFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // GetUsersInTeam returns a page of users on a team. Page counting starts at 0. func (c *Client4) GetUsersInTeam(teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response) { query := fmt.Sprintf("?in_team=%v&page=%v&per_page=%v", teamId, page, perPage) if r, err := c.DoApiGet(c.GetUsersRoute()+query, etag); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return UserListFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // GetUsersInChannel returns a page of users on a team. Page counting starts at 0. func (c *Client4) GetUsersInChannel(channelId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response) { query := fmt.Sprintf("?in_channel=%v&page=%v&per_page=%v", channelId, page, perPage) if r, err := c.DoApiGet(c.GetUsersRoute()+query, etag); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return UserListFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // GetUsersNotInChannel returns a page of users on a team. Page counting starts at 0. func (c *Client4) GetUsersNotInChannel(teamId, channelId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response) { query := fmt.Sprintf("?in_team=%v¬_in_channel=%v&page=%v&per_page=%v", teamId, channelId, page, perPage) if r, err := c.DoApiGet(c.GetUsersRoute()+query, etag); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return UserListFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // GetUsersByIds returns a list of users based on the provided user ids. func (c *Client4) GetUsersByIds(userIds []string) ([]*User, *Response) { if r, err := c.DoApiPost(c.GetUsersRoute()+"/ids", ArrayToJson(userIds)); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return UserListFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // UpdateUser updates a user in the system based on the provided user struct. func (c *Client4) UpdateUser(user *User) (*User, *Response) { if r, err := c.DoApiPut(c.GetUserRoute(user.Id), user.ToJson()); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return UserFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // UpdateUserPassword updates a user's password. Must be logged in as the user or be a system administrator. func (c *Client4) UpdateUserPassword(userId, currentPassword, newPassword string) (bool, *Response) { requestBody := map[string]string{"current_password": currentPassword, "new_password": newPassword} if r, err := c.DoApiPut(c.GetUserRoute(userId)+"/password", MapToJson(requestBody)); err != nil { return false, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return CheckStatusOK(r), BuildResponse(r) } } // UpdateUserRoles updates a user's roles in the system. A user can have "system_user" and "system_admin" roles. func (c *Client4) UpdateUserRoles(userId, roles string) (bool, *Response) { requestBody := map[string]string{"roles": roles} if r, err := c.DoApiPut(c.GetUserRoute(userId)+"/roles", MapToJson(requestBody)); err != nil { return false, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return CheckStatusOK(r), BuildResponse(r) } } // DeleteUser deactivates a user in the system based on the provided user id string. func (c *Client4) DeleteUser(userId string) (bool, *Response) { if r, err := c.DoApiDelete(c.GetUserRoute(userId), ""); err != nil { return false, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return CheckStatusOK(r), BuildResponse(r) } } // SendPasswordResetEmail will send a link for password resetting to a user with the // provided email. func (c *Client4) SendPasswordResetEmail(email string) (bool, *Response) { requestBody := map[string]string{"email": email} if r, err := c.DoApiPost(c.GetUsersRoute()+"/password/reset/send", MapToJson(requestBody)); err != nil { return false, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return CheckStatusOK(r), BuildResponse(r) } } // ResetPassword uses a recovery code to update reset a user's password. func (c *Client4) ResetPassword(code, newPassword string) (bool, *Response) { requestBody := map[string]string{"code": code, "new_password": newPassword} if r, err := c.DoApiPost(c.GetUsersRoute()+"/password/reset", MapToJson(requestBody)); err != nil { return false, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return CheckStatusOK(r), BuildResponse(r) } } // Team Section // CreateTeam creates a team in the system based on the provided team struct. func (c *Client4) CreateTeam(team *Team) (*Team, *Response) { if r, err := c.DoApiPost(c.GetTeamsRoute(), team.ToJson()); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return TeamFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // GetTeam returns a team based on the provided team id string. func (c *Client4) GetTeam(teamId, etag string) (*Team, *Response) { if r, err := c.DoApiGet(c.GetTeamRoute(teamId), etag); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return TeamFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // GetTeamsForUser returns a list of teams a user is on. Must be logged in as the user // or be a system administrator. func (c *Client4) GetTeamsForUser(userId, etag string) ([]*Team, *Response) { if r, err := c.DoApiGet(c.GetUserRoute(userId)+"/teams", etag); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return TeamListFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // GetTeamMember returns a team member based on the provided team and user id strings. func (c *Client4) GetTeamMember(teamId, userId, etag string) (*TeamMember, *Response) { if r, err := c.DoApiGet(c.GetTeamMemberRoute(teamId, userId), etag); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return TeamMemberFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // Channel Section // CreateChannel creates a channel based on the provided channel struct. func (c *Client4) CreateChannel(channel *Channel) (*Channel, *Response) { if r, err := c.DoApiPost(c.GetChannelsRoute(), channel.ToJson()); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return ChannelFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // CreateDirectChannel creates a direct message channel based on the two user // ids provided. func (c *Client4) CreateDirectChannel(userId1, userId2 string) (*Channel, *Response) { requestBody := []string{userId1, userId2} if r, err := c.DoApiPost(c.GetChannelsRoute()+"/direct", ArrayToJson(requestBody)); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return ChannelFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // GetChannelMembers gets a page of channel members. func (c *Client4) GetChannelMembers(channelId string, page, perPage int, etag string) (*ChannelMembers, *Response) { query := fmt.Sprintf("?page=%v&per_page=%v", page, perPage) if r, err := c.DoApiGet(c.GetChannelMembersRoute(channelId)+query, etag); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return ChannelMembersFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // GetChannelMember gets a channel member. func (c *Client4) GetChannelMember(channelId, userId, etag string) (*ChannelMember, *Response) { if r, err := c.DoApiGet(c.GetChannelMemberRoute(channelId, userId), etag); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return ChannelMemberFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // GetChannelMembersForUser gets all the channel members for a user on a team. func (c *Client4) GetChannelMembersForUser(userId, teamId, etag string) (*ChannelMembers, *Response) { if r, err := c.DoApiGet(fmt.Sprintf(c.GetUserRoute(userId)+"/teams/%v/channels/members", teamId), etag); err != nil { return nil, &Response{StatusCode: r.StatusCode, Error: err} } else { defer closeBody(r) return ChannelMembersFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r) } } // Post Section // to be filled in..