// Copyright (c) 2017-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package model import ( "testing" ) func TestCommandWebhookPreSave(t *testing.T) { h := CommandWebhook{} h.PreSave() if len(h.Id) != 26 { t.Fatal("Id should be generated") } if h.CreateAt == 0 { t.Fatal("CreateAt should be set") } } func TestCommandWebhookIsValid(t *testing.T) { h := CommandWebhook{} h.Id = NewId() h.CreateAt = GetMillis() h.CommandId = NewId() h.UserId = NewId() h.ChannelId = NewId() for _, test := range []struct { Transform func() ExpectedError string }{ {func() {}, ""}, {func() { h.Id = "asd" }, "model.command_hook.id.app_error"}, {func() { h.CreateAt = 0 }, "model.command_hook.create_at.app_error"}, {func() { h.CommandId = "asd" }, "model.command_hook.command_id.app_error"}, {func() { h.UserId = "asd" }, "model.command_hook.user_id.app_error"}, {func() { h.ChannelId = "asd" }, "model.command_hook.channel_id.app_error"}, {func() { h.RootId = "asd" }, "model.command_hook.root_id.app_error"}, {func() { h.RootId = NewId() }, ""}, {func() { h.ParentId = "asd" }, "model.command_hook.parent_id.app_error"}, {func() { h.ParentId = NewId() }, ""}, } { tmp := h test.Transform() err := h.IsValid() if test.ExpectedError == "" && err != nil { t.Fatal("hook should be valid") } else if test.ExpectedError != "" && test.ExpectedError != err.Id { t.Fatal("expected " + test.ExpectedError + " error") } h = tmp } }