// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package model import ( "encoding/json" "io" ) const ( CONN_SECURITY_NONE = "" CONN_SECURITY_TLS = "TLS" CONN_SECURITY_STARTTLS = "STARTTLS" IMAGE_DRIVER_LOCAL = "local" IMAGE_DRIVER_S3 = "amazons3" DATABASE_DRIVER_MYSQL = "mysql" DATABASE_DRIVER_POSTGRES = "postgres" SERVICE_GITLAB = "gitlab" SERVICE_GOOGLE = "google" ) type ServiceSettings struct { ListenAddress string MaximumLoginAttempts int SegmentDeveloperKey string GoogleDeveloperKey string EnableOAuthServiceProvider bool EnableIncomingWebhooks bool EnableOutgoingWebhooks bool EnableCommands *bool EnableOnlyAdminIntegrations *bool EnablePostUsernameOverride bool EnablePostIconOverride bool EnableTesting bool EnableDeveloper *bool EnableSecurityFixAlert *bool SessionLengthWebInDays *int SessionLengthMobileInDays *int SessionLengthSSOInDays *int SessionCacheInMinutes *int } type SSOSettings struct { Enable bool Secret string Id string Scope string AuthEndpoint string TokenEndpoint string UserApiEndpoint string } type SqlSettings struct { DriverName string DataSource string DataSourceReplicas []string MaxIdleConns int MaxOpenConns int Trace bool AtRestEncryptKey string } type LogSettings struct { EnableConsole bool ConsoleLevel string EnableFile bool FileLevel string FileFormat string FileLocation string } type FileSettings struct { DriverName string Directory string EnablePublicLink bool PublicLinkSalt string ThumbnailWidth int ThumbnailHeight int PreviewWidth int PreviewHeight int ProfileWidth int ProfileHeight int InitialFont string AmazonS3AccessKeyId string AmazonS3SecretAccessKey string AmazonS3Bucket string AmazonS3Region string AmazonS3Endpoint string AmazonS3BucketEndpoint string AmazonS3LocationConstraint *bool AmazonS3LowercaseBucket *bool } type EmailSettings struct { EnableSignUpWithEmail bool SendEmailNotifications bool RequireEmailVerification bool FeedbackName string FeedbackEmail string SMTPUsername string SMTPPassword string SMTPServer string SMTPPort string ConnectionSecurity string InviteSalt string PasswordResetSalt string SendPushNotifications *bool PushNotificationServer *string } type RateLimitSettings struct { EnableRateLimiter bool PerSec int MemoryStoreSize int VaryByRemoteAddr bool VaryByHeader string } type PrivacySettings struct { ShowEmailAddress bool ShowFullName bool } type SupportSettings struct { TermsOfServiceLink *string PrivacyPolicyLink *string AboutLink *string HelpLink *string ReportAProblemLink *string SupportEmail *string } type TeamSettings struct { SiteName string MaxUsersPerTeam int EnableTeamCreation bool EnableUserCreation bool RestrictCreationToDomains string RestrictTeamNames *bool EnableTeamListing *bool } type LdapSettings struct { // Basic Enable *bool LdapServer *string LdapPort *int BaseDN *string BindUsername *string BindPassword *string // User Mapping FirstNameAttribute *string LastNameAttribute *string EmailAttribute *string UsernameAttribute *string IdAttribute *string // Advansed QueryTimeout *int } type Config struct { ServiceSettings ServiceSettings TeamSettings TeamSettings SqlSettings SqlSettings LogSettings LogSettings FileSettings FileSettings EmailSettings EmailSettings RateLimitSettings RateLimitSettings PrivacySettings PrivacySettings SupportSettings SupportSettings GitLabSettings SSOSettings GoogleSettings SSOSettings LdapSettings LdapSettings } func (o *Config) ToJson() string { b, err := json.Marshal(o) if err != nil { return "" } else { return string(b) } } func (o *Config) GetSSOService(service string) *SSOSettings { switch service { case SERVICE_GITLAB: return &o.GitLabSettings case SERVICE_GOOGLE: return &o.GoogleSettings } return nil } func ConfigFromJson(data io.Reader) *Config { decoder := json.NewDecoder(data) var o Config err := decoder.Decode(&o) if err == nil { return &o } else { return nil } } func (o *Config) SetDefaults() { if len(o.SqlSettings.AtRestEncryptKey) == 0 { o.SqlSettings.AtRestEncryptKey = NewRandomString(32) } if len(o.FileSettings.PublicLinkSalt) == 0 { o.FileSettings.PublicLinkSalt = NewRandomString(32) } if o.FileSettings.AmazonS3LocationConstraint == nil { o.FileSettings.AmazonS3LocationConstraint = new(bool) *o.FileSettings.AmazonS3LocationConstraint = false } if o.FileSettings.AmazonS3LowercaseBucket == nil { o.FileSettings.AmazonS3LowercaseBucket = new(bool) *o.FileSettings.AmazonS3LowercaseBucket = false } if len(o.EmailSettings.InviteSalt) == 0 { o.EmailSettings.InviteSalt = NewRandomString(32) } if len(o.EmailSettings.PasswordResetSalt) == 0 { o.EmailSettings.PasswordResetSalt = NewRandomString(32) } if o.ServiceSettings.EnableDeveloper == nil { o.ServiceSettings.EnableDeveloper = new(bool) *o.ServiceSettings.EnableDeveloper = false } if o.ServiceSettings.EnableSecurityFixAlert == nil { o.ServiceSettings.EnableSecurityFixAlert = new(bool) *o.ServiceSettings.EnableSecurityFixAlert = true } if o.TeamSettings.RestrictTeamNames == nil { o.TeamSettings.RestrictTeamNames = new(bool) *o.TeamSettings.RestrictTeamNames = true } if o.TeamSettings.EnableTeamListing == nil { o.TeamSettings.EnableTeamListing = new(bool) *o.TeamSettings.EnableTeamListing = false } if o.EmailSettings.SendPushNotifications == nil { o.EmailSettings.SendPushNotifications = new(bool) *o.EmailSettings.SendPushNotifications = false } if o.EmailSettings.PushNotificationServer == nil { o.EmailSettings.PushNotificationServer = new(string) *o.EmailSettings.PushNotificationServer = "" } if o.SupportSettings.TermsOfServiceLink == nil { o.SupportSettings.TermsOfServiceLink = new(string) *o.SupportSettings.TermsOfServiceLink = "/static/help/terms.html" } if o.SupportSettings.PrivacyPolicyLink == nil { o.SupportSettings.PrivacyPolicyLink = new(string) *o.SupportSettings.PrivacyPolicyLink = "/static/help/privacy.html" } if o.SupportSettings.AboutLink == nil { o.SupportSettings.AboutLink = new(string) *o.SupportSettings.AboutLink = "/static/help/about.html" } if o.SupportSettings.HelpLink == nil { o.SupportSettings.HelpLink = new(string) *o.SupportSettings.HelpLink = "/static/help/help.html" } if o.SupportSettings.ReportAProblemLink == nil { o.SupportSettings.ReportAProblemLink = new(string) *o.SupportSettings.ReportAProblemLink = "/static/help/report_problem.html" } if o.SupportSettings.SupportEmail == nil { o.SupportSettings.SupportEmail = new(string) *o.SupportSettings.SupportEmail = "feedback@mattermost.com" } if o.LdapSettings.LdapPort == nil { o.LdapSettings.LdapPort = new(int) *o.LdapSettings.LdapPort = 389 } if o.LdapSettings.QueryTimeout == nil { o.LdapSettings.QueryTimeout = new(int) *o.LdapSettings.QueryTimeout = 60 } if o.LdapSettings.Enable == nil { o.LdapSettings.Enable = new(bool) *o.LdapSettings.Enable = false } if o.ServiceSettings.SessionLengthWebInDays == nil { o.ServiceSettings.SessionLengthWebInDays = new(int) *o.ServiceSettings.SessionLengthWebInDays = 30 } if o.ServiceSettings.SessionLengthMobileInDays == nil { o.ServiceSettings.SessionLengthMobileInDays = new(int) *o.ServiceSettings.SessionLengthMobileInDays = 30 } if o.ServiceSettings.SessionLengthSSOInDays == nil { o.ServiceSettings.SessionLengthSSOInDays = new(int) *o.ServiceSettings.SessionLengthSSOInDays = 30 } if o.ServiceSettings.SessionCacheInMinutes == nil { o.ServiceSettings.SessionCacheInMinutes = new(int) *o.ServiceSettings.SessionCacheInMinutes = 10 } if o.ServiceSettings.EnableCommands == nil { o.ServiceSettings.EnableCommands = new(bool) *o.ServiceSettings.EnableCommands = false } if o.ServiceSettings.EnableOnlyAdminIntegrations == nil { o.ServiceSettings.EnableOnlyAdminIntegrations = new(bool) *o.ServiceSettings.EnableOnlyAdminIntegrations = true } } func (o *Config) IsValid() *AppError { if o.ServiceSettings.MaximumLoginAttempts <= 0 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid maximum login attempts for service settings. Must be a positive number.", "") } if len(o.ServiceSettings.ListenAddress) == 0 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid listen address for service settings Must be set.", "") } if o.TeamSettings.MaxUsersPerTeam <= 0 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid maximum users per team for team settings. Must be a positive number.", "") } if len(o.SqlSettings.AtRestEncryptKey) < 32 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid at rest encrypt key for SQL settings. Must be 32 chars or more.", "") } if !(o.SqlSettings.DriverName == DATABASE_DRIVER_MYSQL || o.SqlSettings.DriverName == DATABASE_DRIVER_POSTGRES) { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid driver name for SQL settings. Must be 'mysql' or 'postgres'", "") } if o.SqlSettings.MaxIdleConns <= 0 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid maximum idle connection for SQL settings. Must be a positive number.", "") } if len(o.SqlSettings.DataSource) == 0 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid data source for SQL settings. Must be set.", "") } if o.SqlSettings.MaxOpenConns <= 0 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid maximum open connection for SQL settings. Must be a positive number.", "") } if !(o.FileSettings.DriverName == IMAGE_DRIVER_LOCAL || o.FileSettings.DriverName == IMAGE_DRIVER_S3) { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid driver name for file settings. Must be 'local' or 'amazons3'", "") } if o.FileSettings.PreviewHeight < 0 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid preview height for file settings. Must be a zero or positive number.", "") } if o.FileSettings.PreviewWidth <= 0 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid preview width for file settings. Must be a positive number.", "") } if o.FileSettings.ProfileHeight <= 0 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid profile height for file settings. Must be a positive number.", "") } if o.FileSettings.ProfileWidth <= 0 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid profile width for file settings. Must be a positive number.", "") } if o.FileSettings.ThumbnailHeight <= 0 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid thumbnail height for file settings. Must be a positive number.", "") } if o.FileSettings.ThumbnailHeight <= 0 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid thumbnail width for file settings. Must be a positive number.", "") } if len(o.FileSettings.PublicLinkSalt) < 32 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid public link salt for file settings. Must be 32 chars or more.", "") } if !(o.EmailSettings.ConnectionSecurity == CONN_SECURITY_NONE || o.EmailSettings.ConnectionSecurity == CONN_SECURITY_TLS || o.EmailSettings.ConnectionSecurity == CONN_SECURITY_STARTTLS) { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid connection security for email settings. Must be '', 'TLS', or 'STARTTLS'", "") } if len(o.EmailSettings.InviteSalt) < 32 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid invite salt for email settings. Must be 32 chars or more.", "") } if len(o.EmailSettings.PasswordResetSalt) < 32 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid password reset salt for email settings. Must be 32 chars or more.", "") } if o.RateLimitSettings.MemoryStoreSize <= 0 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid memory store size for rate limit settings. Must be a positive number", "") } if o.RateLimitSettings.PerSec <= 0 { return NewAppError("Config.IsValid", "Invalid per sec for rate limit settings. Must be a positive number", "") } return nil } func (me *Config) GetSanitizeOptions() map[string]bool { options := map[string]bool{} options["fullname"] = me.PrivacySettings.ShowFullName options["email"] = me.PrivacySettings.ShowEmailAddress return options }