// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package model import ( "encoding/base64" _ "image/gif" _ "image/png" "io/ioutil" "strings" "testing" ) func TestFileInfoIsValid(t *testing.T) { info := &FileInfo{ Id: NewId(), CreatorId: NewId(), CreateAt: 1234, UpdateAt: 1234, PostId: "", Path: "fake/path.png", } if err := info.IsValid(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } info.Id = "" if err := info.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal("empty Id isn't valid") } info.Id = NewId() info.CreateAt = 0 if err := info.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal("empty CreateAt isn't valid") } info.CreateAt = 1234 info.UpdateAt = 0 if err := info.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal("empty UpdateAt isn't valid") } info.UpdateAt = 1234 info.PostId = NewId() if err := info.IsValid(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } info.Path = "" if err := info.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal("empty Path isn't valid") } info.Path = "fake/path.png" if err := info.IsValid(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestFileInfoIsImage(t *testing.T) { info := &FileInfo{ MimeType: "image/png", } if !info.IsImage() { t.Fatal("file is an image") } info.MimeType = "text/plain" if info.IsImage() { t.Fatal("file is not an image") } } func TestGetInfoForFile(t *testing.T) { fakeFile := make([]byte, 1000) if info, err := GetInfoForBytes("file.txt", fakeFile); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if info.Name != "file.txt" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect filename: %v", info.Name) } else if info.Extension != "txt" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect extension: %v", info.Extension) } else if info.Size != 1000 { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect size: %v", info.Size) } else if !strings.HasPrefix(info.MimeType, "text/plain") { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect mime type: %v", info.MimeType) } else if info.Width != 0 { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect width: %v", info.Width) } else if info.Height != 0 { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect height: %v", info.Height) } else if info.HasPreviewImage { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect has preview image: %v", info.HasPreviewImage) } pngFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile("../tests/test.png") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to load test.png: %v", err.Error()) } if info, err := GetInfoForBytes("test.png", pngFile); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if info.Name != "test.png" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect filename: %v", info.Name) } else if info.Extension != "png" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect extension: %v", info.Extension) } else if info.Size != 279591 { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect size: %v", info.Size) } else if info.MimeType != "image/png" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect mime type: %v", info.MimeType) } else if info.Width != 408 { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect width: %v", info.Width) } else if info.Height != 336 { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect height: %v", info.Height) } else if !info.HasPreviewImage { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect has preview image: %v", info.HasPreviewImage) } // base 64 encoded version of handtinywhite.gif from http://probablyprogramming.com/2009/03/15/the-tiniest-gif-ever gifFile, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString("R0lGODlhAQABAIABAP///wAAACwAAAAAAQABAAACAkQBADs=") if info, err := GetInfoForBytes("handtinywhite.gif", gifFile); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if info.Name != "handtinywhite.gif" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect filename: %v", info.Name) } else if info.Extension != "gif" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect extension: %v", info.Extension) } else if info.Size != 35 { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect size: %v", info.Size) } else if info.MimeType != "image/gif" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect mime type: %v", info.MimeType) } else if info.Width != 1 { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect width: %v", info.Width) } else if info.Height != 1 { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect height: %v", info.Height) } else if !info.HasPreviewImage { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect has preview image: %v", info.HasPreviewImage) } animatedGifFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile("../tests/testgif.gif") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to load testgif.gif: %v", err.Error()) } if info, err := GetInfoForBytes("testgif.gif", animatedGifFile); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if info.Name != "testgif.gif" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect filename: %v", info.Name) } else if info.Extension != "gif" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect extension: %v", info.Extension) } else if info.Size != 38689 { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect size: %v", info.Size) } else if info.MimeType != "image/gif" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect mime type: %v", info.MimeType) } else if info.Width != 118 { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect width: %v", info.Width) } else if info.Height != 118 { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect height: %v", info.Height) } else if info.HasPreviewImage { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect has preview image: %v", info.HasPreviewImage) } if info, err := GetInfoForBytes("filewithoutextension", fakeFile); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if info.Name != "filewithoutextension" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect filename: %v", info.Name) } else if info.Extension != "" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect extension: %v", info.Extension) } else if info.Size != 1000 { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect size: %v", info.Size) } else if info.MimeType != "" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect mime type: %v", info.MimeType) } else if info.Width != 0 { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect width: %v", info.Width) } else if info.Height != 0 { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect height: %v", info.Height) } else if info.HasPreviewImage { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect has preview image: %v", info.HasPreviewImage) } // Always make the extension lower case to make it easier to use in other places if info, err := GetInfoForBytes("file.TXT", fakeFile); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if info.Name != "file.TXT" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect filename: %v", info.Name) } else if info.Extension != "txt" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect extension: %v", info.Extension) } // Don't error out for image formats we don't support if info, err := GetInfoForBytes("file.tif", fakeFile); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if info.Name != "file.tif" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect filename: %v", info.Name) } else if info.Extension != "tif" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect extension: %v", info.Extension) } else if info.MimeType != "image/tiff" && info.MimeType != "image/x-tiff" { t.Fatalf("Got incorrect mime type: %v", info.MimeType) } }