// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package model import ( "strings" "testing" ) func TestIncomingWebhookJson(t *testing.T) { o := IncomingWebhook{Id: NewId()} json := o.ToJson() ro := IncomingWebhookFromJson(strings.NewReader(json)) if o.Id != ro.Id { t.Fatal("Ids do not match") } } func TestIncomingWebhookIsValid(t *testing.T) { o := IncomingWebhook{} if err := o.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal("should be invalid") } o.Id = NewId() if err := o.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal("should be invalid") } o.CreateAt = GetMillis() if err := o.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal("should be invalid") } o.UpdateAt = GetMillis() if err := o.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal("should be invalid") } o.UserId = "123" if err := o.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal("should be invalid") } o.UserId = NewId() if err := o.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal("should be invalid") } o.ChannelId = "123" if err := o.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal("should be invalid") } o.ChannelId = NewId() if err := o.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal("should be invalid") } o.TeamId = "123" if err := o.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal("should be invalid") } o.TeamId = NewId() if err := o.IsValid(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } o.DisplayName = strings.Repeat("1", 65) if err := o.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal("should be invalid") } o.DisplayName = strings.Repeat("1", 64) if err := o.IsValid(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } o.Description = strings.Repeat("1", 129) if err := o.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal("should be invalid") } o.Description = strings.Repeat("1", 128) if err := o.IsValid(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestIncomingWebhookPreSave(t *testing.T) { o := IncomingWebhook{} o.PreSave() } func TestIncomingWebhookPreUpdate(t *testing.T) { o := IncomingWebhook{} o.PreUpdate() } func TestIncomingWebhookRequestFromJson_Announcements(t *testing.T) { text := "This message will send a notification to all team members in the channel where you post the message, because it contains: " expected := "This message will send a notification to all team members in the channel where you post the message, because it contains: @channel" // simple payload payload := `{"text": "` + text + `"}` data := strings.NewReader(payload) iwr := IncomingWebhookRequestFromJson(data) if iwr == nil { t.Fatal("IncomingWebhookRequest should not be nil") } if iwr.Text != expected { t.Fatalf("Sample text should be: %s, got: %s", expected, iwr.Text) } // payload with attachment (pretext, title, text, value) payload = `{ "attachments": [ { "pretext": "` + text + `", "title": "` + text + `", "text": "` + text + `", "fields": [ { "title": "A title", "value": "` + text + `", "short": false } ] } ] }` data = strings.NewReader(payload) iwr = IncomingWebhookRequestFromJson(data) if iwr == nil { t.Fatal("IncomingWebhookRequest should not be nil") } attachment := iwr.Attachments[0] if attachment.Pretext != expected { t.Fatalf("Sample attachment pretext should be:%s, got: %s", expected, attachment.Pretext) } if attachment.Text != expected { t.Fatalf("Sample attachment text should be: %s, got: %s", expected, attachment.Text) } if attachment.Title != expected { t.Fatalf("Sample attachment title should be: %s, got: %s", expected, attachment.Title) } field := attachment.Fields[0] if field.Value != expected { t.Fatalf("Sample attachment field value should be: %s, got: %s", expected, field.Value) } } func TestIncomingWebhookRequestFromJson(t *testing.T) { texts := []string{ `this is a test`, `this is a test that contains a newline and tabs`, `this is a test \"foo that contains a newline and tabs`, `this is a test \"foo\" that contains a newline and tabs`, `this is a test \"foo\" \" that contains a newline and tabs`, `this is a test \"foo\" \" that contains a newline and tabs `, } for i, text := range texts { // build a sample payload with the text payload := `{ "text": "` + text + `", "attachments": [ { "fallback": "` + text + `", "color": "#36a64f", "pretext": "` + text + `", "author_name": "` + text + `", "author_link": "http://flickr.com/bobby/", "author_icon": "http://flickr.com/icons/bobby.jpg", "title": "` + text + `", "title_link": "https://api.slack.com/", "text": "` + text + `", "fields": [ { "title": "` + text + `", "value": "` + text + `", "short": false } ], "image_url": "http://my-website.com/path/to/image.jpg", "thumb_url": "http://example.com/path/to/thumb.png" } ] }` // try to create an IncomingWebhookRequest from the payload data := strings.NewReader(payload) iwr := IncomingWebhookRequestFromJson(data) // After it has been decoded, the JSON string won't contain the escape char anymore expected := strings.Replace(text, `\"`, `"`, -1) if iwr == nil { t.Fatal("IncomingWebhookRequest should not be nil") } if iwr.Text != expected { t.Fatalf("Sample %d text should be: %s, got: %s", i, expected, iwr.Text) } attachment := iwr.Attachments[0] if attachment.Text != expected { t.Fatalf("Sample %d attachment text should be: %s, got: %s", i, expected, attachment.Text) } } }