// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package model import ( "fmt" "net/http" "strings" "testing" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" ) func TestPasswordHash(t *testing.T) { hash := HashPassword("Test") if !ComparePassword(hash, "Test") { t.Fatal("Passwords don't match") } if ComparePassword(hash, "Test2") { t.Fatal("Passwords should not have matched") } } func TestUserDeepCopy(t *testing.T) { id := NewId() authData := "authdata" mapKey := "key" mapValue := "key" user := &User{Id: id, AuthData: NewString(authData), Props: map[string]string{}, NotifyProps: map[string]string{}, Timezone: map[string]string{}} user.Props[mapKey] = mapValue user.NotifyProps[mapKey] = mapValue user.Timezone[mapKey] = mapValue copyUser := user.DeepCopy() copyUser.Id = "someid" *copyUser.AuthData = "changed" copyUser.Props[mapKey] = "changed" copyUser.NotifyProps[mapKey] = "changed" copyUser.Timezone[mapKey] = "changed" assert.Equal(t, id, user.Id) assert.Equal(t, authData, *user.AuthData) assert.Equal(t, mapValue, user.Props[mapKey]) assert.Equal(t, mapValue, user.NotifyProps[mapKey]) assert.Equal(t, mapValue, user.Timezone[mapKey]) user = &User{Id: id} copyUser = user.DeepCopy() assert.Equal(t, id, user.Id) } func TestUserJson(t *testing.T) { user := User{Id: NewId(), Username: NewId()} json := user.ToJson() ruser := UserFromJson(strings.NewReader(json)) if user.Id != ruser.Id { t.Fatal("Ids do not match") } } func TestUserPreSave(t *testing.T) { user := User{Password: "test"} user.PreSave() user.Etag(true, true) if user.Timezone == nil { t.Fatal("Timezone is nil") } if user.Timezone["useAutomaticTimezone"] != "true" { t.Fatal("Timezone is not set to default") } } func TestUserPreUpdate(t *testing.T) { user := User{Password: "test"} user.PreUpdate() } func TestUserUpdateMentionKeysFromUsername(t *testing.T) { user := User{Username: "user"} user.SetDefaultNotifications() if user.NotifyProps["mention_keys"] != "user,@user" { t.Fatalf("default mention keys are invalid: %v", user.NotifyProps["mention_keys"]) } user.Username = "person" user.UpdateMentionKeysFromUsername("user") if user.NotifyProps["mention_keys"] != "person,@person" { t.Fatalf("mention keys are invalid after changing username: %v", user.NotifyProps["mention_keys"]) } user.NotifyProps["mention_keys"] += ",mention" user.UpdateMentionKeysFromUsername("person") if user.NotifyProps["mention_keys"] != "person,@person,mention" { t.Fatalf("mention keys are invalid after adding extra mention keyword: %v", user.NotifyProps["mention_keys"]) } user.Username = "user" user.UpdateMentionKeysFromUsername("person") if user.NotifyProps["mention_keys"] != "user,@user,mention" { t.Fatalf("mention keys are invalid after changing username with extra mention keyword: %v", user.NotifyProps["mention_keys"]) } } func TestUserIsValid(t *testing.T) { user := User{} if err := user.IsValid(); !HasExpectedUserIsValidError(err, "id", "") { t.Fatal(err) } user.Id = NewId() if err := user.IsValid(); !HasExpectedUserIsValidError(err, "create_at", user.Id) { t.Fatal() } user.CreateAt = GetMillis() if err := user.IsValid(); !HasExpectedUserIsValidError(err, "update_at", user.Id) { t.Fatal() } user.UpdateAt = GetMillis() if err := user.IsValid(); !HasExpectedUserIsValidError(err, "username", user.Id) { t.Fatal() } user.Username = NewId() + "^hello#" if err := user.IsValid(); !HasExpectedUserIsValidError(err, "username", user.Id) { t.Fatal() } user.Username = NewId() user.Email = strings.Repeat("01234567890", 20) if err := user.IsValid(); err == nil { t.Fatal() } user.Email = strings.Repeat("a", 128) user.Nickname = strings.Repeat("a", 65) if err := user.IsValid(); !HasExpectedUserIsValidError(err, "nickname", user.Id) { t.Fatal() } user.Nickname = strings.Repeat("a", 64) if err := user.IsValid(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } user.FirstName = "" user.LastName = "" if err := user.IsValid(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } user.FirstName = strings.Repeat("a", 65) if err := user.IsValid(); !HasExpectedUserIsValidError(err, "first_name", user.Id) { t.Fatal(err) } user.FirstName = strings.Repeat("a", 64) user.LastName = strings.Repeat("a", 65) if err := user.IsValid(); !HasExpectedUserIsValidError(err, "last_name", user.Id) { t.Fatal(err) } user.LastName = strings.Repeat("a", 64) user.Position = strings.Repeat("a", 128) if err := user.IsValid(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } user.Position = strings.Repeat("a", 129) if err := user.IsValid(); !HasExpectedUserIsValidError(err, "position", user.Id) { t.Fatal(err) } } func HasExpectedUserIsValidError(err *AppError, fieldName string, userId string) bool { if err == nil { return false } return err.Where == "User.IsValid" && err.Id == fmt.Sprintf("model.user.is_valid.%s.app_error", fieldName) && err.StatusCode == http.StatusBadRequest && (userId == "" || err.DetailedError == "user_id="+userId) } func TestUserGetFullName(t *testing.T) { user := User{} if fullName := user.GetFullName(); fullName != "" { t.Fatal("Full name should be blank") } user.FirstName = "first" if fullName := user.GetFullName(); fullName != "first" { t.Fatal("Full name should be first name") } user.FirstName = "" user.LastName = "last" if fullName := user.GetFullName(); fullName != "last" { t.Fatal("Full name should be last name") } user.FirstName = "first" if fullName := user.GetFullName(); fullName != "first last" { t.Fatal("Full name should be first name and last name") } } func TestUserGetDisplayName(t *testing.T) { user := User{Username: "username"} if displayName := user.GetDisplayName(SHOW_FULLNAME); displayName != "username" { t.Fatal("Display name should be username") } if displayName := user.GetDisplayName(SHOW_NICKNAME_FULLNAME); displayName != "username" { t.Fatal("Display name should be username") } if displayName := user.GetDisplayName(SHOW_USERNAME); displayName != "username" { t.Fatal("Display name should be username") } user.FirstName = "first" user.LastName = "last" if displayName := user.GetDisplayName(SHOW_FULLNAME); displayName != "first last" { t.Fatal("Display name should be full name") } if displayName := user.GetDisplayName(SHOW_NICKNAME_FULLNAME); displayName != "first last" { t.Fatal("Display name should be full name since there is no nickname") } if displayName := user.GetDisplayName(SHOW_USERNAME); displayName != "username" { t.Fatal("Display name should be username") } user.Nickname = "nickname" if displayName := user.GetDisplayName(SHOW_NICKNAME_FULLNAME); displayName != "nickname" { t.Fatal("Display name should be nickname") } } var usernames = []struct { value string expected bool }{ {"spin-punch", true}, {"sp", true}, {"s", true}, {"1spin-punch", true}, {"-spin-punch", true}, {".spin-punch", true}, {"Spin-punch", false}, {"spin punch-", false}, {"spin_punch", true}, {"spin", true}, {"PUNCH", false}, {"spin.punch", true}, {"spin'punch", false}, {"spin*punch", false}, {"all", false}, {"system", false}, } func TestValidUsername(t *testing.T) { for _, v := range usernames { if IsValidUsername(v.value) != v.expected { t.Errorf("expect %v as %v", v.value, v.expected) } } } func TestNormalizeUsername(t *testing.T) { if NormalizeUsername("Spin-punch") != "spin-punch" { t.Fatal("didn't normalize username properly") } if NormalizeUsername("PUNCH") != "punch" { t.Fatal("didn't normalize username properly") } if NormalizeUsername("spin") != "spin" { t.Fatal("didn't normalize username properly") } } func TestNormalizeEmail(t *testing.T) { if NormalizeEmail("TEST@EXAMPLE.COM") != "test@example.com" { t.Fatal("didn't normalize email properly") } if NormalizeEmail("TEST2@example.com") != "test2@example.com" { t.Fatal("didn't normalize email properly") } if NormalizeEmail("test3@example.com") != "test3@example.com" { t.Fatal("didn't normalize email properly") } } func TestCleanUsername(t *testing.T) { if CleanUsername("Spin-punch") != "spin-punch" { t.Fatal("didn't clean name properly") } if CleanUsername("PUNCH") != "punch" { t.Fatal("didn't clean name properly") } if CleanUsername("spin'punch") != "spin-punch" { t.Fatal("didn't clean name properly") } if CleanUsername("spin") != "spin" { t.Fatal("didn't clean name properly") } if len(CleanUsername("all")) != 27 { t.Fatal("didn't clean name properly") } } func TestRoles(t *testing.T) { if !IsValidUserRoles("team_user") { t.Fatal() } if IsValidUserRoles("system_admin") { t.Fatal() } if !IsValidUserRoles("system_user system_admin") { t.Fatal() } if IsInRole("system_admin junk", "admin") { t.Fatal() } if !IsInRole("system_admin junk", "system_admin") { t.Fatal() } if IsInRole("admin", "system_admin") { t.Fatal() } }