// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package model import ( "strings" "testing" ) func TestNewId(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ { id := NewId() if len(id) > 26 { t.Fatal("ids shouldn't be longer than 26 chars") } } } func TestRandomString(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ { r := NewRandomString(32) if len(r) != 32 { t.Fatal("should be 32 chars") } } } func TestAppError(t *testing.T) { err := NewAppError("TestAppError", "message", "") json := err.ToJson() rerr := AppErrorFromJson(strings.NewReader(json)) if err.Message != rerr.Message { t.Fatal() } err.Error() } func TestMapJson(t *testing.T) { m := make(map[string]string) m["id"] = "test_id" json := MapToJson(m) rm := MapFromJson(strings.NewReader(json)) if rm["id"] != "test_id" { t.Fatal("map should be valid") } rm2 := MapFromJson(strings.NewReader("")) if len(rm2) > 0 { t.Fatal("make should be ivalid") } } func TestValidEmail(t *testing.T) { if !IsValidEmail("corey+test@hulen.com") { t.Error("email should be valid") } if IsValidEmail("@corey+test@hulen.com") { t.Error("should be invalid") } } func TestValidLower(t *testing.T) { if !IsLower("corey+test@hulen.com") { t.Error("should be valid") } if IsLower("Corey+test@hulen.com") { t.Error("should be invalid") } } func TestEtag(t *testing.T) { etag := Etag("hello", 24) if len(etag) <= 0 { t.Fatal() } } var hashtags map[string]string = map[string]string{ "#test": "#test", "test": "", "#test123": "#test123", "#123test123": "", "#test-test": "#test-test", "#test?": "#test", "hi #there": "#there", "#bug #idea": "#bug #idea", "#bug or #gif!": "#bug #gif", "#hüllo": "#hüllo", "#?test": "", "#-test": "", "#yo_yo": "#yo_yo", "(#brakets)": "#brakets", ")#stekarb(": "#stekarb", "<#less_than<": "#less_than", ">#greater_than>": "#greater_than", "-#minus-": "#minus", "+#plus+": "#plus", "=#equals=": "#equals", "%#pct%": "#pct", "&#and&": "#and", "^#hat^": "#hat", "##brown#": "#brown", "*#star*": "#star", "|#pipe|": "#pipe", ":#colon:": "#colon", ";#semi;": "#semi", } func TestParseHashtags(t *testing.T) { for input, output := range hashtags { if o, _ := ParseHashtags(input); o != output { t.Fatal("expected=" + output + " actual=" + o) } } }