Developer Machine Setup (Mac) ----------------------------- DOCKER SETUP 1. Follow the instructions at 1. Use the Boot2Docker command-line utility 2. If you do command-line setup use: `boot2docker init eval “$(boot2docker shellinit)”` 2. Get your Docker IP address with `boot2docker ip` 3. Add a line to your /etc/hosts that goes ` dockerhost` 4. Run `boot2docker shellinit` and copy the export statements to your ~/.bash_profile Any issues? Please let us know on our forums at: GO SETUP 1. Download Go from NODE.JS SETUP 1. Install homebrew from 2. `brew install node` COMPASS SETUP 1. Make sure you have the latest version of Ruby 2. `gem install compass` MATTERMOST SETUP 1. Make a project directory for Mattermost, which we'll call **$PROJECT** for the rest of these instructions 2. Make a `go` directory in your $PROJECT directory 3. Open or create your ~/.bash_profile and add the following lines: `export GOPATH=$PROJECT/go` `export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin` then refresh your bash profile with `source ~/.bash_profile` 4. Then use `cd $GOPATH` and `mkdir -p src/` then cd into this directory and run `git clone` 5. If you do not have Mercurial, download it with: `brew install mercurial` 6. Then do `cd platform` and `make test`. Provided the test runs fine, you now have a complete build environment. 7. Use `make run` to run your code Any issues? Please let us know on our forums at: