#!/bin/bash jq_cmd=jq [[ $(type -P "$jq_cmd") ]] || { echo "'$jq_cmd' command line JSON processor not found"; echo "Please install on linux with 'sudo apt-get install jq'" echo "Please install on mac with 'brew install jq'" exit 1; } ldapsearch_cmd=ldapsearch [[ $(type -P "$ldapsearch_cmd") ]] || { echo "'$ldapsearch_cmd' shell accessible interface to ldap not found"; echo "Please install on linux with 'sudo apt-get install ldap-utils'" exit 1; } if [[ -z ${1} ]]; then echo "We could not find a username"; echo "usage: ./ldap-check.sh [username]" echo "example: ./ldap-check.sh john" exit 1; fi echo "Looking for config.json" config_file= if [[ -e "./config.json" ]]; then config_file="./config.json" echo "Found config at $config_file"; fi if [[ -z ${config_file} && -e "./config/config.json" ]]; then config_file="./config/config.json" echo "Found config at $config_file"; fi if [[ -z ${config_file} && -e "../config/config.json" ]]; then config_file="../config/config.json" echo "Found config at $config_file"; fi if [[ -z ${config_file} ]]; then echo "We could not find config.json"; exit 1; fi LdapServer=`cat $config_file | jq -r .LdapSettings.LdapServer` LdapPort=`cat $config_file | jq -r .LdapSettings.LdapPort` BindUsername=`cat $config_file | jq -r .LdapSettings.BindUsername` BindPassword=`cat $config_file | jq -r .LdapSettings.BindPassword` BaseDN=`cat $config_file | jq -r .LdapSettings.BaseDN` UserFilter=`cat $config_file | jq -r .LdapSettings.UserFilter` EmailAttribute=`cat $config_file | jq -r .LdapSettings.EmailAttribute` UsernameAttribute=`cat $config_file | jq -r .LdapSettings.UsernameAttribute` IdAttribute=`cat $config_file | jq -r .LdapSettings.IdAttribute` if [[ -z ${UserFilter} ]]; then UserFilter="($IdAttribute=$1)" else UserFilter="(&($IdAttribute=$1)$UserFilter)" fi cmd_to_run="$ldapsearch_cmd -LLL -x -h $LdapServer -p $LdapPort -D \"$BindUsername\" -w \"$BindPassword\" -b \"$BaseDN\" \"$UserFilter\" $IdAttribute $UsernameAttribute $EmailAttribute" echo $cmd_to_run echo "-------------------------" eval $cmd_to_run