// Copyright (c) 2015 Spinpunch, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package store import ( "github.com/mattermost/platform/model" "github.com/mattermost/platform/utils" "strings" ) type SqlChannelStore struct { *SqlStore } func NewSqlChannelStore(sqlStore *SqlStore) ChannelStore { s := &SqlChannelStore{sqlStore} for _, db := range sqlStore.GetAllConns() { table := db.AddTableWithName(model.Channel{}, "Channels").SetKeys(false, "Id") table.ColMap("Id").SetMaxSize(26) table.ColMap("TeamId").SetMaxSize(26) table.ColMap("Type").SetMaxSize(1) table.ColMap("DisplayName").SetMaxSize(64) table.ColMap("Name").SetMaxSize(64) table.SetUniqueTogether("Name", "TeamId") table.ColMap("Description").SetMaxSize(1024) tablem := db.AddTableWithName(model.ChannelMember{}, "ChannelMembers").SetKeys(false, "ChannelId", "UserId") tablem.ColMap("ChannelId").SetMaxSize(26) tablem.ColMap("UserId").SetMaxSize(26) tablem.ColMap("Roles").SetMaxSize(64) tablem.ColMap("NotifyLevel").SetMaxSize(20) } return s } func (s SqlChannelStore) UpgradeSchemaIfNeeded() { } func (s SqlChannelStore) CreateIndexesIfNotExists() { s.CreateIndexIfNotExists("idx_channels_team_id", "Channels", "TeamId") s.CreateIndexIfNotExists("idx_channels_name", "Channels", "Name") s.CreateIndexIfNotExists("idx_channelmembers_channel_id", "ChannelMembers", "ChannelId") s.CreateIndexIfNotExists("idx_channelmembers_user_id", "ChannelMembers", "UserId") } func (s SqlChannelStore) Save(channel *model.Channel) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} if len(channel.Id) > 0 { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Save", "Must call update for exisiting channel", "id="+channel.Id) storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) return } channel.PreSave() if result.Err = channel.IsValid(); result.Err != nil { storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) return } if count, err := s.GetMaster().SelectInt("SELECT COUNT(0) FROM Channels WHERE TeamId = :TeamId AND DeleteAt = 0 AND (Type = 'O' OR Type = 'P')", map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": channel.TeamId}); err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Save", "Failed to get current channel count", "teamId="+channel.TeamId+", "+err.Error()) storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) return } else if count > 150 { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Save", "You've reached the limit of the number of allowed channels.", "teamId="+channel.TeamId) storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) return } if err := s.GetMaster().Insert(channel); err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Duplicate entry") && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "for key 'Name'") { dupChannel := model.Channel{} s.GetReplica().SelectOne(&dupChannel, "SELECT * FROM Channels WHERE TeamId=? AND Name=? AND DeleteAt > 0", channel.TeamId, channel.Name) if (dupChannel.DeleteAt > 0) { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Update", "A channel with that name was previously created", "id="+channel.Id+", "+err.Error()) } else { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Update", "A channel with that name already exists", "id="+channel.Id+", "+err.Error()) } } else { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Save", "We couldn't save the channel", "id="+channel.Id+", "+err.Error()) } } else { result.Data = channel } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) Update(channel *model.Channel) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} channel.PreUpdate() if result.Err = channel.IsValid(); result.Err != nil { storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) return } if count, err := s.GetMaster().Update(channel); err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Duplicate entry") && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "for key 'Name'") { dupChannel := model.Channel{} s.GetReplica().SelectOne(&dupChannel, "SELECT * FROM Channels WHERE TeamId=? AND Name=? AND DeleteAt > 0", channel.TeamId, channel.Name) if (dupChannel.DeleteAt > 0) { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Update", "A channel with that name was previously created", "id="+channel.Id+", "+err.Error()) } else { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Update", "A channel with that name already exists", "id="+channel.Id+", "+err.Error()) } } else { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Update", "We encounted an error updating the channel", "id="+channel.Id+", "+err.Error()) } } else if count != 1 { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Update", "We couldn't update the channel", "id="+channel.Id) } else { result.Data = channel } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} if obj, err := s.GetReplica().Get(model.Channel{}, id); err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Get", "We encounted an error finding the channel", "id="+id+", "+err.Error()) } else if obj == nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Get", "We couldn't find the existing channel", "id="+id) } else { result.Data = obj.(*model.Channel) } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) Delete(channelId string, time int64) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} _, err := s.GetMaster().Exec("Update Channels SET DeleteAt = "+s.GetMaster().Dialect.BindVar(0)+", UpdateAt = "+s.GetMaster().Dialect.BindVar(1)+" WHERE Id = "+s.GetMaster().Dialect.BindVar(2), time, time, channelId) if err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.Delete", "We couldn't delete the channel", "id="+channelId+", err="+err.Error()) } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } type channelWithMember struct { model.Channel model.ChannelMember } func (s SqlChannelStore) GetChannels(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} var data []channelWithMember _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(&data, "SELECT * FROM Channels, ChannelMembers WHERE Id = ChannelId AND TeamId = :TeamId AND UserId = :UserId AND DeleteAt = 0 ORDER BY DisplayName", map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId, "UserId": userId}) if err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetChannels", "We couldn't get the channels", "teamId="+teamId+", userId="+userId+", err="+err.Error()) } else { channels := &model.ChannelList{make([]*model.Channel, len(data)), make(map[string]*model.ChannelMember)} for i := range data { v := data[i] channels.Channels[i] = &v.Channel channels.Members[v.Channel.Id] = &v.ChannelMember } if len(channels.Channels) == 0 { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetChannels", "No channels were found", "teamId="+teamId+", userId="+userId) } else { result.Data = channels } } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMoreChannels(teamId string, userId string) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} var data []*model.Channel _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(&data, `SELECT * FROM Channels WHERE TeamId = :TeamId1 AND Type IN ('O') AND DeleteAt = 0 AND Id NOT IN (SELECT Channels.Id FROM Channels, ChannelMembers WHERE Id = ChannelId AND TeamId = :TeamId2 AND UserId = :UserId AND DeleteAt = 0) ORDER BY DisplayName`, map[string]interface{}{"TeamId1": teamId, "TeamId2": teamId, "UserId": userId}) if err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetMoreChannels", "We couldn't get the channels", "teamId="+teamId+", userId="+userId+", err="+err.Error()) } else { result.Data = &model.ChannelList{data, make(map[string]*model.ChannelMember)} } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) GetByName(teamId string, name string) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} channel := model.Channel{} if err := s.GetReplica().SelectOne(&channel, "SELECT * FROM Channels WHERE TeamId = :TeamId AND Name= :Name AND DeleteAt = 0", map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId, "Name": name}); err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetByName", "We couldn't find the existing channel", "teamId="+teamId+", "+"name="+name+", "+err.Error()) } else { result.Data = &channel } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) SaveMember(member *model.ChannelMember) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} member.PreSave() if result.Err = member.IsValid(); result.Err != nil { storeChannel <- result return } if err := s.GetMaster().Insert(member); err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Duplicate entry") && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "for key 'ChannelId'") { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.SaveMember", "A channel member with that id already exists", "channel_id="+member.ChannelId+", user_id="+member.UserId+", "+err.Error()) } else { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.SaveMember", "We couldn't save the channel member", "channel_id="+member.ChannelId+", user_id="+member.UserId+", "+err.Error()) } } else { result.Data = member } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMembers(channelId string) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} var members []model.ChannelMember _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(&members, "SELECT * FROM ChannelMembers WHERE ChannelId = :ChannelId", map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId}) if err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetMembers", "We couldn't get the channel members", "channel_id="+channelId+err.Error()) } else { result.Data = members } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) GetMember(channelId string, userId string) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} var member model.ChannelMember err := s.GetReplica().SelectOne(&member, "SELECT * FROM ChannelMembers WHERE ChannelId = :ChannelId AND UserId = :UserId", map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId, "UserId": userId}) if err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetMember", "We couldn't get the channel member", "channel_id="+channelId+"user_id="+userId+","+err.Error()) } else { result.Data = member } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) GetExtraMembers(channelId string, limit int) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} var members []model.ExtraMember _, err := s.GetReplica().Select(&members, "SELECT Id, FullName, Email, ChannelMembers.Roles, Username FROM ChannelMembers, Users WHERE ChannelMembers.UserId = Users.Id AND ChannelId = :ChannelId LIMIT :Limit", map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId, "Limit": limit}) if err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.GetExtraMembers", "We couldn't get the extra info for channel members", "channel_id="+channelId+", "+err.Error()) } else { for i, _ := range members { members[i].Sanitize(utils.SanitizeOptions) } result.Data = members } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) RemoveMember(channelId string, userId string) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} _, err := s.GetMaster().Exec("DELETE FROM ChannelMembers WHERE ChannelId = :ChannelId AND UserId = :UserId", map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId, "UserId": userId}) if err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.RemoveMember", "We couldn't remove the channel member", "channel_id="+channelId+", user_id="+userId+", "+err.Error()) } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) CheckPermissionsTo(teamId string, channelId string, userId string) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} count, err := s.GetReplica().SelectInt( `SELECT COUNT(0) FROM Channels, ChannelMembers WHERE Channels.Id = ChannelMembers.ChannelId AND Channels.TeamId = :TeamId AND Channels.DeleteAt = 0 AND ChannelMembers.ChannelId = :ChannelId AND ChannelMembers.UserId = :UserId`, map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId, "ChannelId": channelId, "UserId": userId}) if err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.CheckPermissionsTo", "We couldn't check the permissions", "channel_id="+channelId+", user_id="+userId+", "+err.Error()) } else { result.Data = count } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) CheckPermissionsToByName(teamId string, channelName string, userId string) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} channelId, err := s.GetReplica().SelectStr( `SELECT Channels.Id FROM Channels, ChannelMembers WHERE Channels.Id = ChannelMembers.ChannelId AND Channels.TeamId = :TeamId AND Channels.Name = :Name AND Channels.DeleteAt = 0 AND ChannelMembers.UserId = :UserId`, map[string]interface{}{"TeamId": teamId, "Name": channelName, "UserId": userId}) if err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.CheckPermissionsToByName", "We couldn't check the permissions", "channel_id="+channelName+", user_id="+userId+", "+err.Error()) } else { result.Data = channelId } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) CheckOpenChannelPermissions(teamId string, channelId string) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} count, err := s.GetReplica().SelectInt( `SELECT COUNT(0) FROM Channels WHERE Channels.Id = :ChannelId AND Channels.TeamId = :TeamId AND Channels.Type = :ChannelType`, map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId, "TeamId": teamId, "ChannelType": model.CHANNEL_OPEN}) if err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.CheckOpenChannelPermissions", "We couldn't check the permissions", "channel_id="+channelId+", "+err.Error()) } else { result.Data = count } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) UpdateLastViewedAt(channelId string, userId string) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} _, err := s.GetMaster().Exec( `UPDATE ChannelMembers SET MentionCount = 0, MsgCount = Channels.TotalMsgCount, LastViewedAt = Channels.LastPostAt, LastUpdateAt = Channels.LastPostAt FROM Channels WHERE Channels.Id = ChannelMembers.ChannelId AND UserId = :UserId AND ChannelId = :ChannelId`, map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId, "UserId": userId}) if err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.UpdateLastViewedAt", "We couldn't update the last viewed at time", "channel_id="+channelId+", user_id="+userId+", "+err.Error()) } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) IncrementMentionCount(channelId string, userId string) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} _, err := s.GetMaster().Exec( `UPDATE ChannelMembers SET MentionCount = MentionCount + 1 WHERE UserId = :UserId AND ChannelId = :ChannelId`, map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId, "UserId": userId}) if err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.IncrementMentionCount", "We couldn't increment the mention count", "channel_id="+channelId+", user_id="+userId+", "+err.Error()) } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel } func (s SqlChannelStore) UpdateNotifyLevel(channelId, userId, notifyLevel string) StoreChannel { storeChannel := make(StoreChannel) go func() { result := StoreResult{} updateAt := model.GetMillis() _, err := s.GetMaster().Exec( `UPDATE ChannelMembers SET NotifyLevel = :NotifyLevel, LastUpdateAt = :LastUpdateAt WHERE UserId = :UserId AND ChannelId = :ChannelId`, map[string]interface{}{"ChannelId": channelId, "UserId": userId, "NotifyLevel": notifyLevel, "LastUpdateAt": updateAt}) if err != nil { result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlChannelStore.UpdateNotifyLevel", "We couldn't update the notify level", "channel_id="+channelId+", user_id="+userId+", "+err.Error()) } storeChannel <- result close(storeChannel) }() return storeChannel }