// Copyright (c) 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package store import ( "github.com/mattermost/platform/model" "testing" ) func TestCommandStoreSave(t *testing.T) { Setup() o1 := model.Command{} o1.CreatorId = model.NewId() o1.Method = model.COMMAND_METHOD_POST o1.TeamId = model.NewId() o1.URL = "http://nowhere.com/" if err := (<-store.Command().Save(&o1)).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal("couldn't save item", err) } if err := (<-store.Command().Save(&o1)).Err; err == nil { t.Fatal("shouldn't be able to update from save") } } func TestCommandStoreGet(t *testing.T) { Setup() o1 := &model.Command{} o1.CreatorId = model.NewId() o1.Method = model.COMMAND_METHOD_POST o1.TeamId = model.NewId() o1.URL = "http://nowhere.com/" o1 = (<-store.Command().Save(o1)).Data.(*model.Command) if r1 := <-store.Command().Get(o1.Id); r1.Err != nil { t.Fatal(r1.Err) } else { if r1.Data.(*model.Command).CreateAt != o1.CreateAt { t.Fatal("invalid returned command") } } if err := (<-store.Command().Get("123")).Err; err == nil { t.Fatal("Missing id should have failed") } } func TestCommandStoreGetByTeam(t *testing.T) { Setup() o1 := &model.Command{} o1.CreatorId = model.NewId() o1.Method = model.COMMAND_METHOD_POST o1.TeamId = model.NewId() o1.URL = "http://nowhere.com/" o1 = (<-store.Command().Save(o1)).Data.(*model.Command) if r1 := <-store.Command().GetByTeam(o1.TeamId); r1.Err != nil { t.Fatal(r1.Err) } else { if r1.Data.([]*model.Command)[0].CreateAt != o1.CreateAt { t.Fatal("invalid returned command") } } if result := <-store.Command().GetByTeam("123"); result.Err != nil { t.Fatal(result.Err) } else { if len(result.Data.([]*model.Command)) != 0 { t.Fatal("no commands should have returned") } } } func TestCommandStoreDelete(t *testing.T) { Setup() o1 := &model.Command{} o1.CreatorId = model.NewId() o1.Method = model.COMMAND_METHOD_POST o1.TeamId = model.NewId() o1.URL = "http://nowhere.com/" o1 = (<-store.Command().Save(o1)).Data.(*model.Command) if r1 := <-store.Command().Get(o1.Id); r1.Err != nil { t.Fatal(r1.Err) } else { if r1.Data.(*model.Command).CreateAt != o1.CreateAt { t.Fatal("invalid returned command") } } if r2 := <-store.Command().Delete(o1.Id, model.GetMillis()); r2.Err != nil { t.Fatal(r2.Err) } if r3 := (<-store.Command().Get(o1.Id)); r3.Err == nil { t.Log(r3.Data) t.Fatal("Missing id should have failed") } } func TestCommandStoreDeleteByUser(t *testing.T) { Setup() o1 := &model.Command{} o1.CreatorId = model.NewId() o1.Method = model.COMMAND_METHOD_POST o1.TeamId = model.NewId() o1.URL = "http://nowhere.com/" o1 = (<-store.Command().Save(o1)).Data.(*model.Command) if r1 := <-store.Command().Get(o1.Id); r1.Err != nil { t.Fatal(r1.Err) } else { if r1.Data.(*model.Command).CreateAt != o1.CreateAt { t.Fatal("invalid returned command") } } if r2 := <-store.Command().PermanentDeleteByUser(o1.CreatorId); r2.Err != nil { t.Fatal(r2.Err) } if r3 := (<-store.Command().Get(o1.Id)); r3.Err == nil { t.Log(r3.Data) t.Fatal("Missing id should have failed") } } func TestCommandStoreUpdate(t *testing.T) { Setup() o1 := &model.Command{} o1.CreatorId = model.NewId() o1.Method = model.COMMAND_METHOD_POST o1.TeamId = model.NewId() o1.URL = "http://nowhere.com/" o1 = (<-store.Command().Save(o1)).Data.(*model.Command) o1.Token = model.NewId() if r2 := <-store.Command().Update(o1); r2.Err != nil { t.Fatal(r2.Err) } } func TestCommandCount(t *testing.T) { Setup() o1 := &model.Command{} o1.CreatorId = model.NewId() o1.Method = model.COMMAND_METHOD_POST o1.TeamId = model.NewId() o1.URL = "http://nowhere.com/" o1 = (<-store.Command().Save(o1)).Data.(*model.Command) if r1 := <-store.Command().AnalyticsCommandCount(""); r1.Err != nil { t.Fatal(r1.Err) } else { if r1.Data.(int64) == 0 { t.Fatal("should be at least 1 command") } } if r2 := <-store.Command().AnalyticsCommandCount(o1.TeamId); r2.Err != nil { t.Fatal(r2.Err) } else { if r2.Data.(int64) != 1 { t.Fatal("should be 1 command") } } }