// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package store import ( "github.com/mattermost/platform/model" "testing" ) func TestOAuthStoreSaveApp(t *testing.T) { Setup() a1 := model.OAuthApp{} a1.CreatorId = model.NewId() a1.CallbackUrls = []string{"https://nowhere.com"} a1.Homepage = "https://nowhere.com" // Try to save an app that already has an Id a1.Id = model.NewId() if err := (<-store.OAuth().SaveApp(&a1)).Err; err == nil { t.Fatal("Should have failed, cannot add an OAuth app cannot be save with an Id, it has to be updated") } // Try to save an Invalid App a1.Id = "" if err := (<-store.OAuth().SaveApp(&a1)).Err; err == nil { t.Fatal("Should have failed, app should be invalid cause it doesn' have a name set") } // Save the app a1.Id = "" a1.Name = "TestApp" + model.NewId() if err := (<-store.OAuth().SaveApp(&a1)).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestOAuthStoreGetApp(t *testing.T) { Setup() a1 := model.OAuthApp{} a1.CreatorId = model.NewId() a1.Name = "TestApp" + model.NewId() a1.CallbackUrls = []string{"https://nowhere.com"} a1.Homepage = "https://nowhere.com" Must(store.OAuth().SaveApp(&a1)) // Lets try to get and app that does not exists if err := (<-store.OAuth().GetApp("fake0123456789abcderfgret1")).Err; err == nil { t.Fatal("Should have failed. App does not exists") } if err := (<-store.OAuth().GetApp(a1.Id)).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Lets try and get the app from a user that hasn't created any apps if result := (<-store.OAuth().GetAppByUser("fake0123456789abcderfgret1")); result.Err == nil { if len(result.Data.([]*model.OAuthApp)) > 0 { t.Fatal("Should have failed. Fake user hasn't created any apps") } } else { t.Fatal(result.Err) } if err := (<-store.OAuth().GetAppByUser(a1.CreatorId)).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := (<-store.OAuth().GetApps()).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestOAuthStoreUpdateApp(t *testing.T) { Setup() a1 := model.OAuthApp{} a1.CreatorId = model.NewId() a1.Name = "TestApp" + model.NewId() a1.CallbackUrls = []string{"https://nowhere.com"} a1.Homepage = "https://nowhere.com" Must(store.OAuth().SaveApp(&a1)) // temporarily save the created app id id := a1.Id a1.CreateAt = 1 a1.ClientSecret = "pwd" a1.CreatorId = "12345678901234567890123456" // Lets update the app by removing the name a1.Name = "" if result := <-store.OAuth().UpdateApp(&a1); result.Err == nil { t.Fatal("Should have failed. App name is not set") } // Lets not find the app that we are trying to update a1.Id = "fake0123456789abcderfgret1" a1.Name = "NewName" if result := <-store.OAuth().UpdateApp(&a1); result.Err == nil { t.Fatal("Should have failed. Not able to find the app") } a1.Id = id if result := <-store.OAuth().UpdateApp(&a1); result.Err != nil { t.Fatal(result.Err) } else { ua1 := (result.Data.([2]*model.OAuthApp)[0]) if ua1.Name != "NewName" { t.Fatal("name did not update") } if ua1.CreateAt == 1 { t.Fatal("create at should not have updated") } if ua1.CreatorId == "12345678901234567890123456" { t.Fatal("creator id should not have updated") } } } func TestOAuthStoreSaveAccessData(t *testing.T) { Setup() a1 := model.AccessData{} a1.ClientId = model.NewId() a1.UserId = model.NewId() // Lets try and save an incomplete access data if err := (<-store.OAuth().SaveAccessData(&a1)).Err; err == nil { t.Fatal("Should have failed. Access data needs the token") } a1.Token = model.NewId() a1.RefreshToken = model.NewId() a1.RedirectUri = "http://example.com" if err := (<-store.OAuth().SaveAccessData(&a1)).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestOAuthUpdateAccessData(t *testing.T) { Setup() a1 := model.AccessData{} a1.ClientId = model.NewId() a1.UserId = model.NewId() a1.Token = model.NewId() a1.RefreshToken = model.NewId() a1.ExpiresAt = model.GetMillis() a1.RedirectUri = "http://example.com" Must(store.OAuth().SaveAccessData(&a1)) //Try to update to invalid Refresh Token refreshToken := a1.RefreshToken a1.RefreshToken = model.NewId() + "123" if err := (<-store.OAuth().UpdateAccessData(&a1)).Err; err == nil { t.Fatal("Should have failed with invalid token") } //Try to update to invalid RedirectUri a1.RefreshToken = model.NewId() a1.RedirectUri = "" if err := (<-store.OAuth().UpdateAccessData(&a1)).Err; err == nil { t.Fatal("Should have failed with invalid Redirect URI") } // Should update fine a1.RedirectUri = "http://example.com" if result := <-store.OAuth().UpdateAccessData(&a1); result.Err != nil { t.Fatal(result.Err) } else { ra1 := result.Data.(*model.AccessData) if ra1.RefreshToken == refreshToken { t.Fatal("refresh tokens didn't match") } } } func TestOAuthStoreGetAccessData(t *testing.T) { Setup() a1 := model.AccessData{} a1.ClientId = model.NewId() a1.UserId = model.NewId() a1.Token = model.NewId() a1.RefreshToken = model.NewId() a1.ExpiresAt = model.GetMillis() a1.RedirectUri = "http://example.com" Must(store.OAuth().SaveAccessData(&a1)) if err := (<-store.OAuth().GetAccessData("invalidToken")).Err; err == nil { t.Fatal("Should have failed. There is no data with an invalid token") } if result := <-store.OAuth().GetAccessData(a1.Token); result.Err != nil { t.Fatal(result.Err) } else { ra1 := result.Data.(*model.AccessData) if a1.Token != ra1.Token { t.Fatal("tokens didn't match") } } if err := (<-store.OAuth().GetPreviousAccessData(a1.UserId, a1.ClientId)).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := (<-store.OAuth().GetPreviousAccessData("user", "junk")).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Try to get the Access data using an invalid refresh token if err := (<-store.OAuth().GetAccessDataByRefreshToken(a1.Token)).Err; err == nil { t.Fatal("Should have failed. There is no data with an invalid token") } // Get the Access Data using the refresh token if result := <-store.OAuth().GetAccessDataByRefreshToken(a1.RefreshToken); result.Err != nil { t.Fatal(result.Err) } else { ra1 := result.Data.(*model.AccessData) if a1.RefreshToken != ra1.RefreshToken { t.Fatal("tokens didn't match") } } } func TestOAuthStoreRemoveAccessData(t *testing.T) { Setup() a1 := model.AccessData{} a1.ClientId = model.NewId() a1.UserId = model.NewId() a1.Token = model.NewId() a1.RefreshToken = model.NewId() a1.RedirectUri = "http://example.com" Must(store.OAuth().SaveAccessData(&a1)) if err := (<-store.OAuth().RemoveAccessData(a1.Token)).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if result := (<-store.OAuth().GetPreviousAccessData(a1.UserId, a1.ClientId)); result.Err != nil { } else { if result.Data != nil { t.Fatal("did not delete access token") } } } func TestOAuthStoreSaveAuthData(t *testing.T) { Setup() a1 := model.AuthData{} a1.ClientId = model.NewId() a1.UserId = model.NewId() a1.Code = model.NewId() a1.RedirectUri = "http://example.com" if err := (<-store.OAuth().SaveAuthData(&a1)).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestOAuthStoreGetAuthData(t *testing.T) { Setup() a1 := model.AuthData{} a1.ClientId = model.NewId() a1.UserId = model.NewId() a1.Code = model.NewId() a1.RedirectUri = "http://example.com" Must(store.OAuth().SaveAuthData(&a1)) if err := (<-store.OAuth().GetAuthData(a1.Code)).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestOAuthStoreRemoveAuthData(t *testing.T) { Setup() a1 := model.AuthData{} a1.ClientId = model.NewId() a1.UserId = model.NewId() a1.Code = model.NewId() a1.RedirectUri = "http://example.com" Must(store.OAuth().SaveAuthData(&a1)) if err := (<-store.OAuth().RemoveAuthData(a1.Code)).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := (<-store.OAuth().GetAuthData(a1.Code)).Err; err == nil { t.Fatal("should have errored - auth code removed") } } func TestOAuthStoreRemoveAuthDataByUser(t *testing.T) { Setup() a1 := model.AuthData{} a1.ClientId = model.NewId() a1.UserId = model.NewId() a1.Code = model.NewId() a1.RedirectUri = "http://example.com" Must(store.OAuth().SaveAuthData(&a1)) if err := (<-store.OAuth().PermanentDeleteAuthDataByUser(a1.UserId)).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestOAuthGetAuthorizedApps(t *testing.T) { Setup() a1 := model.OAuthApp{} a1.CreatorId = model.NewId() a1.Name = "TestApp" + model.NewId() a1.CallbackUrls = []string{"https://nowhere.com"} a1.Homepage = "https://nowhere.com" Must(store.OAuth().SaveApp(&a1)) // Lets try and get an Authorized app for a user who hasn't authorized it if result := <-store.OAuth().GetAuthorizedApps("fake0123456789abcderfgret1"); result.Err == nil { if len(result.Data.([]*model.OAuthApp)) > 0 { t.Fatal("Should have failed. Fake user hasn't authorized the app") } } else { t.Fatal(result.Err) } // allow the app p := model.Preference{} p.UserId = a1.CreatorId p.Category = model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_AUTHORIZED_OAUTH_APP p.Name = a1.Id p.Value = "true" Must(store.Preference().Save(&model.Preferences{p})) if result := <-store.OAuth().GetAuthorizedApps(a1.CreatorId); result.Err != nil { t.Fatal(result.Err) } else { apps := result.Data.([]*model.OAuthApp) if len(apps) == 0 { t.Fatal("It should have return apps") } } } func TestOAuthGetAccessDataByUserForApp(t *testing.T) { Setup() a1 := model.OAuthApp{} a1.CreatorId = model.NewId() a1.Name = "TestApp" + model.NewId() a1.CallbackUrls = []string{"https://nowhere.com"} a1.Homepage = "https://nowhere.com" Must(store.OAuth().SaveApp(&a1)) // allow the app p := model.Preference{} p.UserId = a1.CreatorId p.Category = model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_AUTHORIZED_OAUTH_APP p.Name = a1.Id p.Value = "true" Must(store.Preference().Save(&model.Preferences{p})) if result := <-store.OAuth().GetAuthorizedApps(a1.CreatorId); result.Err != nil { t.Fatal(result.Err) } else { apps := result.Data.([]*model.OAuthApp) if len(apps) == 0 { t.Fatal("It should have return apps") } } // save the token ad1 := model.AccessData{} ad1.ClientId = a1.Id ad1.UserId = a1.CreatorId ad1.Token = model.NewId() ad1.RefreshToken = model.NewId() ad1.RedirectUri = "http://example.com" if err := (<-store.OAuth().SaveAccessData(&ad1)).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if result := <-store.OAuth().GetAccessDataByUserForApp(a1.CreatorId, a1.Id); result.Err != nil { t.Fatal(result.Err) } else { accessData := result.Data.([]*model.AccessData) if len(accessData) == 0 { t.Fatal("It should have return access data") } } } func TestOAuthStoreDeleteApp(t *testing.T) { Setup() a1 := model.OAuthApp{} a1.CreatorId = model.NewId() a1.Name = "TestApp" + model.NewId() a1.CallbackUrls = []string{"https://nowhere.com"} a1.Homepage = "https://nowhere.com" Must(store.OAuth().SaveApp(&a1)) // delete a non-existent app if err := (<-store.OAuth().DeleteApp("fakeclientId")).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := (<-store.OAuth().DeleteApp(a1.Id)).Err; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } }