// Copyright (c) 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package store import ( "os" "strings" "time" l4g "github.com/alecthomas/log4go" "github.com/mattermost/platform/model" "github.com/mattermost/platform/utils" ) const ( VERSION_3_4_0 = "3.4.0" VERSION_3_3_0 = "3.3.0" VERSION_3_2_0 = "3.2.0" VERSION_3_1_0 = "3.1.0" VERSION_3_0_0 = "3.0.0" ) const ( EXIT_VERSION_SAVE_MISSING = 1001 EXIT_TOO_OLD = 1002 EXIT_VERSION_SAVE = 1003 EXIT_THEME_MIGRATION = 1004 ) func UpgradeDatabase(sqlStore *SqlStore) { UpgradeDatabaseToVersion31(sqlStore) UpgradeDatabaseToVersion32(sqlStore) UpgradeDatabaseToVersion33(sqlStore) UpgradeDatabaseToVersion34(sqlStore) // If the SchemaVersion is empty this this is the first time it has ran // so lets set it to the current version. if sqlStore.SchemaVersion == "" { if result := <-sqlStore.system.Save(&model.System{Name: "Version", Value: model.CurrentVersion}); result.Err != nil { l4g.Critical(result.Err.Error()) time.Sleep(time.Second) os.Exit(EXIT_VERSION_SAVE_MISSING) } sqlStore.SchemaVersion = model.CurrentVersion l4g.Info(utils.T("store.sql.schema_set.info"), model.CurrentVersion) } // If we're not on the current version then it's too old to be upgraded if sqlStore.SchemaVersion != model.CurrentVersion { l4g.Critical(utils.T("store.sql.schema_version.critical"), sqlStore.SchemaVersion) time.Sleep(time.Second) os.Exit(EXIT_TOO_OLD) } } func saveSchemaVersion(sqlStore *SqlStore, version string) { if result := <-sqlStore.system.Update(&model.System{Name: "Version", Value: model.CurrentVersion}); result.Err != nil { l4g.Critical(result.Err.Error()) time.Sleep(time.Second) os.Exit(EXIT_VERSION_SAVE) } sqlStore.SchemaVersion = version l4g.Info(utils.T("store.sql.upgraded.warn"), version) } func shouldPerformUpgrade(sqlStore *SqlStore, currentSchemaVersion string, expectedSchemaVersion string) bool { if sqlStore.SchemaVersion == currentSchemaVersion { l4g.Info(utils.T("store.sql.schema_out_of_date.warn"), currentSchemaVersion) l4g.Info(utils.T("store.sql.schema_upgrade_attempt.warn"), expectedSchemaVersion) return true } return false } func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion31(sqlStore *SqlStore) { if shouldPerformUpgrade(sqlStore, VERSION_3_0_0, VERSION_3_1_0) { sqlStore.CreateColumnIfNotExists("OutgoingWebhooks", "ContentType", "varchar(128)", "varchar(128)", "") saveSchemaVersion(sqlStore, VERSION_3_1_0) } } func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion32(sqlStore *SqlStore) { if shouldPerformUpgrade(sqlStore, VERSION_3_1_0, VERSION_3_2_0) { sqlStore.CreateColumnIfNotExists("TeamMembers", "DeleteAt", "bigint(20)", "bigint", "0") if sqlStore.DoesColumnExist("Users", "ThemeProps") { params := map[string]interface{}{ "Category": model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_THEME, "Name": "", } transaction, err := sqlStore.GetMaster().Begin() if err != nil { themeMigrationFailed(err) } // increase size of Value column of Preferences table to match the size of the ThemeProps column if utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DriverName == model.DATABASE_DRIVER_POSTGRES { if _, err := transaction.Exec("ALTER TABLE Preferences ALTER COLUMN Value TYPE varchar(2000)"); err != nil { themeMigrationFailed(err) } } else if utils.Cfg.SqlSettings.DriverName == model.DATABASE_DRIVER_MYSQL { if _, err := transaction.Exec("ALTER TABLE Preferences MODIFY Value text"); err != nil { themeMigrationFailed(err) } } // copy data across if _, err := transaction.Exec( `INSERT INTO Preferences(UserId, Category, Name, Value) SELECT Id, '`+model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_THEME+`', '', ThemeProps FROM Users WHERE Users.ThemeProps != 'null'`, params); err != nil { themeMigrationFailed(err) } // delete old data if _, err := transaction.Exec("ALTER TABLE Users DROP COLUMN ThemeProps"); err != nil { themeMigrationFailed(err) } if err := transaction.Commit(); err != nil { themeMigrationFailed(err) } // rename solarized_* code themes to solarized-* to match client changes in 3.0 var data model.Preferences if _, err := sqlStore.GetMaster().Select(&data, "SELECT * FROM Preferences WHERE Category = '"+model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_THEME+"' AND Value LIKE '%solarized_%'"); err == nil { for i := range data { data[i].Value = strings.Replace(data[i].Value, "solarized_", "solarized-", -1) } sqlStore.Preference().Save(&data) } } saveSchemaVersion(sqlStore, VERSION_3_2_0) } } func themeMigrationFailed(err error) { l4g.Critical(utils.T("store.sql_user.migrate_theme.critical"), err) time.Sleep(time.Second) os.Exit(EXIT_THEME_MIGRATION) } func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion33(sqlStore *SqlStore) { if shouldPerformUpgrade(sqlStore, VERSION_3_2_0, VERSION_3_3_0) { sqlStore.CreateColumnIfNotExists("OAuthApps", "IsTrusted", "tinyint(1)", "boolean", "0") sqlStore.CreateColumnIfNotExists("OAuthApps", "IconURL", "varchar(512)", "varchar(512)", "") sqlStore.CreateColumnIfNotExists("OAuthAccessData", "ClientId", "varchar(26)", "varchar(26)", "") sqlStore.CreateColumnIfNotExists("OAuthAccessData", "UserId", "varchar(26)", "varchar(26)", "") sqlStore.CreateColumnIfNotExists("OAuthAccessData", "ExpiresAt", "bigint", "bigint", "0") if sqlStore.DoesColumnExist("OAuthAccessData", "AuthCode") { sqlStore.RemoveIndexIfExists("idx_oauthaccessdata_auth_code", "OAuthAccessData") sqlStore.RemoveColumnIfExists("OAuthAccessData", "AuthCode") } sqlStore.RemoveColumnIfExists("Users", "LastActivityAt") sqlStore.RemoveColumnIfExists("Users", "LastPingAt") sqlStore.CreateColumnIfNotExists("OutgoingWebhooks", "TriggerWhen", "tinyint", "integer", "0") saveSchemaVersion(sqlStore, VERSION_3_3_0) } } func UpgradeDatabaseToVersion34(sqlStore *SqlStore) { // TODO XXX FIXME should be removed before release //if shouldPerformUpgrade(sqlStore, VERSION_3_3_0, VERSION_3_4_0) { // do the actual upgrade // TODO XXX FIXME should be removed before release //saveSchemaVersion(sqlStore, VERSION_3_4_0) //} }