{ "message": "Hello world", "props": { "attachments": [ { "color": "#7CD197", "fields": [ { "short": false, "title": "Area", "value": "Testing with a very long piece of text that will take up the whole width of the table. This is one more sentence to really make it a long field." }, { "short": true, "title": "Iteration", "value": "Testing" }, { "short": true, "title": "State", "value": "New" }, { "short": false, "title": "Reason", "value": "New defect reported" }, { "short": false, "title": "Random field", "value": "This is a field which is not marked as short so it should be rendered on a separate row" }, { "short": true, "title": "Short 1", "value": "Short field" }, { "short": true, "title": "Short 2", "value": "Another one" } ], "mrkdwn_in": [ "pretext" ], "pretext": "Some text here", "text": "This is the text of the attachment. It should appear just above the image", "thumb_url": "https://slack.global.ssl.fastly.net/7bf4/img/services/jenkins-ci_128.png", "title": "A slack attachment", "title_link": "https://www.google.com" } ] }, "type": "slack_attachment" }