package imaging import ( "image" ) // Histogram returns a normalized histogram of an image. // // Resulting histogram is represented as an array of 256 floats, where // histogram[i] is a probability of a pixel being of a particular luminance i. func Histogram(img image.Image) [256]float64 { src := toNRGBA(img) width := src.Bounds().Max.X height := src.Bounds().Max.Y var histogram [256]float64 var total float64 if width == 0 || height == 0 { return histogram } for y := 0; y < height; y++ { for x := 0; x < width; x++ { i := y*src.Stride + x*4 r := src.Pix[i+0] g := src.Pix[i+1] b := src.Pix[i+2] y := 0.299*float32(r) + 0.587*float32(g) + 0.114*float32(b) histogram[int(y+0.5)]++ total++ } } for i := 0; i < 256; i++ { histogram[i] = histogram[i] / total } return histogram }