// Old tests ported to Go1. This is a mess. Want to drop it one day. // Copyright 2011 Gorilla Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package mux import ( "bytes" "net/http" "testing" ) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ResponseRecorder // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // ResponseRecorder is an implementation of http.ResponseWriter that // records its mutations for later inspection in tests. type ResponseRecorder struct { Code int // the HTTP response code from WriteHeader HeaderMap http.Header // the HTTP response headers Body *bytes.Buffer // if non-nil, the bytes.Buffer to append written data to Flushed bool } // NewRecorder returns an initialized ResponseRecorder. func NewRecorder() *ResponseRecorder { return &ResponseRecorder{ HeaderMap: make(http.Header), Body: new(bytes.Buffer), } } // Header returns the response headers. func (rw *ResponseRecorder) Header() http.Header { return rw.HeaderMap } // Write always succeeds and writes to rw.Body, if not nil. func (rw *ResponseRecorder) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) { if rw.Body != nil { rw.Body.Write(buf) } if rw.Code == 0 { rw.Code = http.StatusOK } return len(buf), nil } // WriteHeader sets rw.Code. func (rw *ResponseRecorder) WriteHeader(code int) { rw.Code = code } // Flush sets rw.Flushed to true. func (rw *ResponseRecorder) Flush() { rw.Flushed = true } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func TestRouteMatchers(t *testing.T) { var scheme, host, path, query, method string var headers map[string]string var resultVars map[bool]map[string]string router := NewRouter() router.NewRoute().Host("{var1}.google.com"). Path("/{var2:[a-z]+}/{var3:[0-9]+}"). Queries("foo", "bar"). Methods("GET"). Schemes("https"). Headers("x-requested-with", "XMLHttpRequest") router.NewRoute().Host("www.{var4}.com"). PathPrefix("/foo/{var5:[a-z]+}/{var6:[0-9]+}"). Queries("baz", "ding"). Methods("POST"). Schemes("http"). Headers("Content-Type", "application/json") reset := func() { // Everything match. scheme = "https" host = "www.google.com" path = "/product/42" query = "?foo=bar" method = "GET" headers = map[string]string{"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"} resultVars = map[bool]map[string]string{ true: {"var1": "www", "var2": "product", "var3": "42"}, false: {}, } } reset2 := func() { // Everything match. scheme = "http" host = "www.google.com" path = "/foo/product/42/path/that/is/ignored" query = "?baz=ding" method = "POST" headers = map[string]string{"Content-Type": "application/json"} resultVars = map[bool]map[string]string{ true: {"var4": "google", "var5": "product", "var6": "42"}, false: {}, } } match := func(shouldMatch bool) { url := scheme + "://" + host + path + query request, _ := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil) for key, value := range headers { request.Header.Add(key, value) } var routeMatch RouteMatch matched := router.Match(request, &routeMatch) if matched != shouldMatch { t.Errorf("Expected: %v\nGot: %v\nRequest: %v %v", shouldMatch, matched, request.Method, url) } if matched { currentRoute := routeMatch.Route if currentRoute == nil { t.Errorf("Expected a current route.") } vars := routeMatch.Vars expectedVars := resultVars[shouldMatch] if len(vars) != len(expectedVars) { t.Errorf("Expected vars: %v Got: %v.", expectedVars, vars) } for name, value := range vars { if expectedVars[name] != value { t.Errorf("Expected vars: %v Got: %v.", expectedVars, vars) } } } } // 1st route -------------------------------------------------------------- // Everything match. reset() match(true) // Scheme doesn't match. reset() scheme = "http" match(false) // Host doesn't match. reset() host = "www.mygoogle.com" match(false) // Path doesn't match. reset() path = "/product/notdigits" match(false) // Query doesn't match. reset() query = "?foo=baz" match(false) // Method doesn't match. reset() method = "POST" match(false) // Header doesn't match. reset() headers = map[string]string{} match(false) // Everything match, again. reset() match(true) // 2nd route -------------------------------------------------------------- // Everything match. reset2() match(true) // Scheme doesn't match. reset2() scheme = "https" match(false) // Host doesn't match. reset2() host = "sub.google.com" match(false) // Path doesn't match. reset2() path = "/bar/product/42" match(false) // Query doesn't match. reset2() query = "?foo=baz" match(false) // Method doesn't match. reset2() method = "GET" match(false) // Header doesn't match. reset2() headers = map[string]string{} match(false) // Everything match, again. reset2() match(true) } type headerMatcherTest struct { matcher headerMatcher headers map[string]string result bool } var headerMatcherTests = []headerMatcherTest{ { matcher: headerMatcher(map[string]string{"x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest"}), headers: map[string]string{"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"}, result: true, }, { matcher: headerMatcher(map[string]string{"x-requested-with": ""}), headers: map[string]string{"X-Requested-With": "anything"}, result: true, }, { matcher: headerMatcher(map[string]string{"x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest"}), headers: map[string]string{}, result: false, }, } type hostMatcherTest struct { matcher *Route url string vars map[string]string result bool } var hostMatcherTests = []hostMatcherTest{ { matcher: NewRouter().NewRoute().Host("{foo:[a-z][a-z][a-z]}.{bar:[a-z][a-z][a-z]}.{baz:[a-z][a-z][a-z]}"), url: "http://abc.def.ghi/", vars: map[string]string{"foo": "abc", "bar": "def", "baz": "ghi"}, result: true, }, { matcher: NewRouter().NewRoute().Host("{foo:[a-z][a-z][a-z]}.{bar:[a-z][a-z][a-z]}.{baz:[a-z][a-z][a-z]}"), url: "http://a.b.c/", vars: map[string]string{"foo": "abc", "bar": "def", "baz": "ghi"}, result: false, }, } type methodMatcherTest struct { matcher methodMatcher method string result bool } var methodMatcherTests = []methodMatcherTest{ { matcher: methodMatcher([]string{"GET", "POST", "PUT"}), method: "GET", result: true, }, { matcher: methodMatcher([]string{"GET", "POST", "PUT"}), method: "POST", result: true, }, { matcher: methodMatcher([]string{"GET", "POST", "PUT"}), method: "PUT", result: true, }, { matcher: methodMatcher([]string{"GET", "POST", "PUT"}), method: "DELETE", result: false, }, } type pathMatcherTest struct { matcher *Route url string vars map[string]string result bool } var pathMatcherTests = []pathMatcherTest{ { matcher: NewRouter().NewRoute().Path("/{foo:[0-9][0-9][0-9]}/{bar:[0-9][0-9][0-9]}/{baz:[0-9][0-9][0-9]}"), url: "http://localhost:8080/123/456/789", vars: map[string]string{"foo": "123", "bar": "456", "baz": "789"}, result: true, }, { matcher: NewRouter().NewRoute().Path("/{foo:[0-9][0-9][0-9]}/{bar:[0-9][0-9][0-9]}/{baz:[0-9][0-9][0-9]}"), url: "http://localhost:8080/1/2/3", vars: map[string]string{"foo": "123", "bar": "456", "baz": "789"}, result: false, }, } type schemeMatcherTest struct { matcher schemeMatcher url string result bool } var schemeMatcherTests = []schemeMatcherTest{ { matcher: schemeMatcher([]string{"http", "https"}), url: "http://localhost:8080/", result: true, }, { matcher: schemeMatcher([]string{"http", "https"}), url: "https://localhost:8080/", result: true, }, { matcher: schemeMatcher([]string{"https"}), url: "http://localhost:8080/", result: false, }, { matcher: schemeMatcher([]string{"http"}), url: "https://localhost:8080/", result: false, }, } type urlBuildingTest struct { route *Route vars []string url string } var urlBuildingTests = []urlBuildingTest{ { route: new(Route).Host("foo.domain.com"), vars: []string{}, url: "http://foo.domain.com", }, { route: new(Route).Host("{subdomain}.domain.com"), vars: []string{"subdomain", "bar"}, url: "http://bar.domain.com", }, { route: new(Route).Host("foo.domain.com").Path("/articles"), vars: []string{}, url: "http://foo.domain.com/articles", }, { route: new(Route).Path("/articles"), vars: []string{}, url: "/articles", }, { route: new(Route).Path("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}"), vars: []string{"category", "technology", "id", "42"}, url: "/articles/technology/42", }, { route: new(Route).Host("{subdomain}.domain.com").Path("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}"), vars: []string{"subdomain", "foo", "category", "technology", "id", "42"}, url: "http://foo.domain.com/articles/technology/42", }, } func TestHeaderMatcher(t *testing.T) { for _, v := range headerMatcherTests { request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:8080/", nil) for key, value := range v.headers { request.Header.Add(key, value) } var routeMatch RouteMatch result := v.matcher.Match(request, &routeMatch) if result != v.result { if v.result { t.Errorf("%#v: should match %v.", v.matcher, request.Header) } else { t.Errorf("%#v: should not match %v.", v.matcher, request.Header) } } } } func TestHostMatcher(t *testing.T) { for _, v := range hostMatcherTests { request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", v.url, nil) var routeMatch RouteMatch result := v.matcher.Match(request, &routeMatch) vars := routeMatch.Vars if result != v.result { if v.result { t.Errorf("%#v: should match %v.", v.matcher, v.url) } else { t.Errorf("%#v: should not match %v.", v.matcher, v.url) } } if result { if len(vars) != len(v.vars) { t.Errorf("%#v: vars length should be %v, got %v.", v.matcher, len(v.vars), len(vars)) } for name, value := range vars { if v.vars[name] != value { t.Errorf("%#v: expected value %v for key %v, got %v.", v.matcher, v.vars[name], name, value) } } } else { if len(vars) != 0 { t.Errorf("%#v: vars length should be 0, got %v.", v.matcher, len(vars)) } } } } func TestMethodMatcher(t *testing.T) { for _, v := range methodMatcherTests { request, _ := http.NewRequest(v.method, "http://localhost:8080/", nil) var routeMatch RouteMatch result := v.matcher.Match(request, &routeMatch) if result != v.result { if v.result { t.Errorf("%#v: should match %v.", v.matcher, v.method) } else { t.Errorf("%#v: should not match %v.", v.matcher, v.method) } } } } func TestPathMatcher(t *testing.T) { for _, v := range pathMatcherTests { request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", v.url, nil) var routeMatch RouteMatch result := v.matcher.Match(request, &routeMatch) vars := routeMatch.Vars if result != v.result { if v.result { t.Errorf("%#v: should match %v.", v.matcher, v.url) } else { t.Errorf("%#v: should not match %v.", v.matcher, v.url) } } if result { if len(vars) != len(v.vars) { t.Errorf("%#v: vars length should be %v, got %v.", v.matcher, len(v.vars), len(vars)) } for name, value := range vars { if v.vars[name] != value { t.Errorf("%#v: expected value %v for key %v, got %v.", v.matcher, v.vars[name], name, value) } } } else { if len(vars) != 0 { t.Errorf("%#v: vars length should be 0, got %v.", v.matcher, len(vars)) } } } } func TestSchemeMatcher(t *testing.T) { for _, v := range schemeMatcherTests { request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", v.url, nil) var routeMatch RouteMatch result := v.matcher.Match(request, &routeMatch) if result != v.result { if v.result { t.Errorf("%#v: should match %v.", v.matcher, v.url) } else { t.Errorf("%#v: should not match %v.", v.matcher, v.url) } } } } func TestUrlBuilding(t *testing.T) { for _, v := range urlBuildingTests { u, _ := v.route.URL(v.vars...) url := u.String() if url != v.url { t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", v.url, url) /* reversePath := "" reverseHost := "" if v.route.pathTemplate != nil { reversePath = v.route.pathTemplate.Reverse } if v.route.hostTemplate != nil { reverseHost = v.route.hostTemplate.Reverse } t.Errorf("%#v:\nexpected: %q\ngot: %q\nreverse path: %q\nreverse host: %q", v.route, v.url, url, reversePath, reverseHost) */ } } ArticleHandler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { } router := NewRouter() router.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}", ArticleHandler).Name("article") url, _ := router.Get("article").URL("category", "technology", "id", "42") expected := "/articles/technology/42" if url.String() != expected { t.Errorf("Expected %v, got %v", expected, url.String()) } } func TestMatchedRouteName(t *testing.T) { routeName := "stock" router := NewRouter() route := router.NewRoute().Path("/products/").Name(routeName) url := "http://www.example.com/products/" request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) var rv RouteMatch ok := router.Match(request, &rv) if !ok || rv.Route != route { t.Errorf("Expected same route, got %+v.", rv.Route) } retName := rv.Route.GetName() if retName != routeName { t.Errorf("Expected %q, got %q.", routeName, retName) } } func TestSubRouting(t *testing.T) { // Example from docs. router := NewRouter() subrouter := router.NewRoute().Host("www.example.com").Subrouter() route := subrouter.NewRoute().Path("/products/").Name("products") url := "http://www.example.com/products/" request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) var rv RouteMatch ok := router.Match(request, &rv) if !ok || rv.Route != route { t.Errorf("Expected same route, got %+v.", rv.Route) } u, _ := router.Get("products").URL() builtURL := u.String() // Yay, subroute aware of the domain when building! if builtURL != url { t.Errorf("Expected %q, got %q.", url, builtURL) } } func TestVariableNames(t *testing.T) { route := new(Route).Host("{arg1}.domain.com").Path("/{arg1}/{arg2:[0-9]+}") if route.err == nil { t.Errorf("Expected error for duplicated variable names") } } func TestRedirectSlash(t *testing.T) { var route *Route var routeMatch RouteMatch r := NewRouter() r.StrictSlash(false) route = r.NewRoute() if route.strictSlash != false { t.Errorf("Expected false redirectSlash.") } r.StrictSlash(true) route = r.NewRoute() if route.strictSlash != true { t.Errorf("Expected true redirectSlash.") } route = new(Route) route.strictSlash = true route.Path("/{arg1}/{arg2:[0-9]+}/") request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost/foo/123", nil) routeMatch = RouteMatch{} _ = route.Match(request, &routeMatch) vars := routeMatch.Vars if vars["arg1"] != "foo" { t.Errorf("Expected foo.") } if vars["arg2"] != "123" { t.Errorf("Expected 123.") } rsp := NewRecorder() routeMatch.Handler.ServeHTTP(rsp, request) if rsp.HeaderMap.Get("Location") != "http://localhost/foo/123/" { t.Errorf("Expected redirect header.") } route = new(Route) route.strictSlash = true route.Path("/{arg1}/{arg2:[0-9]+}") request, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost/foo/123/", nil) routeMatch = RouteMatch{} _ = route.Match(request, &routeMatch) vars = routeMatch.Vars if vars["arg1"] != "foo" { t.Errorf("Expected foo.") } if vars["arg2"] != "123" { t.Errorf("Expected 123.") } rsp = NewRecorder() routeMatch.Handler.ServeHTTP(rsp, request) if rsp.HeaderMap.Get("Location") != "http://localhost/foo/123" { t.Errorf("Expected redirect header.") } } // Test for the new regexp library, still not available in stable Go. func TestNewRegexp(t *testing.T) { var p *routeRegexp var matches []string tests := map[string]map[string][]string{ "/{foo:a{2}}": { "/a": nil, "/aa": {"aa"}, "/aaa": nil, "/aaaa": nil, }, "/{foo:a{2,}}": { "/a": nil, "/aa": {"aa"}, "/aaa": {"aaa"}, "/aaaa": {"aaaa"}, }, "/{foo:a{2,3}}": { "/a": nil, "/aa": {"aa"}, "/aaa": {"aaa"}, "/aaaa": nil, }, "/{foo:[a-z]{3}}/{bar:[a-z]{2}}": { "/a": nil, "/ab": nil, "/abc": nil, "/abcd": nil, "/abc/ab": {"abc", "ab"}, "/abc/abc": nil, "/abcd/ab": nil, }, `/{foo:\w{3,}}/{bar:\d{2,}}`: { "/a": nil, "/ab": nil, "/abc": nil, "/abc/1": nil, "/abc/12": {"abc", "12"}, "/abcd/12": {"abcd", "12"}, "/abcd/123": {"abcd", "123"}, }, } for pattern, paths := range tests { p, _ = newRouteRegexp(pattern, false, false, false, false, false) for path, result := range paths { matches = p.regexp.FindStringSubmatch(path) if result == nil { if matches != nil { t.Errorf("%v should not match %v.", pattern, path) } } else { if len(matches) != len(result)+1 { t.Errorf("Expected %v matches, got %v.", len(result)+1, len(matches)) } else { for k, v := range result { if matches[k+1] != v { t.Errorf("Expected %v, got %v.", v, matches[k+1]) } } } } } } }