# `sockaddr(1)` `sockaddr` is a CLI utility that wraps and exposes `go-sockaddr` functionality from the command line. ```text $ go get -u github.com/hashicorp/go-sockaddr/cmd/sockaddr ``` ```text % sockaddr -h usage: sockaddr [--version] [--help] [] Available commands are: dump Parses IP addresses eval Evaluates a sockaddr template rfc Test to see if an IP is part of a known RFC version Prints the sockaddr version ``` ## `sockaddr dump` ```text Usage: sockaddr dump [options] input [...] Parse address(es) or interface and dumps various output. Options: -4 Parse the input as IPv4 only -6 Parse the input as IPv6 only -H Machine readable output -I Parse the argument as an interface name -i Parse the input as IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6) -n Show only the value -o Name of an attribute to pass through -u Parse the input as a UNIX Socket only ``` ### `sockaddr dump` example output By default it prints out all available information unless the `-o` flag is specified. ```text % sockaddr dump Attribute Value type IPv4 string host address port 0 netmask network mask_bits 8 binary 01111111000000000000000000000010 hex 7f000002 first_usable last_usable octets 127 0 0 2 size 16777216 broadcast uint32 2130706434 DialPacket "udp4" "" DialStream "tcp4" "" ListenPacket "udp4" "" ListenStream "tcp4" "" $ sockaddr dump -H -o host,address,port -o mask_bits host address port 8600 mask_bits 32 $ sockaddr dump -H -n -o host,address,port -o mask_bits 8600 32 $ sockaddr dump -o type,address,hex,network '[2001:db8::3/32]' Attribute Value type IPv6 address 2001:db8::3 network 2001:db8::/32 hex 20010db8000000000000000000000003 $ sockaddr dump /tmp/example.sock Attribute Value type UNIX string "/tmp/example.sock" path /tmp/example.sock DialPacket "unixgram" "/tmp/example.sock" DialStream "unix" "/tmp/example.sock" ListenPacket "unixgram" "/tmp/example.sock" ListenStream "unix" "/tmp/example.sock" ``` ## `sockaddr eval` ```text Usage: sockaddr eval [options] [template ...] Parse the sockaddr template and evaluates the output. The `sockaddr` library has the potential to be very complex, which is why the `sockaddr` command supports an `eval` subcommand in order to test configurations from the command line. The `eval` subcommand automatically wraps its input with the `{{` and `}}` template delimiters unless the `-r` command is specified, in which case `eval` parses the raw input. If the `template` argument passed to `eval` is a dash (`-`), then `sockaddr eval` will read from stdin and automatically sets the `-r` flag. Options: -d Debug output -n Suppress newlines between args -r Suppress wrapping the input with {{ }} delimiters ``` Here are a few impractical examples to get you started: ```text $ sockaddr eval 'GetDefaultInterfaces | sort "type,size" | include "RFC" "6890" | attr "address"' $ sockaddr eval 'GetDefaultInterfaces | sort "type,size" | include "RFC" "6890" | limit 1 | join "address" " "' $ sockaddr eval 'GetPublicIP' $ sockaddr eval 'GetPrivateIP' $ sockaddr eval 'GetInterfaceIP "eth0"' $ sockaddr eval 'GetAllInterfaces | include "network" "" | attr "address"' $ sockaddr eval 'GetPrivateInterfaces | join "type" " "' IPv4 IPv6 $ sockaddr eval 'GetPublicInterfaces | include "flags" "up|forwardable" | join "address" " "' 2001:0DB8::1 $ sockaddr eval 'GetAllInterfaces | include "name" "lo0" | include "type" "IPv6" | sort "address" | join "address" " "' 100:: fe80::1 $ sockaddr eval '. | include "rfc" "1918" | print | len | lt 2' true $ sockaddr eval -r '{{with $ifSet := include "name" "lo0" . }}{{ range include "type" "IPv6" $ifSet | sort "address" | reverse}}{{ . }} {{end}}{{end}}' fe80::1/64 {1 16384 lo0 up|loopback|multicast} 100:: {1 16384 lo0 up|loopback|multicast} $ sockaddr eval '. | include "name" "lo0" | include "type" "IPv6" | sort "address" | join "address" " "' 100:: fe80::1 $ cat <<'EOF' | sockaddr eval - {{. | include "name" "lo0" | include "type" "IPv6" | sort "address" | join "address" " "}} EOF 100:: fe80::1 ``` ## `sockaddr rfc` ```text $ sockaddr rfc Usage: sockaddr rfc [RFC Number] [IP Address] Tests a given IP address to see if it is part of a known RFC. If the IP address belongs to a known RFC, return exit code 0 and print the status. If the IP does not belong to an RFC, return 1. If the RFC is not known, return 2. Options: -s Silent, only return different exit codes $ sockaddr rfc 1918 is part of RFC 1918 $ sockaddr rfc 6890 '[::1]' 100:: is part of RFC 6890 $ sockaddr rfc list 919 1112 1122 1918 2544 2765 2928 3056 3068 3171 3330 3849 3927 4038 4193 4291 4380 4773 4843 5180 5735 5737 6052 6333 6598 6666 6890 7335 ``` ## `sockaddr tech-support` If one of the helper methods that derives its output from `GetDefaultInterfaces` is misbehaving, submit the output from this command as an issue along with any miscellaneous details that are specific to your environment. ```text Usage: sockaddr tech-support [options] Print out network diagnostic information that can be used by support. The `sockaddr` library relies on OS-specific commands and output which can potentially be brittle. The `tech-support` subcommand emits all of the platform-specific network details required to debug why a given `sockaddr` API call is behaving differently than expected. The `-output` flag controls the output format. The default output mode is Markdown (`md`) however a raw mode (`raw`) is available to obtain the original output. Options: -output Encode the output using one of Markdown ("md") or Raw ("raw") ``` ## `sockaddr version` The lowly version stub. ```text $ sockaddr version sockaddr 0.1.0-dev ```