package translation import ( "reflect" "testing" "" ) func mustTemplate(t *testing.T, src string) *template { tmpl, err := newTemplate(src) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return tmpl } func pluralTranslationFixture(t *testing.T, id string, pluralCategories ...language.Plural) *pluralTranslation { templates := make(map[language.Plural]*template, len(pluralCategories)) for _, pc := range pluralCategories { templates[pc] = mustTemplate(t, string(pc)) } return &pluralTranslation{id, templates} } func verifyDeepEqual(t *testing.T, actual, expected interface{}) { if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) { t.Fatalf("\n%#v\nnot equal to expected value\n%#v", actual, expected) } } func TestPluralTranslationMerge(t *testing.T) { pt := pluralTranslationFixture(t, "id", language.One, language.Other) oneTemplate, otherTemplate := pt.templates[language.One], pt.templates[language.Other] pt.Merge(pluralTranslationFixture(t, "id")) verifyDeepEqual(t, pt.templates, map[language.Plural]*template{ language.One: oneTemplate, language.Other: otherTemplate, }) pt2 := pluralTranslationFixture(t, "id", language.One, language.Two) pt.Merge(pt2) verifyDeepEqual(t, pt.templates, map[language.Plural]*template{ language.One: pt2.templates[language.One], language.Two: pt2.templates[language.Two], language.Other: otherTemplate, }) } /* Test implementations from old idea func TestCopy(t *testing.T) { ls := &LocalizedString{ ID: "id", Translation: testingTemplate(t, "translation {{.Hello}}"), Translations: map[language.Plural]*template{ language.One: testingTemplate(t, "plural {{.One}}"), language.Other: testingTemplate(t, "plural {{.Other}}"), }, } c := ls.Copy() delete(c.Translations, language.One) if _, ok := ls.Translations[language.One]; !ok { t.Errorf("deleting plural translation from copy deleted it from the original") } c.Translations[language.Two] = testingTemplate(t, "plural {{.Two}}") if _, ok := ls.Translations[language.Two]; ok { t.Errorf("adding plural translation to copy added it to the original") } } func TestNormalize(t *testing.T) { oneTemplate := testingTemplate(t, "one {{.One}}") ls := &LocalizedString{ Translation: testingTemplate(t, "single {{.Single}}"), Translations: map[language.Plural]*template{ language.One: oneTemplate, language.Two: testingTemplate(t, "two {{.Two}}"), }, } ls.Normalize(LanguageWithCode("en")) if ls.Translation != nil { t.Errorf("ls.Translation is %#v; expected nil", ls.Translation) } if actual := ls.Translations[language.Two]; actual != nil { t.Errorf("ls.Translation[language.Two] is %#v; expected nil", actual) } if actual := ls.Translations[language.One]; actual != oneTemplate { t.Errorf("ls.Translations[language.One] is %#v; expected %#v", actual, oneTemplate) } if _, ok := ls.Translations[language.Other]; !ok { t.Errorf("ls.Translations[language.Other] shouldn't be empty") } } func TestMergeTranslation(t *testing.T) { ls := &LocalizedString{} translation := testingTemplate(t, "one {{.Hello}}") ls.Merge(&LocalizedString{ Translation: translation, }) if ls.Translation != translation { t.Errorf("expected %#v; got %#v", translation, ls.Translation) } ls.Merge(&LocalizedString{}) if ls.Translation != translation { t.Errorf("expected %#v; got %#v", translation, ls.Translation) } translation = testingTemplate(t, "two {{.Hello}}") ls.Merge(&LocalizedString{ Translation: translation, }) if ls.Translation != translation { t.Errorf("expected %#v; got %#v", translation, ls.Translation) } } func TestMergeTranslations(t *testing.T) { ls := &LocalizedString{} oneTemplate := testingTemplate(t, "one {{.One}}") otherTemplate := testingTemplate(t, "other {{.Other}}") ls.Merge(&LocalizedString{ Translations: map[language.Plural]*template{ language.One: oneTemplate, language.Other: otherTemplate, }, }) if actual := ls.Translations[language.One]; actual != oneTemplate { t.Errorf("ls.Translations[language.One] expected %#v; got %#v", oneTemplate, actual) } if actual := ls.Translations[language.Other]; actual != otherTemplate { t.Errorf("ls.Translations[language.Other] expected %#v; got %#v", otherTemplate, actual) } ls.Merge(&LocalizedString{ Translations: map[language.Plural]*template{}, }) if actual := ls.Translations[language.One]; actual != oneTemplate { t.Errorf("ls.Translations[language.One] expected %#v; got %#v", oneTemplate, actual) } if actual := ls.Translations[language.Other]; actual != otherTemplate { t.Errorf("ls.Translations[language.Other] expected %#v; got %#v", otherTemplate, actual) } twoTemplate := testingTemplate(t, "two {{.Two}}") otherTemplate = testingTemplate(t, "second other {{.Other}}") ls.Merge(&LocalizedString{ Translations: map[language.Plural]*template{ language.Two: twoTemplate, language.Other: otherTemplate, }, }) if actual := ls.Translations[language.One]; actual != oneTemplate { t.Errorf("ls.Translations[language.One] expected %#v; got %#v", oneTemplate, actual) } if actual := ls.Translations[language.Two]; actual != twoTemplate { t.Errorf("ls.Translations[language.Two] expected %#v; got %#v", twoTemplate, actual) } if actual := ls.Translations[language.Other]; actual != otherTemplate { t.Errorf("ls.Translations[language.Other] expected %#v; got %#v", otherTemplate, actual) } } func TestMissingTranslations(t *testing.T) { en := LanguageWithCode("en") tests := []struct { localizedString *LocalizedString language *Language expected bool }{ { &LocalizedString{}, en, true, }, { &LocalizedString{Translation: testingTemplate(t, "single {{.Single}}")}, en, false, }, { &LocalizedString{ Translation: testingTemplate(t, "single {{.Single}}"), Translations: map[language.Plural]*template{ language.One: testingTemplate(t, "one {{.One}}"), }}, en, true, }, { &LocalizedString{Translations: map[language.Plural]*template{ language.One: testingTemplate(t, "one {{.One}}"), }}, en, true, }, { &LocalizedString{Translations: map[language.Plural]*template{ language.One: nil, language.Other: nil, }}, en, true, }, { &LocalizedString{Translations: map[language.Plural]*template{ language.One: testingTemplate(t, ""), language.Other: testingTemplate(t, ""), }}, en, true, }, { &LocalizedString{Translations: map[language.Plural]*template{ language.One: testingTemplate(t, "one {{.One}}"), language.Other: testingTemplate(t, "other {{.Other}}"), }}, en, false, }, } for _, tt := range tests { if actual := tt.localizedString.MissingTranslations(tt.language); actual != tt.expected { t.Errorf("expected %t got %t for %s, %#v", tt.expected, actual, tt.language.code, tt.localizedString) } } } func TestHasTranslations(t *testing.T) { en := LanguageWithCode("en") tests := []struct { localizedString *LocalizedString language *Language expected bool }{ { &LocalizedString{}, en, false, }, { &LocalizedString{Translation: testingTemplate(t, "single {{.Single}}")}, en, true, }, { &LocalizedString{ Translation: testingTemplate(t, "single {{.Single}}"), Translations: map[language.Plural]*template{}}, en, false, }, { &LocalizedString{Translations: map[language.Plural]*template{ language.One: testingTemplate(t, "one {{.One}}"), }}, en, true, }, { &LocalizedString{Translations: map[language.Plural]*template{ language.Two: testingTemplate(t, "two {{.Two}}"), }}, en, false, }, { &LocalizedString{Translations: map[language.Plural]*template{ language.One: nil, }}, en, false, }, { &LocalizedString{Translations: map[language.Plural]*template{ language.One: testingTemplate(t, ""), }}, en, false, }, } for _, tt := range tests { if actual := tt.localizedString.HasTranslations(tt.language); actual != tt.expected { t.Errorf("expected %t got %t for %s, %#v", tt.expected, actual, tt.language.code, tt.localizedString) } } } func testingTemplate(t *testing.T, src string) *template { tmpl, err := newTemplate(src) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return tmpl } */