package toml import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "reflect" "strings" "time" ) /* Tree structural types and corresponding marshal types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Tree (*)struct, (*)map[string]interface{} []*Tree (*)[](*)struct, (*)[](*)map[string]interface{} []interface{} (as interface{}) (*)[]primitive, (*)[]([]interface{}) interface{} (*)primitive Tree primitive types and corresponding marshal types ----------------------------------------------------------- uint64 uint, uint8-uint64, pointers to same int64 int, int8-uint64, pointers to same float64 float32, float64, pointers to same string string, pointers to same bool bool, pointers to same time.Time time.Time{}, pointers to same */ type tomlOpts struct { name string include bool omitempty bool } var timeType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) var marshalerType = reflect.TypeOf(new(Marshaler)).Elem() // Check if the given marshall type maps to a Tree primitive func isPrimitive(mtype reflect.Type) bool { switch mtype.Kind() { case reflect.Ptr: return isPrimitive(mtype.Elem()) case reflect.Bool: return true case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: return true case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: return true case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: return true case reflect.String: return true case reflect.Struct: return mtype == timeType || isCustomMarshaler(mtype) default: return false } } // Check if the given marshall type maps to a Tree slice func isTreeSlice(mtype reflect.Type) bool { switch mtype.Kind() { case reflect.Slice: return !isOtherSlice(mtype) default: return false } } // Check if the given marshall type maps to a non-Tree slice func isOtherSlice(mtype reflect.Type) bool { switch mtype.Kind() { case reflect.Ptr: return isOtherSlice(mtype.Elem()) case reflect.Slice: return isPrimitive(mtype.Elem()) || isOtherSlice(mtype.Elem()) default: return false } } // Check if the given marshall type maps to a Tree func isTree(mtype reflect.Type) bool { switch mtype.Kind() { case reflect.Map: return true case reflect.Struct: return !isPrimitive(mtype) default: return false } } func isCustomMarshaler(mtype reflect.Type) bool { return mtype.Implements(marshalerType) } func callCustomMarshaler(mval reflect.Value) ([]byte, error) { return mval.Interface().(Marshaler).MarshalTOML() } // Marshaler is the interface implemented by types that // can marshal themselves into valid TOML. type Marshaler interface { MarshalTOML() ([]byte, error) } /* Marshal returns the TOML encoding of v. Behavior is similar to the Go json encoder, except that there is no concept of a Marshaler interface or MarshalTOML function for sub-structs, and currently only definite types can be marshaled (i.e. no `interface{}`). Note that pointers are automatically assigned the "omitempty" option, as TOML explicity does not handle null values (saying instead the label should be dropped). */ func Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) { mtype := reflect.TypeOf(v) if mtype.Kind() != reflect.Struct { return []byte{}, errors.New("Only a struct can be marshaled to TOML") } sval := reflect.ValueOf(v) if isCustomMarshaler(mtype) { return callCustomMarshaler(sval) } t, err := valueToTree(mtype, sval) if err != nil { return []byte{}, err } s, err := t.ToTomlString() return []byte(s), err } // Convert given marshal struct or map value to toml tree func valueToTree(mtype reflect.Type, mval reflect.Value) (*Tree, error) { if mtype.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { return valueToTree(mtype.Elem(), mval.Elem()) } tval := newTree() switch mtype.Kind() { case reflect.Struct: for i := 0; i < mtype.NumField(); i++ { mtypef, mvalf := mtype.Field(i), mval.Field(i) opts := tomlOptions(mtypef) if opts.include && (!opts.omitempty || !isZero(mvalf)) { val, err := valueToToml(mtypef.Type, mvalf) if err != nil { return nil, err } tval.Set(, val) } } case reflect.Map: for _, key := range mval.MapKeys() { mvalf := mval.MapIndex(key) val, err := valueToToml(mtype.Elem(), mvalf) if err != nil { return nil, err } tval.Set(key.String(), val) } } return tval, nil } // Convert given marshal slice to slice of Toml trees func valueToTreeSlice(mtype reflect.Type, mval reflect.Value) ([]*Tree, error) { tval := make([]*Tree, mval.Len(), mval.Len()) for i := 0; i < mval.Len(); i++ { val, err := valueToTree(mtype.Elem(), mval.Index(i)) if err != nil { return nil, err } tval[i] = val } return tval, nil } // Convert given marshal slice to slice of toml values func valueToOtherSlice(mtype reflect.Type, mval reflect.Value) (interface{}, error) { tval := make([]interface{}, mval.Len(), mval.Len()) for i := 0; i < mval.Len(); i++ { val, err := valueToToml(mtype.Elem(), mval.Index(i)) if err != nil { return nil, err } tval[i] = val } return tval, nil } // Convert given marshal value to toml value func valueToToml(mtype reflect.Type, mval reflect.Value) (interface{}, error) { if mtype.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { return valueToToml(mtype.Elem(), mval.Elem()) } switch { case isCustomMarshaler(mtype): return callCustomMarshaler(mval) case isTree(mtype): return valueToTree(mtype, mval) case isTreeSlice(mtype): return valueToTreeSlice(mtype, mval) case isOtherSlice(mtype): return valueToOtherSlice(mtype, mval) default: switch mtype.Kind() { case reflect.Bool: return mval.Bool(), nil case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: return mval.Int(), nil case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: return mval.Uint(), nil case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: return mval.Float(), nil case reflect.String: return mval.String(), nil case reflect.Struct: return mval.Interface().(time.Time), nil default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("Marshal can't handle %v(%v)", mtype, mtype.Kind()) } } } // Unmarshal attempts to unmarshal the Tree into a Go struct pointed by v. // Neither Unmarshaler interfaces nor UnmarshalTOML functions are supported for // sub-structs, and only definite types can be unmarshaled. func (t *Tree) Unmarshal(v interface{}) error { mtype := reflect.TypeOf(v) if mtype.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || mtype.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { return errors.New("Only a pointer to struct can be unmarshaled from TOML") } sval, err := valueFromTree(mtype.Elem(), t) if err != nil { return err } reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().Set(sval) return nil } // Unmarshal parses the TOML-encoded data and stores the result in the value // pointed to by v. Behavior is similar to the Go json encoder, except that there // is no concept of an Unmarshaler interface or UnmarshalTOML function for // sub-structs, and currently only definite types can be unmarshaled to (i.e. no // `interface{}`). func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error { t, err := LoadReader(bytes.NewReader(data)) if err != nil { return err } return t.Unmarshal(v) } // Convert toml tree to marshal struct or map, using marshal type func valueFromTree(mtype reflect.Type, tval *Tree) (reflect.Value, error) { if mtype.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { return unwrapPointer(mtype, tval) } var mval reflect.Value switch mtype.Kind() { case reflect.Struct: mval = reflect.New(mtype).Elem() for i := 0; i < mtype.NumField(); i++ { mtypef := mtype.Field(i) opts := tomlOptions(mtypef) if opts.include { key := exists := tval.Has(key) if exists { val := tval.Get(key) mvalf, err := valueFromToml(mtypef.Type, val) if err != nil { return mval, formatError(err, tval.GetPosition(key)) } mval.Field(i).Set(mvalf) } } } case reflect.Map: mval = reflect.MakeMap(mtype) for _, key := range tval.Keys() { val := tval.Get(key) mvalf, err := valueFromToml(mtype.Elem(), val) if err != nil { return mval, formatError(err, tval.GetPosition(key)) } mval.SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(key), mvalf) } } return mval, nil } // Convert toml value to marshal struct/map slice, using marshal type func valueFromTreeSlice(mtype reflect.Type, tval []*Tree) (reflect.Value, error) { mval := reflect.MakeSlice(mtype, len(tval), len(tval)) for i := 0; i < len(tval); i++ { val, err := valueFromTree(mtype.Elem(), tval[i]) if err != nil { return mval, err } mval.Index(i).Set(val) } return mval, nil } // Convert toml value to marshal primitive slice, using marshal type func valueFromOtherSlice(mtype reflect.Type, tval []interface{}) (reflect.Value, error) { mval := reflect.MakeSlice(mtype, len(tval), len(tval)) for i := 0; i < len(tval); i++ { val, err := valueFromToml(mtype.Elem(), tval[i]) if err != nil { return mval, err } mval.Index(i).Set(val) } return mval, nil } // Convert toml value to marshal value, using marshal type func valueFromToml(mtype reflect.Type, tval interface{}) (reflect.Value, error) { if mtype.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { return unwrapPointer(mtype, tval) } switch { case isTree(mtype): return valueFromTree(mtype, tval.(*Tree)) case isTreeSlice(mtype): return valueFromTreeSlice(mtype, tval.([]*Tree)) case isOtherSlice(mtype): return valueFromOtherSlice(mtype, tval.([]interface{})) default: switch mtype.Kind() { case reflect.Bool: val, ok := tval.(bool) if !ok { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to bool", tval, tval) } return reflect.ValueOf(val), nil case reflect.Int: val, ok := tval.(int64) if !ok { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to int", tval, tval) } return reflect.ValueOf(int(val)), nil case reflect.Int8: val, ok := tval.(int64) if !ok { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to int", tval, tval) } return reflect.ValueOf(int8(val)), nil case reflect.Int16: val, ok := tval.(int64) if !ok { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to int", tval, tval) } return reflect.ValueOf(int16(val)), nil case reflect.Int32: val, ok := tval.(int64) if !ok { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to int", tval, tval) } return reflect.ValueOf(int32(val)), nil case reflect.Int64: val, ok := tval.(int64) if !ok { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to int", tval, tval) } return reflect.ValueOf(val), nil case reflect.Uint: val, ok := tval.(int64) if !ok { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to uint", tval, tval) } return reflect.ValueOf(uint(val)), nil case reflect.Uint8: val, ok := tval.(int64) if !ok { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to uint", tval, tval) } return reflect.ValueOf(uint8(val)), nil case reflect.Uint16: val, ok := tval.(int64) if !ok { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to uint", tval, tval) } return reflect.ValueOf(uint16(val)), nil case reflect.Uint32: val, ok := tval.(int64) if !ok { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to uint", tval, tval) } return reflect.ValueOf(uint32(val)), nil case reflect.Uint64: val, ok := tval.(int64) if !ok { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to uint", tval, tval) } return reflect.ValueOf(uint64(val)), nil case reflect.Float32: val, ok := tval.(float64) if !ok { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to float", tval, tval) } return reflect.ValueOf(float32(val)), nil case reflect.Float64: val, ok := tval.(float64) if !ok { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to float", tval, tval) } return reflect.ValueOf(val), nil case reflect.String: val, ok := tval.(string) if !ok { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to string", tval, tval) } return reflect.ValueOf(val), nil case reflect.Struct: val, ok := tval.(time.Time) if !ok { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to time", tval, tval) } return reflect.ValueOf(val), nil default: return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal can't handle %v(%v)", mtype, mtype.Kind()) } } } func unwrapPointer(mtype reflect.Type, tval interface{}) (reflect.Value, error) { val, err := valueFromToml(mtype.Elem(), tval) if err != nil { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), err } mval := reflect.New(mtype.Elem()) mval.Elem().Set(val) return mval, nil } func tomlOptions(vf reflect.StructField) tomlOpts { tag := vf.Tag.Get("toml") parse := strings.Split(tag, ",") result := tomlOpts{vf.Name, true, false} if parse[0] != "" { if parse[0] == "-" && len(parse) == 1 { result.include = false } else { = strings.Trim(parse[0], " ") } } if vf.PkgPath != "" { result.include = false } if len(parse) > 1 && strings.Trim(parse[1], " ") == "omitempty" { result.omitempty = true } if vf.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { result.omitempty = true } return result } func isZero(val reflect.Value) bool { switch val.Type().Kind() { case reflect.Map: fallthrough case reflect.Array: fallthrough case reflect.Slice: return val.Len() == 0 default: return reflect.DeepEqual(val.Interface(), reflect.Zero(val.Type()).Interface()) } } func formatError(err error, pos Position) error { if err.Error()[0] == '(' { // Error already contains position information return err } return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", pos, err) }