package query import ( "" "testing" ) func testQLFlow(t *testing.T, input string, expectedFlow []token) { ch := lexQuery(input) for idx, expected := range expectedFlow { token := <-ch if token != expected { t.Log("While testing #", idx, ":", input) t.Log("compared (got)", token, "to (expected)", expected) t.Log("\tvalue:", token.val, "<->", expected.val) t.Log("\tvalue as bytes:", []byte(token.val), "<->", []byte(expected.val)) t.Log("\ttype:", token.typ.String(), "<->", expected.typ.String()) t.Log("\tline:", token.Line, "<->", expected.Line) t.Log("\tcolumn:", token.Col, "<->", expected.Col) t.Log("compared", token, "to", expected) t.FailNow() } } tok, ok := <-ch if ok { t.Log("channel is not closed!") t.Log(len(ch)+1, "tokens remaining:") t.Log("token ->", tok) for token := range ch { t.Log("token ->", token) } t.FailNow() } } func TestLexSpecialChars(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, " .$[]..()?*", []token{ {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenDot, "."}, {toml.Position{1, 3}, tokenDollar, "$"}, {toml.Position{1, 4}, tokenLeftBracket, "["}, {toml.Position{1, 5}, tokenRightBracket, "]"}, {toml.Position{1, 6}, tokenDotDot, ".."}, {toml.Position{1, 8}, tokenLeftParen, "("}, {toml.Position{1, 9}, tokenRightParen, ")"}, {toml.Position{1, 10}, tokenQuestion, "?"}, {toml.Position{1, 11}, tokenStar, "*"}, {toml.Position{1, 12}, tokenEOF, ""}, }) } func TestLexString(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, "'foo\n'", []token{ {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenString, "foo\n"}, {toml.Position{2, 2}, tokenEOF, ""}, }) } func TestLexDoubleString(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, `"bar"`, []token{ {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenString, "bar"}, {toml.Position{1, 6}, tokenEOF, ""}, }) } func TestLexStringEscapes(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, `"foo \" \' \b \f \/ \t \r \\ \u03A9 \U00012345 \n bar"`, []token{ {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenString, "foo \" ' \b \f / \t \r \\ \u03A9 \U00012345 \n bar"}, {toml.Position{1, 55}, tokenEOF, ""}, }) } func TestLexStringUnfinishedUnicode4(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, `"\u000"`, []token{ {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenError, "unfinished unicode escape"}, }) } func TestLexStringUnfinishedUnicode8(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, `"\U0000"`, []token{ {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenError, "unfinished unicode escape"}, }) } func TestLexStringInvalidEscape(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, `"\x"`, []token{ {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenError, "invalid escape sequence: \\x"}, }) } func TestLexStringUnfinished(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, `"bar`, []token{ {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenError, "unclosed string"}, }) } func TestLexKey(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, "foo", []token{ {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenKey, "foo"}, {toml.Position{1, 4}, tokenEOF, ""}, }) } func TestLexRecurse(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, "$..*", []token{ {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenDollar, "$"}, {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenDotDot, ".."}, {toml.Position{1, 4}, tokenStar, "*"}, {toml.Position{1, 5}, tokenEOF, ""}, }) } func TestLexBracketKey(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, "$[foo]", []token{ {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenDollar, "$"}, {toml.Position{1, 2}, tokenLeftBracket, "["}, {toml.Position{1, 3}, tokenKey, "foo"}, {toml.Position{1, 6}, tokenRightBracket, "]"}, {toml.Position{1, 7}, tokenEOF, ""}, }) } func TestLexSpace(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, "foo bar baz", []token{ {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenKey, "foo"}, {toml.Position{1, 5}, tokenKey, "bar"}, {toml.Position{1, 9}, tokenKey, "baz"}, {toml.Position{1, 12}, tokenEOF, ""}, }) } func TestLexInteger(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, "100 +200 -300", []token{ {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenInteger, "100"}, {toml.Position{1, 5}, tokenInteger, "+200"}, {toml.Position{1, 10}, tokenInteger, "-300"}, {toml.Position{1, 14}, tokenEOF, ""}, }) } func TestLexFloat(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, "100.0 +200.0 -300.0", []token{ {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenFloat, "100.0"}, {toml.Position{1, 7}, tokenFloat, "+200.0"}, {toml.Position{1, 14}, tokenFloat, "-300.0"}, {toml.Position{1, 20}, tokenEOF, ""}, }) } func TestLexFloatWithMultipleDots(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, "4.2.", []token{ {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenError, "cannot have two dots in one float"}, }) } func TestLexFloatLeadingDot(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, "+.1", []token{ {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenError, "cannot start float with a dot"}, }) } func TestLexFloatWithTrailingDot(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, "42.", []token{ {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenError, "float cannot end with a dot"}, }) } func TestLexNumberWithoutDigit(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, "+", []token{ {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenError, "no digit in that number"}, }) } func TestLexUnknown(t *testing.T) { testQLFlow(t, "^", []token{ {toml.Position{1, 1}, tokenError, "unexpected char: '94'"}, }) }