// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package cldr import ( "reflect" "testing" ) type testSlice []*Common func mkElem(alt, typ, ref string) *Common { return &Common{ Type: typ, Reference: ref, Alt: alt, } } var ( testSlice1 = testSlice{ mkElem("1", "a", "i.a"), mkElem("1", "b", "i.b"), mkElem("1", "c", "i.c"), mkElem("2", "b", "ii"), mkElem("3", "c", "iii"), mkElem("4", "a", "iv.a"), mkElem("4", "d", "iv.d"), } testSliceE = testSlice{} ) func panics(f func()) (panics bool) { defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { panics = true } }() f() return panics } func TestMakeSlice(t *testing.T) { foo := 1 bar := []int{} tests := []struct { i interface{} panics bool err string }{ {&foo, true, "should panic when passed a pointer to the wrong type"}, {&bar, true, "should panic when slice element of the wrong type"}, {testSlice1, true, "should panic when passed a slice"}, {&testSlice1, false, "should not panic"}, } for i, tt := range tests { if panics(func() { MakeSlice(tt.i) }) != tt.panics { t.Errorf("%d: %s", i, tt.err) } } } var anyOfTests = []struct { sl testSlice values []string n int }{ {testSliceE, []string{}, 0}, {testSliceE, []string{"1", "2", "3"}, 0}, {testSlice1, []string{}, 0}, {testSlice1, []string{"1"}, 3}, {testSlice1, []string{"2"}, 1}, {testSlice1, []string{"5"}, 0}, {testSlice1, []string{"1", "2", "3"}, 5}, } func TestSelectAnyOf(t *testing.T) { for i, tt := range anyOfTests { sl := tt.sl s := MakeSlice(&sl) s.SelectAnyOf("alt", tt.values...) if len(sl) != tt.n { t.Errorf("%d: found len == %d; want %d", i, len(sl), tt.n) } } sl := testSlice1 s := MakeSlice(&sl) if !panics(func() { s.SelectAnyOf("foo") }) { t.Errorf("should panic on non-existing attribute") } } func TestFilter(t *testing.T) { for i, tt := range anyOfTests { sl := tt.sl s := MakeSlice(&sl) s.Filter(func(e Elem) bool { v, _ := findField(reflect.ValueOf(e), "alt") return in(tt.values, v.String()) }) if len(sl) != tt.n { t.Errorf("%d: found len == %d; want %d", i, len(sl), tt.n) } } } func TestGroup(t *testing.T) { f := func(excl ...string) func(Elem) string { return func(e Elem) string { return Key(e, excl...) } } tests := []struct { sl testSlice f func(Elem) string lens []int }{ {testSliceE, f(), []int{}}, {testSlice1, f(), []int{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}}, {testSlice1, f("type"), []int{3, 1, 1, 2}}, {testSlice1, f("alt"), []int{2, 2, 2, 1}}, {testSlice1, f("alt", "type"), []int{7}}, {testSlice1, f("alt", "type"), []int{7}}, } for i, tt := range tests { sl := tt.sl s := MakeSlice(&sl) g := s.Group(tt.f) if len(tt.lens) != len(g) { t.Errorf("%d: found %d; want %d", i, len(g), len(tt.lens)) continue } for j, v := range tt.lens { if n := g[j].Value().Len(); n != v { t.Errorf("%d: found %d for length of group %d; want %d", i, n, j, v) } } } } func TestSelectOnePerGroup(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { sl testSlice attr string values []string refs []string }{ {testSliceE, "alt", []string{"1"}, []string{}}, {testSliceE, "type", []string{"a"}, []string{}}, {testSlice1, "alt", []string{"2", "3", "1"}, []string{"i.a", "ii", "iii"}}, {testSlice1, "alt", []string{"1", "4"}, []string{"i.a", "i.b", "i.c", "iv.d"}}, {testSlice1, "type", []string{"c", "d"}, []string{"i.c", "iii", "iv.d"}}, } for i, tt := range tests { sl := tt.sl s := MakeSlice(&sl) s.SelectOnePerGroup(tt.attr, tt.values) if len(sl) != len(tt.refs) { t.Errorf("%d: found result lenght %d; want %d", i, len(sl), len(tt.refs)) continue } for j, e := range sl { if tt.refs[j] != e.Reference { t.Errorf("%d:%d found %s; want %s", i, j, e.Reference, tt.refs[i]) } } } sl := testSlice1 s := MakeSlice(&sl) if !panics(func() { s.SelectOnePerGroup("foo", nil) }) { t.Errorf("should panic on non-existing attribute") } }